Too Much
Thirteen hours ago
Another road trip with KY.
I’m bursting with happiness.
He told me to pack a bag and bring clothes for an overnight stay. I know a normal girl will question him, but I didn’t.
Maybe I trust him too much.
After preparing my things, toiletries, and clothes, off we go.
I’m back once again in the passenger seat of his car.
“Hi,” I whisper, “it’s been a while.”
I take a deep breath. It smells minty and fresh. I want to roll over and lie, but of course that’s out of the picture.
I know that I shouldn’t overthink because this is KY. Like usual, he’s silent. If I will not start the conversation, he will not speak.
It’s alright though. I’m in happy land.
I sent a message to my mom and sister and greet them a happy thanksgiving. Hopefully I’ll have the courage to see them before the year ends. Of course I didn’t mention where I will be. I haven’t even updated Naomi yet. I’m sure she’ll be surprised.
I know I’m not supposed to be excited to celebrate thanksgiving away from my family, but KY’s family is another story. It’s a fangirl’s dream come true, and I’m not going to waste this opportunity.
“Thanks for inviting me,” I tell KY.
It’s been an hour since we left the house.
“I don’t have a choice.”
I’m taken aback by his answer. He doesn’t have a choice? Of course, he does.
“You could have just left me in the house,” I say. It’s not like I forced him to take me.
“And trust you with it?”
For his information, his bandmates wanted me to go with them. I just declined their offers. Nate even—
Wait, what?
And trust you with it?
So even after all this time, he still doesn’t trust me.
His words cut through me like a knife.
Does he think I’m going to steal something from the house?
And trust you with it?
I may be a liar, but I’m not a thief.
I close my eyes and force my tears to stay at the back of my head.
And trust you with it?
“Stop the car.”
“Why would I do that?”
“Stop the car,” I say through gritted teeth, clenching my fists on my lap.
I unbuckle my seatbelt. “Stop the car!”
KY slams on the brake and stops the car in the middle of the road. He didn’t even park it on the right lane.
“What?” he asks, killing off the engine.
I glance behind to make sure there aren’t any vehicles nearby to run against us.
KY looks like he really doesn’t know why I’m acting this way.
I ignore his questioning gaze and unbuckle my seatbelt. I don’t have an idea on how to go home, but I can’t spend one more minute with him.
Yes, for the first time, I don’t want to be with him. I don’t want to hate him, so I will just walk away.
Before I can open the car, he speaks.
“Did I do something?”
How can he be so insensitive?
“Look, KY, can we at least be civil with each other?”
“I’m being civil right now.”
“You’re not,” I state.
He scowls at me.
“See?” I say, pointing at him. “We need to set some ground rules.”
“Ground rules?”
“Why do you keep on snapping at me?”
“I don’t—“
“Don’t deny it!”
“I already told you, I’m a difficult person.”
“Then try to be nice!”
He throws his hands up. “I’m trying.”
“You wanted to bring me to your house to be your pretend girlfriend, so that your parents will not ask you about your non-existent love life!” I said it without pause, so I ran out of breath.
KY looks at me like I said something stupid. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“Don’t deny it,” I repeat.
He rolls his eyes. “I took you with me because it’s dangerous to stay alone in the house.”
“Are you kidding?”
“When did I joke?” he says wryly.
“You told me that you don’t trust me with the house!” I accuse him.
He massages his head with his hands, as if having this talk is making him tired. “Brielle.”
Okay, the way he said my name with his lovely accent gives me a blissful feeling which is stupid because I’m mad at him.
“I said that because it’s true,” KY says, “you’ll be much safer if you’re with me. Who knows what will happen to you there? I know we didn’t start in good terms but your life is more valuable than our things.”
He’s worried about me? KY cares about my safety?
Can I scream right now? I can finally see the stars. . . in the middle of the day.
KY moves in his seat to face me directly. “How did you know my love life is non-existent?”
I blink my eyes.
I just assumed.
No, I hoped.
Because no matter what a bipolar jerk he can be, I’m still pinning over him. I can’t erase the times that he can actually be nice. Like, at this moment.
I ignore his question. As if I have a valid answer.
“Just,” I mutter.
“Can we finally go?” he asks. “I don’t want to be stuck in the traffic.”
I buckle my seatbelt once again. “Okay.”
“And Brielle?”
“I don’t care if you pretend to be my girlfriend or not.”
“Wake up.”
Someone shakes my shoulder.
“Brielle, wake up.”
Opening my eyes, I see the ocean, and I’m drowning deeper and deeper.
