Chapters Part 1
Hey guys! So here is a Devnessa story that will take a different turn than usual, it's going to span out for different points of time! It's going to bounce around a little dont worry I'll make sure it's not confusing! This was requested by ibbesties so please show her some love because she deserves it! Anyways I hope you guys enjoy this!!
(Ages vary cause the time gaps)
Collins: 20 years old
Devan: 18 years old
Merrell Twins: 20 years old
Setting: Key Brother Household
Devan Key was upstairs in his bedroom that particular day. He was working on a painting with high concentration, his attention on his art. Collins was downstairs filming with twin girls that Devan never met. Even though he was curious about who they were, he didn't want to disturb them from filming. The boy laid another coat of paint on his canvas, his tongue sticking out in the process.
As he was finishing up a streak, there was a knock on the door. He called to the person, not removing his eyes from his work, "Yeah?"
"Yo bro! Me and the Merrell Twins finished filming and we were thinking of ordering some pizza. Want to come join us?" It was Collins from the other side of the door. There was evident eagerness in his voice for his brother to come out if his room. Devan thought for a moment glancing back at his creation. He shrugged, It wouldn't hurt to take a break.. He soon pulled himself from his workshop, "Coming!"
The young boy walked towards the door and grasp the knob and twisted it open. He winced suddenly as a cramp stung through his wrist. Devan grimaced as he walked out of the room and began to massage his palm with his fingers, I guess I've been holding the paintbrush for too long.. Collins stood in the doorway facing him with a smile, "Hey bro," he then noticed the pain in Devan's expression and frowned knowingly, "hand cramp?" The other nodded and groaned quietly. The older one laughed a little, "Dude you work yourself to the bone!" Devan smiled as well, still twirling his wrist around to stop the hurting, "Yeah I gotta take more breaks.."
The two exchanged a cackle and began to walk across the hall and down the steps. The was a sound a feminine chatter from the living room that Devan assumed was their guests. He was growing interested in knowing what these girls looked like or how they acted. Were they nice? Would they be happy to see him? Only one way to find out, he said to himself.
Collins and Devan took their final steps off the staircase and rounded the corner to see two girls talking on the couch, their heads facing the opposite direction. Black wavy hair that reminded Devan of a midnight sky bounced as the two giggled for no apparent reason to them. Collins began the introduction, "Hey guys, I want you to meet my little brother Devan. Dev, this is Veronica and Vanessa Merrell."
The two girls stood up from their cushions and spun around to meet the young boy. He first saw Veronica whom smiled at him kindly, "Hey, I'm Roni. It's nice to meet you Devan!" The key brother could tell he'd really like this girl. She had a sweet smile as she held out her hand to him. He took it and shook hands, his lips turning up, "You too."
"Hey, I'm Nessa!" Hearing the other voice, Devan turned around to see the identical twin and his movement came to a halt. She had the same features as her sister but there was a different glow that he was suddenly drawn to. Her eyes that sparkled as they hit his, her defined dimples formed when she smiled. It gave him a feeling of butterflies inside and his face began to burn. They were both pretty girls...but for some reason he couldn't take his eyes off Vanessa.
Devan forced his jaw to remain in place as he stared at her. He stuttered out quickly, "Hey..I'm Devan." When she smiled at him, he couldn't help but widen his own expression. Nessa held out her hand, he extended his and they shook for what felt like centuries. Wow her hands are soft, Devan thought, his heart beating fast. Their hands separated and no one seemed to notice the young ones change in emotion toward this twin. Collins asked to the rest of them, "So..I can go order the pizza. What kind do you guys want?"
"Bacon," Devan and Nessa both blurted simultaneously. They tilted their gaze at one another and laughed a little. Veronica smirked and said to Collins, "I third that!" The older key agreed, "Okay, bacon it is!" Collins pulled out his cellphone and went into the other room to go order the pizza. Devan turned his attention to the twins whom were watching him closely. Veronica began to spoke, "So you're the famous Devan Key.." Vanessa added as she pulled a strand of hair from her face, "Collins talks about you all the time." The boy raised an eyebrow, "He does?" Nessa nodded, her angelic locks descending on her shoulders, "Collins always brags about how amazing your art is! He says you are his best friend." Devan felt happy as he heard that. He loved his brother dearly and the older key was the closest person he had. Roni began to gush, "He cares about you so much, it's really adorable!"
