Chapter 5 ~ Kaleidoscope
The first sound that broke the silence of Saturday morning was groaning. Loud groaning. But with two horribly hungover people in the house, the sound wasn't a surprise to any of those who were awake.
Dean was the last of the two that woke up- Charlie waking up about a half hour before him. Dean made his way downstairs into the kitchen, ignoring Arizona who was playfully barking at his side. Turns out he was the last person to even wake up,seeing as everyone else was already downstairs.
Kevin had gone back to his house after the party, and Meg had left just shortly after Charlie had woken up. Benny, meanwhile, ended up just going back to his house, and Jo had to leave shortly after Charlie woke up. And so, the only one left was Charlie, sitting in the living room, happily talking to Sam. Once the sound of Dean's footsteps were heard, the two of them looked up, followed by Sam immediately lifting himself off his seat.
"Dean! You're awake!" Sam exclaimed, walking over to his brother, who held a hand up to stop Sam from hugging him.
"My head is killing me. Do you have aspirin?"
"It's over here boy," Bobby remarked, sticking his head out from the kitchen, where he was fixing breakfast, "Bad hangover, I'm guessing."
"Yeah." Dean admitted softly, lowering his eyes.
"Ah well, part of being a teenager and goin' to parties, ain't it? C'mere, I'll give you some aspirin. Just don't drink as much next time."
Dean let out a small sigh of relief and smiled. "Thanks Bobby."
Bobby just nodded his head as Dean grabbed the bottle of aspirin from his hand. "You're welcome, Dean."
Dean downed the medicine with some water and set the cup back down,. That's when he noticed it: colors, and lots of them. Reds and blues and yellows, you name it. His own shirt was a brilliant red, with dark blue pajama pants to match. Bobby's hair was a grayish brown, his eyes a deep gray-blue with flecks of brown, and his outfit mainly blue, white and gray. It was a kaleidoscope of color that Dean was not used to whatsoever.
He set the glass of water down and walked instead into the living room, where Sam and Charlie were still sitting and talking. Charlie's hair was a brilliant shade of red, while Sam's hair was a beautiful shade of brown.
Charlie seemed to notice the expression on Dean's face, and she tilted her head, a confused expression of her own crossing her face. "Dean? Are you okay?"
"Yeah, just..." Dean's voice trailed off, his eyes instead glancing around the room, taking in all the colors.
"Just what?"
Dean paused for a moment, before looking back at Charlie and contemplating. "Your hair's red."
There was a brief moment of silence to process what Dean had just said, but Charlie picked up on it first. She quickly stood up, her phone clattering to the floor as she stared at Dean in shock.
"You can see colors?" She exclaimed, as Sam quickly turned his head at the realization. Dean simply nodded, not understanding her reaction, but he quickly regretted it once he saw the expression that now laid on Charlie's face.
"Dean you can see colors?" Sam cried, staring at his brother in shock. "So- so you met your soulmate? When?"
"Must've been when I was drunk." Dean replied, shrugging, and Charlie immediately groaned.
"So you don't remember them? Who they are, or any of that?"
"No. All I remember is the color blue. I don't know what it means though."
"It could be something about their appearance." Sam suggested. "Probably whatever you noticed first about them, like their eyes or something they were wearing."
"Yeah, but I don't remember anything else." Dean remarked, glancing at his brother. "Just the color blue. I can't even remember what was blue."
Charlie pursed her lips in thought. "Alrighty then. Dean, I'm going to help you find them."
"How are you going to do that?"
"I'll just get a list of everyone who was at the party."
"Charlie," Sam began, as she turned her head, "I'm all for helping Dean find his soulmate, but at least a quarter of the school was there. I don't think they were keeping track of who was there."
Charlie groaned, before putting her hand up to her mouth and staring off, deep in thought. After a few moments of silence, she lifted her head. "I can still ask the sibling who hosted it, that Lucifer guy. From what I heard, he's pretty particular with his planning. He might have some list of people who were either there or said they'd be there."
"And what, are you gonna to go to their house again?" Dean asked.
"Yes!" She turned her head, sighing. "Don't you want to find your soulmate?"
"Not really. Well, I want to meet them on my own, not by tracking them down. I hate the idea of being controlled by my fate. If I find them, I want it to be on my own time, of my own will."
