Heartbreak Part 1
Hey ya'll here's an original I just whipped up from out of nowhere! It was sort of inspired by CollinsandDevan2 but conformed into my own! So not really a NEW idea but...you get the point! Anyways this is a story that is all about Pain and Comfort! So don't worry, all my shorts have a good ending. Anyways, let's get to it!
Devan: 16 years old
Collins: 18 years old
Setting: High School and Key Household
This is before Devan created any Youtube videos with Collins
Devan Key felt his leg begin to fidget with anticipation. He sat in his squeaky desk in the classroom with a sparkle in his eye. She'd be here any second, always strolling in two seconds before the period bell would ring. He'd know, who wouldn't notice her? She was practically the prettiest girl in the tenth grade, and Devan was awestruck.
Soon the door swung open while the sound of chatter filled the room. The boy craned his neck towards the direction of the banter to see whom he was waiting for. His heart skipped a beat as his eyes fell on her beautiful complexion, her light blonde curls bouncing as she walked, the smile forming on her lips as she flipped her hair. Chloe Prettyman. He felt his mouth gap open and closed it self consciously.
The beauty queen soon strode into the classroom with her group of girlfriends and she gracefully sat into her assigned chair in front of him. He opened his mouth to say something to her, but decided against it. But to his surprise, he heard her groan to herself, "Crap, I forgot a pencil.." This was his chance to talk to her! Devan stuttered out his words timidly behind her, "Uh, I-I have an extra." Oh come on Dev! Be smooth for once in your life!, he scolded himself. To his surprise, Chloe acknowledged him for the first time, "You do?" She twisted her body towards him, resting her arm on his desk. He felt his face begin to burn as her bright green eyes flashed at his crystal blue ones. The tenth grader felt his palms start to sweat, "Y-Yeah, in my bag," there was a pause when he realized she was waiting for him to grab the pencil for her, "oh, right." Practically shaking of nervousness, Devan went into the top zipper of his book bag in search another number two pencil. Feeling for it through the pile of junk, he could feel Chloe's gaze staying on his face, having him blush even more. Finally, he finds the pencil and pulls it out and hands it to her, "H-Here." She takes it, accidentally brushing her hand against his. The princess gives him a side smile and turns away with a short, "Thanks, Dillan."
Did that actually just happen to him? He didn't even care that she just got his name wrong! Did the hottest girl in school just borrow his pencil?? Is this a dream? Devan started to listen to himself and mentally slapped his own brain. This isn't preschool, it's just a dumb pencil! But why did it mean so much to him?
{Time Skip}
Later, Devan sat in the hallway during lunch and ate his packed ham and cheese sandwich, mini apple slices, and part of a half eaten Twix bar(what? He got hungry during class! XD). Usually as he savored his meals, the boy liked to peer around the hallway corners at his other classmates as they walked down the hall. Sometimes there'd be a fight that breaking out or a bunch of crazy kids running into each other not having a care in the world.
Usually, what he'd spot was Jesse Rodgers and his gang. Jesse was a jock that liked picking on people he thought didn't deserve to exist, including Devan. No one wanted to mess with him because of his big biceps and the ability to twist a nerd into a pretzel. Devan was always afraid of him and his minions, but now he was used to their bullying. It didn't mean he wasn't dreading their presence.
The boy could always tell when they were about to cause terror somewhere, and he could feel them coming over at that moment. Devan just looked down at his sandwich until he felt it being yanked out of his hands. Jesse was now holding the sandwich in the air, trying to show how powerful he was, "Hey, string bean. You don't mind if we take your lunch, do ya?" The boy shook his head avoiding eye contact with the bully. Then Devan heard one of the other guys with him named Lucas say, "Are you sure we should take his lunch? I mean...just look how shrub and scrawny he is."
They cackled an evil laugh that just made Devan want to be invisible. Why wouldn't they just leave him alone? They never will, they come everyday at lunch and do this to him. Jesse responded to his friend's statement, "You're right, he could use the meat for his noodle arms." That's when Devan got smacked by his own sandwich being thrown at him. He just winced as the crusty bread and the slimy ham made contact met his cheek. The laughing grew then died down as they started to walk away.
They're just jerks, Devan. They want to make you feel this way, he said to himself. But why did it all feel true? He was skinny and weak. He didn't have a lot of muscles like the other guys did. They were right. He just sighed and pulled the pieces of his sandwich off his jacket and the bits that flew in his hair. He threw it in his paper bag, unable to eat anymore, and leaned his head into the wall next to him.
{Time Skip}
Devan started to walk out of the school with his head hanging down. He usually walked out of the school like this, just to avoid dirty looks from people who walked by him. Today was just one if those sucky days, bu maybe things would turn up for him.
