On Mustafar in the Star Wars universe:
Anakin forces Obi-Wan down a narrow balcony outside the Control Room. He rips objects off the wall and throws them at Obi-Wan as he pushes him further and further along the walkway.
The balcony ends, and Obi-Wan is trapped. He looks over the balcony and into a river of lava.
Anakin cuts a piece of the balcony railing off, along with a control panel.
Alarms sound, and a protective ray shield around the superstructure disappears. It tumbles into the molten abyss, disappearing in a puff of smoke. A small pipe connects the control center to the Main Collection Plant. Obi-Wan has no chance but to tightrope-walk out across the lava river while fighting Anakin.
Anakin, following Obi-Wan, jumps down onto the flexing pipe, lands, and resumes fighting.
Obi-Wan and Anakin work their way across the small pipe, fighting ferociously as they go. Obi-Wan slips, throws his lightsaber up in the air, grabs on to the pipe, swings around, grabs on to an upper pipe, retrieves his lightsaber, and lands back on the original pipe. They continue to fight across the pipe until they reach the Main Collection Plant.
Obi-Wan realizes he is getting very close to the edge of the lava falls. He grabs a rope and leaps from the collection arm. Anakin follows.
Anakin and Obi-Wan continue their sword fight hanging from cables as they swing past each other.
From their cables, Anakin and Obi-Wan both spot something that causes them to stop fighting. The lava river ahead drops off in a tremendous lava fall.
Snapping and metal groans are heard as the main part of the collector starts to break away and move toward the lava fall. Obi-Wan looks around and sees a small floating platform making its way toward the tower.
Obi-Wan does a double back-flip and lands squarely on the floating platform. He immediately leans to one side and moves away from the tower.
Anakin realizes he is doomed as the entire tower heads for the falls. In the distance he sees some construction droids. He swings back to the tower, climbs up and makes a running leap and miraculously lands on a worker droid. The doid is confused and chatters to his co-worker. The giant collector goes over the lava flow and disappears in the mist of sparks below.
Obi-Wan heads for the bank of the lava river, but Anakin's droid is faster. He catches up with his old Master.
Obi-Wan and Anakin continue the sword fight. They battle away, balancing on the tiny platform and puzzled droid. Anakin, standing on the droid, approaches Obi-Wan on the work platform.
Anakin and Obi-Wan confront each other on the lava river.
Suddenly, a star shaped portal appeared near the top of the cliff from the lava river. Anakin looked up at the portal, gave Obi-Wan a malicious glance and leaped up towards the portal, miraculously landing through it. Obi-Wan sighed, and leaped up through the portal, and both Anakin and Obi-Wan were shocked. They're not on Mustafar anymore.
Marvel universe, on Mount Wundagore:
America Chavez was shocked. So is Wanda Maximoff. Basically, everyone is shocked. Probably because two people jumped through the portal America opened to lava land. They all stopped fighting for a minute and stared at each other blankly. At first, America and dead bones Stephen both looked at Wanda, afraid that the two men were her henchmen, but Wanda looked confused too. They all looked at Wong, but he just shrugged, not knowing who they were as well.
Wanda simply tossed them both towards the tall stone pillars, rendering them unconscious.
When being lifted into the air, both Anakin and Obi-Wan still haven't recovered from their shock and confusion, still staring at Wanda and the others when being flung to the stone pillars, Anakin letting out a small 'what the-' when he almost hit the pillars, but both were knocked out.
America, Stephen and Wong simply gazed at Wanda, who gave a shrug, giving the two knocked out men a glance, and gazing at America.
America gave dead bones Stephen a look, who nodded in response, signaling her that it is time.
Wanda suddenly used her magic to grab America's outstretched fist.
"I can't beat you," said America, looking at Wanda, and now stretching her other fist, "So I'll give you what you want." After saying that, she opened a portal to Earth 838 Wanda's home.
*cue emotional Wanda crying scene*
Wanda wiped tears away from her face as America closed the portal. She stood up gently, trying to act calm but failing, and flew towards the altar of the temple.
"I opened the Darkhold. I have to close it," said Wanda, looking at all three of them, "I'm sorry, for all the pain I caused," gazing at America apologetically, "I could help you find your parents, if you would let me."
"I'm home now," said America, looking at Wong and dead bones Stephen, with the latter giving a small smile on the bones part.
"America, bring me back," said Stephen, "I'm going to stop my dreamwalking soon. I'm not such a large hypocrite," giving Wanda a wink while saying that, making the Scarlet Witch chuckle through her tears.
A few minutes later, a star shaped portal appeared, and the real Stephen Strange stepped through it, America hugging him immediately.
"Hey kid," said Stephen with a small grin on his face, "Wong," the mentioned giving him a small smile, "Wanda," said Stephen, looking at the tearful young woman.
