||Part - Sixty||
As soon as Vansh mutters the name "Riddhima" a slap falls upon his right cheek, followed by another one. He gets mixed feelings like how on the earth she is here and (looking behind few yards away from her) Angre is also with her? Shouldn't she be happy that he has left her in peace and harmony. Then what she is doing here in such a disgusting place? A fear grips in his heart. No..she might not have slapped her for the murderous act he is done now, right? His mind and heart seems in fight!
Seeing his astonished gaze, Riddhima pulls him down by holding his collar : "What you think, Mr Vansh Rai Singhania? Everytime you do what you feel right! Don't you think it's necessary to ask opposite person what they feel? No .. because you're an inpatient man in total! But this time I'll not forgive you because do you know what price we have paid for your silly decision! Huhh..what you think could Vanya be able to live without her papa? You know Vansh (being emotinal) my baby has always craved for yours love and not knowing how father has a great role in a baby's life she has loved you more than she has me! She used to talk with your picture in gibberish language meeting before you and that's the reason she is a Papa's princess more than momma's. She will be dead...."
Vansh quickly cuts her in between - "Please don't go there..I can't live in guilt if something happens to my baby! Please say, my baby is safe..I'm sorry if I've been little delusional...."
"Little delusional? No Mr you don't know, what your this stupid decision has led effect on OUR FAMILY?" - completes Riddhima in an angry voice. Vansh gets panicked : "What happened, Riddhima? Please say! (seeing her silent and emotional) Angre..Angre, you atleast tell me..PLEASE!"
Angre nods his head and lowers his head : "After knowing you've left us completely this time..dadi couldn't tolerate the news and that has led her to sudden chest pain and after taking her to hospital, doctor has assumed it to be major heart attack....and .. and half an hour ago doctor has confirmed .. that .. SHE IS NO MORE."
Vansh couldn't hold back his emotions and cries in pain. By sitting before HER on ground, he holds her waist for support while crying ; and seeing his state Riddhima feels a sudden pain in her chest ; so with one hand holding him from back she moves her fingers in his hairs. Both souls are calm but hot tears continue to run through their cheeks! Vansh feels guilty as he has never thought of the consequences his decision could make and today he gets the taste of it. He feels to be choked in between when Riddhima bends a little and kisses on his hair to make him little calm.
Suddenly the shrill ringtone of Angre's phone makes both conscious of their position. After few seconds of silence, Angre says in tensed voice - "Boss, do hurry as Vanya baby is crying uncontrollably for both of you!" Vansh quickly gets up and wipes his tears. Trio move towards the car while Vansh is in shock and guilt.
"Though I'm happy that that day you've brought me home and saved me from doing another sin. But I can't forgive myself for the things you've to go through all your life, JUST FOR ME! Look in this picture, how sweetly you're smiling at me but I'm as usual in a pool of guilt of conscience..hope my conscience has been back that time! ...." Suddenly his thinking gets halted when a girl around eight years comes to his room and stands behind the person - "Papa, you're here talking with momma's photo while RIDHVIK is throwing tantrums of not eating alone till the time you'll not feed him!"
The person smiles softly at his first baby and says in soft and calm voice : "Vanya, my princess..please take little breath before finishing all in one breath! And let's go outside..don't know what your brother is doing now?"
Both go outside to find a little boy around five years is sitting on the dining table with puffed cheeks. Around him his family is sitting but everyone's stare is at him. His father comes to him and asks : "Now what happened to my Riddhu baby?"
But without answering to his question, the kids start - "Papa, this has been momma's nickname!" And with it, all get silent. Vansh feels tears start rolling through his eyes. With silent steps he goes into the room again while Ishani and Siya comes to the kids' side and whispers something in their ears. They silently nod their head and go to their papa.
Others become silent and give the father and children a space. Siya wipes her tears while Angre hugs her from side..they have married two years ago and expecting their first baby. Ishani has decided to be single all life. Aryan has too decided not to marry as the seperation of his bhai-bhabhi has made him emotionally weak. And Anupriya is in guilt for her broken family!
While in the room, Vansh looks at his own reflection on mirror and finds a faint image of Riddhima which he always imagines - beside him ; he goes back to flashback from where their life has taken a turn that's been set up by destiny from before only.
