Why? Part 2
Hey yall!! I'm back to present you a part 2 to "Why?"! I'm sorry for all the feels in the last one, hopefully this will pull heart strings too..eheh SORRY! Anyways here's a recap of what was in the previous part;
"This is so like you, Devan! You don't know when to shut up and get out of people's business! I swear just get out of my life!"....
...The older key looked different. His once piercing yet soft blue eyes grew icy, cold and enraged. His arms were tense, not like his gentle presence. It wasn't him..
...Devan felt his own body begin to enrage. He didn't know why his brother screamed at him like that. However, the young one pushed it aside, not wanting to yell at Collins no matter what he said to him. Devan shifted his gaze behind him towards his mom and dad, they looked horrified. Collins never acted like this, something was wrong. Why was he doing this? Why?..
Okay, since we're all up to speed, let's get rolling!
It had been two days and Collins was still avoiding his family. He continued to spend his majority of time in his room, just sitting on his bed staring at the ceiling. Sleep deprived, miserable, beaten, are all things that can describe the Key brother. CreepyPasta34 harassed him two times more ever since he snapped at Devan. Why couldn't that person just leave him alone? Why can't everyone just leave him alone?!
Collins's stomach began to growl once again that morning, nagging him to get something in him. He hadn't eaten for at least 36 hours. When did he last eat...wasn't it two nights ago around midnight? Yeah, that was it. He just held his gut tightly as he felt the sensations of sharp daggers piercing into the sides of his insides. He never knew not eating could cause so much pain. Collins released a deep yawn rubbing his eyes. One other thing the boy hadn't gotten was sleep. He lost the sight for it being necessary, causing him to become sleep deprived.
The young man heard footsteps walk towards his locked door. A sound came from the other side, "Collins?" Ugh. It was Devan. What part of get out of his life did he not understand?
Devan stood in front of his brother's door and called to him, "Collins, please say something.." No response. The younger one was more afraid than ever for his sibling. Why hadn't he shaken out of his mood yet? It has been way too long in the boy's mind. He suddenly thought of something, "Collins..." tap tap tap tap tap he knocked on the door to a rhythm of a familiar song, "Do you wanna-"
"Go away, Devan!" Collins shouted from his room causing the shorter boy to wince. Devan gave a sheepish laugh, "Awe man, you're way too far ahead with the lyrics! But I guess the cold never bothered me anyway." No laugh, no sound, no fragment of dialect came from the older one. The concerned brother became less hopeful of trying to make him lighten up, "..Okay. Mom just sent me up here to get you for brunch. Uh, are you-"
"I don't want to eat." Devan frowned when he heard his answer. Collins hadn't came down to get food at all since the incident the other day. He wasn't starving himself, was he? The young one backed away from the bedroom door, "Okay..I'll see you later then." Will he?
{Time Skip}
After a few hours, Collins laid on his bed, feeling his eyelids start to droop. He allowed it mindlessly until a shooting agony filled his temple. He groaned put his fingers to his forehead to massage it. Nothing helped the migraine erupting. Everything hurt. His mind, body, and soul was anguished. Make it stop!
Eventually the pain in his head evaporated and the young man had to go take a wiz. Hey, he wasn't going to do it in his bedroom. He sighed, sitting up from his unmade bed and walked towards the door gloomily. He unlocked it and pulled on the doorknob.
As he walked out the door, he glanced and saw Devan sitting in front of a wall facing Collins's room. The younger key looked up nervously at his brother who just continued his way towards the bathroom. Getting a good look at Collins gave Devan shivers across his body. It's only been two days and he doesn't even look like himself! His hair and clothes were all out of sorts, his arms were stiff and conceded, and his eyes were glossed over with black lines under them. What was wrong?
