[37] Even the Mightiest Fall
Reader POV (10 years later)
"So there's something for me?" I looked down at the form of paper.
"That is correct," Winston informed me. "From Reina."
"Oh fuck..." I rolled my eyes. "Don't tell me it's the bandits? We dealt with them thirteen years ago!"
"No," Coldbane shook his head. "Lord Reilo Shiwakita has tried to deal with the matter on his own."
"Damn it..." I sighed. "Alright. I'm going on a mission."
"Can I join you?" Gray and Fallon asked.
I looked at them. "If you wish to come, then prove that you're strong enough. If the sitting monarch is called to help in the district, then it must be very big to require my magic."
"We're up to anything!"
This time, Yuki and the twins Keiji and Keiko butted in.
"Me too, Mommy!" Our youngest son Alexi shouted.
"You can't go," Langris said to him gently. "You're much too young."
"But Daddy, I'm five!"
Alexi still looked upset so I leaned down to his height, stroking his cheek.
"Alexi, I need you here. I've got the most important job for you."
He leaned forward, eager to know what his task was. "Yes, Mommy?"
I took off the necklace I always wore. The one my mother gave me to guard.
Speaking of which, my mother took care of business and went back to the immortal realm, promising to watch over us.
"Alright. Yuki, Fallon, Gray. You can come with me."
"What about me?" Langris asked.
I looked at him. "You can't. I need you here with Keiko, Keiji, and Alexi."
"Langris," I said. "You need to stay here. That's an order."
I gathered Fallon, Gray, and Yuki together. "You three must follow everything I do. Do you understand me?"
"Yes, Mother!"
"Good." I had Gray open a portal and we went through.
Reilo was impatiently waiting. "What took you so long?! And why are your children-"
"Reilo," I gave him a stern glare. "My children are strong. We are here now. Now, what's the matter?"
He pointed to a huge gate where a huge surge of demonic energy was coming from. "That."
"No...my mother already fixed that!" I felt a surge of anger since my mother had sacrified herself to close the gate of Hell herself.
Her last moments were a promise that the gate would close and I wouldn't have to sacrifice myself.
Of course, I never told anyone the last part.
Now I have to close the gate myself.
I followed Reilo and his own fighters who bowed to me.
"Fucking hell..." I cursed.
I turned to my children, my eyes very cold.
"You three. Activate the most powerful magic you have right now. This is dangerous. I cannot garuntee I will be able to protect you 100% right now."
"Yes, Mother."
Yuki got into her valkryie ice armor that looked just like mine, Fallon mimicking her.
Fallon inherited the same magic I had, except spacial magic.
Yuki inherited only House Korenthan's winter magic.
"I'm counting on all of you right now," I said. "And Fallon. You'd better protect them when I'm gone."
He gave me an alarmed look and was about to speak when I shot into the sky, not caring that I was about to give up everything once more.
Langris POV
Alexi and the twins were running outside, yelling at me to follow.
I looked up at the sky and noticed that in five minutes, it had turned bloodred and a storm was on the way.
But there was also that familiar silver and royal purple streak that I hadn't seen since the battle with the Spade kingdom.
"I don't like this," Keiko frowned, opening a portal to go stop her mother, but I closed it.
"You will not go after her," I said. "Your mother knows what she's doing."
"I don't like this at all!" Alexi began to cry, the air around him becoming cold. "Daddy, Mommy's in danger!"
I was about to speak when a huge burst of magic appeared in the sky and a huge devil was charging towards (y/n) who approched with fifteen smaller beams surrounding her.
And then there was a huge explosion and it was all over.
I placed my children near me in a portal domain that I controlled and knew they didn't have the mana to be able to escape.
I heard their protests, but I didn't care.
I warped myself right in the sky near (y/n), using mana skin to keep myself in the air. "(Y/N)!"
I felt something sharp hit my face and second later, (y/n) put her ice heel on my shoulder and launched herself off my shoulders, not looking back at me for a second.
Her eyes held determination and anger as well as sorrow.
"Winter God Magic: Blades of Valor!"
With the force she used to use me as a sort of spring, I was sent flying to the ground and barely managed to save myself.
I looked and saw Fallon, his eyes wide with terror. "Fallon! What happened?!"
"We were attacked by a dark force and it seemed as if time stopped! I blinked once and Mom was covered in blood, her mana insane!"
Then that means she must've stopped time for a long time.
I grew more worried, knowing that when she used major god spells, she would exert so much mana.
I had seen her on the brink of death before when Zenon invaded Reina many years ago and I never wanted to see it again.
I turned to Fallon. "Fallon. You are the only one who can save her alongside me. You have her god magic and are able to combat this. Yuki! Gray! Focus your efforts alongside Lord Reilo's people to evacuate everyone from the area."
The two did and I turned to Fallon who nodded.
"Let's go."
We flew into the sky, both of us accumilating mana to go into overdrive and creating a sonic boom of sorts that extended out to many other kingdoms.
"Fucking hell..." Fallon cursed as the air got colder as we ascended into the upper atmosphere where the air was very thin.
"You have to go on," I said to him. "You can take the cold altitudes. Go."
He did and I did what I could to support him, knowing he was the only one of my children besides Alexi who might've stood a chance when facing the god of the underworld himself.