As he was about to turn the corner he heard giggles from across the way. Curious, the boy poked his head around the brick wall to see Chloe talking to some of her friends. Devan pulled his head back to make sure they didn't see him. They were talking about something, but what? He listened into their conversation;
"Awe, but Liam's cute tho!"
"You guys should totally get together!"
"Chloe, what do you think about that Dillan kid?"
Devan flinched when he heard that last sentence. He wasn't sure why they thought his name was Dillan, but he persisted to listen. He tilted his head around the bend to see Chloe roll her eyes with a hair flip, "Oh, that loser? He's okay I guess, I'm way out if his league though. If he ever thought that he might have a chance with me, he's so in denial."
The boy slowly moved his head back behind the wall as she spoke those words. She thought he was a loser? Out of her league? In denial? One of her friends named Tessa commented, "Yeah, have you looked at him? He's so shrimpy and awkward." Chloe laughed, "No wonder he doesn't have any friends!"
The group of girls continued to mock him and tease him behind his back. Devan felt like his heart was just ripped out of his chest. How could he have been so blind towards Chloe? She made a mockery of him when he had been head over heels for her. The girl was right, no wonder he didn't have any friends.
Millions of thoughts ran through Devan's head all at once, however; they were halted when he felt someone grab his shirt collar. He looked up to see it was Jesse, giving one of his devilish smirks, "Awe, is string bean heartbroken?" The bully picked him up and started dragging the boy towards the girls group. Devan tried to escape. He kicked his legs out but nothing stopped what Jesse was planning to do.
Jesse dropped Devan onto the concrete in front of Chloe and her friends. The bully spoke as the victim tried pull his face off the ground, "Looks like someone is eavesdropping on your private conversation." The blonde mistress twisted her body towards the two and just shrugged, "Let him listen," she directed the next sentence at the boy on the ground, "Maybe it'll set him straight and let him know where he doesn't belong." Devan felt Jesse kick him back down on the sidewalk and everyone continued to laugh at him.
Get up, Devan, stop being such an idiot, he yelled at himself. But he couldn't obey his thoughts. The tears started forcing there way out. He couldn't let them see they were getting to him. He had to get out of there.
Cowardly, the boy scrambled to his feet and raced away from the group hearing them cackle louder than before. Why was I so stupid? Why would Chloe ever like me?! No one else does!, Devan thought as he let his legs take him far away from the school. His heart pounded against his chest, tears began to escape down his cheeks.
Just as he was about to wipe them across his sleeve, his body collided into someone else's. The two people grunted in contact but it wasn't enough to knock them over. Devan looked up to see who he almost ran over. It was Emily Givens. The boy immediately became concerned. Emily was one of the only people who actually talked to him at the school. She was his occasional locker conversation about a homework assignment or the simple hello in the hall. She was also a tiny little thing. Devan was short too for his age, so they were about the same height, but she was also slimmer than him.
Emily began to adjust her glasses and looked over at the person who rammed into her. She pulled her straight brown hair from her eyes and asked, "Devan?" He started to apologize to her turning away from her eyes, "Sorry, Emily. I didn't mean to hit you...I'm just in a big rush. I gotta go bye!" He continued down the sidewalk, still feeling her gaze following him. I just need to go home, go into my bed and stay there forever! Devan screamed into his brain.
The young Key finally made it to his house which was only a few blocks away. He always walked home from school to enjoy the view of the trees and the park nearby, but not this time. Devan climbed up the steps towards the front door and twisted the doorknob to his house. As he opened the door, he slammed it shut and made a bee line towards his room, avoiding any of his family members. But he wasn't unnoticed.
"Hey bro! How was..," Collins Key, Devan's older brother happily greeted and stopped seeing the boy run up the stairs towards his bedroom. The magician felt a twinge of concern. Devan usually said hi to him when he got home. Collins called to him once more, "Devan?" The upstairs door closed with a mighty thunder.
Devan closed his bedroom door, removing himself from any life. He didn't want to talk to anyone. He didn't want to see anyone. All the boy wanted to do was disappear. Now alone in his room sitting on his bed, Devan allowed the tears to come and he sobbed into his knees, curled in a ball. He felt humiliated, used, and tormented. Why was he such an idiot?! So gullible...
Collins had came up the stairs to check on his brother. Before he even reached the door, he could hear muffled sobs coming from inside. He felt a lump grow in the pit of his stomach. Something was really upsetting him.. The older one tapped lightly on the closed door, "Hey bud, you okay in there?" It took a second till he heard an angry Devan answer from inside of the room, "Go away!" Collins persisted to talk to him, "Dev, tell me what's wrong."
"No, can you just leave me alone?!" The brother took a step back from the door, seeing Devan didn't want to be bothered, and went back down stairs. He decided it'd be best to let his brother be for a little bit. But he just left a message to Devan;
{Time Skip}
It was now 4 hours later and Devan hadn't left his bedroom. Their parents had came home and wondered where the young key was. Collins filled them in with what he knew and they understood. Soon Devan would want to talk, he always did.
