Wow Part 2
Hey ya'll it's part 2 of Wow!! I hope you guys enjoy this! Maybe you'll get some feels reading this..maybe. Anyways let's see a recap from last time;
...The young boy felt himself grow redder and watched as Collins smirked and Vanessa just shook her head at her sister. She spoke to Devan, "She's convinced that she'll get you and Maria hooked up."
He raised an eyebrow, "But we just met." Roni shrugged, "So? Why not try to get the know her?" The girl started nudging Devan's knee knowingly. The key boy thought silently. Would he get any closer with Maria than just friends? He sighed. Probably not. Devam waved his arms at them, "Guys, thanks for the encouragement and all, but I think it's best to just be friends with Maria. I don't really have a shot with her anyway."
Collins began to frown, "What? Don't say that, Devan." Dev stood up quickly, avoiding eye contact, "I'm gonna grab some punch." Without saying anything more, he started walking towards the drinks that were inside. All of them stood there sadly in the young boy's direction. Vanessa furrowed her eyebrows at her sister, "Do you see what you caused? He was just fine till you tried to work your magic!" Veronica looked down feeling horrid, "I thought I was helping.." Her boyfriend encouragingly wrapped his arm around her, "Don't worry, Devan will get over it." Will he?...
Okay! So here is the rest of the story! By the way! The video the pic up top is what I think Maria looks like! How do you like her? 🤗💕
Devan walked away from his brother and the twins gloomily. Maybe he was right, what if he didn't have a shot with her..or any other girl? He was so socially awkward as it is. He made his way around the other guests as they danced to the hyped up music. The boy paid no mind to it finally arriving at the snack table and grabbed a red solo cup, filling it with some pink punch.
Once the liquid reach halfway, Devan stopped pouring and walked over to the other side of the table and looked down at his hands. He felt so isolated from everyone and wasn't sure what to do but stand there. He sighed staring at the cup in front of him.
"Hey." The young boy looked up suddenly to see Maria stand there smiling happily at him. The lights from the backyard lamps shined on her face, her features beginning to glow. Wow. The young girl continued to speak, fiddling with her fingers, "Where did you go? I came back to the bench and you were gone." Devan looked down nervously, soon answering, "I was thirsty." She crossed her arms, "By the looks of it, you haven't even taken a sip of your drink yet." She was catching something, he thought to himself. He hesitated, "Uh..well, you see—I like letting my punch sit in the cup for a little get-ya know the flavor to settle to the bottom so the taste isn't so strong..."
Maria continued to stare at him with a faint smirk on her face. She didn't by it, he realized. "Sure you do..," she said slowly. Suddenly, "Shut Up and Dance" began to play on the loud speakers, causing Maria to squeal, "Oh my gosh I LOVE THIS SONG!" Devan felt his heart beat faster as her eyes began to grow with excitement. She looked like she wanted to be out on the dance floor..
Before he could think anymore, his mouth blurted out, "Wanna dance with me?" Oh geez! Why did he go out and say it so forcefully? Maria looked over at him and started to tease, "Sure, but don't you want to start drinking your punch first?" Devan looked at his cup then at her, throwing the drink in the garbage can next to him, "Eh, it sat out too long." The girl gave him a warm smile, "Good, now let's go!" She went and grabbed the boy's hand, making him feel tingly head to toe.
The two were finally in the mix and were dancing to the song being played. Devan started showing off his moves with smooth flair, and Maria applauding him, "Oh my gosh how are you so good at everything? Painting, sculpting, dance, what's next? Magic??" The boy blushed and laughed a little, "I don't know if I'd be as good as Collins." She laughed poking at his chest, "Sure you could! If you tried hard enough you could make a run for his money." Devan knew she was only kidding and chuckled along with her.
His heart began to flutter with his shyness leaving him. She was really amazing, he thought as he watched her jump up and down to the music. Her smile began to grow and her hair flung around at such grace no words could describe. Wow.
