Rewrite the Stars Part 2
Okay guys, here is part 2 to rewrite the stars! I hope you guys enjoy it! There is going to be a nice ending in this, TRUST ME! Sorry I let you down last time, but I'm making it up to you!! Here's a recap from last time;
...Minutes go by of silence between the brothers. The older one broke the void and asked, "Vanessa said you two had a fight, and you ran off," he felt his brother stiffen, "She was crying. What's going on Devan?" The young boy sighed, rubbing his face, "..I-I told her...I had feelings for her. I said..I wanted her to be mine-," he stopped, wincing, forcing his tears away, "but she told me Harrison asked her to move in with him, and she might say yes."
The older brother was shocked. Devan had feelings for Vanessa?? And he didn't even know?? "You like Nessa? Why..didn't you tell me?" The other one avoided eye contact, "I didn't want to cause conflict because she has a boyfriend," he groaned holding his legs together, "but it doesn't matter anymore. Vanessa made it clear her feelings towards me, an annoying twerp like brother."
Collins wasn't sure what to say. What would you do in a situation like this? The young man only sighed saying, "I'm sorry Devan. But everything will get better..soon." Devan felt the tears coming back against him, shredding up any of the manhood he had. He knew why she dissed him, because he was weak and childish. There was no hope for them. No matter how badly he wanted it, he couldn't rewrite the stars...
Okay so here's where we left off!! BTW the setting of the story has changed!! It is at the Key House and the Merrell House! Hope you enjoy!! 🤗💕
It had been days since Devan and Vanessa had a fight, and they hadn't spoke to each other. Devan just sat on his bed in his room, staring at his reflection through the mirror. He didn't bother to fix his hair as some strands poked crookedly on his head. The young boy didn't feel as confident with himself as he did that one morning, maybe not for a long time to come. His heart was wounded and he didn't know how he could heal it again.
"Dev...Devan," Collins spoke softly from outside the door, "Can you please come out of there?" Silence. Silence was the one thing the brother was getting lately from him. He sighed, leaning on the wall next to him. Devan had not been himself for as long as five days. Collins understood the younger one had feelings for Nessa but not to this point. He still couldn't believe he was just finding out so late in the game. Collins called once more, "If you need to talk, I'm always here." More silence. He gave up and headed downstairs, thinking about trying again in a little bit.
[At the Merrell Twin Household]
Vanessa sat on the couch with her sister watching one of their favorite movies, Lord of the Rings. But Nessa wasn't paying attention. She was staring at her phone of past text messages between her and Devan from a few weeks ago;
How could she have been so oblivious to Devan's feelings for her? She assumed he was just being friendly...but now Vanessa could see the signs, on text and in person. Maybe she had been so blind because of her own feelings...
Veronica looked over at her, noticing she wasn't paying attention to the flatscreen TV, "Nessa, why aren't you watching? You love Lord of the Rings, you usually have your face glued to the screen!" Vanessa looked up, realizing her sister was talking to her, "Oh, sorry Roni. I just..," she looked away from Roni's gaze, "I just have a lot on my mind right now." The other one frowned, reaching for the remote and paused the movie. She moved her body in the direction of her twin, putting a hand on her leg, "Does this have something to do with Devan?"
Devan... Nessa could only think of one thing when she heard Devan's name; guilt. He had confessed his feelings for her with confidence and bravery and she shot him down. Sure she had a boyfriend but that didn't mean she had to be so hard on him. All she could see was the hurt in the young key's eyes when she yelled at him. Nessa couldn't get his pained crystal blue eyes out of her head. She could've done something different, but what would it be? Maybe tell him she didn't know how she felt about him, or that she—
"Nessa, are you listening?" Vanessa finally heard her sister say, her face turning a light pink at that moment. She closed her eyes and stood up, "Sorry, sis I..I gotta take a shower now. I have a date with Harrison later." With that, the twin left the room in a quick instant, leaving Veronica sit there in confusion and concern. What was going on with Nessa lately? This was definitely about the incident with Devan.., she clarified in her brain, I need to talk to Collins. The young girl got up from the couch, pulling her phone from her pocket and walked outside.
[At the Key Brother Household]
Collins stood in the kitchen, making a grill cheese for himself. He and Devan usually have grill cheese together these mornings but Devan wouldn't come out if his room today. He sighed depressingly, lifting the toasted, cheddery substance to his mouth. Just as he was about to take a bite of his sandwich, he felt his phone begin to vibrate and pulled it out;
(AN: okay so the italicized part in the phone call is Roni, the normal one is Collins! EX: Roni, Collins)
It was Veronica, even a call from his girlfriend can't cheer him up right now. He answered the phone dryly, "Hey babe." Collins could hear her groan from the other end, "Ugh, not you too! I already had to deal with this today.." He decided to talk to her outside so he headed out the front door and spoke with a little more enthusiasm, "What's going on over there?"