Finally, Collins came out slowly and made a direct walk towards his getaway, but Devan stopped him, "Hey bro, um, we were supposed to post a video today.." The older one didn't look at him, "So?" The younger sibling blocked him quickly, "Uh..and I was wondering if you wanted to do a video? It doesn't have to be pancake art if you don't want it to be," the older one tried to move but Devan stood in front of him, "Maybe we could do something with magic, or call Vanessa and Veronica to come over-" Collins then pushed him aside, "I'll pass." Devan twisted around and called before the older one could shut his door, "Then what do you want me to do?" Collins suggested annoyed, "Do the video yourself!" With that, he slammed the door and locked it.
Devan sighed walking down the stairs towards the living room. As the young boy opened his phone, he saw there was a Google Photos update. It said 'A new album was created'. Assuming what the heck, Devan clicked on the notification to see some of the photos that popped up;
Devan's eyes began to fill with tears as he looked at the photos. He missed that..he missed him. He was not going to do a video without Collins, no matter his demands. He couldn't do it without his brother.. He came up with a different solution. He pulled up snapchat, after rehearsing something in his head, then finally speaking to his phone as a cute snapchat filter came up, "Youtube! Why do you guys always have to be glitching?! So..sorry everyone, but we can't upload the video this week. We'll try to get it straightened out and..we'll let you all know about any updates."
He let go of the record button and began to post it on his other social media. Devan felt bad they couldn't give the keypers a video this week, but what can he do? Just as the boy posted the video on instagram, he saw someone tag him in a picture. It had been from the a few days ago, he assumed there was a glitch in the sending that made him just see it now. Slightly eager to know what it was about, he saw something that took his breath away;
@CreepyPasta34: So glad that Collin ain't in the background...cause he honestly ruins everything he's in. #TBH @CollinsKey
Devan was horrified at the sight! Who the heck is this awful person?! Collins never ruins anything he's in! This crap made Devan realize something, This must be the thing Collins is upset about! I have to talk to him! Just as he shifted his foot, he stopped. No..his brother wouldn't listen to him. At least not now. He had to be patient.
{Time Skip}
1:45 am was the time the clock read on Collins's phone. He felt so exhausted and awful. He needed sleep.. Soon his stomach screamed at him again. ..And he needed to eat. Before he sat up from his bed, a chimed sang from his IPhone. He moaned. What now? Then he pulled it up feeling himself pushing to contain his emotions;
@CreepyPasta34: Oh wow, just another regular Key Bros pic I always see, Devan.. flawless and Collin.. the dumb***
@HaleyN221: HAHA SO TRUE!!
@DanTheSav: Holy! Collins looks like an idiot!
~@CreepyPasta34: Correction @DanTheSav he is an idiot
@ReactionAmigo: Danggg Devan is on fleek!!
@DevanKeyHomie: Oh s*** Collins bro, you just look ridiculous XD
@FeliciaXx: Get Collins out of this, more Devan! He's better ;)
Collins gritted his teeth angrily and all of a sudden he chucked his phone against the wall. Making contact with the material, the phone busted and fell to the ground leaving a vacant hole. He heaved out breaths holding back any tears to trespass. Why why why?! Why make him suffer? Why treat him as if he isn't worthy of respect? Why was Devan the high king?! He shouldn't have to be going through this! Why?! A pang shot through his stomach as his hunger grew stronger. He needed to eat something.
Collins poked his head out of his bedroom door. All the lights were off. It was quiet. Perfect. He removed his body from his room and snuck down the stairs. His bare feet felt the cold wooden floor as his made his way towards the kitchen. Reaching it, he searched for something in the cabinets, anything! His tired eyes wandered the pantry and he spotted a package of goldfish. That could get the job done quickly. The boy pried the box open hastily, dumping a ton of the salty bits into his mouth. He chomped on them receiving slight satisfaction from it and continued to eat more. Famished was what he was, now just famished to get back his dignity.
The young man ate till he felt like his stomach had enough, which was about two thirds of the bag. Collins quietly put back the snack on it's shelf and turned off the kitchen light, tip toeing back to his room. He went into the bedroom and shut the door, not knowing what was to happen.
