pleased to make your acquaintance
this was a school assignment with the topic "heroes and villains", and there are several holes in the plot haha.. have fun reading this, and leave your comments!
I picked up the tweezers which were shining in the lamplight, pinching delicately on the top so they opened. Approaching the woman who sat in the corner, I looked her full in the face. Her eyes glittered with a hint of apprehension, but her pupils were full of greed and want. Human nature is so easy to exploit. Give them an inch, and they'll take a mile.
She spoke abruptly. "Where's the beauty treatment you promised me? You swore I'd be the most beautiful girl in the universe! Give it!" Her voice rose on the it, a note of desperation creeping in.
I sighed and replied,"Ma'am, this is standard procedure. I'll be with you shortly." She turned away, hands fisting in the material of her skirt.I could empathize with her impatience..Dipping my tweezers in the substance I had prepared, I shook them free of any lingering droplets."I'll be performing the process now!" I called.The woman looked at my tweezers. "How are you supposed to make me beautiful with those? You're not going to shove them anywhere, are you?""No, just close your eyes and relax. It won't hurt." I touched them to a faint wrinkle that curved under her eye. "You should feel the process working right about.." I counted down the seconds silently in my head, almost frantically. "About now."
The woman half- rose from her seat, mouth open in a silent scream. Her skin seemed to bubble and stretch out of its confines voluntarily, looking practically Hyde-esque; then it- it's hard to describe, but it melted off her bones. Melted. Think of ice-cream dripping on a hot summer day- that's precisely what happened to the woman's face. Dropping to her knees, flesh coming away from her shoulders and puddling onto the ground, she lifted her head up to face me. The veins on her face were perfectly visible. In a corner of my brain, I noted that their green-purplish color matched the hue of her velvet clothing.Then, as her esophagus came off, and her heart was revealed within her rotting chest, pumping in vain even as it liquefied, she slumped. Her- no, the corpse's face was nothing more than a skull now, with half-gooey veins littered inside the eye sockets.
I had been watching avidly, like a moth drawn to the flame. Breath coming in short, sharp pants, I shook myself 'awake' and slipped on a pair of surgical gloves, cleaning up the body methodically. This was just another death in a series of others, just another nameless girl to test my latest formulae on. Observing the protruding bones from all angles, I jotted down pointers to add more essence of wolfsbane, less acidic regulator next time, and powder the eagle claw properly.. But I couldn't get one niggling thought out of my head. Why did my victims look so much like her? Dark long hair, translucent fair skin, that quirk to the mouth..
"Don't go!" I pleaded, grabbing onto the coattails of Tom's shirt as he sat up from the bed.
He stopped abruptly. Wrenching my hand away, he looked me dead in the eye.
A weary sigh came from his mouth. "The top hero in the city, slagging it around like some common tart.. We agreed for no commitment, and I'm not a piece of eye-candy you can show off to all your posh friends at the next Gala, and the next, and the next! This is getting too much, Mirai, and you know it. " He threw his hands in the air, but I noticed his jaw was sagging. Call me a tramp, but I know how to pick my men. Weak constitution, a willingness to be your lapdog, and greedy for praise. Mirai Takashi, superhero lawyer by day, and seductress by night. Not much knew about my .. unusual habits, but I had Tom, my bodyguard. For emergencies and late-night rendezvouses, of course. He had always joked that he was going to leave me and find another job, so I had tried my best to keep him on a tight rein- you can never be too careful.
As Tom walked out the door and blew a kiss in my direction, I shrugged on a shirt that was mercifully unwrinkled, a black pencil skirt, and high heels, I wandered down the steps to the parking lot. The case I was currently working on concerned a series of murders that had been happening in lieu of each other, which the police department could not handle. Naturally, they called me to the scene. The funny thing was that even though there were no wounds on the victims' bodies, they had literally been melted into a puddle of goo, slipping off their bones. I usually had a certain method to handle these cases- go in as a 'citizen' first and persuade my opponent to give up information, then face them as a superhero with everything known. I gunned the motorbike parked outside my flat, pulled up a list of the locations the police department thought to be suspicious, and drove off into the street. Gliding farther and farther away from the city and into the countryside, the sun shone brightly from the skies above, and puffy white clouds drifted by.
The rush of tires against the blacktop went ksch, and my hair whipped sundrily in the wind as I neared the first locale. Sweating slightly, I was almost blinded by a glare of light. Dismounting from my bike, I fixed my makeup in the mirror that was haphazardly stuck to the handlebars. Looking up, the structure I was in front of loomed threateningly tall, with a chrome-white exterior that reflected and magnified the sun. I squinted at the entrance and could just make out a red sign hanging from the doorway. "Jaime's Beauty Parlor" was emblazoned on the sign in blocky, dull red letters. There were still some which I couldn't read, so I moved forward to take a closer look. Under the title was SURE TO GRATIFY ALL YOUR DREAMS! Leaflets were pinned above the doorknob, each featuring a beautiful woman with a smile of ecstasy as she gazed in a mirror. I took a deep breath, and stepped inside.
