Wow Part 1
Hey ya'll! This short story is gonna be a lovey dovey one again! This was requested by my good friend ShaahzweenyEldiablo ! Be sure to check her out and give her some love! Anyways I hope you enjoy this!
Collins: 22 years old
Devan: 20 years old
Setting: Veronica and Vannessa Merrell's house
"Yo bro, you ready in there?" Collins asked, standing outside Devan's door. The younger boy called from the other side of the wall, "Almost!" Devan directed his attention back towards the mirror in front of him. He stared at himself for a moment and swooshed his silky brown hair back. Satisfaction of the reflection facing him, he smiled and walked out of the room.
Devan opened the door to find his brother wearing casual attire yet he was looking pretty sharp as well. The brother whistled playfully staring at him head to toe, "Man, bro. Wow, you're going all out tonight!" Collins laughed at the other's outburst, "Well, it is my girlfriend's special celebration. It's not everyday you get 3 million subscribers on Youtube." Devan only smirked. Collins had been dating Veronica Merrell for a couple months now and he still acts as if everyday with her is a big event. Not that he shouldn't but the little brother found it over the top.
"That's true. I'm really happy for them." Collins agreed silently with his brother as he went to fetch his keys, "Come on, let's get rolling!" So the two boys headed out the door and towards Collins's jeep. They hopped in, fastened their seatbelts, and glided down the road. As they rode in the vehicle, they let the music play softly and looked around at the commotions surrounding them. For spring it was pretty busy, Devan thought.
Soon the boy's arrived at the Merrell house and there were a few cars pulled up in the driveway and the side of the rode. Devan looked over at the different cars, "Bro, how many people were invited to this thing?" Collins smiled a little, "A few of Veronica and Vanessa's friends." As the older one pulled over and parked, Devan clicked his seatbelt off his body. The door was unlocked and they both stepped out of the car.
The boys walked through the lawn towards the front door. Collins rang the doorbell and they stood their patiently waiting for the door to open. After a moment or two, Veronica opened the door, revealing her silky white dress that went up to her knees, her hair half in a bun and the rest spun into curls. She looked magnificent. Collins eyes grew wide at the sight of her, "Hey beautiful." He leaned in and pecked her sweetly on the cheek as she blushed and laughed softly. In between giggles, she greeted, "Hey handsome!"
They soon hugged each other lovingly making Devan feel slightly distant. He didn't think he would be, but he did. He never had to share his brother's attention until this year. Maybe it was because he never knew what it was like to have a girlfriend. The boy wanted to be happy for him, but he just—
"Hey Devan!" Veronica brought the shorter one out of his thoughts. He looked up at her and smiled, "Hey Roni." It was his turn to hug her quickly and Vanessa appeared behind her sister wearing the same kind of outfit but instead it was dark red, "Hey guys!!" They exchanged another hello and hugs as she gestured her hand out, "Come on in! Grab some pizza! Let's party!" Collins hooted wrapping an arm around his girlfriend whom leaned her head on his shoulder.
As the brothers walked into the room, they immediately spotted people they knew. Most of them were friends with both the Merrell's and the Key's since they hung out a lot. On top of that, all the guests were pretty much Youtubers. Collins and Devan saw Brooklyn and Bailey McKnight, Gabbie Hanna from the Gabby Show, Rachel Levin from Rclbeauty101, Brent Rivera, and even Harrison Webb. The boys walked straight over to the snack table and grabbed a slice of pepperoni pizza. Devan took a bite and then smirked, "Haha, peppeRONI." Collins was confused at first then realized, breaking into little laughs as well. Why were they so weird?
Soon Bailey and Brooklyn and many others came over to the brothers and said hi to them. "It's so nice to see you guys!" Bailey yelled coming over to hug them. Devan smiled, "You too, Bailey." Brent walked over and bro hugged Collins, "Good to see you again, my man." The magician smiled, "Right back at ya, Brent!" Roni called over from the other side of the room, "Collins! Devan! Come here!" Nessa added at the same volume, "Yeah, we want you guys to meet someone!"
