[13] Reunion of Old Friends
(n/n): nickname
Reader POV
When I woke up next, I felt someone running fingers through my hair and humming softly.
I opened my eyes slowly, taking my sweet time to see who it was.
And I was right, it was none other than the man himself; Langris Vaude, Vice Captain of the Golden Dawn.
"Good morning," he said.
I double blinked, liking the sight I saw.
[a visual of what you see. Omfg excuse me, I'm simping so hard]
"You're in a good mood," I noticed his arms were around my torso.
"Wow, not even going to say good morning to me as well?" He teased.
I rolled my eyes. "Good morning."
"That's better." He leaned down to kiss my forehead, but there was a knock at the door and he groaned. "Who the hell would want to disturb us this early?"
I got up slowly and put on a robe over my pajamas (which was only Langris's shirt and of course undergarnments).
I motioned for Langris to go hide, but he just sat there with his arms behind his head, staring up at my ceiling.
I scoffed with annoyance then opened the door to see Mimosa.
"(y/n)-OH!" Her jaw dropped when she saw Langris in my bed. "Ano-"
"Not a word about this," I said. "Come in."
She stepped into the room and Langris groaned.
"Really, (y/n)? I was about to get changed."
"Go to your own room!"
"This is my own room?"
I looked around again and sweatdropped. "So it is. But Mimosa, what are you doing? Why did you want to see Langris this early in the morning?"
"Actually I first knocked on your door and no one answered. So I suspected you were either here, in the training grounds, or in the library."
"...Fair point."
Langris gathered a bunch of clothes and made a portal to my room. "I'll let you people talk. (y/n), I'm going to your room to get changed."
"Can you bring me a change of clothes as well?"
The portal closed and Mimosa slowly looked at me with a smirk on her face.
"So...you and the vice captain, eh?"
I crossed my arms and fixed my robe that was falling a bit.
Well, it was actually his, but we don't talk about that.
"What about it, Mimosa? Why did you come for me?"
She held up a piece of paper wrapped in an envelope with the seal of the Wizard King. "Captain wanted me to give this to you personally since he has somewhere to be early today."
"Okay." I accepted the letter.
"Ano, may I ask you something?" She took a seat on Langris's chair.
I nodded. "Make it quick."
"If you're from the Diamond kingdom, what will happened when you return to rule your country? You will go back and rule, right?"
"That is the plan," I said. "But as much as I would love to stay here, it just isn't possible. My parents and descendants all ruled with fair hands and it's more than time I did the same."
"So you'll be leaving the Golden Dawn someday? For good?"
I hesitated to answer and placed my hand on her shoulder and whispered. "Between us, I'll always be a member of the Golden Dawn. But not in the way you'd expect."
Mimosa looked confused, but I didn't have time for questions.
"I have to get ready. Thank you for the letter, Mimosa."
The cheery royal left after saying goodbye to me and wishing me luck on the journey back to my homeland.
Langris came back through the portal and had a spare set of clothes for me.
I changed in his bathroom and washed my face back in my dorm, preparing my travel bag with the necessary items to get back home.
As per usual, I helped him with his uniform buttons since he always did have trouble with them.
"So, how shall we get there?" He asked.
I thought back to a previous night when we were posessed by elves. "I really wish my counterpart didn't use Frozen Script to get rid of my spacial magic. That was my ticket back home, but now we'll have to make it on foot somehow."
"But the fact that you had the power to literally get rid of a magic power is amazing," he said. "I wonder...may I see your grimoire?"
I allowed him to and he opened it, flipping through the pages.
"Wow...I really underestimated your power in the beginning. And last night, our counterparts preformed a union magic and you preformed union magic with Licht and Lemiel. Certainly you can get it back?" Langris thought for a moment and flipped through more spells that had more to do with the gods.
He stopped at one page and tapped it, showing it to me. "This one. Isn't Cronus the god of time?"
I looked over the spell. "Yes, but because he's a major god, I can only do it once a day. And it requires vast amount of mana."
"Ah, I see..." he flipped a few more pages, noticing how I was leaning into him as we did so. "How about this one? Scribe of Thoth?"
"Thoth, the god of writing, learning, and reading. Perhaps..."
"Think of this: last night you used a spell called 'Frozen Script'. Maybe you need to use a combination magic? Like the Blade of Hestia which is the goddess of the Hearth and combine it with Scribe of Thoth?"
I thought about it for a second. "Perhaps...since when were you so smart?"
He ruffled my hair and handed me back my grimoire. "It's called Magic Theory. I believe it was actually one of your ancestors who wrote the book years ago."
"The fourth Diamond King; King Marx Korenthan. He was known as the scholar."
I thought back to the very early lessons when I was very young, over fourteen years ago. "You must've studied all my ancestors and the royal houses of all the kingdoms, huh?"
"Yeah. Little did I know what I would be holding the current heir of the Diamond throne in my arms right now," he said with a cocky smirk.
"Wait, did the books mention me?"
"Yeah. They use a magic to tell when a new heir to the royal houses are born, except for the Spade Kingdom. The last ruling house had a son, but I don't know what happened to him."