After coming to hospital, Vansh runs inside to find his family all broken and he again blames himself but this time he vows to not go behind rather he will do anything to protect his family. Today dadi is dead just because of his reckless decision while his daughter is all red crying for him. He quickly goes to his baby and takes her in his arms and Vanya starts hiccuping - "I'm sorry baby..papa is sorry! I promise I'll never go leaving you anywhere. For last time forgive your papa..please..pretty please, my princess!"
Vanya stops crying and looks at her papa with moist little eyes : "Plomich?" Vansh kisses on her fluffy cheeks : "Yes .. pinky promise, baby!"
All smile at her cuteness when Vansh founds softness on his feet and looks down to find Lily is expectantly looking at him by standing on his feet. Seeing his discomfort to bend with Vanya in arms, Riddhima picks up the innocent animal in her hands.
Vansh goes inside after Vanya calms down ; getting inside his dadi's room he touches her legs and his eyes get heavy. By joining both hands he says in little voice : "I promise you dadi to be the man you have always wanted to see in me. I'll never go away from my duty towards my family. I'll become the best papa for my princess and replacing all negativity away, I'll try to become the perfect man for my Riddhima. Though the past scars are horrible to forget on her part but this time I'll not go behind. And this time I'll fulfill my every vow!"
Unknown to him, Riddhima has come to the doorstep of the room as his emotional support. Keeping her thoughts aside, she has come to give him a comforting shoulder. But listening him, her eyes get teary because when he is trying hard to mend himself then he should be given a chance but her inner soul is busy in another debate!
After that, dadi is given the cremation and her last rituals are being followed in religious way. In these days, Riddhima has been a great support to Vansh, making him confident to his own promise. They have returned to Rai Singhania Mansion in Mumbai and it's decided from now Riddhima will be here and her boutique will be in charge of Ahana.
Vansh has tried to ask her to join VR Fashion House but the past incidents start to mirror before her eyes so accepting her self-respect, she decides to be with Vanya all time. All try to make her agree but knowing some scars can't be wiped away, Vansh requests all to be silent.
And today is the shradh ceremony of dadi in VR Mansion so all relatives and neighbours, friends are asked to join. All get shock seeing Riddhima back with a baby. They understand it must be Vansh Rai Singhania's child. Media is also invited making all confused. But what Vansh Rai Singhania thinks is not everyone's cup of tea. After the ritual, he comes before media with Vanya in arms while holding Riddhima from a side. And standing before them he announces proudly : "One day I've promised to bring my Riddhima and accept her as my wife before whole world and I've not forgotten my promise. So yes, meet MY WIFE - MRS RIDDHIMA VANSH RAI SINGHANIA and this baby girl is my princess, my life MISS VANYA RAI SINGHANIA. One day I've avoided to give my name to them but today I myself is asking for their forgiveness before you all so that my sin could be lessened somehow."
With that he makes Vanya stand aside and he himself bends before Riddhima saying "I'm sorry Riddhima but I promise not this life but in every life I'll be only yours .. if you can't forgive me in this life then I'll try for it in next life also..because I LOVE YOU."
Riddhima has tears in her eyes and holds his hands asking him to get up. Vansh feels little bad that Riddhima hasn't accepted his apology but somewhere he is positive of winning it one day. His mind goes back to Angre's words how Riddhima has helped him to investigate where Vansh could be :
Angre comes to Vansh's cabin by knocking but gets astonished to see him in thought ; like a good friend and employee, he asks the reason and Vansh in reply asks him how had he got successful to find him that day!
Angre with a smile answers him : "Boss, that day we all have lost hope but bhabhi hasn't .. knowing dadi's state is worsening and Vanya's state without you, she has asked me to search where you could be..I asked from my men but in your fear, they have denied me of your presence. But bhabhi asks me to go outside and search in bus stop or taxi stands as you've gone without your personal car and Eureka! We meet that auto driver who has left you there. But when we reached there .. there has been no trace of any single life. So I remember of the spy camera I've set there in case that bitch gets succed of running from there then we could get to know and from there I found your voice to caste that dead body in carcass. So we have gone there to find you standing in silence!"
Vansh gets puzzled how Riddhima has proved her intelligence once again making him embarassed - how one day he has snatched her dream from her eyes!
Vansh comes into reality when Vanya wraps her tiny arms around his legs and he picks her up. After the guests' leave, all return to their room. RiAnsh enter into their room with Vanya and a painful memory rushes into Riddhima making her stop in her track. Vansh turns back to find her painful expression and something breaks in him. He expands his hand towards her making her come out from her memory zone while Vanya giggles cutely : "Momma papa koot koot."(says while pointing towards the marriage photo of them)
Riddhima looks forth and finds all walls are adorned with her photos..there are few couple photos of them..as they have some countable photos as couple. Seeing her portraits everywhere, she has tears in her eyes ; she looks at Vansh who answers by knowing her : "Yes, I've painted all..I'm the reason behind the loss of your smile so I've tried to portray your lost smile in your every picture."
