[20] The War is Here
Double update!
Reader POV
I flew right to the edge of my kingdom that bordered the Spade kingdom.
"Ice Creation Magic: Valkyrie Armor."
The ice formed around my body and I shot right through the air, placing the towns in ice domes to protect them from the Dark Triad.
"Rest in peace, brave soldiers." I whispered to the already fallen soldiers with their grimoires disappearing to dust.
I rested my feet on the tip of a clock that used to be a trade district between the two kingdoms with the first Diamond King as a statue looking down with his sword sticking down.
It was also the town that had the Hall of Kings where all Diamond monarchs were crowned as a way to remember our ancestors.
I quickly raised my hand to the sky.
"Winter Magic: Redemption of Tainted Souls."
Thousand of Spade mages were shot down by the arrows made of ice, their blood staining the statues and even some people who fled.
The shadows threatened to overtake those who fled so I cast magic around the area, my eyes glowing a faint red.
"Winter God Magic: Cloak of Hades."
The people disappeared into the shadows and traveled through the portals I created.
I knew I was using lots of mana right now as the major god spells required the most, but I was willing to put my life on the line.
Some of the generals I had personally talked to joined me in defending the town from the aggressors from the north.
I flew down to the town center and slammed my foot down on the concrete, turning it to ice. "Winter Magic: Frozen Golems."
A huge portal appeared and statues made of ice and charged with mana ran towards the Spade warriors, slicing them up one by one.
But it was still not enough.
I shot a beam of light at the sky that could be seen from all four kingdoms as my signal that I needed backup.
"Crap!" I spat as I exerted more mana in the air to create more portals for people to escape.
"Your Highness! We can't keep it up!" General Winston shouted at me as he used his iron magic to reinforce the shields of ice with iron.
"Try to!" I shouted back at him, creating a dragon out of ice and reinforced with the blades of Hestia and the lightning bolts of Zeus.
It soared through the air and froze the enemy in thick sheets of ice.
I heard his voice and turned to the sound, seeing him appear through a portal with his bone magic.
"Zenon!" I spat, the air becoming colder.
As a last resort, I was reinforcing my mana with recovery mana so I could use the spell I practiced with Yuno, Fana, and Fanzell.
The air become colder and colder, people encased in ice snapping into millions of pieces.
"Hello, Princess." His eyes blazed with a thirst for blood. "How beautiful you look."
He reached to touch me, but I blocked it with a huge shard of ice that spiked out to him.
"Don't fucking touch me," I spat. "Stop this attack at once!"
"And why would I do that?" He smirked. "But I suppose I can. But on one condition."
I glared at him and noticed how the air was -123°C, seeing how many people who could use fire or had weapons I created to keep themselves warm and able to fight.
"What is it that you want?"
"You. I want you to marry me. In doing so, you will join our two kingdoms together. It will be a sign of peace and they will be spared from being killed. It's a deal, is it not?"
A blade I specially made with Langris and Finral to test against spacial magic appeared in my hand.
"I will never marry you, Zenon. I love another."
His eyes blazed with fury and insanity. "Then watch me kill them."
I saw a portal appear behind me along with his bones and I cut it in half.
"What the hell..." he looked annoyed. "(n/n), just what magic is that?"
I didn't answer his question, another of the same blade appearing in my other hand and the ice armor disappearing so I could move around faster.
"Zeno. I'm going to kill you." I rushed towards him, but he blocked my attack with ease.
"I'm afraid you've underestimated my power," he said. "But allow me to demonstrate for you, my love."
"I'm not yours! Don't you understand?! In attacking my people and kingdom, you attack me!"
"So then submit to me. I can make it all go away,"
he said, holding out his palm. "Just take my hand and all this goes away."
"Never," I snarled. "I know you, Zenon Zongratis. I know you'll lie to get what you want. You don't love me, you love the kingdom I'm going to rule. Well guess what? Piss off and stick your grubby hands somewhere else."
He sighed and I was suddenly constricted by his bone magic.
"I really didn't want to do this, but it seems I must. You were mine from the very start, (n/n)."
I tried to move my arms but I couldn't.
He walked towards me, exploding things with a snap of his fingers and canceling my spacial magic with his. "This was our fate. You may try and be with that noble, but you. Are. Mine."
I felt his lips on me and I bit down on his tongue, but he would still not give up.
I then felt a searing pain in my shoulders, legs, and abdomen.
He backed away, the bones dropping me to the ground that fire surrounded.
