A/N: So, I did an edit in the last hour. Mainly grammar and whatnot. So, nothing new there. Uh...Until Forever is indeed the last chapter. But here is a deleted chapter with... well. I wasn't sure if I wanted it in there. I still don't but I figure I could share with you guys. Thank you so much for being here!
This chapter is much like The Last hour. Pay attention to the ending.
Taehyung stood in the corner of the cold damp container shivering, his eyes were heavy from exhaustion, but the man said if he moved, his punishment would be severe. The man was angry about him escaping the first time, and he made it very clear.
Every muscle in his body ached, and as much as he tried to fight sleep. His eyes were closing inch by inch. Until he heard the weighted door creak open. He reeked of blood, sweat and something else that Taehyung couldn't quite place it. His stomach turned violently, the bile rising in his throat. He was going to hurl. But he couldn't... he needed...to...he clamped his hands over his mouth. Every inch of him screaming in horror and pain. The man glared at him with a murderous grin.
"You held out longer than the girl did." He praised looking down at his watch, then taking the clipboard and scribbling something on it. Taehyung choked the bile back down his body shaking violently.
"Four days, nine hours, and forty- three minutes... to be exact." He concluded snatching Taehyung by his hair throwing him to the ground hard, snapping both his wrists in the process. Crying out he curled up in the fetal position, holding both hands close to his chest. "Pleeeeaaase!!"
"I have a list... " he claimed. Tapping the clipboard with his blood covered fingers.
"Pleaasee" Taehyung whimpered the pain growing worse. The clipboard clattered on the table a look of pure hatred displayed clearly on the... wait.
He wasn't sure if it was exhaustion or not, or maybe the vile man had woman like features. How the hell was she so strong?
"I hate when boys like you beg..." she growled. Taehyung could feel the hatred in her words, as well as the searing hot pain running up his side. Squeezing his eyes shut he prayed for the first time since he came out to his parents. It wasn't that he didn't believe. He was just afraid that the big man up above wouldn't hear him. But now he prayed for everything, for just one more day with Jungkook.
A sharp pain had his eyes springing open. To the ladies beady eyes inches from his own. "Oh... there you are. I thought I lost your attention." She sneered.
"What is the list?"
She gave him a sadistic smile before tying his legs together. "My baby needed my help completing some tasks"
"Yes... my baby boy." She said a little annoyed. Like he should have known that to begin with. Dragging him across the floor, loose nails would snag his clothes and cut into his exposed skin. Why was she doing this? Who was her baby, and why him?
"Who is your baby?" He asked gritting his teeth in pain. Instead of answering she kicked him hard in the ribs. Taehyung gasped as two of his ribs cracked making it hard for him to breathe.
"I'm not telling... Ya piece of shit." She spat on him, pulled him up off the ground, and then shoved him into a barrel. He screamed until he couldn't anymore. His throat sore, and his whole body going numb. The woman slammed the lid down on him, throwing him into complete darkness and hopelessness.
"Please. God..." he cried.
A loud bang a latch closing could be heard along with the silent whimpers of someone else nearby. Gradually as the days past they grew silent leaving Taehyung to his thoughts. Even though he was trapped here along with them at least he didn't feel alone.
Now... He was overwhelmed by pain and silence. All he could do is tap on the barrel in hope that someone could hear him. Could anyone hear him?
A/N: It be like that sometimes... here is a little bonus chapter. In anticipation for my new book. Hope you guys enjoy.
Also I will be posting the second book on October 31st!
Come step Into the Shadows with me.
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