Chapter 3 ~ Birthday
The Novaks had learned over many years that it was very hard to break Cas's concentration as well as to wake him up. An avid writer and reader, whenever Cas was heavily focused on his hobbies, or just sleeping, barely anything would tear him out of it. Except maybe his door being slammed open.
And so, on one Sunday morning, that's exactly what they did.
Cas's door was thrown wide open by Hannah, who stood confidently in the doorway with a card in hand. Behind her stood Balthazar and Claire, smiles on their faces.
"Cassie! Cassie wake up, it's your birthday!!!" Claire exclaimed, running up to him. She jumped onto his bed and began shaking him, a grin on her face as she tried to get him up.
Cas groaned tiredly and rolled over onto his side, wheezing as Claire shook him. She eventually jumped off of him and instead went over to Gemini and began stroking her fur, cooing at her while Cas stumbled awake.
"What time is it?" Cas groaned, rubbing at his eyes to try and wake himself up.
"Half past get the hell up." Balthazar replied, grabbing his twin's hand impatiently. "C'mon Cas, mom got cake. Cookie cake."
The sound of cookie cake actually perked Cas up, and he sat upright as Hannah handed him a card.
"Cmon, everyone's downstairs and Aunt Amara will be here in three hours."
"Doesn't Aunt Amara usually visit between Gabe's birthday and ours?"
"Yeah well," Hannah shrugged, "Gabe turns 18 this year, so 'pparently Aunt Amara decided he deserves his own special visit instead of sharing one with you two."
Balthazar nodded, a shit-eating grin on his face. "Gabe's very thrilled."
Cas held back a small chuckle at that statement, choosing to finally stand up. "I'll be downstairs in a minute."
"Alright, well, we have to go together, since today's both of our birthdays, so I'll wait outside." Balthazar remarked, holding the door open as Claire and Hannah walked out. Once they both left, Balthazar walked out into the hall and closed the door behind him.
Cas took the chance of solitude and silence to grab some clothes to change into. He found an old shirt he had gotten for his 14th birthday, one that surprisingly still fit him- granted, it had been two sizes too big for him at the time- that he deemed appropriate for the day. It was a worn Pet Sematary t-shirt, given to him by his Aunt Amara after she found out he liked Stephen King. There were a few stitched-up holes in it, and it definitely looked worn, but it was one of Cas's most comfortable shirts, so he tugged it on regardless. He also grabbed a pair of jeans and patted his hair down so it would look somewhat neat, before opening his door.
Balthazar was still standing outside his door, and was wearing one of his favorite shirts- a black tee with the 'but that's none of my business' kermit meme print on it, which he wore nearly once a week, every week.
When Cas emerged from his room, Balthazar grabbed his twin brother's hand and took off towards the stairs, dragging poor Cas along with him. Balthazar dragged him downstairs, where sure enough, the entire family was waiting.
Becky was standing near the kitchen island, holding Jack in her arms and bouncing him around while he laughed all the while. Chuck was standing at the kitchen bar, holding his and Becky's dog Alex, a little 9 year old border terrier who kept yapping his mouth off. Lucifer and Gabriel were both sat at the bar, debating over the Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies while Lucifer's dog, Freddy Krueger, slept peacefully at Lucifer's feet. Raphael was on the couch, skipping through TV channels as Hael sat curled up next to him, scrolling through an app on her phone. Anael, Samandriel, Hannah, Claire and Anna all sat at the dining table- Anael and Anna were talking avidly about their new classes, while Claire talked to Samandriel and Hannah occasionally made a remark while glancing at her phone, immersed in the comic she was reading.
When Cas and Balthazar got downstairs, however, everyone soon abandoned whatever they were doing (except for Becky, who continued to hold Jack in her arms) and instead either walked over to the twins or just stood up.
"Happy birthday you two!" Chuck cried, hugging both boys. Alex barked relentlessly at his feet, but Chuck ignored him.