"I'm going to support him the best I can," I vowed as I watched them leave the atmosphere, sending them beyond what I could see.
Fallon POV
I protected myself with my mana as my mother drove her blades deep into the heart of the gate of hell, screaming as her life force was stripped away quickly.
"MOM!" I yelled.
"Fallon! Stay back!" She screamed as she pushed herself more to close the gate.
I saw shadows of people who looked similar to the photos in the Hall of Monarchs and realized what was going on.
"Winter God Magic: Souls of the Undead."
And one by one, all my ancestors appeared except Princess Jeanie who didn't have magic.
"Go," I heard the spirit of my deceased grandmother whisper in my ear. "We've given you the opportunity to help her."
"But will it save her?"
My grandmother didn't respond and disappeared.
With the newfound surge of power that came from being blessed by my ancestors.
"I love you, Mother," I said as a new spell appeared in my grimoire.
But my mother knew what I was doing.
She halted time and moved towards me, a glow of love and understanding in her eyes.
"Mother, please don't do this," I said. "We can defeat the gates of hell on our own!"
"No, you can't. The price to pay to push it back into the immortal realm is too high. I'm sorry, Fallon." She placed her hand on my head and gave me a sad look. "I love you."
Time resumed and now my mother shot towards the gate, ripping it up.
I saw a flash of red and saw the lord of the underworld himself being slashed in half.
A rumble was heard and I heard the sound of shattering glass before I was knocked out by the shockwaves.
Someone caught me in their magic and brought me back down to the ground, their aura disappearing.
Langris POV
A huge rumble was heard and I was sent flying backwards by the shockwaves that came from outer space.
Fallon was sent back down to the world, (y/n) using her magic to do so.
She was covered in blood.
When they were both safely on the ground, I screamed when I saw (y/n)'s chest was slashed and I could see blood surging from there.
"Let me see my children one last time," she whispered to me.
I complied and the younger ones screamed when they saw their mother.
(y/n) pointed to Fallon. "Fallon. As my eldest biological son, I expect you to assume the throne. I love you all so much, so don't you dare abandon each other."
"What the hell happened?!" Yuki, Gray, Fallon, and I yelled at the same time.
(y/n) shook her head. "I saved us. And now the gate of hell will never be able to resurface. I'm so sorry I won't be able to see all of you grow up."
"Mommy..." Alexi was crying loudly as he leaned on her bloodied form, trying to use his magic to stop the bleeding.
But I shook my head and pulled him back after seeing the look on (y/n)'s face.
"I love all of you. I'll be watching from the afterlife."
I collapsed onto my knees, holding her body close to me. "Please don't leave me," I begged.
"I'm sorry." (y/n) reached her hand up as her body grew weaker.
I pressed my lips to hers one last time and felt my world shatter into millions of pieces when I felt her no longer moving her lips against mine, her body growing limp.
My tears plopped onto hers as the sky turned gray.
Snow fell onto the world as Yuki raised her head to the sky and collpased, crying out for her mother as did her younger siblings.
Alexi wsa frozen, not understanding he would never see his mother ever again smiling at him.
Her grimoire began to disappear into a beautiful silver glow that surrounded us before disappearing.
I love you, I heard (y/n)'s spirit whisper.
Then it too disappeared.
The soldiers nearby all took off their hats as did everyone nearby out of respect for my fallen wife as her blood stained the snow.
And just like that, Fate tore us apart once more.
Fallon and the rest of my children gathered around me, all crying.
Gray was cursing Hades for stealing his second mother.
The death of a monarch is one not to be taked lightly, especially one noble and valorious as my deceased wife.
The days following her death, I locked myself in my room and Fallon had to get me out so we could organize her funeral.
I was inconsolable when I saw her be buried, not wanting to let go.
It especially hurt me when I looked at Fallon and Alexi as they looked the most like her.
All of our friends were there as were the other monarchs and nobility from the other three kingdoms.
Yuno and I stood side-by-side when everyone else went inside to get dry from the snow.
"She's gone," I whispered.
Yuno shook his head, putting a hand on my shoulder. "She lives on in your children and in your heart, Langris. Don't you dare say she's gone because she's not. And if I know (n/n) well, she's watching us right now."
"Yeah..." I sighed. "Probably shaking her head at our foolishness."
It went silent for a bit when Yuno spoke again.
"I have my regrets and I'm sure you do too, Langris. But she was happy. She knew exactly what she was doing when she saved us. Lord only knows what the hell that the gate to hell would've brought if she didn't act quickly."
He left me to my thoughts, heading into the palace where we were having an afterparty to celebrate her life.
Half a year later, I began to get back to my normal self.
As the custon was to wait 6 months to a year before putting the heir onto the throne, I took charge along with parliment to govern the country for that time.
I decided to go take a walk near the royal graveyard, putting (y/n)'s favorite flowers onto her grave next to the ones Fallon and my other children put on before.
I wiped my eyes and sat against the grave.
You said forver now I walk alone past your grave.
You promised to never leave me and I believed you.
And I still do.
Please watch over us, (y/n).
I stood up after kissing the grave, giving it one last smile before heading into the palace, turning on the beautiful light in the shape of a rose that (y/n) loved very much.
Maybe I'll write an alternate ending as a bonus chapter.
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