I stood in a dark hallway, with doors leading off to either side of me. It seemed to be deserted. Dust motes danced in the air, and I could only see by a faint light that glowed from the end of the hall. Gathering my wits about me, I advanced to the door that was directly on my right. Pausing in front of it, I jiggled the doorknob slightly. It was unlocked. Something seemed to have awakened by the slight click, and I could hear quick breathing coming from underneath the door. I'd expected a bright, clean clinic, instead of this gloomy hovel. Appearances definitely don't reveal what's inside, do they? The door suddenly swung open with a sharp snick, and a voice called from within, "Don't be shy, come on!" It sounded deep, and I presumed that this was probably a man. Gripping my fists together for comfort, I slowly walked into the room.
There was something sitting at a table. I say something, because it didn't look like anything exactly. The thing it resembled the most was a human corpse, but there was no way the flesh had melted- Terror started to set in. I was sitting next to one of the VICTIMS. One of the victims. I was definitely in the place I was looking for. Subconsciously moving back, my hip hit the edge of the table. Oddly, it felt soft, as though there was some sort of padding covering the corners of the table. Looking down, I saw a small speaker, cushioned at the top, attached to the table corner. No wonder there had been a voice- it must have been a trap, designed to catch unwary visitors. The door was probably mechanical too, with sensors triggering when I leant against the handle. I didn't normally get cornered in my missions, and a fresh wave of panic overtook me. The door slammed.
I had just finished my testing for today. There had been so many delicate tasks to accomplish- measuring and calculating the stock of ingredients left, coercing producers to give me more of their stock while trying to seem inconspicuous to customs officers, keeping a close eye on the many vials of shimmering substances.. But it would be worth it in the end, or at least that's what I was telling myself. Leaning back in my chair, I heaved a sigh of blissful relief, which seemed to resonate through my bones. I was about to turn off the computer monitor which had cameras in every room of my establishment, when I saw a flash of red from the corner of my eye. Craning my head over, I could not believe what had come to me. I would never have thought the trail I was leaving could work- that the police department could actually give a damn about what I was doing. Leaving the bodies in an abandoned parking lot had seemed to work at the time, with nobody to oversee the carnage that was left. But this soon became a problem, with an abhorrent stink wafting for acres around, spoiling the surface of my mixtures. Dumping corpses in the river was my next thought, so I proceeded to do precisely that. At first, the authorities had ruled it out as suicide, not bothering to look over the bodies and see the rigor mortis that was painfully apparent. The deaths piled up, and they finally took notice. Knowing that she was literally part of them, if not in the thick of investigation action, spurred me to create even more evidence that I was the one behind this. And sooner or later, she would have wandered into my trap..
I arrived at the room quickly. I would not pass this chance up- not when she looked so tempting. Approaching the door, I could hear faint banging from the inside, and every now and then a feminine voice would pant and sigh. That was one of the things I loved about her, the absolute confidence that seemed to glow around her body in a halo, not giving up whatever she set her mind to. I opened the door abruptly. She fell back from where she had been banging her fists against the wood, sweat trickling down her face. Seeing me, she physically shrunk back and brushed up against the corpse, to which she jumped away with a shudder and a grimace. "Hello there," I smiled, and if it was possible, she would have become one with the wall, huddling up against it. Studying every angle and curve of her body, she was as perfect as I expected her to be in person. "From when I set my eyes upon your visage, you've become the sole object of my attractions," I proclaimed, holding a finger out to brush against her skin. She flinched as if burned, and anger warred in the depths of her crow-black irises like flames. "Look." I pointed up to the camera on the ceiling, sweeping my arm out in an arc. "I was watching you. I am watching you. I'm watching you everywhere you go, because I can't stand not looking at you." Her eyes darted from side to side, looking for an escape, but there was none as I advanced upon her. Stretching out a hand, I waved it towards the ceiling and the corpse was hoisted up by machinery I had installed through the years. "Now, isn't this romantic?" She started to stutter a half- formed protest, but I swiftly descended my lips upon hers. Strangely, she didn't pull away, but pressed her mouth even harder against mine. I felt that a piece of myself had finally fallen into place, and if I was a robot, all my circuits would have burned out a long time ago. My heart beat a frantic Macarena in my chest, my lungs seemed to not require air; head spinning, I was on literal cloud nine. She seemed to feel the same way, as her fingers tangled messily in my hair, pulling gently on the roots.