Obeyingly and curious, the two went over towards their hosts' voices, past the cluster of people. I wonder who it is, Devan thought, probably another Youtuber. As they got closer, he could see someone standing next to the twins. Veronica held the person in front of them, "Boys, I'd like you to meet our cousin, Maria! She's hanging out with us this weekend. Maria, this is my boyfriend Collins, and his little brother Devan." Collins smiled happily at the girl, she seemed pretty nice. He held his hand out to her, "It's nice to meet you!" The girl shook his hand, "You too!" The brother looked over at Devan and noticed him staring...
Devan's POV
"Maria, this is my boyfriend Collins, and his little brother Devan." My eyes gazed over at the indicated girl and my heart skipped a beat. She had long brunette hair just like her cousins, sparkling hazel eyes, and small dimples when she smiled. She was shorter than the other girls, possibly 5'1, yet she wasn't afraid to wear flats. A white flowy blouse and a black lace skirt is what she wore as her outfit. It was stunning.
My stomach churned as I looked at Maria. She was nothing like any other girls I've seen, at least what I thought I hadn't seen. What was happening to me? My hands feel clamped and sweaty, I couldn't stop holding my attention to her eyes. It's as if time ceased to exist and my breath had escaped at that moment.
Maria.. what a cute name. It sounded like daisies dancing in a empty field in the summertime, never stopping their swaying. Maria.. her smile. She looked so gentle and caring for any speck of life around her, trustworthy with any thought you could utter, everything you could do wrong she wouldn't notice.
Author's POV
Collins's concern twisted as he watched Devan remain silent as Maria waited for his greeting. He nudged him slightly after a seconds of no response, "Bro, earth to Dev." The young one shook out whatever mind games he was stuck in, "Huh, oh uh..hi! I'm Devan, it's great to meet you." Maria gleamed holding her hand towards him, "Hi, you too!" Their hands touched. Her skin against his sent a shockwave through Devan's arm, causing him to blush faintly.
Vanessa looked at them both silently and then towards the couple, "..yay! We all met! Let's get this party goinggg!" Collins nodded and said friskly, "Yeah, if you guys need me, I'll be wherever the snacks are!" Before he could take a step, Veronica grabbed his bicep, "Hey! You stop that! We are all going to hang out with each other." He rolled his eyes and smirked at her, "Fine.." Nessa yelled to everyone, "Let's all go outside and get our groove on!"
They all agreed and started to walk out with Devan following slowly behind and found himself behind the crowd of people. He didn't mind it. He stuck his hands in his pockets and started thinking..
"I'm not much of a partier either." The hairs on the boy's neck rose as he heard a soft voice beside him. It was Maria. He felt nervous and looked down, "Uh..yeah I usually hang back and watch."
Devan turned to her and quickly regretted it when her bold caramel eyes snuck into his heart once again, making it beat faster than before. She continued to talk to him, "I would never have guessed because you seem so outgoing when you film with Collins," she tilted her head away for some reason, "I watch you and your brother's videos, they're really good." He felt himself grin, "Well, with Collins I feel like I can do anything. He makes me more confident than I feel with most people."
"That's sweet you have a good relationship with your brother." He takes his hands out of his jean pockets, "Yeah but sometimes he can be a pain." Maria began to giggle at his response, he immediately was addicted to it, "Oh, I feel you. I have 3 little brothers." Devan turned to her with surprise, "Whoa, 3 brothers?!" She laughed even more, pulling her long locks from her eyes, "Yep! 7, 10, and 14. And since I'm the oldest, I get stuck babysitting them ALL THE TIME."
"How old are you?" Devan asked, secretly wanting to ask that initially. She answered nonchalantly, "19, my birthday was last month in case you were wondering." He glanced at her complexion once more, "Well then happy belated birthday." She smirked and curtsied, "Why thank you." He cracked a smile.