"I am glad to have kissed you for the first and last time, (n/n). But I understand you will not have me. So I will allow you to die knowing that your kingdom
fell all because you couldn't agree to marrying me."
He left through the portal as my vision got hazy, blood seeping from my body at an alarming rate.
I saw another portal appear with Patri, William, Rosseau, Mimosa, Klaus, Kirsch, Sol, Charlotte, Langris, and so many others.
Langris rushed over to me, gently picking me up.
"Don't close your eyes right now," he said to me as he ran through another portal and we were in Dr. Owen's wing in the Clover Castle. "We're going to save you."
"Langris, he was here! He-He-"
I felt someone inject something in my neck and I passed out.
Langris POV
"She's in critical condition," Dr. Owen said. "I need you to head back to the battlefield. Staying here will do no good for any of you."
"Go," Dr. Owen had already turned back to (y/n) who was now unconscious. "I will make sure she is still alive."
I left and prayed with all my heart he would be able to save her.
"WHERE IS THAT BONE ASSHOLE?!" I screamed as I searched for Zenon Zongratis, the fucker who dared to harm someone I loved deeply.
"We have to retreat!" Charlotte was saying. "There's too many of them, even for us!"
"We must," Rosseau said to me sternly, shielding us with her sound magic. "If we stay here, we will surely be slaughtered. The survivors left through the portals (y/n) left. What's strange is that her spells are still going despite her being injured."
We left the area, knowing that we would be back.
And thus, the first major city in the Diamond kingdom fell to the hands of the Dark Triad.
A meeting was called immediately in Lord Julius's war chamber with all the vice captains and captains alike.
"Where's your vice captain?" Nozel asked Yami.
"Nacht is still in the Spade Kingdom," he said. "He's still giving us reports on what happened so far."
General Winston Coldbane of the Diamond Kingdom saluted to us when he entered the room.
"Her Highness is resting right now," he informed us. "She has given me permission to speak on her behalf."
Julius nodded in understanding. "Godspeed to her recovery."
Winston used his iron magic to produce a mirage of what happened. "If she didn't do what she did, all these kingdoms in ice would be gone," he said. "And as far as I know, her ice still stands like dones over those towns."
I could barely listen and Finral who witnessed the accounts firsthand nudged me.
"Go see her," he whispered.
I looked to my captain for permission and he nodded.
"I'll escort you," Patri said to me with hatred in his voice. "They'll regret doing that to her."
We made it over and (y/n) was in a deep sleep.
But her necklace she always wore that was a blue diamond magic stone was glowing and floating in the air.
"(y/n)." I placed my hand on hers, looking at her with worry.
"She's alive, but only just," Dr. Owen said. "I am not certain she can return to the battlefield anytime soon-wait!"
A machine that displayed mana activity started beeping like crazy.
"Wait, this is abnormal! The readings say she is currently fighting with vast amounts of mana, yet she is still unconscious!"
A portal appeared to reveal my father.
He had a grim look on his face when he looked at her sleeping form.
"I had hoped it was not true."
"What?!" Patri and I yelled, demanding an answer.
My father pointed to (y/n).
"(y/n) has entered the void."
He looked perplexed and saw her grimoire was glowing brightly, the mark of the gods on her left hand appearing again.
But something strange was going on.
Her grimoire had a shadow over it and new spells were being added at an astronomical rate.
"This isn't any ordinary magic," Father said as he showed me a spell. "Satan's Gate. Fields of Blood. Forge of Vulcan. All of these spells are magic used by the elves according the documents I found in the archives."
Patri looked disturbed. "Is it possible she still has her elf counterpart? It can't be! I watched my sister get exorcised with Ratri!"
"Wait!" He looked deeply disturbed. "My parents used those spells! Before they died, my mother used Forge of Vulcan to make tools benefitting everyone! My father used this spell to take away someone's magic since he was harming his family! Frozen Script!"
"Hold on, (y/n)'s counterpart used it before this war!"
Father was very silent before he spoke again.
"No. I know what this is. (y/n) Augustine Seline Korenthan is meeting the gods right now in their dimension." He looked up at me. "And you, my son, are going to go get her."
I nodded and laid down on the bed next to her, holding her hand tightly.
"Spacial Magic: Void."
And I was gone
I honestly have no idea, but let's just go with it. If all goes well, we're about 1/3 of the way to being finished with this book after this arc. I plan this book to be around 40-50 chapters instead of the original 21 chapters lmao
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