[30] A Beautiful Revealation
Reader POV
It was a month later that I got the good news.
Langris and I had been trying-and I mean really trying-for a child.
But the good news had nothing to do with heirs.
"Oh, wonderful!" I clapped my hands with delight. "I'm very glad to hear Yuno has finished his task and will be coronated tomorrow!"
"Yes..." Langris frowned. "Damn. It's so hard to believe he was my subordinate at one point. Now you and that Grinberryal brat are monarchs."
"Oh, hush, you!" I hugged him tightly. "Don't forget you're a prince."
"Prince consort," he corrected.
I frowned and hugged him tighter. "Don't be so negative, Negative Nate."
"My name isn't Nate-"
"It's an expression, dear. Now! That brings me to another question: why do you call Yuno 'Grinberryal brat'?"
He shrugged. "Suits him. Now, I'm assuming I'm coming with you?"
"Of course. As the prince consort and more importantly my husband, you must go with me to prove that we accept the crowning of the rightful heir to the Spade kingdom after the Dark Triad crap."
I told him to go get something to eat since I wanted to review some things with him in regards to royal duties.
We spent the rest of the day preparing for a journey to the five districts in my kingdom.
"I'm glad I studied the geography on this kingdom when I was younger," Langris sighed.
"Mmhm. Reina, the first district. The place we both accepted the thrones and a huge trade area."
"Then over there is Windsor, the second district where most of the nobles live, aside from Reina. Where we are right now."
"And that's Midorian, the agriculture areas. Also a place of lower-class citizens. We give most tax benefits to them since they need it more than the nobles."
"Yep. Then Oceanus, the district closest to the water and a huge port. Gambling and criminal activities happen mostly there...." Langris frowned at the thought.
"And finally Melody. That's the heart of the people there, aside from Windsor. The best place for fun, food, and family. Typically one of the safest areas."
I adjusted the pen in my hands since I was taking notes again. "Now, moving onto territories."
"Mmhm." Langris nodded. "The biggest territory: the Witches Forest. The queen there made an agreement with the second Diamond Queen, Queen Marie Augustine Korenthan the First. The forest would be a micronation of sorts, but will allow the Diamond kingdom to protect if needed."
"Anyone who goes there must abide by their customs and laws, and vise versa." I finished. "And now, the second territory."
"The Underwater Temple. That's technically also a territory of the Clover kingdom. Though it's also a shared area, but let's not get into that."
"Ah. Didn't your brother's squad go there once or twice?" I asked.
"Yeah. Finral said it's really cool. I should ask him to take us there one day so we can go whenever we want to."
I looked up and saw he was looking at the paper and maps, deep in thought.
I sat up and kissed his cheek. "Lovely."
"What was that for?!"
"I can't kiss my own husband?"
"You can, it's just..."
I flicked his forehead. "Says the one who fucked me in the throne room. I'll never live that down. Don't tell me you're shy~"
"Be quiet," his aura got dark. "Or do I have to teach you a lesson later?"
I snickered. "Ooh, so scary."
"That's it." He dragged me to another table, pinning me down. "Now you're really in for it.
I invited Yuno and his staff to the castle for a pre-coronation dinner since he held one for myself and Langris a month ago.
"It's been a while," Yuno said. "You two look well."
"You as well. Have you been working out?"
"Of course. Oh, and I want you to meet someone," Yuno said. "(y/n), Langris, meet my son."
Langris and I looked at him with shock.
"You have an illegitimate child?! Who's the mother?! And when-?!"
"No," Yuno said with amusement. "He's my long-lost nephew. Apparently I had an older sister who escaped the night the Grinberryals were killed. My sister recently found me and proved of our siblingship and told me her son is my nephew. Unfortunately, she died of a strange sickness."
"I see. So technically he is the rightful heir...?"
"No," Langris said. "Usually a son will take the throne after his father, regardless if he has older sisters. But in your case, (y/n), you are the only Korenthan which means you have no competition."
Yuno nodded. "Correct. (y/n), Langris, this is my adopted son Eren. Eren, these are the friends I told you about."
Eren looked at me with bright amber eyes and the Grinberryal floppy dark brown hair. "Daddy is correct. You're really pretty. Marry me."
Langris glared. "Oi, Grinberryal brat! Did you seriously teach your son this?! It's bad enough you became a parent before we did, but come on!"
"Marry me," Eren repeated as he grabbed my hand, seriousness in his eyes.
"I'm afraid I can't," I said. "How old are you?"
"I'm four."
"And I'm nineteen. Sorry kid, but I'm fifteen years older than you."
He pouted and glared at Langris. "No fair! You're the runt who married her! I demand a-"
"Whoa! Did you seriously just call me a runt?!" Langris glared back. "Yuno! You-"
"I had no saying in that. Eren, apologize to him."
"No. You can kiss my butt, runt!"
I laughed. "Oh, Eren? If you apologize to my husband, I'll give you a kiss."
"Sorry for calling you a runt," Eren said. "Now give me a kiss, Queen (y/n)!"
I placed my hands on his face and kissed his forehead despite him wanting a lip-to-lip kiss.