"Thanks, dad," they both replied, hugging him right back. As each of them pulled away, they were engulfed in hugs by their siblings- first Lucifer, who nearly made Cas pass out; second by Gabriel, who thankfully wasn't as hyped up on sugar as he usually was; thirdly by Anna, who actually shook both of them; and eventually by all of their siblings, even Raphael, who gave an awkward nod to both of them in the process.
Sure enough, just as Balthazar had promised, there was indeed cookie cake on the kitchen island- it had a decoration of a bunch of balloons with some words that Cas couldn't yet fully discern written in icing.
To Cas's surprise, it was already 11 am by the time he had been dragged downstairs. So, while the cake and cards were for later, Becky did have a birthday breakfast and Cas and Balthazar's favorites- delicious buttermilk waffles and maple syrup with cinnamon rolls for Cas, and lemon scones with a small bit of strawberry shortcake on the side for Balthazar. All the dishes had been expertly made by Becky, who was actually a pretty good cook and always made birthday breakfast meals everytime there was a birthday.
Apparently, everyone besides Cas and Balthazar had eaten by that time, so while Cas and Balthazar ate their birthday breakfasts, Becky turned on one of their favorite movies- Megamind.
Their actual birthday party with their friends had been the day prior, since it had been a Saturday, so today was much more relaxed. As soon as the boys finished their breakfasts, they sat on the couch and watched the movie eagerly. While the two boys <i>had</i> wanted to watch a different movie, preferably either Jaws, Jurassic Park or Pet Sematary, they settled on watching Megamind, given that Jack and Claire were both in the room and their favorite movies would probably be a bit much for Jack and Claire- or at least Jack.
It was during the movie that a knock came at the door; a loud and modulated knock, as though practiced and done over a thousand times before.
Everyone in the house knew exactly who was at the door- Chuck ran over to the door, and sure enough, Aunt Amara stood outside, a practiced smile on her face.
"Amara, it's good to see you!" Chuck exclaimed, holding his arms out. Amara tilted her head and held her arms out as well, pulling her baby brother into her arms.
"Chuck, it's been a while. How's that writing job treating you?"
"Good, good." Chuck then turned to face Amara's wife, who stood politely behind Amara. When Chuck held his hand out, she took it graciously.
"Chuck, it's been too long. I trust life is well?"
"It is. I trust life is well for you too, Rowena?"
She smiled politely and tilted her head, letting her hair fall onto her shoulder. "It is. Crowley, dear, come inside."
Rowena's son grumbled slightly but followed her inside, signaling for his son to follow him, and Chuck closed the door behind them.
"We're watching Megamind in the living room." Chuck led the way, and Amara, Rowena, Crowley and Gavin followed into the living room, where they were greeted by Becky and the Novak children. As Amara sat down on the couch, Lucifer nudged Gabriel in the side and and Gabriel nearly punched him in return. The two boys would have fought right then and there, had Anna not given them both a strict glare. Gavin ran over to the couch and sat next to Jack, eagerly talking to him. Despite Gavin being only four years old, he was close friends with Jack and they loved to talk whenever they saw each other.
By the time the movie was over, it was already lunchtime. Becky made hotdogs for everyone, as Balthazar had asked for hotdogs. Cas preferred hamburgers, but he liked hotdogs just the same, so he ate them without complaint. After hotdogs came cake, one which Becky had bought from a nearby bakery.
It was a decently simple cookie cake with a simple icing decoration: two balloons with the words "Happy Birthday Balthazar and Cas" written above them.
"We would've had them write Castiel," Becky remarked, "But we went with Cas since we were worried they'd misspell Castiel."
Cas shrugged his shoulders. "Well, it still looks really good. Thanks mom."
Becky smiled, nodded, and placed two candles on each end of the cake. As everyone gathered around the table, Cas and Balthazar stood awkwardly in front of the cake, holding hands and silently begging to get it over with.
