[17] Count the Stars
Oh yes, triple update
Langris POV
I got word from Klaus talking to Yuno about a mixer.
"Listen man, if you want a chance with (y/n), I think you'll be great! Besides, a mixer tonight would be perfect."
"How do you know that?" Yuno asked him.
"Because I just do, take my word. Between you and I, I think you're a better match with her anyway. I don't know what she saw in the vice captain."
I clenched my fist and made my footsteps louder,
walking past them.
"Vice captain," the pair nodded to me, pretending they weren't just talking about me.
"Klaus, Yuno." I nodded to them and opened a portal to Finral's room in the Black Bulls hq.
He was reading a book on spacial magic (y/n) lent him.
"Oh! Langris, what are you doing here?" He placed the book down and smiled at me.
"What does it mean to see someone at a mixer?"
His smile disappeared. "It's (y/n), isn't it?"
I said nothing to confirm.
"Well, it would usually mean they're looking for someone romantically or perhaps just doing it to not be bored," he said.
"Oh..." I sat down and clenched my fists. "Finral, not a word to anyone about what I'm going to tell you."
"My lips are sealed."
"I made a mistake. A big one."
"What did you do?"
"I let her go."
Finral stared at me with shock. "But...why?"
"It's the war. I can't have her focusing on me when she needs to focus on herself."
Finral frowned. "But why couldn't you just talk to her about your concerns instead of pushing her away? Surely you would be able to work it out with her."
I sighed. "I don't know. She's the ruler of a country and I'm just a noble."
"No, Langris. You're much more than that." My older brother sat down and hugged me tightly, not caring he was running the risk of me pushing him away.
"What I see is a strong guy. You're clever, you're funny, you're everything she wants."
I leaned into him, tears brimming in my eyes as he spoke softly to me like when we were much younger.
"I see a guy who is doing his best for his kingdom and family. You're much more than you think, little brother. And that's why she fell in love with you. Sure you can be a prick and absolutely arrogant, but something happened between you two that bonded you closer. What was it?"
I closed my eyes as he rocked me gently, trying to understand what it was.
How exactly did she fall for me?
I was nothing but rude to her when we first met.
"The stars."
"It was the stars. I spotted her on the balcony one night and told her about the constellations."
"Romantic! I didn't know you paid attention to those books,"
I nodded. "Yes. Each night we would stargaze when we could. If it was a cloudy night or raining, I would meet her in the library to tell her more mythology."
"Then use that to win her back." Finral let go of me, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"Hey, Langris? I'm proud of you. So proud."
I nodded curtly. "Thank you...brother. I'll be going now."
I looked back briefly to see him crying tears of joy.
I put on a disguise and left a note on (y/n)'s bed before leaving.
I would correct my mistake tonight, once and for all.
Reader POV
I returned to the Golden Dawn to get ready for the mixer, Mimosa and Rosseau with me.
"Ano, (n/n)?" Rosseau held up a note.
I opened it and my heart thumped.
Meet me on the balcony at 11 pm.
I knew it was from Langris.
"He wants to talk on the balcony at 11pm."
"Oh? Will you?"
I shrugged. "I might as well find out what he wants before we really get busy with training."
"Yeah..." Mimosa smiled brightly. "Rosseau, I believe we should help her get ready for her date!"
"But I can't just leave Yuno at the mixer," I said. "So I guess it's two events tonight."
"You're too sweet," Rosseau sighed with a soft smile.
I stared at her with a frown. "No, I'm not."
"Yeah, you are. When we saw you at the magic knights exam almost a year and a half ago, you weren't nearly this social. In fact, you only talked to Langris and the captain and perhaps Yuno at first. You've changed, (y/n)."
I sighed. "Maybe I have. But it's been a long fourteen months."
"It has."
We got ready in my room and found our escorts to the mixer to go.
Mimosa with Asta even though he was trying to make Noelle jealous, Rosseau with Klaus, and me with Yuno.
"Come on," Yuno squeezed my hand tightly.
It honestly was a shame about the predicament we were in.
Yuno really was a nice guy, but I had my heart set on another.
I sat down across from Yuno and we ordered our food, chatting about everything that was going on.
I spotted Finral entering with Vanessa and they sat down at the bar where some guy was drinking his beverage slowly.
Langris POV
"Oi, is that you?"
I felt someone tap me on the shoulder.
"Finral! Don't just randomly tap strangers on their shoulders!" A woman scolded.
