Hey ya'll! So this story was suggested by my good friend CollinsandDevan2 ! Be sure to follow her and give her lots of love! This is a minor Pain and Comfort story, mellower than the other too but not less powerful. So I hope you enjoy it!
Collins: 21 years old
Devan: 19 years old
Setting: The Key Household
A paintbrush elegantly skimmed across a white surface, rubbing off a light blue coating. Strokes were filled alongside it, giving the painting more volume. Devan worked effortlessly on the painting in his bedroom, enjoying the piece and quiet..
Until his brother Collins bursts into the room, "Hey bro!" Without taking his eyes off his work, he answers, "Hey bro." The older one walked behind the canvas to look at what Devan was painting, "You aren't done with it YET?" The younger one just answers with a slight smirk, "Art takes time, Collins." The other sighs, "I know but it looks amazing already!"
Devan didn't answer continuing to stroke his paintbrush, "..It isn't finished yet." Collins tilted his head at it, "What is it anyway?"
"Abstract." The older one smiled, "It kinda looks like a flower, don't ya think?" The short one stopped and stared at it. The boy nods setting his tool down, "Yeah, it sort of does," he gets up from the stool he was sitting on and walks over to the door, "I'm gonna take a break."
Collins looked at the painting then towards his brother who walked out of the room. What was up with that? He didn't seem that enthused with his artwork. It was so good and Devan was really talented! Did he not believe he was?
{Time Skip}
Devan and Collins sat on the couch in silence as they skimmed their notifications from their YouTube video. Devan hummed tiredly resting his arm on the armrest, "Another pancake art request." The older one looked up at him, "Another love letter to Devan." He smirked when he said this, causing the younger one to turn a faint pink. The boy turned his attention back to his phone, "And another annoying brother award.." They both laughed, their weariness diminishing. Collins smiled scanning his phone, "We should totally do another Pancake Art video. People really enjoy it!" Devan nodded, "Yeah, we should do that."
The older brother glanced at another message, "Ooh, someone said you have amazing talent and want to see you paint. That'd be pretty cool if you did that for a video sometime." He grinned turning to Devan who looked suddenly nervous. Collins began to frown. He was thinking about something.. but what? The older one asked questionably, "What? Something wrong?" The other shook out if his daze towards the blonde boy, "Oh..uh, no. I just think we should stick with the pancake art idea, that's all."
That wasn't all, Collins thought to himself. He asked again, "Are you sure?" Devan nodded starting to get up, "Do you want pizza? Because I'm getting hungry right now." Without a response, the younger brother headed towards the kitchen. Collins was surprised by the sudden exit. Did Devan just change the subject? Hastily, the lankier one followed the young one to the other side of the house, "Devan, why did you just change the subject?" As he turned the corner, he saw Devan peeking into the fridge, pulling out a soda, "Can we just not talk about this, Collins?"
"I don't think we can. It's about your art isn't it? Why are you so hesitant about-?" Eruptively, Devan cut him off angrily, "Collins, I told you to stop nagging about it so just quit it!" The older one pulled back instantly at the harsh response. The little brother realized he snapped at him and immediately felt awful, "I'm sorry bro. I's something I can't control, okay?" With that, he walked towards the back door and was out of sight.
Collins replayed the boy's words over and over in his head. Something he can't control? What can that possibly mean? He was about to walk out there and ask him, but he soon hesitated. Devan would freak out at him if he tries to talk about it again. After standing there for a while in distraught, the blonde boy went into the living room and plopped exhaustedly on the couch.
It had been an hour since Devan ran off and now he just sat outside on the porch, watching the clouds. He breathed in the cold air and tried to relax himself. Why did I have to yell at Collins? He didn't do anything wrong, he just wanted to help him. The young boy sighed and rubbed his face tiredly. He looked around at the autumn scenery as the trees began to dance alongside each other. A cold breeze brush up his shirt and through his hair. The wind is starting to pick up, Devan thought. But he didn't care. He enjoyed being outside. He felt welcomed outside...