Her pupils practically shaped into hearts and once she noticed she said the last part out loud, the girl pulled back and soon was blushing. Vanessa poked her sister in the arm deviously, "Vollins.." Veronica gasped and hissed nervously, "Shut up, Nessa!!" Nessa looked at Devan who remained silent, "You won't say anything to your brother, right?" Her dark creamy eyes melted into his when she asked for the favor. Devan was tied. He usually tells Collins everything, like everything. Now this girl he barely knew was asking to keep a secret from his brother...which was ABOUT HIM! Yet the young one felt he needed to show this girl the loyalty he possesses.
He finally shook his head, "No, I won't." Roni pleaded holding out her smallest finger, "pinkie promise??" They all laughed a little as she said that. Devan smirked, Man, she must have it bad for my brother..I ship it. Obeyingly, the boy showed his sign of respect and crossed his pinkie with hers. No spark. No nervousness. Veronica was cute but he didn't like her that way, but Vanessa... His thoughts were stopped once Collins walked into the room from his phone call. He noticed everyone's wryness as he came in and questioned, "Did I miss something?" His interrogation was directed to Devan whom he looked at the longest. The key bro looked at Nessa and answered, "Nothing..we're just talking about how much you love me." The girl smiled at him as Roni gave a reliving breath. Collins rolled his eyes at Devan, "Well don't get too cocky now, bro. Now let's head to the table and get plates." With that, they walked over to the kitchen.
{Time Skip}
Soon the pizza arrived and the Merrells and the Keys sat at the table to eat. Vanessa and Veronica sat on one side and Collins and Devan sat at the other. That whole time, Devan couldn't keep his eyes off of Nessa. Her complexion and laughter made his mind go wild. She didn't seem to notice, she was too busy giggling with her sister as Collins scarfed down a whole slice of pizza. "Whoa, slow down, Collins!" Veronica began to shout through chuckles. With a mouthful of food, Collins replied with, "But I'm hungry!" Roni's cheeks rose as she looked at Collins trying to swallow his food. Devan felt his brother shuffle nervously in his seat. Hmmm...
"Hey, Devan. Do you think you could show me one of your paintings?" It was Nessa and Devan's eyes hit hers as he saw her slowly indicating at the two siblings next to them. Ohhh I see what she's doing.., he thought with a smirk. He answered, starting to get up, "Sure, let's go." So the two got up and quickly left Veronica and Collins alone. As they walked up the stairs, Devan began to grow anxious. He's never had a pretty girl go into his room before.. "Roni will probably love having Collins all to herself," Nessa uttered in the silence. The boy twisted his head towards her then down in the ground, "How long has she liked my bro?"
"About two weeks ago I think it started."
"I ship it." Vanessa smirked at him, "Good! Maybe we can get those two together." Devan thought about it for a moment, "..that'd be cool."
"Does Collins like Roni?" She asked him. The younger one shrugged as they reached the bedroom door, "I bet he does. He didn't clearly say he did, but I can tell he has something for her by how they interacted downstairs." Vanessa grinned, "Good, I wasn't the only one that saw it!" They stopped at the room and Devan hesitantly pushed the door open.
Devan's living space soon came into view and Nessa looked around in awe, " keep your bedroom so clean," the girl turned to him, "Are you the neat freak of the two of you?" The Key brother gave a sly smirk, "Maybe." Vanessa giggled and her head snapped towards Devan's canvas and she gasped, "Oh. My. Gosh!" The Merrell twin swiftly creeped over to the painting and stared at it in astonishment, "Did you...paint this?" Devan blushed and began to rub the back of his neck, "It's not done yet but..yeah I'm in the process of painting that." No words came from her lips as she continued to examine the artwork;
She twirled her head towards him, her dimples deepening as she smiled, "It's amazing...I have never seen such talent up close. I can't even express what I feel right now," she scrunched her shoulders and said happily, "Thank you for showing this to me, Devan." Hearing the girl's kind words caused the young one to beam, "No problem!" Soon Vanessa looked down and pulled out her phone. She skimmed something that popped up on her screen and her eyebrows furrowed, "Darn it, my dad just told me that my sister and I have a leave for a family reunion."