"He's not a big fan of soulmates," Sam interrupted, as Charlie stared at Dean, perplexed. "He thinks by having a soulmate, you're pretty much tied down to that person."
Charlie rolled her eyes slightly, then leaned down and grabbed her phone off the floor before turning to face Dean. "Okay, Dean, then how about this? You beat me in a game of AHS trivia, and I'll let it go and we'll do it your way. I beat you, and we go find your soulmate, my way."
Charlie smiled as she whipped out her computer and quickly pulled up a trivia page. She smiled as she pulled up the questions, and told Sam to keep a tally of how many questions they each got right out of the 20 questions.
In the end, it was 19-18, Charlie just barely stealing the win. She laughed and clapped her hands in response, while Dean just groaned.
"I'll make this easy on you, Dean." She remarked, pulling out her phone, "I won't tell anyone what we're doing, nor will I say anything to anyone unless you give me your permission. I don't want you to be too uncomfortable."
Dean sighed in relief. "Thank you Charlie."
That was the moment that Bobby chose to walk out of the kitchen, rubbing his hands with a towel. "What's this I hear about a soulmate, Dean?"
Dean glanced up at Bobby with an inch of nervousness. "I, uh, met my soulmate last night. While I was blackout drunk. And now I can see colors, but I don't even remember meeting them."
Bobby paused for a moment in thought. "Well, I hope you find them boy. I know you aren't a fan of the whole soulmate thing, but it is a truly wonderful thing to have one. Don't waste it."
Dean looked somberly at Bobby, realizing Bobby was referencing his own soulmate, whom he had lost a few years prior due to illness.
Dean nodded in understanding, before Charlie clapped him on the shoulder. "C'mon, let's head to the Novak's place."
Dean begrudgingly agreed, as long as Sam went along with them. Sam, who, unbeknownst to Dean, was still hiding the fact that he could see colors, agreed to go solely to help Dean- despite his own discomfort at the chance of running into Gabriel again. Perhaps he shouldn't have been as uncomfortable- Gabriel was his soulmate after all- but Sam knew it would bring attention to him and he wasn't yet sure if he wanted to have the spotlight on him.
Regardless, he followed Dean and Charlie outside to the Impala, as the latter hopped in the backseat and allowed Sam to ride shotgun.
The car ride once again wasn't that long, and they arrived rather quickly at the house, which was much prettier in the daytime. Not to mention Dean and Sam could now see colors. The house, as they had suspected, was a creamish color, with black trim and shutters, and a beautiful cherry oak door.
Charlie lifted her hand and knocked three times on the door, and it was quickly swung open by a tall, lanky boy with dark hair and blue eyes.
"Who are you?"
"My name's Charlie Bradbury. My friend Dean here lost his phone, and we've been retracing his steps. We think he lost it here."
The boy paused to think. "Alright, but be quick, please. We're about to start cleaning up."
"Thank you, uh..."
"Michael." The boy introduced, nodding. "I'm not a Novak, but I helped with the party."
"Is it possible that we can get a list of some guests as well?" Sam asked, tilting his head. "Just in case someone stole his phone, ya know."
"We didn't keep track of exactly who was here, but I do believe Balthazar kept a decent list of who he saw walk in and out. I can try fetching that for you, I don't know if it'll be much help."
"It'll be plenty." Charlie replied with a smile, so Michael nodded and walked off to fetch the list, closing the door behind the three.
"So what are we supposed to do with the list?" Dean whispered. "I barely know anyone at this school. It'd be like... like searching for a needle in a haystack. It's damn near impossible!"
Charlie just smiled. "I have my ways, Dean. I'll help find them."
When Michael returned with the list, Charlie thanked him and she walked with Sam and Dean to the kitchen. Inside the kitchen sat a small boy with light brown locks, next to a chattering girl with long red hair. As Charlie approached the two, the girl stopped and faced them.
"Who are you three?"
"My name's Charlie, this is Sam and Dean." Charlie replied. "We're looking for Dean's phone. He lost it last night."
"He did? I do think I saw a phone in the basement." The girl stood up and beckoned them. "Here, follow me." Sure enough, the girl led them over to the basement stairs and began to descend.