I turned my head and glared at the pair. "Piss off! Can't you see I'm busy?"
Finral flinched at my glare but Vanessa only frowned.
"If it isn't Lord Langris! Don't tell me you're watching their mixer?" The witch nodded her head over to the mixer where (y/n) was conversing with the others.
"Watch your mouth," I spat. "What I choose to do is none of your business, lowly witch."
Vanessa's teasing smile turned into one of outrage. "I...you brat. Between us, this is why I think (y/n) is better off without you. You're so rude to everyone."
Finral didn't say anything but cast me a look of dissatisfaction. "Come on, Langris. You won't do anything good with that attitude."
He sat down next to me, Vanessa joining Charmy and other Black Bulls at a table. "Listen, have you come up with your plan?"
"Of course. Leave me alone."
Finral sighed and placed an order for food. "Rememeber that flies are caught best with honey than vinegar."
"Who'd want to catch flies?!"
He sighed. "What I'm saying is that you should try to become nicer. She may not accept you right away. You must be patient and kind."
I drowned out his voice, focused only on her.
She was wearing an outfit that clearly was made just for her, and a blue magnolia in her hair.
I remembered faintly how our counterparts loved those flowers and Ratri even put one in her hair.
Ratri seemed to know a thing or two about the notion of romance.
I wish he were here since we're so alike and I could ask him.
Alas, my elf counterpart was exploring the afterlife with (y/n)'s elf counterpart
I watched (y/n) with Yuno, feeling something wet slide down mu cheek.
I touched my cheek and saw it was a tear.
"Whoa, are you alright?" Finral was looking at me with concern.
I stood up and opened a portal, running through.
The memories hurt too much.
As much as I loved her, I couldn't be selfish and ask for her again.
But I wanted to be selfish.
It was just my nature.
I saw the clock said 10:43 pm.
I walked out to the balcony, taking off my hat at throwing it into a portal somewhere.
I waited with a blanket and saw a portal appear with (y/n).
"You wanted to talk, Vaude?"
I walked over to her, a frown on my face. "You know I hate being called that. Call me Langris."
(y/n) stared at me before nodding slowly. "Well? What did you want to say?"
I knelt down and took her hands, kissing them. "I'm sorry. It was stupid of me to break it off. I was just scared. Scared that I'd lose you and you'd get hurt worrying about me and-"
"Langris, that's the stupidest reasoning I've ever heard!" (y/n) knelt down and lifted my chin gently. "I'll always worry about you, that's my job."
"I know you're worried about the war and the other shit, but I told you that night. I love you. Nothing is going to stop me from bringing peace to the lands, and nothing is going to prevent us from being happy." She smiled up at me, a gentle aura in her eyes. "Didn't I say that, Langris?"
I sighed, hugging her tightly and draping the blanket around us. "Thank you. So...what are we?"
"Whatever you want us to be." (y/n) looked up at the stars. "You know, my counterpart said something to me. That red string we both saw. It's called a soulmate sting. If fate brings us together and rips us apart, do you know what we should do?"
I smiled. "We crush fate itself."
I looked at her smiling face.
She truly looked ethereal.
Like a diamond in a field of dust.
It grew quiet for a few moments and I looked down, seeing she had fallen asleep in my arms.
I looked up at the stars, counting them until I realized that I could count as many as I wanted and I wouldn't have counted them all.
There's a legend of the stars.
They say if you really want something, you make a wish and a star will respond.
I held her closer to me, closing my eyes.
I wish to have her with me forever.
To marry and start a family together.
I wished that more than anything.
Some might say it was too quick, but I knew by one glance that she was the one.
She was the one for me, the one bound to me by fate.
I carried her into my room, moonlight seeping through the curtains.
In the silver light, I changed her outfit, putting her clothes neatly on my dresser and putting a large shirt on her so she'll be comfortable.
I got dressed for bed and slid underneath the covers, holding her dear to me.
Thank you for giving me a second chance.
I leaned over and kissed her cheek.
I didn't know what was in store for the future, but I knew that if I had her, I would be fine.
Someday, I'm going to marry you.
I just had to wait a little longer until this war was over before I could get down on one knee and ask her.
I could wait a century and do it all again.
*le sigh* Not the anti-Langris people in the comments 🙄🤚
Ngl I love his character so much. Just something about him. He's definitely one of my comfort characters so yeah😁
Also this chapter kinda sucked, so I might rewrite it later, might not.
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