"I'm really sorry for all the pain I caused, I made mistakes, and a lot of people are hurt," stammered Wanda.
"But you made things right at the end, and that is without doubt," said Stephen, "Help us rebuild Kamar Taj, with one of the most powerful magic wielders helping, it would be a lot quicker with your help."
"I would love to, but in everyone's eyes, I'm a mass murderer. I won't be welcome there," hesitated Wanda, "All the damage I did won't be able to be undone. They probably all consider me as their enemy."
"Maybe you can go off the grid, where no one can find you. Wait till everything passes for a few months maybe, and start to make amends."
"But how? Those were human lives that I took, Stephen. I took them by myself. My own hands are drenched in blood. There's a lot of red in my ledger. How can I forgive myself, or expect someone to forgive me for killing all those people? At least, I can't forgive myself for doing such deeds."
"Uh... Stephen... I think we are forgetting something," hesitated America.
"What is it Mer?"
"Uh... those two guys over there. They're going to wake up anytime soon right..." guessed America.
"You shouldn't destroy this temple just yet, there's still two multiversal guys here," pcalled out Strange to Wanda, whose hands are glowing in a fiery red.
"You're right, we have some bigger problems to deal with now," declared Stephen, "Wong, how about you go back to Kamar Taj and let everyone know that we are all fine and start to rebuild Kamar Taj."
"I really think that you are still sorcerer supreme sometimes," said Wong, America opening a portal for Wong back to Kamar Taj, the latter stepping through the portal.
"Great. Now what do we do with them?" asked America.
"How about we tie them up?" asked Wanda.
"Do you have any rope?"
"Uh... no. But we can use our magic to form one?"
"Wait... you can do that?"
"Uh... I'm not sure," replied Wanda thoughtfully.
"How about we search them, see if there is any indication to what universe they are from, and send them back?" asked America.
"Great idea," said Stephen, and all three of them approached the two male strangers, still knocked out.
"What is that?" asked America, Stephen and Wanda both looking at the object she found in Obi-Wan's belt (she found Obi-Wan's comlink).
"Doesn't look like lipstick to me," said Wanda.
"Not a USB finger hidden in lipstick right? Mission Impossible Ilsa Faust style," said Stephen, throwing in a reference into it, both women just looked at him blankly, not getting the reference.
"Nevermind," muttered Stephen, opening the pockets in Obi-Wan's belt, "Is this... rations?" holding it up to give Wanda and America a good look at them.
"Probably," said America, grabbing the stick from Stephen and chewing it immediately.
"America!" complained Stephen.
"What? It's food, and I'm starving," said America, still chewing, "It has no taste at all. I want pizza balls."
"You don't just eat food from a random stranger from another universe," grumbled Stephen.
"Let her be," said Wanda, finding something else in Obi-Wan's belt (it is his lightsaber but they don't know what it is just yet)
"What is this?" mumbled Wanda, "It has a hilt, it fits a person's hand, and... is it some technology enhanced nunchuck? No... a nunchuck doesn't look like that, and nunchucks are always in a pair... so what could this be... it's not a dagger or a sword... even if it is, where is the blade..."
"I found this in the other guy's pocket too," said America, holding out Anakin's lightsaber (they don't know what it is just yet) (sorry for repeating-)
"They look like they are made of the same material and technology," said Stephen, taking Obi-Wan's lightsaber in one hand, Anakin's one in his other, "They may look similar, but the design looks very different."
Suddenly, both Obi-Wan and Anakin stirred a bit.
"It looks to me that they are going to wake up soon," said Wanda, "What do we do about them?"
"Those two things look so familiar... like I have seen them before... but where?" muttered Stephen quietly.
"Hey, um, Wanda, maybe you can tie them up like you uh... did to me before when you tried to take my powers?"
"But I can't hold it for a long time," mused Wanda, "and they both look like warriors to me, at least, they can put up one hell of a fight if they want to."
Anakin's eyes snapped open, registering his surroundings in confusion. Obi-Wan, who is next to him, opened his eyes too, gently sitting back against the stone pillar.
"Um... hello to whoever you are, I mean- you two male strangers are, uh... do you appear to know what universe you are from so that you can find a way to go back-" said America nervously, but was immediately shocked by Anakin using the force to summon his lightsaber back into his hand.
"What the-" started Wanda, but was even more shocked when Obi-Wan stood up, using the force to summon his own lightsaber into his hand, igniting its blue blade, Anakin igniting his as well.
"So... retractable glow stick swords are a thing now?" asked America silently towards Wanda, who simply mouthed back an 'I don't know'.