"Quiet morning, hm?" Asked Charlie as the girl led them into the basement.
"Nah, just a lazy morning. Most of them got hungover last night, and they're all still sleeping." She turned on the basement light and shook her head. "Lazy fucks." She then stood and pointed to a phone laying on the couch, black case and a surprisingly uncracked screen. Dean walked over and turned it on, but shook his head.
"It's not mine. Have you seen any other phones?"
The girl shook her head.
"I must've misplaced it somewhere else, then."
The girl nodded and walked back to the first floor with them. "Alright. Well then, I wish you luck in your search."
The three of them nodded, before Charlie quickly took a picture of the list and handed it back to the girl. She took it and nodded, and the three of them left.
As soon as they sat back in the Impala, however, Dean turned and looked at Charlie. "Now what are you going to do with the list, now that you have it?"
"I have many sources. I'll see if I can find anyone who was at the party and can see colors." She closed out of the image and lifted her head. "It won't give us a clear cut answer, but it will give us a narrowed list, at least."
"People lie, Charlie."
She pursed her lips and sighed. "If you don't want to pay too much attention to finding your soulmate, I won't force you to, Dean. But I will try to help if I can. Okay?"
Dean was silent for a moment, before he nodded. Charlie pulled out her phone, and as Dean rolled the car down the street, Charlie began typing away.
It was 11 am by the time any of the hungover Novak siblings woke up- and Balthazar was surprisingly the first to wake up. He was followed about twenty minutes later by a very sluggish and slightly irritable Cas, who was clutching his head and groaning from his hangover.
"Mornin' Cassie." Balthazar cried, as he saw Cas walking down the stairs. When Cas just groaned in response, Balthazar held the bottle of aspirin out for Cas to grab. Cas grabbed it and downed two pills with a glass of water than Balth also handed him.
"Ay Cas, is Gabe or Luci up yet?' Inquired Anna from her spot on the couch. Cas just shrugged his shoulders and rubbed at his eyes, desperate to get the tiredness out of his eyes. And that's when he saw it.
A burst of colors, reds and yellows and greens and blues, all splashed across the house. Anna's hair was a beautiful shade of red, Balthazar's a dark, ashy blonde and Samandriel's a light brown. Cas looked down at his own shirt, which was a dark red color.
Balthazar seemed to catch the confused expression that was surely spreading across Cas's face. "Cas? Bro, you good?"
Cas blinked his eyes, and lifted his head. "Blonde."
Balthazar tilted his head in confusion.
"Your hair. It's blonde. Like ash blonde."
Anna, who was sitting at the bar, fell out of her seat with a loud clatter. As Cas and Balthazar turned their heads towards her, she stood and advanced towards Cas. "You can see colors, Cas?"
"Wait what?!" Balthazar cried, staring at Cas, who was just as confused as he was.
"What's all this yelling?" Came a voice, and Balth, Cas and Anna turned their heads to see Gabriel coming down the stairs, yawning and rubbing his eyes.
Anna pointed a finger at Cas. "Cas can see color."
Gabriel whirled his head at Cas. "Wait, you can?"
Cas shrugged and nodded. "Your hair's gold."
Gabriel lifted his head. "Your hair's black. And your eyes are..." Gabriel suddenly swore to himself. "Shit! I can see colors too!"
Anna nearly fell over. "Are you fucking kidding me?? Michael! Michael you'll never believe it!" She suddenly ran towards the stairs, waving her arms up. "Michael! Michael!"
Michael suddenly emerged on the stairs, glancing at Anna. "What?"
"Cas and Gabe can see color!"
Michael lifted his head and turned to stare at Cas and Gabriel. A bit skeptical, he walked over to the two of them. "Okay then, Cas what's my eye color?"
Michael turned to Gabriel. "What's Cas's eye color?"
Michael's eyes drifted from Cas to Gabriel, before he sighed and stood back. "Whelp, I guess this presents a problem, as I'm guessing you two were wasted as all hell and don't remember shit." When there was only silence, Michael rolled his eyes. "Of course."
"What are we gonna do?" Anna asked, tilting her head. Her eyes, which Gabriel and Cas noticed as being a beautiful hazel color, glanced briefly at the two of them before tracking back to Michael.
