[5] Mana
5 updates wtf I-
This song slaps so hard.
Reader POV
I woke up very early and grabbed a bite to eat, meeting Langris outside.
"Have you ever been there, Langris?" I asked. "It would be easier because then-"
"I already know. But I haven't been there," he snapped.
I sighed. If that's how he's going to be, then fine.
"Alright..." I looked down at my shoes. Aishubado offered me silent comfort. I rubbed faces with my ice bird. "Thanks, Aishubado."
I noticed from the corner of my eye.
Langris sighed and gave me a sad look before mounting his broomstick. "C'mon," He said in a softer tone.
I mounted my broomstick and we both took off.
The cold air disturbed him, but I was fine.
"So, do you have any idea where the other vice captain is?" I asked him.
Langris nodded. "Unfortunately. He's the vice captain of the Coral Peacocks. Kirsch Vermillion, a royal."
"Oh, that guy with cherry blossom magic?"
"That's the one."
We flew down to the fountain in the center of town and a guy that looked like Mimosa was waiting.
He had a disgusted expression. "Has your squad really stooped so low as to allow a commoner into the squad?"
I glared at him sweetly. "Lord Kirsch, I believe your captain- along with every other captain- had their hand raised when I took the entrance exam."
Langris stiffled a bit of laughter before clearing his throat. "Ladies, let's just get this mission on the way."
Kirsch glared at him. "Excuse me! I am most certainly a man!"
"Then prove it," he said.
"Did I stutter?" He said. "I'll thank you not to degrade my subordinate, Kirsch."
The two vice captains looked at me, one with annoyance and the other with a blank face.
Kirsch scoffed. "How rude of you. Fine." He turned to me. "And you! Don't you dare hold us back. I don't know why Lord Julius selected you of all people, but you'd better not dissappoint."
"Trust me," I said. "I'm not going to hold anyone back."
Kirsch was about to speak again when Langris cut in.
"Are we leaving or are we gossiping? Let's go."
But Kirsch being the dramatic idiot he was, he insisted on having us ride his cherry blossom chariot.
"You may be a commoner, but you're at least beautiful," he said as he knelt down and kissed my hand.
I was uncomfortable and said so. "I do not like being kissed on my hand," I said.
He stood up and shrugged. "Alright, then should I kiss your cheek? My mother always says to do it out of politeness, or other reasons."
I turned my face, not used to this kind of attention. "I will be fine with nothing."
"Fine by me." He looked a bit dejected before turning back to face me. "So, what exactly is your magic? I see that you have both spacial and winter magic."
"I'm blessed by the gods and are able to use their weapons. For instance, I used the blade of Hestia to deflect flames. And I can easily deflect your cherry blossom magic."
He didn't seem convinced. "Really, now? Prove it."
But I saw from the corner of my eye a stream of cherry blossoms.
I rolled my eyes with annoyance and drew out a whip-like weapon. "Whip of Persephone."
And that ended his spell.
"Holy shit..." he stared at Langris who was pretending not to care. "Maybe she isn't so bad. You should've joined the Coral Peacocks."
What in the Ushijima-?
I shook my head. "Nah, I'm fine in the Golden Dawn. Isn't that right, Langris?"
The strawberry blonde nodded. "I should hope so."
Kirsch looked back at Langris and shuddered. "I don't like the way he's glaring at me."
I ignored him and focused on my senses, my mind bringing me to an unknown land.
"Licht!" A female elf with (e/c) eyes and beautiful hair that was (h/c). That was me. "Wait for me! I wanna see the grimoires!"
"Sure," the future leader of the tribe agreed.
"Wait for me!" Another elf shouted. "(y/n)!"
I stopped and smiled brightly at my best friend. "Ratri! There you are!"
He ran up to me and grabbed my hand, both of us wanting to see Licht get his grimoire. "Where's Patri?"
"I'm right here!" My brother said from above where he was sitting in a tree.
Ratri and I followed Licht to the grimoire tower with Patri following.
"Watch out for the slippery ones," Ratri said as he extended his hand out for me to take, each of us balancing on the stones even though we could've used our magic to get to the grimoire tower quickly.