Devan frowned, Man, I was just getting to know her! He tried to hide his disappointment with, "Oh, I guess we better get back down there." As he began to head for the door, Nessa spoke, "But hey, we still need to get Vollins together right? Maybe we can all hang out next week?" His heart leaped. Did she seriously say that? I'll get see her again! "I'd love that!" Devan exclaimed, but then realizing his strange outburst he added, "For—uh yeah know..for the plan."
"Yeah..the plan," Nessa's replied from behind him. So the two went out of the bedroom and towards the kitchen to hear murmurs and mumbling sounds. Confused, Devan and Vanessa exchanged a glance and edged closer to the noises. Twisting the corner, they went into the kitchen and were surprised at what they saw. Collins and Veronica had two ripped pieces of pizza crust stuck up their teeth and were making walrus sounds. Feeling a presence enter the room, the two turned their heads to the perplexed siblings and they all began to laugh uncontrollably.
Collins and Roni's faces were now a deep red and the older one had tears in his eyes. Veronica noticed and grew worried, "What's wrong?" The other looked at her and answered with a chuckle reassuringly, "No no, I'm okay! My eyes just water when I laugh."
"Oh good," she said feeling relieved. Nessa waved her hand to get her sister's attention, "Dad texted me and said we have to leave now." Collins began to frown at them, "Awe, do you have to go?" Vanessa smiled and patted his arm, "Don't worry, we'll be back, right Roni?" She gave him a wink and giggled. Veronica's face now burning redder and responded, "Totally, now let's go Nessa!" So the girls began to walk out the door and they waved to the boys. Nessa looked at Devan, "Thanks again for showing me your art, I loved it!" This girl was really brightening up his day, "Of course, I'm glad you liked it." Her eyes planted into his heart, causing it to beat rapidly. She smile danced in his head as he watched the two Merrells walk down the driveway to their car. And with that, they were gone.
Now it was just him and Collins. " did you like the twins?" Devan heard his brother ask. The boy began to reply, watching as the girl's van pull out of the parking spot, "They seem really nice, very caring.."
"Yeah..—," Devan's thoughts slammed on it's brakes when he realized what he just said. His face began to flush and he felt Collins watching him intently. The older one teased, "You like one of them, don't you?" The boy looked up at his brother, revealing his nervousness, "Uh..."
"Come on, bro! You can tell me! I won't say anything, promise!"
"I don't know.."
"Fine..I like Veronica!" Once Devan spoke those words, Collins's eyes practically popped out of his sockets, "WHAT?!" Hearing that reaction, the little brother couldn't fight out his snorts, "Yo dude chill! I was just kidding...but now I think someone else has a thing for one of the Merrells.." Devan gave his brother a devious smirk whom was now hiding his face in his hands. Collins sighed in defeat and looked down, "Fine fine..I have feelings for Roni. But who can blame me..she's adorable."
Huh...that's the same thing she said about him, Devan thought, intrigued. The older Key soon continued, "But enough about my feelings, what about you? You like Vanessa huh?" Now it was the other brothers turn to blush. Collins smirked and nudged his brother softly, "Ooh! My bros got a crushhh!!" Devan playfully pushed him and crossed his arms, "Whatever..," Then the boy began to walk towards his room, "I'm going to work on my painting now."
"Okay see ya," Collins called watching his brother go. Soon Devan was in his bedroom and reluctantly sat down at his stool and picked up his paintbrush. As he was about to finish his previous strokes, his mind began to wander. He couldn't focus. All that Devan coukd think about were those dark brown eyes, cute laugh, and wonderous dimples. Vanessa..
WOW!! Hey guys! Long time no post! Idk why this took so long to write I wasn't getting very interested in writing lately..I've been starting to get into video editing. BUT IM NOT GIVING UP ON WRITING! I just need more inspiration to write that's why I love reading your guys votes and comments. Sorry of this short sucks but I tried😕😰💕
Please vote and comment your thoughts cause I love hearing from you guys! Love you all!
If anyone has any short story ideas, please let me know anything you think of either in the comments or a simple dm and I'll try making your ideas into a reality! 😄💕💕
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