And then I realize its KY’s eyes.
“Wipe the drool off your face,” he says, grinning.
Suddenly alert, I quickly wipe my mouth with the back of my hand.
This is so embarrassing. I didn’t even notice that I fell asleep.
KY is already out of the car; he’s getting our bags in the backseat.
Way to ruin the moment, Brielle. Next time don’t ever sleep in the car while KY is driving.
If there will be a next time.
I sigh.
KY knocks at my door.
I open the window. “What?”
“What are you waiting for?” he says, “Let’s go!”
I slide out of the car and follow him on the pathway.
KY ruffles my hair. “It looks like a bird’s nest,” he says, his eyes spark in amusement.
I blink, and blink, and blink.
Am I still dreaming?
And then the door opens from the inside.
“What are you doing here?” Stella asks, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Where’s my hello?” asks KY, stepping in the doorstep.
“You said you weren’t coming!”
Leave it to Stella to give us a warm welcome.
“Surprise,” KY says mockingly, putting down our bags in the foyer.
Stella rolls her eyes, and that’s when she sees me. “Why are you always bringing her here?”
“You should have just brought Nate!” she continues.
“Nate has a family.”
“And Brielle doesn’t?”
KY ignores her.
“Is she your girlfriend?” she prompts.
“Leave us alone.”
Stella scowls at her brother, and then turns to me. “How’s Nate?”
“Good,” I say.
Typical Stella, asking me about Nate. She even added me on Facebook, and is asking me every other day about Nate’s whereabouts.
It feels like a long time since I last seen him. I wonder what he’s doing right now. Should I give him a call?
“Stop asking questions about Nate,” KY says, poking his sister’s forehead. “You sound like an obsess fan.”
I thought it was directed at me, and then I see Stella glaring at her brother.
“Mom!” Stella says loudly. “Kyle just got here and he’s already starting a fight!”
“What?” comes a shout from a room down the hallway. Mrs. Swift.
I can smell an aroma coming from the kitchen. It makes me hungry. I’m famished; I haven’t eaten lunch yet.
When KY opens the kitchen door, I’m greeted by a delicious smell; it’s like entering inside a restaurant.
“I already told you not to—” Mrs. Swift turns around from the sink and she automatically smiles when her eyes land on her son. “You’re here,” she says.
Her happiness is evident on her face. She walks towards KY and envelopes him in a tight embrace.
“He said he will come home on Christmas,” Stella says. “But here he is.”
“I was waiting for you,” Mrs. Swift says, patting KY’s head even though he’s a foot taller than her.
KY pushes me in front of him.
“Hi,” I say shyly.
Mrs. Swift looks surprise to see me. “Brielle,” she says, giving me a hug. “I’m happy to see you again! How are you?”
“Great,” I say. I’m so nervous, my palms are sweating. I wipe them on my jeans.
KY walks around the kitchen and checks what his mom is cooking.
“I’m glad you went with Kyle,” Mrs. Swift says, giving me a smile.
I nod, and smile.
I need to learn how not to be tongue-tied in front of her.
“Where’s dad?” KY asks, to the rescue.
“He went out to buy the ingredients we forgot,” Mrs. Swift answers. And then she looks over KY. “Are you eating?” she touches his cheeks. “You lost weight!”
A smile makes its way on my face as I watch her talk to him, and chastise him about his health. Maybe mothers are all the same, making their children their number one priority.
“Mom, Kyle’s too old for you to baby him,” Stella says.
“But I only get to see him once in a while,” Mrs. Swift says affectionately. “Say hello to your Aunt,” she adds, “she’s in the dining room, preparing the table.”
“I didn’t know you invited them,” KY says, frowning. “You should have told me.” His mouth sets into a thin hard line.
Mrs. Swift sighs. “Yves—“
“You’re here!”
The voice came from the doorway.
Whipping around, I find Seth running towards me.
I don’t have time to react because before I can even smile at him, he envelops me in a bear hug.
Seth already told me during our video call session that his family will celebrate thanksgiving here at the Swift’s residence.
I’m happy to see him in person after talking to him online, and I know that the feeling is mutual.
Just because KY is the son of Sophia and Drake doesn’t necessarily mean that he’ll end up with Brielle. You don’t even know Nate’s parents. We’re just in the middle of the story. I enjoy reading your guesses though! ;) And your comments are so funny, so keep ‘em coming!!!
The song for the chapter is If I Fell by The Beatles. Banner by Vampnessa.
Thank you for reading my story <3
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