"Well, me and Nessa were watching one of her favorite movies and she was acting really off as if she was thinking about a lot of things. I think it's about the fight she had with Devan." Collins nodded to himself, "Yeah, Dev hasn't been himself either." Roni asked as a gust of wind blew against the speaker, "What's up with him?"
"He hasn't came out if his room and he's been ignoring me when I ask if we could talk. And when he does come of his room, he completely avoids talking to anyone." Veronica was silent, taking it all in, "That is strange of him.."
"I know. I hate seeing him like this and he's my best friend, Roni. I..I don't like him hurting."
"I know you don't," it sounded like she thought of an idea, "How about we really try to talk to them about the fight specifically this time..maybe get them to talk to each other and make up." Collins asked hopelessly, "You think that will work?" His girlfriend sighed on the other line, "It has too. I miss the old Nessa."
"I miss my baby bro," he said thinking about the last time he laughed with Devan.
"I'll talk to my sis after she's out of the shower."
"Okay, I'm going to talk to Devan right now."
"Okay, love you."
"Love you too."
They hung up and Collins put his phone in his pocket. He needed to talk to Devan. Hopefully he'll listen to him. The older brother headed up to Devan's bedroom. He stood in front of the door and held his knuckles up to knock on it, but hesitated. What if he ignores me again, he asked himself, I have to try..
He closed his eyes and hit his hand against the door, "..Hey Dev. Can we please talk?" No response. Collins tried again, "I just talked to Roni and she said Nessa has been distant lately. We think it's about the fight. Can we talk?" It was silent still, yet he felt he was getting to him, "Devan, let me in please." Nothing. The young man looked down at the doorknob and fingered it. Slowly, Collins twisted the knob to find it move along with his grasp. It was never locked? He didn't complain and just opened the door.
As he walked in, he saw Devan sitting on his bed, staring down at his lap. There was no light in the room except coming from Devan. Collins walked over timidly towards the young boy's bed and sat down on top of the sheets. His eyes wandered to Devan's hands which were holding his phone, he was staring at something..or someone.
Collins frowned. He's really hung up on her, isn't he? He felt bad for his bro and started to ask, "When did you start getting feelings for her anyway?" Devan didn't look up at him, but he uttered the first words his brother has heard from him in days, "That one day when we all went paint balling with the McKnight twins, we were put on the same team. Her and I stuck by each other the whole time, helping one another out. Afterwards we were talking and I realized how much in common we really had together. And it just..happened."
The older one nodded, remembering that day clearly, realizing that the two did hang out together the whole night. He felt so clueless, "Man, I had no idea. I get you didn't want to tell me because she has a boyfriend, but I wouldn't have judged you, bro." Devan heaved out some air, blinking a little bit, "Yeah, but I felt weird about it. I mean, we're two years apart and I'm younger than her. I didn't think I'd have a chance..but then I felt more confident since my feelings for her..grew," he closed his eyes, looking away, "I was crazy to think she'd like me back. I guess you really can't rewrite destiny."
Collins could feel his brother's pain. Why were crushes so difficult? He put his hand on Devan's arm, "I seems pretty rough for you right now, but here's the facts Devan; Vanessa has a boyfriend. But although she has a boyfriend, you aren't out of her life.
Roni told me she can tell Nessa's really upset that she hurt you. She needs you as much as you need her..just maybe in a different way. Please..try to make things better between you two."
Devan didn't respond, he didn't look at him. Collins became worried, "Dev?" He grabbed his brother's body and softly twisted him around to face him. Once he did, he could see tears glistening down the poor boy's face. Collins pulled away as his brother began to speak, "Vanessa is my first crush. She's the only person that caused my heart stop, made my knees weak every time I saw her, the one person who could brighten up my day just knowing she was happy," he stared at the older brother with hurt eyes, "I think I fell in love with her, Collins. How can I see her normally again when the only feeling inside of me is wanting her to be mine when she's with someone else?"
Collins didn't know what to say. How could he give answer to that? Tears continued down Devan's cheeks, "Can you leave me alone now?" The older one nodded timidly, "Sure..I-I'm sorry, Dev." The older one went out the room, feeling unaccomplished, and shut the door tightly. The younger boy brought his legs closer to his chest, and sobbed into his knees hopelessly.
[At the Merrell Twins Household]
Vanessa walked in front of the mirror a half hour after her shower, hair blowdried and braided, makeup applied, and wearing a nice outfit for the afternoon. She looked at herself, tilting her head slightly. Why do I look so miserable? She pulled a stray hair from her face, tucking it under her braid, staring at the frown she wore. Come on, Nessa. You're about to spend quality time with your boyfriend! You should be smiling! Get excited! The girl plastered a smile to her lips, showing her white teeth. Why does this feel so fake? Giving up, she let her mouth sag once again.
