Phil Glenister is the man in the pictures above and is more or less Q's 'face claim'. (Phil is 50+)
Slowly after the song ended did Adam slide down from Rob and let him some space to breathe. Our poor friend still looked somewhat flustered, but I was sure that was because he had been expecting something completely else from his bachelor party.
For a few seconds, I watched Rob's face, after the initial shock of getting a lap dance from a man had worn down he actually had started to enjoy his present, but he still seemed to be afraid of what would happen if he touched Adam. The security guy, Q, we met earlier had been pretty clear about the process that followed touching one of the workers.
"That really did look like a good lap dance," Austin commented under his breath, but neither Adam nor Rob heard him. I turned to Austin and when I noticed he sat with crossed legs too, a smirk formed on my lips.
Adam still stood in front of Rob, but he once again had a rather submissive stance and probably waited for like another order from any of us. He wasn't exactly breathing heavy, but he looked tired and I felt guilty for taking his well-deserved break away from him, after all, we didn't know how long he had already been in the cage before we came.
"Would you like to take a short break?" I asked and gave him the nicest, most sincere smile I could muster. "C'mon buddy, we go back out there, you sit down with us, have a nice drink or something and afterward we're all gonna have some fun together. Whaddaya say?"
Adam chuckled lightly and his smile showed off his perfect teeth and the soft lines along his beautiful eyes. He held his head low and looked first at Austin and then at Rob before he gave me a short nod. None of my friends seemed to mind to take a break, although it meant going back to where a lot of barely dressed men awaited us.
Abruptly, I went to stand up, but accidentally jammed the corner of the table deep into my leg. Well, it took care of my boner, but it hurt like hell and I let out an obnoxious high shriek as the pain brought tears to my eyes.
The pain in itself was actually no problem and it would only become a tiny bruise later, but in that moment, it was the worst and best thing ever. The worst, because I had humiliated myself in front of a handsome stranger. However, at the same time, it was the best that could happen, because Adam was at my side almost instantly and gently touched my leg to make sure everything was alright.
Truth to be told I waited for that huge man from earlier, Q, to crash through the wall and drag me out, but Adam's touch had about the same healing effect as a kiss from Jesus personally and I couldn't care less about the security guy.
Adam's other hand wandered behind my back to support me and for a short moment we locked eyes and I couldn't tell who did it first, but we both blushed and looked away almost immediately.
Well, at least, I found out the no touching rule only applied for customers since there was no Q running in here and beating me to a pulp, right?
"Should I get you a drink, maybe ice or both?" The stripper asked, but Austin answered for me.
"Let's just get back and rest for a while. I'm sure Timmy here is okay."
Obviously hesitant, Adam nodded and led us back to the main room. Every now and then he looked back at me to make sure I was okay, but although my leg had already stopped to hurt Rob was still supporting me with his hand on my arm.
Austin found us a nice table far enough away from the loud speakers and close enough to the stage and not before long Adam onto me again, making sure I was still okay. When worry had finally stopped to show itself on his face he stood up and went to get us all a drink.
On his way to the bar a waiter, the one with the cowboy hat, Chris, stopped him and whispered something in his ear. Adam, I noticed, usually stood stiffly with his hands by his sides, but when he talked or danced his arms were all over the place.
I couldn't hear what they said, but at one point Adam shook his head and pointed to us, he looked like he was not that short on begging and the other man looked similar apologetic, but then they found a mutual agreement and the waiter walked away with his head between his shoulders.
It wasn't exactly weird for me to follow our stripper with my eyes, but Adam quickly disappeared out of my field of vision and I didn't want to twist my body like that just to see him, or, at least, that's what I told myself, but to be honest I wanted nothing more than to see more of this blonde man.
"How did you like your first lap dance?" Austin asked Rob and I had to return back to reality.
"Started off weird, but I gotta say this guy knows his stuff," Rob laughed and leaned back against his chair. Blindly, he grabbed for a drink he didn't have and looked somewhat shocked to see his empty hands.
In approximately the same moment we heard a loud surprised gasp from behind us and when I turned around I saw a man having one arm slung around Adam's waist and roughly squeezing his butt with a dirty smirk on his face. Weakly, like he didn't even want to, Adam tried to get away from that guy, but he also held a tray full of our drinks and a bit extra ice and needed to make sure he didn't spill it all over himself.
But then we learned why everybody should take the no touching rule serious.
Q, the huge security guy, was in that guys face faster than any man of his size should be able to move. Adam was shoved behind his broad back and the molester was out of his chair, nose to nose with a furious Q and out of the door in a matter of mere seconds.
A bit shook up did Adam walk back to us and put the tray in front of me. He wrapped the ice up in a towel he had put under our drinks and handed it to me.
It took a while for Q to return and he hadn't even finished wiping the blood of his knuckles, but as soon as he spotted Adam he marched over to him and gave him a (brotherly) bear hug.
"I know you guys aren't allowed to hit the customers so I packed an extra punch or two just for you." Q neither looked apologetic nor worried, he probably knew Adam had never been in real danger but acted anyway. After all, it was his job.
"Thanks, Q," Adam murmured after the security guy had finally let go of him and in that weird moment I couldn't help myself, but I held the ice up and offered it to Q for his knuckles.
Well, he didn't seem to like me, but he took the ice anyways, pressed it to his knuckles and marched away with nothing but his lips twitching slightly.
Just wanted to let you know, although Q is supposed to be scary, he is a good guy and I will introduce the actual antagonist in a later chapter.
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