"I don't know." Michael replied. "Whoever their soulmates are, though, ought to be looking for them. Just keep an eye and ear out." He patted both Cas and Gabriel on the shoulder. "You'll find them. Just give it time, and keep looking."
Cas nodded in understanding, and Gabriel simply stood in thought for a moment.
"I do remember something." He remarked, rubbing his chin. Anna's head spun towards him, and Michael turned to face him. "I don't remember their face or anything. All I remember is that they were tall. Oh, and brown. I think their hair was brown."
Michael frowned. "Tall with brown hair? That's not a lot to go on."
"Well, I remember they were freakishly tall. Can't be many freakishly tall people with brown hair."
Anna's eyes lit up. "Was it a guy or girl? Can you remember?"
"Guy, I think."
She let out a small squeal before calming down. "So, freakishly tall guy with brown hair. That's definitely a start. Cas, what about you? Do you remember anything?"
Cas bit his lip. "Uh, green. I remember something green." He frowned in thought, and ultimately shook his head. "I can't really remember anything else. I just remember green."
"Well, usually the first thing people notice about others is hair color and/or eye color. So either we're looking for someone with green hair, or someone with green eyes."
"Green eyes definitely sounds more plausible." Chirped Samandriel, who had been keeping relatively quiet the whole time. "But it's still a rare eye color."
"Which'll make it easier to find this person." Anna replied with fervor.
"You're in luck, Cas. There aren't many people out there with green eyes."
Cas nodded. "So, I just gotta keep watch for someone with green eyes?"
Anna nodded.
"Yep, and I have to keep watch for a freakishly tall guy with brown hair." Gabriel patted Cas on the back and gave a small laugh. "Hey! Now we have something that we can do together."
Cas let out a small laugh, and nodded. "That is true."
Anna then slapped her hands together and laughed. "And we siblings can be the soulmate hunting team! I'd be glad to help my big bro and little bro find their soulmates!"
"I'll help too. Can't have my twin bro being all lonely when his soulmate is out there." Balthazar announced, wrapping his arm around Cas's shoulder.
"Say, Balth, do you remember anything, like possibly seeing Cas's soulmate?" Anna inquired.
Balthazar thought for a moment. "Not much. My memory isn't the best when I'm drunk." He paused, thinking. "I do remember rescuing you from the basement. I can't fully remember why, but I think some guy was hitting on you. Could've been him."
Anna stared at Balth. "What guy?"
"I don't- oh! Now I remember! Some guy was making out with Cas, so I rescued him."
Michael and Anna turned their heads and stared at Cas, who sunk into Balthazar's arms in shame.
"Some guy was making out with you, Cassie?" Gabriel asked. His voice was surprisingly not teasing in any way, but rather protective- if someone had laid a hand on Gabriel's lil bro, that person would have a hell of a problem rain down onto them. The sudden fire in Anna's eyes seemed to indicate that she'd be just as eager to protect Cas.
"I don't really remember anything about the guy," Balthazar started, wrapping his arms tighter around his brother, "Other than his hair looked to be a medium-ish color, and he was tall."
Anna extended a hand and touched Cas's arm. Cas wasn't particularly ashamed of making out with a guy, as his family had always been fully accepting ("Soulmates are soulmates," Becky had once said firmly, "Regardless of whether its two girls or two guys."), but more the fact that he had made out with some random person at the party, even if that person could very well have been his soulmate.
"Well, we'll find your soulmate, Cas." Anna murmured. "And I don't judge you. We've all done stupid shit while drunk. At least you're not as bad as Luci."
"You don't even compare to Lucifer," Michael assured Cas, "One time, he downed two whole bottles of beer, started head banging to beethoven and dry humped a wall. Kissing some stranger is pretty tame, compared to that."
Cas nodded, and a faint smile curved onto his lips at the immediate acceptance and lack of judgement.
"Now," Anna cried, raising her fist into the air, "let's find your soulmates!"
surprise! it's Chapter 5! i know it took me two months to update last time, so have this chapter as another lil thank-you gift.
also, i'm going to JaxCon next weekend! if any of y'all are gonna be there, feel free to hmu! anyways, I hope ya enjoyed this chapter. idk when the next chapter will be up, but hopefully before the end of the year. regardless, see y'all soon
~ Liz
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