"Having a midnight snack?" Chills ran down the blonde boy's spine as he did a full 180 turn to see Devan standing in front of him inside his room. The older one was aggravated, "What are you doing in my room?" The younger brother spoke, "I have to talk to you. I didn't know why you were acting so different these past few days but I do now! I can help-" Collins hissed, cutting him off, "Get out of my room." Devan refused, "No, I can't let you do this to yourself! This isn't you!"
"Get out, Devan..."
"You are the kind of guy who won't let words get to you! What changed?"
"Get out, Devan!" The shorter one stood his ground, "Collins, where did the guy go that had a smile on his face 24/7? Where is the guy who didn't care what people thought of him just as long as he made others smile?!" Collins went to Devan and grabbed him by the waist, pushing him closer to the door, "I told you to GET OUT!"
Devan fought to keep his feet from moving, but his scrawny legs failed him, "No!! No matter what, Collins, I will never stop fighting, never stop moving, never stop crawling to get you back! I will never give up on you! Why?! Cause you are everything to me! You help make me better, you bring me up when I'm down, you're the person I've always looked up to! I will never stop!!" His lips quivered pushing against the lankier one with all his might, "DONT GIVE UP ON ME!! I NEED YOU COLLINS!! I NEED MY BEST FRIEND!!"
Just then, Collins stopped pushing, stopped fighting. He paused staring at the same crystal blue eyes as his brain began to cloud of past memories of him and Devan. Endless nights of fun, taking care of one another. The laughter, the comfort. His brother was hurting...because of him. His best friend. Pushing away may have pushed too far. He couldn't take it. His vision became blurry of the tears forcing out of his eyes.
Knees buckled, heart throbbing, the young man sank to the ground sobbing into his hands. He cried out between sobs, "I-I'm so sorry! I didn't know w-what to do! Everything was just falling apart all at once..and I couldn't stop tumbling with it! People online were just harassing and tormenting me, saying how I'm so worthless, stupid, terrible! T-They hated me..and they couldn't get enough of you! Inside I knew you didn't do anything wrong, but something just snapped! I wanted you out of my life w-when you're the best thing in my life! You are just s-so talented and perfect and I can never be any better!"
Collins heard his brother weep above him and he looked to see the tears glisten down his cheeks, "Are you kidding me, Collins?! How can you ever think that! I'm n-nowhere near anything special! How can someone who judges his smile and how skinny his body is daily be perfect?! Or, or thinks his paintings are not as exceptional as everyone thinks they are?! Collins, you are just as perfect as I am!" The older one couldn't believe what he was hearing! Devan was insecure? He never looked to be this way.. He guessed there were some things he didn't know about Devan.
The shorter boy let more tears escape, going to the ground by his brother, "I miss you, Collins. I need you to be here.." Collins looked up swallowing a few tears, "I'm never going to leave." The boys wrapped their arms around each other in a tight embrace, crying into their shoulders. They didn't want to let go, they'd never let go.
{Time Skip}
"You ready, Collins?" Devan asked setting up his camera in front of two chairs. The older one nodded biting into his second slice of pizza. It had been a week since the events of the midnight crying and Collins had finally gotten back to normal. No more waking nights, no more pains in his heart and body, and no more shutting out his family. The responsible boy apologized to his parents for his actions, explaining what was happening at the time. They instantly forgave him giving the twenty one year old long hugs. Then once CreepyPasta posted a new malicious picture of Collins on instagram, he and his brother immediately reported the user, shutting him down for good.
Now Collins was about to make a video for YouTube about his experience. Devan stayed behind the camera adjusting it then he heard the key bro say, "Come here, Devan. I want you to be in this." With a smile, the boy went over to join him. After a few short breaths, the magician began, "Hey guys, it's Collins Key with my little brother Devan," the young boy waved letting his brother do most of the talking, "So this is going to be a serious topic this week about something called cyberbullying. If you guys don't know what that is, it's pretty much a form of bullying or harassment that can happen on any electronic device. Cyberbullying is something that is very common with teenagers on various social media sites, like Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.