The three of them had some Chinese food and ate it at the table. Once Collins was finished, his mother asked him to bring up Devan's portion to him. Obeying, the boy took the container of fried rice and a fork and walked up the stairs.
He heads towards the bedroom and hesitantly knocked on the door, "Hey bro, mom wanted me to give you your dinner," he then tried to say with enthusiasm, "it's chinese..." The young man waited for Devan to yell at him again, but he got a different response, "The door's unlocked." Reluctantly, Collins creaked the door open to see Devan on his bed, tear stains evident on his cheeks, with his eyes concentrating on his notepad. He must be working on a new drawing, Collins thought.
He went over to Devan's side table, placing the food there ever so gently and peering over at the little brother. Scribbles and smooth lines were created on the paper imaging what looked like a masterpiece:
It looked like it was of someone..in pain, in despair. Was Devan reimagining his feelings through his art? Collins let out the air he was holding, sitting on the bed next to Devan, "Wow, that's incredible, Dev." He earned a small smile from the younger one. The magician asked starting to get comfortable on his bro's bed, "What's it's backstory?"
He saw Devan jerk his head up suddenly. All of Devan's creations came from something he's either experienced or the thoughts he was feeling. Maybe this was how Collins could solve what's upsetting Devan.
Devan was trapped. Collins was going to figure him out. Sure, it wouldn't matter if his brother knew why he was avoiding everyone all day, but Devan had started to forget it all happened, almost. The one with the floppy brown hair heaved a sigh and answered the older key's question, "...It's about a person feeling as if their whole life is a lie. They have no strive left to continue living the way they're living and aren't sure what to do but just give up."
Collins realized what was up, "Did something bad happen at school?" Devan felt his face flush with embarrassment at the thought of it and began to give in, "It was humiliating, Collins. You know that girl we saw at the mall last week?"
"That Chloe girl?" Devan nodded, "Well, turns out she thinks of me as a loser, dense and worthless. She was talking to her friends about it behind my back after school," he stopped drawing on his sketchbook, "Then that jerk Jesse came and made fun of me in front if all of them and they all just full out harassed me! I hate school, Collins! All it does is let the guys who think they're better than everyone torment innocent kids! I don't even have a single friend! Everyone thinks I'm stupid and awkward, and they're right! There's nothing that is special about me that anyone would want! I can't take it!!" The young one was enraged, throwing his notepad down on the ground and flopped back on the mattress.
Collins felt his heart reach out to Devan. He knew what it was like to get made fun of. He couldn't count how many times he was picked on about his height and the fact that he can't read very well because of his dyslexia. When he realized his little brother was getting bullied, it felt like his heart was being yanked out of his chest.
But Collins tried to reassure the wounded boy with something he learned, "I was in the same boat as you were, Devan. I felt like I didn't belong anywhere when I was in high school. Don't you remember these nights when I cried myself to sleep? I started to believe the lies the bullies whispered into my ear. 'You're so tall Collins, did you have a birth disfunction?', or, 'Shouldn't you be in the special class because you can't read right?'," he let out a sigh as those memories replayed in his head, "I didn't know what to do, I thought I was just an accident waiting to happen. But one night, I told mom what I felt and you know she said?"
When the younger one didn't answer him, Collins spoke the rest of his thoughts, "She told me 'Collins, stars cannot shine without darkness'." Devan looked up at him still laying on his bed, "What's that mean?" The older one smiled at him, "It means, sometimes to see what we are meant to be or where we belong, there's gonna be bad stuff that happens to us and we just got to accept it. It'll veer us towards what we're supposed to invest in. Like my magic. I wouldn't have ever been interested in magic if I had all the friends in the world, and now I have my Youtube channel," Collins patted the younger one's stomach, "Everything happens for a reason, Dev. Remember that." The boy smiled to his brother after he processed it all in his mind, "Thanks, Collins. What will I do without you?"
"Probably die of boredom." The two began to laugh with their minds clearing and bodies calming down. "Feel better okay?" Collins spoke to Devan as he started to walk out of the room. He waved at him already doing so, "Don't worry, I am."
Once the door shut, the younger one sighed as he grabbed his chinese food, thinking about what Collins said, "Stars cannot shine without darkness" He looked down at the sketch he was working on and frowned. How can stars shine if there's fog blocking it's sight?
Well ya'll that's my first Key Bros short story! Weird ending huh? Let me know if you guys enjoyed this and I'll make it into a two parter! Sorry it was so long! Once I had ideas, they didn't wanna stop! What did you guys think? Please vote and comment your thoughts cause I love hearing from you guys! Love you all!
If anyone has any short story ideas, please let me know anything you think of either in the comments or a simple dm and I'll try making your ideas into a reality! 😄💕💕
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