Collins stood with his girlfriend and Vanessa at the DJ booth noticing the young key dancing with the Merrell's cousin. Collins pumped his fist in the air, saying to the girls as if Devan was standing next to him, "Way to go, bro!" Roni grinned feeling herself get excited, "I knew my plan would work!" Nessa turned to her with ignorance, "What are you talking about? Your plan backfired! This is all just a trick of fate." The sister just patted the girl's arm, "Oh Nessa, Nessa, Nessa..only a well keen mind could see what looked like a fail was actually setting up Devan to call to his inner self and stand up for what he wants. And what did he want you may ask? MARIA!"
Collins held back his laughs as Vanessa tried to put the pieces together, "Soo hurting Devan's self esteem actually enhanced his self esteem?" Roni nodded at her, pleased with her accomplishment, "Exactly." The magician interrupted anymore conversation between them, "Guys, I have an idea."
Devan and Maria continued to dance to the peppy song until it halted abruptly and was replaced with "Thinking Out Loud" easing softly into the air. The two stopped moving and started to get nervous. They stared at each other a long moment, unable to move a muscle. Go for it Devan, he yelled in his mind. So he obeyed and playfully held his hand out to her, "Care to waltz, my lady?" Maria giggled, taking his hand into hers, "Why certainly, kind sir." The boy and girl merged closer to each other, his arms holding her waist and her arms around his neck.
Collins and Veronica said in union, "Awee!" Vanessa began to smile, "Okay, I'll admit that's pretty cute." All of a sudden, the girl felt something take hold of her hand. Feeling her heart vibrate, she spun around and saw Harrison standing in front of her with a charming smile, "Wanna dance?" Shocked, she turns to Collins and Veronica who were nodding and giving her thumbs up. She looked back at the young man, hiding the blush on her face, "S-Sure." Soon Harrison pulled her on the dance floor as Nessa turned to her sister and friend helplessly.
"That's a cute ship," Collins said watching them. Roni nodded looking at them start to dance, "Hopefully she's not too nervous." Collins intertwined his fingers with his girlfriend, "Let's dance, beautiful." She giggled hugging his arm, "Okay, handsome."
After a while the music ended and everyone began to leave the party quickly as they came. Veronica and Vanessa waved at the guests happily, "Thanks for coming! We hope you guys had a great time!" Roni whispered to her sister, giving her a devious smirk, " a Harrison?" Nessa blushed slightly, "Shut up Roni!" They giggled with each other happily. Collins and Devan started walking towards the hosts as the oldest spoke, "We're gonna be heading out but maybe we can all hang out tomorrow." Roni smiled, "Okay, love you babe."
They gave each other a quick hug and kiss and he gave a hug to Vanessa also. Collins turned to Maria, "It was nice meeting you Maria. How long will you be in the area?" The young girl responded, "My family's actually moving here in a few weeks so you'll be seeing me a lot." Collins glanced at Devan knowingly but didn't give much attention to it, "That's great! We'll see you tomorrow then." Devan said bye to the twins and then he went to Maria, "I'll see you later, Maria." Maria smiled back, "Okay, I had so much fun with you tonight. I hope we can do this more often." Devan nodded feeling butterflies in his chest, "Of course."
Unexpectedly, Maria leaned in and pecked the young key on the cheek. She pulled away with a sly smile, "Have a nice night, Devan." Speechless and overjoyed, the boy just grinned like a fool as the girl walked off and her cousins shut the door. Squeals could be heard from the other side by the twins causing Collins to laugh a little as the boys walked towards the jeep, hopping in quickly. The older one put his foot on the gas, driving down the rode, " did you enjoy tonight, Devan?" How did he enjoy tonight? How he enjoy her? What word could describe that? Devan sighed happily, "Wow."
YAY!!! I finished it finally!! Sorry it took so long I am also working one ANOTHER SHORT STORY for this so it took a while to finish this up. Do you think this was a good part 2? I feel like I forced it...and idk how it turned out. I hope you guys enjoyed this! Anyways, please vote and comment your thoughts cause I love hearing from you guys! Love you all!
If anyone has any short story ideas, please let me know anything you think of either in the comments or a simple dm and I'll try making your ideas into a reality! 😄💕💕
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