Collins laid on the couch in silence waiting for something to do. Nothing came. He remained motionless as he heard a gust of wind blow a tree branch outside, against the window. The wind is starting to pick up, Collins thought. But he didn't care. He was on the inside. He didn't feel welcomed inside. The young man wanted to be with his brother outside. He wanted to sit by him and ask him why he was closing himself off all of a sudden.
"Hey bro?" Collins cocked his head up and turned around suddenly and saw Devan standing before him. Wow, he didn't even hear him come in. The older one spoke up with curiosity, "Yeah?" Devan asked, gesturing his head in the direction behind him, "Wanna head out with me?" Collins smiled, feeling his body rise from the cushions and follow his brother towards the back door.
They two felt the breeze whoosh against their face as the glass screen pulled open. They enjoyed the cool air and walked on the porch and sat down on the steps. After a moment of silence and feeling the warmth presence of his brother, Collins felt like speaking, "So, what's up with you lately? I mean, why were you so closed off from wanting to do the video? That keyper, and many others, said she liked your artwork."
Devan really didn't want to talk about this, but he knew he had to tell Collins. He was the boy's best friend and he deserved to know. Devan looked down at his hands and answered, "When someone compliments me about's hard to believe they're right," he continued when he felt Collins's eyes on him, "It's not like I don't see they enjoy my work, it's that I don't enjoy my work."
At that moment, Collins seemed to understand. Devan is an artist. Artist's are very skilled and critique themselves to be better every paint stroke, every ink splat, every pencil marking. But once they persist to fix their art skills more and more, they see that amount of mistakes they still need to fix. It causes them to spiral into a deep pit of doubt, unable for them to get over it. The older brother placed his hand on Devan's shoulder, "Bro, honestly I get what you're coming from."
Devan looked up into the same pair of ice blue eyes, "You do?" The other one nodded, "Yeah, when I learn a new magic trick, I want to perfect it every way I can. Sometimes I get to wrapped up in it to the point where I hate having so many mistakes. I wouldn't want to preform in front of someone to avoid showing my faults, but doubt can just beat you up." The younger one sighed miserably, "I know, Collins. I can't control how I feel no matter what I do. I always feel like the expectations people have on my art are so high that I can never do any better."
Devan twisted his body away from Collins in an attempt to put up a wall between them, but the older one wouldn't let him. He said softly, "Devan..hey, Dev. Please don't shut me out again," he got up and knelt down in front of the boy whom didn't make eye contact, "It's okay to be insecure sometimes. Everyone gets insecure, but don't let it rule you." Collins tried to smile at him and grabbed his hands, "And you know what? I'm not gonna let you go through this alone. If you ever feel in doubt about something, just know I'm here for you. Your artwork is undeniably amazing, Devan. Just know that."
Devan swallowed the tears and said with a shaky breath, "I want to believe you, Collins...I really do. I just..I just can't," his voice cracked as the last word left his mouth. Collins frowned as he saw his brother start to come out of his shell and the heartache he had been pushing aside for so long was now apparent. That poor boy..he is so hard on himself, Collins thought. The older brother held his arms out, "Come here."
That's when Devan leaned his body into Collins's and just started crying into his shoulder. The older brother felt the other sob and realized how long he must've felt this way. How long was someone to feel like that? That they have no potential and whatever they do will never be good enough? Collins wouldn't let him hide his feelings like this again. The brother held him tightly, speaking to him reassuringly, "Everything with be okay, Dev. This all will be done through time. It'll get better.." Devan croaked through his tears, "Thanks Collins..for everything."
"That's what I'm here for, buddy."
Hey guys so that was the chapter!! It wasn't a super HAPPY ending, but it was better in the end..sort of. What did you guys think? I sort of struggled writing this because I didn't want to be a disappointment if it was bad. I guess you could say that I was Devan in this story..DOUBTFUL haha😂😂
Anyways, please vote and comment your thoughts cause I love hearing from you guys! Love you all!
If anyone has any short story ideas, please let me know anything you think of either in the comments or a simple dm and I'll try making your ideas into a reality! 😄💕💕
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