I was snogging the man. What was I doing? But it felt so undeniably right, and I felt complete in a way Tom had never made me feel. We separated slowly, and I could sense his heartbeat fluttering underneath my fingertips. This was definitely not what I should have been doing, but I would gladly condemn the government if I could do it again..
I was about to lean in once more when I heard an almighty crash from the entryway. The spell was instantaneously broken, and I fled out of the room like a woman possessed. I could hear his pounding steps echoing behind me, growing fainter with every step I took. Noise was coming from even farther down the corridor. Charging up the aisle, I noticed that the glass window at the back was broken, and a figure was crouched in front of it, projecting a shadow onto the floor. It was twitching, maybe from pain or whatever affliction. As I approached, I could discern the angular features of Tom, and my heart seized up in worry, I ran to his side, and saw that he was bleeding from glass shards embedded in his flesh, presumably from him breaking the glass window and rushing to my location. Since I got myself out of scrapes most of the time I ran into trouble, Tom had never rescued me before, and look what it had lead to! Not that I particularly wanted to be rescued now, anyway.. Next to Tom was a case that I instantly recognized as my suit container, specially designed to be light and portable for all occasions. Hurriedly opening the lid, I froze in mid- action as Tom muttered in unconsciousness, but I couldn't make it out. Pulling my shirt off, I slipped on the top half of my costume and hurriedly zipped up the bottom part, keeping an eye out for any cameras that could possibly be lecherously pointed in my direction. As soon as the final piece was on, I felt a rush of power in my veins. Freezing time momentarily, I dragged Tom by his arms hard into the next room, where the same skull grinned at me. I couldn't help feeling a shudder of disgust- where had the man hired his interior decorators from? Directing a time-freeze onto Tom's prostrate body, my knees buckled slightly and I had to gasp a little for oxygen, as the mask was suffocating my airways. The power always drained me so badly, even though I had trained for what seemed like countless aeons over time. I had tried to get used to it, but it acted like a recoil, deadening my resolve and draining my energy with every blast I emitted. Tom looked to be stable for now, so I shook my thoughts back into their right order, and prepared for battle. The man had finally caught up to me, and a few strange vials were clasped between the crevices of his arms and fingers. He threw one at my chest, and I managed to freeze it before it splashed onto the material of my suit. Countering, I shot a bolt at his leg and it stuck to the ground, freezing in the position he last moved from before. With a limb immobilized, the man teetered and his potions slipped from his grasp to shatter on the floor. Thinking that the small scriminage was over, I sped out of the room Tom was in, only to be stopped by a wall of flesh.
Honestly, she was utterly insufferable, kissing me like that then running off as fast as her legs could take her. I laid there on the ground, trying in vain to escape the permanently frozen state my foot was in. Her power was curious indeed, but I was thrown for a loop at how inexperienced she seemed to be. Did she expect her bodyguard to save her from any sticky situation she was in? She wouldn't be running for long, since my mixtures had an odd side effect- they were potent for raising the dead.
Streaks of brown ooze spread across my floorboards, seeping into the poorly-constructed oak floors and becoming one with the wood itself. Awakened by the desire to murder and maime- to strangle any living being they came across, the corpses sat in every room came alive. Assuming she got out, I wouldn't ever see her again. But wasn't that for good? If my opponent was knocked to the ground, I would just be rid of another stopgap in my road to ultimate glory. Still, I revered the air she breathed, and if I could kiss the ground she walked, I would. The obsession- or as I like to call it, fervent love; it still ate away at every part of my being, Since the moment I had laid eyes on her, she stole my breath away, and never ceased to amaze me with how much love she poured into the actions she did. I couldn't just stand, or lay by, and watch my possible one true love get maimed to ribbons. As I had this revelation, the time freeze released its grip on my limb, and I stood to my feet.
I had managed to fight them off, freezing everything I could, but not for long. As the last hordes closed in, I readied my last charge, and told myself I would die going down fighting.
Then the world stopped. The corpses froze, and I was sure this was not of my own doing. Falling to my knees, I huffed out short, unsteady breaths as black spots filled my vision.
The man floated into my range of vision, holding Tom in his arms. He smiled a sheepish grin when I looked at him, and I couldn't help the smile that quirked at the edges out my mouth.
"What are you? Who are you?" I asked, head spinning with all the questions I could have asked, but had never bothered to say out loud.
"Mirai." I replied.
"Well, a villain would get bored without his trusty nemesis."
"That's true, I suppose."
As he handed Tom to me, I hefted his solid weight in my arms and headed for the rooftops. Looks like it was me doing the saving today, rather than the other way around.
I turned and saw Jaime cupping his hands to his mouth.
My laughter echoed as I leaped from roof to roof, floating on the night breeze.
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