Well, he's also nearby, but that isn't my position to tell.
They'll find out when he finds out himself.
I looked down at my grimoire and took it in my hands, flipping though all the spells. "Yeah...but this one spell we used yesterday. I combinded it with your Archangel Shootdown spell. It's original form is just Redemption of Tainted Souls. Somehow the magic binds itself together through the particles in the air and since I had experience with spacial magic, it was fine."
"But (y/n), about last night." Langris looked deeply disturbed. "Magic just doesn't disappear. I know you used that spell to trap the magic in the abyss, but it just went somewhere else. I can use my magic to find out, but it's dangerous to travel into the spacial world."
"So we should probably not do that just yet," I said. "The fragility of space and time is something you can't mess with."
I looked at the letter the captain sent to me and opened it.
To (y/n) Korenthan,
You have been invited to a ball at the royal palace in three day's time. You may bring one person with you, and I have a feeling you'll invite the vice captain. If this is true, then please respond to this ASAP.
-Captain William Vangeance
I handed the letter to him and sighed. "Well, I suppose we'd better get to the Diamong kingdom quickly."
"Yeah, I guess." He looked down, deep in thought.
About an hour later, we were off.
I decided to try something and stepped onto a magic circle I created.
Langris was still walking ahead of me in the forest, not knowing what I was going to do.
"Winter Union Magic: Blade of Heat and Script."
My grimoire burst into flame and a new set of pages appeared, the grimoire changing yet again.
"Oi-(y/n)!" Langris was running towards me with his magic ready. "Why-"
I ignored him and let the flame surround me and then it stopped.
"I did it!" I stepped out of the magic circle and showed him my grimoire, a smile on my face.
He stared at it, his jaw dropped open. "Holy shit..."
I closed my grimoire and opened a portal, a smile on my face. "Come on, Langris. Let me show you the place where I grew up."
He followed me through the portal, eyes wide with amazement.
"And to think you're younger than me. I think your magic might rival the Wizard King himself!"
I didn't comment since my eyes were locked on a pair of purple eyes.
"(y/n)!?" Mars dropped the pen he was holding, his jaw dropped.
I nodded with a smile on my face. "I said I would return."
"Indeed you did," he said. "Fana! She's back!"
A mop of pink hair dropped down from the astrology library.
"(y/n)!!" The pinkette hugged me tightly.
"Who's that behind you?" Mars questioned.
"Her boyfriend," he said with a cocky smirk. "And you must be her childhood friends. Nice to meet you, I'm Langris Vaude of the Golden Dawn."
I shot him a glare. "Don't be rude, Langris. Sorry about that, he's protective."
Mars only patted my head. "As he should be. I saw what happened two nights ago. You've certainly grown."
My smile dissappeared. "But it's not enough to take on three devils and the Spade Kingdom. It took all of us in the Shadow Palace to kill Zagred."
"Who exactly is 'us'?"
"Old friends," I said. "It's...complicated."
We were about to speak when the door opened to reveal someone else I hadn't seen in a very long time.
"Fanzell Kruger!"
He and his now wife Dominante Code Kruger both looked at me with shock before bowing down immedietly.
"Your Highness!"
"I'm not worthy of the title," I said. "I've come home to bring the three kingdoms together. I've heard that the Spade Kingdom has killed some of our people and two of the eight Shining Generals."
"That is true," Mars said, the happy mood now gone.
A girl that looked like Secre entered the room and dropped all her books, staring at me with shock in her eyes. "Is that really you, (n/n)!?"
I opened my arms and let her run towards me, tears in her eyes. "It is, Mariella."
I had cared for Mariella when we were younger and she saw me as an older sister, which was fine by me.
"To think that you really survived," Fanzell shook his head. "Yeah, Mars and Fana said they encountered you in the witches' forest and various other places, but I wouldn't have believed them if I didn't see you myself."
"And I see you have found your soulmate," Dominante pointed to Langris who looked unsure of what to do.
"Yes, but we've got other things to discuss. I would like to speak with the still-loyal citizens who haven't joined the Spades," I said. "I want to include this kingdom in the Tri-Alliance against the Spades. I have very good reason to believe with our combined efforts, we can defeat them and take back our land."
My old friends nodded.
"Of course."
"And where's my father?" I asked. "I heard he's being trapped by enchantment magic. I have a way to break it."
Fanzell's face dropped. "I'm sorry, (y/n), but he's truly dead. They've been using him as a puppet. In fact, we're outlaws here. The only reason why we're able to be in the astronomy tower is the sheer fact that we know information that the government needs."
I nodded in understanding. "Then let me speak to them. They wouldn't dare harm me."
"Are you sure about that?" Langris frowned, stepping towards me. "Look what they did to your kingdom. Everything you told me sounds like they aren't to be messed with."
I smirked at him. "And who said that I cared? My dear Langris, you know better than anyone that I don't give a shit."
I looked outside at the swirling snow, seeing the Spade Kingdom in the very distant regions.
"This is my kingdom and I've come to reclaim it."
I'll probably update this twice today since I'm busy, but I am uncertain.
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