[3] Aishubado
Ahaha triple update because I love you :)
Reader POV
I was getting ready to head into town with Langris. I was still shocked he asked me to accompany him, but I had nothing better to do, right?
We would be leaving to the Grand Mana region in two days and he wanted to get supplies.
"(y/n)! Ready to go?" Langris asked. I nodded. "We're taking spacial magic there. It's faster."
"(y/n)!!" I was attacked by an overjoyed Finral.
"Get off!" I groaned. I looked around for Langris -not that he would be much help- but he was nowhere to be seen.
The brown-haired mange smiled at me. "How's the Golden Dawn treating you?"
I shrugged. "It's alright. Some hate me, some are okay, and some like me."
Finral wriggled his eyebrows. "Has Langris been acting like sour pus to you?"
"Ye-wait, that's right! You're brothers!"
"HALF-brothers." Langris finally appeared, but he was holding two bottles of...cider? "You're a disgrace to the House of Vaude, Finral." He smiled as he said so and handed me a bottle of cider.
I shook my head. "No thanks,"
Finral nudged me in a playful way. "Just accept it! Not every day my younger brother actually is nice to someone, a female at that!"
"Fine, but only because your brother asked me to." I accepted the cider and took a swig. "Wow! This stuff is...wow!"
Langris nodded. "Now if you'll excuse us," He grabbed my arm and dragged me away from his confused brother. "(y/n), I want you to stay away from him."
I ripped his arm off me. "Why? He's nice! Sure, he's a flirt, but anyone with a brain can tell he's kind!"
"He's nothing but a Noble Failure. Everyone in the House of Vaude knows,"
I frowned. "But I'm not in or from a noble house."
He sighed. "Maybe not, but even the peasants like you should know!"
That struck me. Here I thought maybe he's warmed up to me. Guess not. "Well, I guess peasants like me shouldn't be seen with a Noble of your stature," with that, I stormed off.
"(y/n)...wait..." Langris tried to follow me but was ineffective. I summoned a portal and walked through, leaving him back in the Clover Kingdom Capital.
The portal took me to one of my favorite places; the Northern Mountains. Where my cave-away-from-home was. I sighed at the mess I made.
"Guess I'd better clean up," I used my earth magic and other elemental magic to fix leaks, clear away unwanted dirt. Soon the place was cleaned up.
There was a skritting among the rocks near the ice pool. I cautiously walked over. "Who's there?"
I then saw a blinding flash and there stood a beautiful bird.
"Hello," I offered it an arm and it climbed onto my shoulder. "You're a beautiful bird," After examining it, I learned it was a male bird. "I wonder what I'll call you?"
I shrugged. "Hm, I guess I'll just call you Aishubado for now," I rubbed the bird's neck and it seemed to like it.
(Aishubado in Japanese means Ice Bird)
I turned around, startled. "Langris! How did you get here?!"
"I followed your mana trail."
How could I have been so foolish to not mask it?!
"Why are you here." I crossed my arms, still mad about what he said earlier. The bird seemed to sense my mood. Aishubado showed his wings in a threatening manner to Langris. I once more rubbed his neck to calm him down a bit. It worked.
"I came to apologize,"
Then another question hit me. Spacial mages could only create portals to places they've been to before.
"When did you last come to the Northen Mountains?"
"A long time ago with my family. We were studying Northern Minerals from this region."
I sighed. "Fine, but this is my home." I quickly summoned an Ice Sword and held it to his neck. "Destroy my home and I'll kill you." If he destroyed the mountains with his magic - one should never trust a noble- then he would also harm the environment, especially the rare ice birds such as Aishubado.
He sweatdropped. "I won't. What makes you think I would do such a thing?"
I looked away. "You haven't seen as much as I have."
The two of us sat in front of the fire that I had conjoined with my fire magic.
"You know, I find it so fascinating that you're a mage of so much magic," Langris said after a while.
I nodded, not saying anything.
"Still mad?"
Once more, I nodded.
He looked painfully handsome in the dim firelight, but I had to remember that he was a noble and the nobles took everything away from me.
It was the nobles that rose up and killed my family when I was very young.
I had barely escaped with my life when a boy named Mars saved me, but barely.
My head hurt with the memories of the experiments that they made us go through.
Langris POV
I sighed in disbelief that I still wasn't able to talk to (y/n) without my parent's voices about how filthy peasants were.
They were wrong. (y/n) has shown me that peasants weren't as bad. Some were, but I could tell that (y/n) wasn't.
I watched as Aishubado rubbed his face against (y/n)'s, an obvious showing of affection. For some reason, I felt jealous of the bird.
A bird!
"So, are we going back or what?" (y/n) finally asked.
I brightened. "I thought you were going to stay here,"
"Not a chance!" She then stood up and saluted, a draft blowing her cape around and hair. "As a Magic Knight of the Golden Dawn, I will always return!"
I smiled. "Good! Because if you didn't..." I teleported so I was right in front of her and lifted her chin. "If you didn't I would have to force you."
"Remember what you said yesterday? You would do anything if I just did a simple task of giving you your brush." Our faces were so close.
She nodded, turning her scarlet face away. "Fine!! Wait, what?! I said that?!"
I nodded. "Yep. And I'll make sure that you do something for me." I let her go and opened a portal. "After you,"
She thanked me and stepped into the portal, Aishubado still on her shoulder. I followed shortly after.
It was nighttime again.
Once more, (y/n) and I were outside on the balcony. I was telling her more about constellations since she wasn't educated on them as much as I was.
"Wow, so Troja just...killed Medea?" She asked, shocked.
I nodded. "That's why the constellation Trojus is in the shape of a sword and Medea in the shape of a pin."
She nodded. "Thank you for telling me,"
In the moonlight, her hair turned silver and her cheeks were a bit rosy from the cold air. I felt like pulling her into a hug. I almost did, but then she sighed.
"Goodnight, Langris. I'll see you in the morning."
"Goodnight, (y/n)..." I watched her close her bedroom door and close her (f/c) shades- but she waved to me through the window first.
I faced the city below me. "What has happened to me?" I grabbed an area of my cloak that covered my heart. "Why does my heart beat so fast when she's here?"
I didn't like this certain feeling, so I decided to go ask Finral what it was.
He looked surprised to see me, but was happy to talk to me anyway.
I explained my troubles to him and his face turned into a smile.
"Aww, it's so adorable to see my little brother in love!"
My face went red. "Shut your mouth, cretin! I am not in love!"
"Yes you are," he slapped my back. "Hurry up and just ask her out, man! From what you're telling me, I'm sure you're not the only one who likes her."
"Yeah..." I looked down and my voice was barely audiable. "Do you think I have a chance? Not that I like her or anything!"
"Langris, you're such a tsundere!" Finral's eyes were sparkles. "I can't believe you're actually in love with someone!"
"I...I am not! It is just me being caring for my comrades!"
"Yet Mimosa said you nearly threw a book at someone for no reason."
I crossed my arms and huffed. "Fine! You're no use. I am not in love with anyone!"
I left him back at the store, heading back to my room.
I looked at myself in the mirror, a huge blush on my face.
"I'm not in love with her! I am not!"
But that's what I was telling myself.
Istfg I love him so much it's an issue.
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