Anakin slashed his lightsaber at Obi-Wan, who dodged his blunt and sudden attack with ease. Holding up his own saber, he blocked another blow from Anakin, who increased his attack speed, made a jab to Obi-Wan's left, who blocked the blow and quickly thrust his blue blade towards Anakin's mechanical arm. Anakin, not anticipating the attack, almost got his mechanical arm chopped off, but leaped away at the last minute, force jumping into the air and landing behind Obi-Wan. Both jedi start to walk around in a circle slowly, sabers at the ready, daring the other to make the first move.
"Uh... should we be stopping them?" asked America nervously to Stephen.
"You want to get sliced by a lightsaber?" Stephen retorted back.
"Uh... no. Wait, is that what the glow stick sword's name is?" asked America.
"I wouldn't call a lightsaber a 'glow stick sword', but yeah, it is," replied Stephen.
"How did you know?" asked Wanda.
"Have you ever watched a series of films called 'Star Wars'?"
Both Wanda and America shook their heads.
"I'm more into tv shows than movies," said Wanda, "Not really a huge fan of sci-fi, so no. Heard of it before, but that's it."
"Lemme guess. You don't even know what that is right Mer?" asked Stephen.
"Star Wars is a series of films about one family, the Skywalkers, fucking up the entire galaxy with their drama," said Stephen, eyeing Anakin and Obi-Wan, who are still fighting, "The one who is has a mechanical arm and wearing black or navy blue clothing is Anakin Skywalker. He's the person who started all the drama that should happen in the next... idk, 20–30 years later? The other one, wearing light brown clothing, is Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin's jedi master. From them jumping up, I'll say that the era they are from is Revenge of the Sith, where Anakin turned to the dark side and betrayed the Republic and the Jedi Order, the good guys. The bad guys are the Sith, also the dark side. Anakin turned to the dark side because he believes that only absolute power will be able to keep his wife, Padme Amidala and his twin babies safe."
"Okay. So that Anakin guy, the one with the mechanical arm, is the one who is turned to the dark side. Obi-Wan, the one wearing light brown clothes, is on the good guys side right?" asked America.
"Can that Anakin guy be brought back to the good side?" pondered America.
"In the movies, he was brought back to the light side by his son, Luke Skywalker when Luke was losing a fight to Darth Sidious, aka Emperor Palpatine. He killed Palpatine, and died, knowing that he had finally succeeded in the prophecy of being the chosen one."
"Can we... bring him back? To the light side?" asked America.
"It can be possible... we just have to let him reconcile with the guy he is fighting now," said Stephen, subtly eyeing Obi-Wan, who just blocked an attack from Anakin, and is trying to gain the high ground on the fight, "Also, we need him to reconcile with his wife, Padme Amidala, 'cause he kind of have a part on her being dead after his fight with Obi-Wan. Padme died after giving birth to their twin babies, Leia and Luke."
"His wife isn't here though..." muttered Wanda in response.
"I think reconciling with his wife would be a lot easier than reconciling with his master," replied back Stephen, looking at Anakin, who is now on the aggressive, pushing attack after attack, blow after blow, Obi-Wan blocking and dodging every single one of them.
"It seems like a hard job," muttered America, observing the fight, each jab or thrust or clashing of blades trying their best to kill.
"So... how do we bring them back? More like how to get them to reconcile before going back," asked Wanda.
"Can you open a portal and bring them back?" asked Stephen.
"I don't know," said America, "They are from movies aren't they?"
(So are you guys-)
"I can try, but I can't be sure that I can open directly to where they jumped through."
"Get trying," said Stephen, "Open a portal back to Kamar Taj and tell Wong that we aren't going back any time soon until this is dealt with."
"Okay, you and Wanda better stay safe," said America, hugging Stephen again before opening a portal to Kamar Taj.
"We'll tell you if there are any new updates on this," said Wanda.
"Gotcha. Keep me posted!" said America cheerfully before stepping into the portal and leaving.
"Seriously... they are still fighting? Even now? Don't they get tired?" asked Wanda quietly.
Anakin slashed his lightsaber through the air and pressed his blade toward Obi-Wan's, trying to force him into a kneeling position.
"How should I know?" muttered back Stephen, "We need them to stop fighting first. Wanda, can you read their minds?"
"Sure can."
"I'll go behind them, wrap them up in chains, and you get their attention?"
"Why is it me who is the bait?"
"They can't hurt you much, besides, I can portal better," said Stephen, showing his sling ring.
"Where did you get that?"
"Got Wong to open a portal back to Sanctum and got it from my bedside table when you and America are watching them fighting."
"First class entertainment. But as much as I love a good sword fight, we can't have them fighting the whole day."
"You ready?"
"Ready when you are."
This chapter is dedicated to Giselle_scarlet , who is on her way to UK, Audrey, consider this as a small parting gift from me!! Love you for always being here for me when I need someone to rant to about BWD 2 lol, helping me with building a new fan acc!! Love you lots, and have a good new learning experience in UK, and we must continue to chat <333
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