Collins, Veronica and Vanessa walked ahead of the party group towards the outdoors. They were talking happily amongst each other until something hit them. Collins asked confused, "Wait, where's Devan?" Roni frowned realizing his presence being absent, "I don't know.." Nessa crooked her neck behind them, overtop of Brent and Gabbie, "He' the back, talking to Maria!" A sudden shock came between the three as they let that process. Roni had a gleam in her eye and her sister shook her head, "Oh no you don't!"
Veronica looked at her twin innocently, "Whaatt?" Vanessa crossed her arms at her, "You think Devan and Maria are cute together, don't you?"
"Yes, don't you?" The other frowned and looked back at them as the two laughed about something that was said. She sighed in defeat, "Yes..but that doesn't mean we-." Collins interrupted her excitedly, "We should get them together!" Roni giggled, hugging him around, "Yass babe!" Nessa groaned slapping her forehead, "This is going to be a long night."
{An hour later}
"No way! Why would Collins do that?" Maria laughed as Devan told her a funny tale sitting on a bench in the backyard. He said smiling, "He thought it would be harmless but turns out it bursts into flames! Like-," he made a explosion noise with his mouth, including his own hand motions. The girl next to him held her gut and said in between laughter, "Oh my gosh, Devan! I haven't laughed this hard in so long!" Butterflies fluttered in his stomach as she cackled, her mouth open wide and her dimples deepening when she smiled. Wow..
She began to relax and breathe slowly, "Phew! From all that laughing I need a drink," she got up still fixing her eyes on his icy blue ones, "I'll be back!" He waved to her and she vanished inside. His body began to ease from all the excitement and thought back at what has happened. Devan was actually talking to this girl, like really well! Maria made him feel something he's never felt before. Something he'd never feel around Veronica and Vanessa, or Brooklyn and Bailey. It was something..special.
"Hey Dev!" Devan looked up and saw his brother and the twins standing overtop of him. Collins and Veronica wore a creepy grin and Vanessa just stood there with a frown. What was their deal? He smiled at them nervously, "Hey guys..why aren't you guys on the dancefloor?" Roni answered, giggling a little, "We just wanted to check on you.. You enjoying yourself?" The younger one felt himself grow red as he realized what they were talking about. Keep cool, Dev, he told himself.
Devan cleared his throat, "Uh, y-yeah..why are you asking?" Ugh..not cool Dev, he mentally slapped himself. Collins smiled with ease, "Bro, cut the act. We know somethings going on between you and Maria." Maria..her name continued to give him a weird, good feeling inside. What was it? How would he explain it? Devan rubbed his neck sheepishly, "Am I that obvious?" Veronica awed, clasping her hands together, "He's falling in love with her!" The young boy felt himself grow redder and watched as Collins smirked and Vanessa just shook her head at her sister. She spoke to Devan, "She's convinced that she'll get you and Maria hooked up."
He raised an eyebrow, "But we just met." Roni shrugged, "So? Why not try to get the know her?" The girl started nudging Devan's knee knowingly. The key boy thought silently. Would he get any closer with Maria than just friends? He sighed. Probably not. Devam waved his arms at them, "Guys, thanks for the encouragement and all, but I think it's best to just be friends with Maria. I don't really have a shot with her anyway."
Collins began to frown, "What? Don't say that, Devan." Dev stood up quickly, avoiding eye contact, "I'm gonna grab some punch." Without saying anything more, he started walking towards the drinks that were inside. All of them stood there sadly in the young boy's direction. Vanessa furrowed her eyebrows at her sister, "Do you see what you caused? He was just fine till you tried to work your magic!" Veronica looked down feeling horrid, "I thought I was helping.." Her boyfriend encouragingly wrapped his arm around her, "Don't worry, Devan will get over it." Will he?
Okay guys!! That was the end of part 1! I hope you guys enjoyed that because it feels like this story is lacking from the other ones, I TRIED MY BEST!! Part 2 will be out soon!! Anyways, please vote and comment your thoughts cause I love hearing from you guys! Love you all!
If anyone has any short story ideas, please let me know anything you think of either in the comments or a simple dm and I'll try making your ideas into a reality! 😄💕💕
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