I ended up slipping anyway and fell into the river, causing Ratri to fall as well.
I started to laugh, splashing my best friend with the water knowing that we could just have Patri dry us off with his light magic.
"Get out of the water!" Patri tried to help us, but I ended up pulling him in. "Gah! (y/n)!!!"
I crawled out, my clothes sticking to my body and I helped the others out of the water, a bright smile on my face.
Once we reached the other side, Patri used his magic to dry us off and we ran to the grimoire tower, all three of us wanting to see all the action.
"Whoa..." I jumped onto Ratri's back and he tried to move to a higher platform so we could both see Licht and the other elves of age get their grimoires.
"Hey! Be careful with her!" Patri tried to get me down from my best friend's back, but he was unsuccessful. "(y/n)!"
I ignored my brother and watched with a very silent manner as Licht accepted a grimoire that had a four leaf clover.
"It's a four leaf," we heard the tribe elder who cared for the grimoire tower. "They are rarely ever bestowed upon someone, and especially for light magic!"
I leaned my head on Ratri's shoulder, pointing to Licht. "I want to get a grimoire!"
"Not until you turn fifteen," he said. "You've got ten more years.
And nine years later, it was his turn to receive his grimoire.
Ratri placed me down and his name was called up to recieve his grimoire as he was of age.
Patri stood next to me, uneasy. "(y/n)?"
"Hm?" I wasn't really paying attention to my older brother.
"You like Ratri, don't you?"
My face went scarlet and extended to the tips of my ears and I nodded.
He sighed with annoyance. "Great. Just great. Well, at least wait until marriage to hold hands!"
"Patri, I've been holding his hand since we were small!" I protested.
He held his pointer finger up and spoke matter-of-factly. "When children hold hands, that's fine. But it means something else when you grow older!"
He shook his head and I watched with fascination as a blue and gold grimoire floated down to him.
"Elves are loved by mana," Patri explained to me and placed a hand on my head, ruffling my hair. "So it's no surprise that everyone in the tribe gets amazing grimoires."
I thought about our parents who had passed onto the afterlife by accident, and how they were rumored to be the next leaders.
But now that they were gone, Licht was to become the next leader.
When Ratri came off the platform with his grimoire floating behind him, I got out of my brother's grasp and hugged him tightly.
"You got your grimoire! I'm so happy for you!"
Ratri looked away with a blush and laced our hands together, squeezing mine affectionately. "You're next, (y/n). Next year, I'm going to watch you get your grimoire! And we'll be a team." He kissed my forehead. "Together."
The adults saw what just happened and Licht himself nudged Patri.
"We'll have a wedding for them when they get older," Licht teased him.
Patri was about to square up with Ratri, but decided not to since it was heartwarming to him to see his little sister be so happy with someone she loves.
End of Flashback
"(y/n)? (y/n)!" Kirsch waved his hand a bit away from my face.
I blinked and looked at him. "Huh?"
"I was just asking you if you're hungry," he said.
"Yeah..." I looked at Langris who was sitting down and reviewing his notes on the magic region we were going to.
What the hell was that vision?
But what startled me most was the sheer fact that 'Patri' and Captain Vangeance had very similar auras, as did Ratri and Langris.
Something about that vision deeply disturbed me.
I knew elves lived in the lands five centuries ago, but the vision was so vivid.
As if I had lived it.
Kirsch brought us to a small hole-in-the-wall place to eat food, scoffing at the peasants.
Langris would've done the same, but he was strangely silent.
I decided to let him think instead of bothering him.
Kirsch looked upset at the lack of fine plates, but I told him to get over it.
"Remember they aren't wealthy," I said to him.
The vice captain of the Coral Peacocks nodded and ate his food in silence, shock coming to his face as he tasted the food.
It was far more hearty and flavorful than the elegant meals served on gold-rimmed plates that he and other nobles were used to.
I spotted some kid watching me eat the food and I passed him some coins, telling him to get something.
"Thank you," he said to me with a bow.
"No problem, but please don't bow," I leaned down and ruffled his hair, smiling gently at him.