Unfortunately for them, the Novak family loved birthdays, and liked to make a big deal out of birthdays. And so, the Novaks gathered around and sang loudly as Cas and Balthazar stood very awkwardly, silently begging to be anywhere else. Lucifer and Gabriel especially got a kick out of it, being dramatic as all hell and ending the song with dramatic solos. Balthazar and Cas couldn't wait to repay the favor at Gabriel's birthday party.
Once the song finished, Cas and Balthazar blew out their respective candles, to a loud applause. Once the applause ended, Becky cut a large slice for both boys and handed them their plates first. Jack and Gavin got theirs second, mainly since Gavin was yet to fully grasp that when it wasn't his birthday, he didn't get cake first and wasn't being celebrated.
After Jack and Gavin, the cake was passed around the room. Gabriel took perhaps the largest slice, being so sugar-addicted. Lucifer also got a larger slice, mainly because he didn't want Gabriel's dramatically big slice to outshine him.
Amara was the only one to refuse cake, but everyone else eventually got a slice and the cake was gone before anyone could get a second piece. Regardless, Gabriel still tried to beg for a second slice and even attempted to steal a small piece of Lucifer's slice, prompting Lucifer to whack him over the head with a paper plate- something that wasn't necessarily all that bad, but Lucifer always found a way to let his wrath out with anything in his possession.
After cake of course came presents, and boy were the twins overwhelmed at the pile of presents waiting for them- approximately sixteen presents each. Most came from Chuck, Becky or their siblings, and 3 came from Amara and her wife.
For Cas, he got a new computer and camera, some books and clothes, painting supplies and some new notebooks. Balthazar, meanwhile, got some new clothes, a camera, a cookbook, a DVD of songs by The Classic Crime, a Slytherin banner and a 'my heart will go on' DVD that he promptly chucked at Lucifer's head.
Lucifer ducked, but it wasn't long before Balthazar was chasing Lucifer up the stairs, trying adamantly to hit him over the head with the DVD while Becky tried to stop them and Chuck just sighed and ignored it. Becky ran up the stairs after them, crying their names, as Chuck just turned back to Cas and handed him a gift card to one of his and Balthazar's favorite restaurants, Applebees.
"Here, I was going to give it to Balthazar, but he's currently throwing a DVD at Lucifer's head. Just don't give it to Balthazar unless he stops throwing DVDs at Lucifer."
"Dad, Lucifer gave him a DVD of the titanic song," Anna interrupted, holding back laughter, "and Balth hates the titanic song."
"That is true. I guess it is justified, but I still won't give him the gift card."
"That's a good idea." Anna laughed, before finally bursting into laughter alongside most of the others. Even Crowley had started laughing, mainly because he loved whenever someone threw something at Lucifer. (He and Lucifer didn't get along)
Even Cas had let out a chuckle. It was then that they heard a crash and a scream, followed by another crash and another scream. They soon realized that Lucifer had yet again jumped out of his window and took off down the street, while Balthazar jumped out after him all while Becky screamed after them.
In seconds, Becky was downstairs, but no longer determined to chase after the boys. "They'll come back," she had said with a tired expression, "and I'll scream at them then." Gabriel cackled at that, knowing that Balthazar and Lucifer would definitely be chewed out relentlessly.
Sure enough, when both boys eventually returned, Becky's screams could be heard all the way upstairs. The other kids just laughed or shook their heads, quietly thinking "that's what you get" before ultimately bursting into laughter.
At least Gabriel had managed to film enough of it to send to Lucifer's boyfriend, Michael. Michael of course shook his head. "I can't believe I'm dating him."
"So where am I taking you?" Bobby inquired as he set Sam's bag in the car.
"Our friend Charlie's house," Sam replied with a smile, "she's gonna introduce us to some friends of hers."
"Ah, okay." Bobby stood a little straighter, turning his head as Dean came running out of the house, his bag in hand. "And you two are gonna spend the night?"
"I'll need to meet her parents first."
Sam nodded as Dean climbed into the shotgun seat. Sam climbed into the back as Bobby finally climbed into the driver's seat and turned the car on.