"This is a way that bullies like to tease or torment people online without having to be in front of them, face to face," he sighed looking at his sweaty palms then back to the camera, "Recently, I have been attacked online with many fowl comments and people who mistreated me to cause me to do a lot of crazy damage. I know how it feels to be shaped to feel useless and empty. If any of you are feeling like you are meaningless, I'm going to tell you, you are wrong. You are special no matter what anybody tells you and you aren't alone. I believe that the keepers, Devan, and I will stand by you no matter what."
{Time Skip}
After more talking and filming, the boys sat outside on the lawn feeling the cold breeze hit their backs. They were silent as they let their minds wander. Devan laid back on the grass, staring at the clouds, "I'm glad everything's better between us, I hated being apart from you." Collins smirked, "I was still in the house, Dev." He sighed thinking about it, "I know, but it felt like you were a million miles away." The older brother looked down at him, "Oh please, you're being ridiculous now. If you were a million miles away, how would I have heard your utterly disturbing version of Frozen?" Devan turned red with a little laugh, "I didn't think you noticed.."
"I did and it was quite funny," Collins said nudging the young boy. Devan closed his eyes, "At least I'm a better singer than you." That's when the two laughed and playfully hit each other. In the middle of their brawl, Collins's new iPhone 8 began to buzz beside him. He tilted his head towards it to see that it was Veronica calling him! His heart skipped a beat as he quickly answered it, "Hey Veronica!" He felt his brother's gaze as he heard the girl's beautiful voice, making him flush, "Hey Collins! We just saw your new YouTube video and...wow," she said something away from the phone then back at him, "It was just so empowering and incredible! I can't even explain it!" He smiled over the phone, "Oh wow, thanks! I didn't think you'd seen it."
"Are you kidding? The video his 6 thousand views and 4K likes! And there's so many comments! Go check it out!" Collins felt himself get excited, "Okay I will! Thanks!" Veronica said bye, "Okay, bye!" They hung up and the older one couldn't help himself but grin like a fool.. Devan began to laugh making kissy faces, "Aweee!" Collins rolled his eyes and shoved him lightly, "Shut up, let's check out the comments."
They pulled up the video on Collins's phone and scrolled to the bottom and read;
@GraceDiane4: Oh my gosh this is so touching!
@Fiona445: I'm crying right now! 😭😭❤️
@Xxhtyyd: This inspires me to keep going😄
@KiaraVion: I love you guys! You help us get through the tough days!!
@ReasonsDii: After watching this I was a sobbing mess! I've been getting picked on by my weight at school and I thought I wasn't pretty enough to be loved by someone.. but now that I see even my favorite Youtubers can get bullied and you guys can concur through then I can too! Thank you both for everything, making my life 100% better! ❤️
Why did he have to go through all the hardship?
Why was he made to feel worthless?
Why did they poke fun at him?
Why did they call him names?
Why was he told he wasn't good enough?
Why did they put him through ALL of that?
It is to make him a way for others with hardships.
To make them feel like they're worth it.
To tell them no matter what enemies say or do, they're stronger than that.
To tell them their names are instead special and irreplaceable.
To make them know that they are more than enough.
Why did they put him through all of that?
That...is why.
OH MY GOSH YOU GUYS!! Writing this gave me so much emotion you won't even believe!! I feel like this short story is one of the most emotional things I've ever written! I'm satisfied with my work!
I have never experienced cyberbullying first hand which im so thankful for but im not sure about all of you. Its true if you are struggling with anything, we are here for you and if you ever want or need to talk to me never be afraid to do so!💕💕
What did you guys think? Please vote and comment what you're thinking cause I love hearing from you guys! Love you all!
If anyone has any short story ideas, please let me know anything you think of either in the comments or a simple dm and I'll try making your ideas into a reality! I already have ideas in the process but I'm open to anything people have 😄💕💕
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