I always did have a soft spot for children, but knew I couldn't ever have children since who would want to be with me?
An outcast?
A runaway fugitive from a kingdom laced with horror?
About half an hour later, we made our way towards the region.
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! SHIT!!" Langris spat. Torrential rain poured down on us. "Ugh..."
"I think I see a cave down there where we can rest for now," I said as I pointed to a dark area in the forest below us.
Then lightning flashed across the sky and I heard a scream.
Langris POV
"(y/n)!!" I shouted. A bolt of lightning struck the tip of her broomstick and it split apart. I watched in horror as she started to descent.
Her eyes were closed. I half expected her to conjure up another one of her amazing spells until I realized she also must've been struck.
"Shit!!" I guided my broomstick down, following her as she fell from the sky. Aishubado was screeching beside his owner. "Aishubado! Go to safety! I've got this!" Obeying, the bird screeched one last time and flew to the safe zone.
"C'mon, faster!" I ordered my broomstick. "(y/n)!!!"
But it was Kirsch who caught her.
Reader POV
I felt a gust of wind and then it stopped.
"Don't worry, just grab my hand," Kirsch instructed me.
He stretched an arm out to me, not caring he was getting scratched by the tree branches.
I tried to take ahold of his hand since my magic apparently wasn't going to work for some reason...
We eventually were able to connect hands. He drove the broomstick up a bit. In the thick of rain, I was able to climb onto the broomstick behind him.
"Hold on tight!" He shouted. We were soon safely on the ground. Both of us soaked to the core.
I cursed. "Fuck! I knew I forgot something...!"
Langris sighed. "Let's deal with one problem at a time."
Even though I protested, Kirsch carried me into the awaiting cave.
Aishubado let out a greeting call as Kirsch set me down on a large boulder in the cave.
In a matter of time, I had finally been able to start a fire. Langris dug around his bag and produced a large blanket. Thankfully it was large enough for the both of us to share.
Poor Aishubado was trying to dry his beautiful silver wings by the fire, Kirsch standing watch.
"Here," He wrapped the blanket around me.
I gave him a grateful smile. "Thanks, but what about you?"
"I'll just change my clothes. Relax." He then proceeded to remove his cloak. "Damn it." Apparently, he was so used to bothering me for help undoing his tie and collar-buttons that he forgot how to do it himself. "(y/n), can you..."
I nodded and got up, the blanket still around me. I couldn't look him in the eye. I cautiously undid his tie, placed it on another boulder and undid the first three buttons that I knew he couldn't reach himself.
"Thanks," He nodded.
I whacked him. "I'm still a bit pissed, but-"
He then grabbed my face and stared into my eyes. "Don't be."
His face moved closer to mine, his eyes drifting to my lips.
I knew what he wanted. My heart was beating so fast. I couldn't kiss him!
He had a god damn fiance! I knew he didn't want to get married to her, but it was still legit!
I moved my face away. "I should probably heal Kirsch up."
Langris nodded, not looking at me. "Right."
I tapped Kirsch on the shoulder and he turned around. "Thank you for saving me."
"No problem," he said. I guided him over to the fire and had him remove his shirt so I could heal his wounds.
When I was done, he put on a spare shirt and nodded to me.
"Thank you. That was greatly appreciated." He suddenly hugged me, causing me to jolt.
I met eyes with Langris who scoffed and looked away.
Kirsch let me go. "I apologize for what I said before," he said. "I believe you are a fine magic knight."
"It is no issue."
"I mean it," he insisted. "Why didn't you join my squad? You could've been on my team and we would've been unstoppable."
"Because she's in my squad, Vermillion."
The two males locked gazes, hidden threats hiding behind polite smiles.
"Clearly she is, but it isn't too late to change." The royal waved his hand in the air. "I'll watch guard for the night. I wouldn't want to impose on a vice captain with his junior to discuss the strategy since you and I already know what to do."
I knew what he was implying.
"Oh Kirsch," I stiffled a bit of laughter. "Langris and I aren't anything but collegues."
Yeah five updates- I think I'm done for today. Hope you're enjoying the rewritten story so far! Thank you so much!
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