The three of them reached Charlie's house rather quick, as she lived a mere six minutes away from them. Charlie lived in a rather pretty, quaint little house- it was a single story house in a roundabout, with a pretty driveway and flowers alongside the walkway- ones Bobby guessed were some type of rose. A dark-colored sedan sat in the driveway, one they guessed belonged to her parents.
The door swung open before Dean even reached it, and Charlie stood there, a smile on her face, her arms out. "Dean! Sam! I'm glad you could come over!" Her smile spread as she turned her head and waved her arms to someone inside. "Mom, they're here!" She turned back. "A few of my friends are here already. I assume your dad will wanna meet my mom."
Dean nodded, and cocked his head as Bobby walked towards them. Moments before Bobby even reached the door, a pretty, demure woman with long hair appeared in the doorway behind Charlie, a pleasant smile on her face as Bobby reached the door.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Winchester. My name's Karen Bradbury, I'm Charlie's mother."
"Bobby Singer, pleasure." Bobby took the woman's hand and shook it politely. "I won't be doin' much if you need to get ahold of me later on. The boys shouldn't cause too much trouble."
"Oh, I'm sure they won't." Karen replied with a smile. Bobby simply nodded, bid both brothers farewell, and went back to his car, driving off back towards the house. By time Bobby pulled out of the driveway, Dean and Sam had walked itl the house, and Charlie had closed the door behind them.
"That's your mom?" Dean asked. Charlie nodded as her mom walked upstairs. "Do you look more like your dad, then?"
"She's my adoptive mom." Charlie explained, a small smile still present on her face. "My real parents... they got into an accident when I was 12. Karen and her husband adopted me." She tilted her head, ignoring the shocked expressions Sam and Dean both wore. "Was that your dad?"
"Basically." Dean replied, and Charlie picked up on the tone Dean had replied with- a tone that clearly said he wasn't yet ready to talk about it. And so, Charlie didn't push any further, but rather led the boys upstairs and into her room, where a few people already sat, talking amongst each other. Once Charlie, Sam and Dean entered the room, the people sitting there paused momentarily. One of them, a girl with dark hair, stood up and held out her arms.
"You two must be Sam and Dean! The name's Meg, it's a pleasure." She stepped forward and hugged both boys, pulling back with a smile on her face. "Charlie's said quite a bit about you."
"It's nice to meet you, Meg." Sam replied, a smile on his face. Dean nodded in agreement.
"Oh, and these are my other friends," Charlie exclaimed, gesturing to the others in the room, "meet Kevin, Ash, and Garth. And you guys already know Jo."
"Of course." Jo replied with a grin, not bothering to sit up from her slouched over position.
"It's nice to meet you two," said one of the boys, a shorter one with dark hair, "my name's Kevin."
"I'm Garth!" Said the second boy, standing up to hug Sam and Dean. They both attempted to protest, but got trapped anyways.
As soon as Garth finished hugging the two brothers, they turned to the third boy, whom they presumed was Ash.
Sure enough, the boy stood and glanced at both of them, introducing himself as Ash.
"I hear you two are new." Kevin remarked, clasping his phone in his hand. "Where did you guys move from?"
"We moved from Kansas." Dean replied.
"Ooh, what part of Kansas?"
"We lived in Lawrence and then Lebanon."
"It's a small town. I doubt you'd have heard of it before now."
"Ah yeah, no. Never heard of it."
"Hey guys," Charlie interrupted, "not to interrupt, but I do have the Jurassic Park DVD, as promised. Who wants to watch it?"
Sam, Meg and Kevin all nodded their heads especially eagerly, while the others all nodded plainly.
"Perfect. Grab some popcorn and get ready for a classic."
Sorry for the extremely long wait y'all! I hit a road block writing this story. I'm not sure when the next chapter will be out, but you might have to wait a few weeks. Again, I'm sorry, and thank you all for being so incredibly patient.
~ Liz
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