She glanced over at her dresser and saw a framed picture;
Nessa couldn't help look at Devan. Why did I have to go and hurt him? She picked up the picture frame and brought it closer to her. I miss this... Feeling herself about to tear up, she set it back down blinking the tears back. She needed to be happy..she needed to be happy.
Vanessa pulled out her phone and decided to post on her Twitter with a caption. She was surprised with herself to think of this;
"An important moment: one doesn't recognize the really important moments in one's life until it's too late." ~Nessa❤️
Vanessa sighed and posted the picture. "Hey, Nessa." She turned around and saw her sister poke her head into the room with a tinge of concern. She looked back at her reflection in the mirror, "Hey, Roni." Veronica stepped her body fully into existence, "Can I talk to you about something?" Nessa furrowed her eyebrows, watching her through the mirror, "Of course, anything sis." Veronica sat down on Vanessa bed, making herself comfortable as the other made her way toward her, sitting as well.
The older twin started, "So, about what really happened between you and Devan.." Nessa felt her heart leap hearing his name, making her feel horrid. Roni noticed but continued quickly, "What I mean is, what did you say or do that made him so upset?" The other bit her lip remembering his confession all too clearly, "Well, he..he told me he had feelings for me." Her sister put a hand over her mouth in astonishment, "Oh my gosh, he does?!" Nessa nodded, "Yes.., at least he used to, I think I damage anything he once had for me." After speaking that sentence, she felt her voice crack. Why did that hurt so bad? Vanessa continued to answer the original question, "And I completely shot him down and said we could never be destiny because Harrison asked me to move in with him."
Veronica remembered her sister saying something about that, which made her a little upset. She's always been with Nessa and she might just lose her to her boyfriend, "Oh yeah, I remember you talking about that. Are you..going to move in with him?" Vanessa felt her stomach churn, not satisfyingly, "I don't know yet.." Roni just nodded, looking away, "Okay, but back to Devan..Collins told me that he's been locking himself away because of the fight." He was shutting himself out..because of me? She didn't mean to hurt him like this! How can she ever face him now? He probably hates her!
"....and maybe you could just talk to him abo-." Vanessa stood up quickly from the bed and stuttered out, "I have to go meet up with Harrison now." She went and grabbed her purse as her sister spoke, "But what about-." Nessa forced her tears away, "B-Bye Roni." That's when she sped out of the house as quickly as possible leaving her sister in distraught once more.
Reaching her car, Vanessa shut the driver side door quickly and breathed in and out. Don't cry, Nessa. You have to be presentable to Harrison. Don't cry about some guy you will never have! But, Devan was more than just "some guy". He made her laugh at the worst times, brought her the best feeling when he complimented her, and she felt like she could tell him anything, things she wouldn't even tell Harrison. Nessa frowned, did she just lose that friendship forever?
Vanessa looked down at her phone and opened twitter to find a bunch of tweets from people, quite shook at the results;
CollinsandDevan2 ~ First comment!😝
ShaahzweenyEldiablo ~ Wait, why does she look so sad?
musical_kittycat ~ First comment!
musical_kittycat ~ Oh nvm dang it!😡
GuardianDragon790 ~ Are you okay Nessa?🙁
voidtube ~ Omg I can see tears in her eyes! What happened??😰😰
MiraculousDemigod ~ Awe, why is she crying?😭😭
GirlFlash05 ~ You are so pretty but why do you look so upset?☹️
hellagayesopenko ~ What's wrong Nessa?
Vanessa felt more tears welling up in her eyes. Even her fans knew something was wrong! She can't lie to herself and say everything's okay. It's not okay! She just ruined a relationship and she may never get it back! But..she needed to keep this hidden, or she'd just hurt someone else. A tear fell down her cheek and she wiped it on her sleeve, pulling out of the driveway. You can't rewrite the stars, their bound to break and her hands are tied.
Eheh...IM SO SORRY ANOTHER SAD ENDING!!😭😭 But you know what this means..A PART 3 WILL BE COMING OUT SOON!! How did you guys enjoy? I had WAY more fun creating the pictures than I should've hehe😂😂😂!! Anyways, please vote and comment your thoughts cause I love hearing from you guys! Love you all!
SHOUTOUT to my good friend fluffydixon for the inspiration of the imessage convo and the phone call picture! Please check out her book "Muse" it is amazing! Show her some love thats ya'll!!
If anyone has any short story ideas, please let me know anything you think of either in the comments or a simple dm and I'll try making your ideas into a reality! 😄💕💕
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