"There. Are you satisfied?"
"No, but it's better than you!" Eren stuck his tongue out at Yuno. "Ha! She kissed me."
"She also kissed me, but she kissed my cheeks. Three times." Yuno said. "Keep dressing, kid. We all know there's only one guy for her and that's neither of us."
The food came out and I smelled something repulsive.
"Oh gods..." I covered my mouth as the trays were lifted to reveal the typical dinner items.
I excused myself and almost didn't make it, throwing up in a bin.
"It seems we're already getting older," General Winston said with a huge smile once I was done emptying my guts out.
"(y/n)! What's going on?!"
"Are you slow?" Yuno said with a deadpan expression.
"Langris, you dumbass!" I hit his side after wiping my mouth. "I'm pregnant, damn it!"
His jaw dropped. "Is it mine??"
"No, it's Yuno's. Of course it's yours!"
"What's going on?" Eren asked.
"It seems Lady (y/n) has a baby in her stomach," a servant said.
Eren looked at me with horror. "You ate a human?!"
"No. I'm not a titan, dear Eren. It means I'm expecting a child," I said with a smile.
"Holy crap...I'm to be a father." Poor Langris looked as if he were about to faint while the people in the room congratulated us.
"Not a word is to be left this room," Winston said, eying the servants who liked to gossip.
"Yes, General!"
Yuno got up and patted Eren's head. "Alright, Eren. Say goodbye then we're heading home."
"Okay! Bye, wife!" He hugged me and stuck his tongue at Langris. "Bye, weird hair!"
"My hair is not weird!"
"Yes it is," Yuno and Eren said in unison.
"Urasai, Grinberryal brats."
"Gomen, Langris."
"Again, what in the TsukiYama...?" I muttered while people gave me looks of confusion.
Not a single person missed the crowning of the true heir to the Spade kingdom.
Ralph himself was in tears as as he placed the crown on Yuno's head.
"I take the oath to promise my people to guide them to a better future," Yuno said, his head still down. "All my ancestors before me ruled in peace with little to no conflict. I hope to someday make them proud. Thank you for accepting me as your king."
"Damn, to think he's a king now," Klaus whispered. He, Mimosa, Vangeance, David, and other Golden Dawn members were seated at the front.
I was seated between Klaus and Langris, both of them watching with pride at their junior taking his place in the world.
Well Langris's face was bored, but I could tell that he was proud.
"And to think you're a Queen," Mimosa giggled. "And going to become a mother."
I wanted to shut her up, but that's when I realized. "Wait...how did you find out?"
"It's obvious, not to mention your reactions to certain foods and smells."
"Oh. I suppose. Well, shush! This is Yuno's day and not mine."
"Right? Mind your own business, Vermillion brat." Langris glared at the latter who giggled once again.
I locked eyes with Yuno and he invited me up, both of us agreeing to this.
"With the new era of peace, I have formed an alliance with the Diamond Kingdom as well as the other two kingdoms." Yuno held my hand, facing his people. "Let it be known that all sins will be forgiven as well as restorations made. We have made progress, but it still not enough. I'm counting on you as my people to help rebuild our home."
I squeezed Yuno's hand, smiling at him.
He and I walked out of the church where he was crowned.
"Damn, it feels like we just married," he teased me. "It's not too late to divorce him, you know."
"Ha, as if. Sorry Yu, but I'm married to that man and I plan on keeping it that way."
Eren glared at Yuno. "AHEM! Get your hands off my wife!"
People looked in amusement at the new crown prince of the Spade kingdom.
"Be careful," Patri jabbed Langris's side. "You've got tough competition."
"I trust her," Langris said. "But Yuno. Get your hands off my wife."
"I was just-"
"Did I ask?" Langris grabbed my hand, glaring at Yuno. "Zip it."
"Damn sassy," I whispered in Langris's ear. "Chill, Daddy."
His face went red. "Where the hell did you hear that?"
My own red face matched his as he walked to the balcony where more Spade citizens were waiting in the courtyard to see their new king and his friends.
"Just something I overheard a maid saying to a butler."
"Oh?" He kissed my neck gently. "Too bad you're pregnant."
I think I'm lucky if anything!
I'd like to be able to walk tomorrow.
"But that doesn't mean we can't do other things."
"Langris, please be quiet before I throw you off this balcony."
"Fine, but you're not getting away tonight."
"What the hell are you two lovebirds gossiping about now?" Klaus teased.
"NOTHING!" We both said in unison.
Vangeance snickered. "That usually means the opposite."
I ignored their bickering, my eyes on Yuno and his son.
Eren was holding his father's hand, staring up with a smile.
"This is going to be your kingdom someday," Yuno said to Eren gently.
I almost didn't hear it.
"Really. You'd better take notes, Eren. Make friends since they'll be your greatest allies. And maybe find yourself a nice quiet space in the kingdom where you can go to in times of distress."
"Okay, Papa."
Indeed, a beautiful future was starting right now.
Holy crap about 10 more chapters then I say "goodbye" to this book. Thank you so much for reading so far!
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