And like this everyday Riddhima gets proof Vansh is trying hard to mend himself and their relationship. So she too takes another step towards their marriage and asks him to fulfill Vanya's wish. At first Vansh has been doubtful but her eyes shows the surety making Vansh agree too.
And after two months, Riddhima informs them of the good news making all happy. Vansh has been ecstatic and this time Riddhima has truly enjoyed her pregnancy unlike first time. Her mood swings have made all tired all day but Vansh has never lost the constant smile from his face. And with this nine months have gone in jet speed and all Rai Singhanias go to hospital when Riddhima's water breaks!
And the most joyful day becomes the painful for Vansh when doctor informs him the truth - "I'm sorry Mr Rai Singhania but we couldn't save your wife..actually it has been her decision to save the baby! From the first day itself she has been aware of danger in this pregnancy but she has been steady to save the baby and made us bound with promise to keep silence..and before going to giving birth, she has given this letter for you!"
Vansh tightly holds the baby boy RIDHVIK in his arms and sits on the chair..few times ago the MAN has been proud enough to hold his son for the first time but now?..all get shock. Ishani who has lost the LOVE of her life few months ago gets another shock that how could she live with the guilt? Siya takes the baby in her arms while Vanya is sleeping in Angre's arms.
With shocked eyes, Vansh opens the letter and finds the clear handwriting of hers :
Dear Vansh,
If you're reading this letter that means OUR BABY is already in your hands and I've said good bye from this world. I know you'll be guilty now for not knowing the health condition of mine from first but it's not your fault rather destiny's. After giving birth to Vanya, doctor has informed me due to heavy bleeding I should not try for another baby as my uterus is weak to bear a baby! If I ever try for it then my life would be at stake and this time when I've gone for making sure if I'm pregnant or not..doctor has once again said those to me but me being the stubborn has asked them to keep silent after knowing also my chance of being alive is less than 1%. As for any mother it's her baby before anything and I've chosen my baby.
I know you'll say then why second baby .. I can't see my Vanya's and Ishani's wish getting unfulfilled. Moreover, I'm little selfish too..(with a light smile) I can't forget my past sufferings so easily and move on so it's an easy way for me to leave this world..naah, don't blame yourself! Rather focus on the positive aspects, oneday may be we will meet in different world under different circumstances and we will fall in love..that day nothing would be able to seperate us..but till then you must have to wait and be alive for our babies..make them good human beings!
I'll forgive you totally the day you'll help any helpless woman or human being to come out from his or her pain..and keep it as my request, don't let OUR KIDS know of our broken marriage as I want you to make them strong not weak like their momma..I believe in YOU and I know you'll be able to make it true!
And last but not least, till now also my heart only beats for you....
After completing reading he breaks down completely. But yes, he has not accepted defeat. At first it has been hard enough to control Vanya and a new born baby without their mother but there has been his family to support him and today he is successful in these last five years to complete her dream. Today he has opened various women help centres and many social organisations to help the poor helpless children, women and old people. He is devoid of any pain but there is only peace to make sure she has forgiven her.
Suddenly he comes back to reality feeling two little palms wiping his tears while someone takes the photo frame of HERS from his hold. He looks at them to find HIS KIDS ; they hug him saying - "We too miss momma but please papa don't be sad! Today we will eat here in OUR ROOM where our momma still lives in the air. She will be happy to feel us! Isn't it, papa?"
Vansh quickly takes them in his hug and with a painful smile looks at Riddhima's picture ; in mind he utters - "Our picture would have been completed if you've been here but it's okay one day we will meet and then I'll take every interest of this seperation."
•The End•
The noise of closing the book is heard so loud that it breaks someone's attention towards the first person who is now sniffing. Being panicked, he comes to her and takes her in his warm embrace : "Baby, why are you crying now? It's a novel written by me and the characters are my imagination only!"
"But I feel like crying..ahhhh!" - answers the girl. The man quickly bends a little and rubs her eighth month protruding belly : "Is it paining HELLY, is OUR BABY still kicking?"
Helly gets angry : "Yes, MR RRAHUL SUDHIR. For your nasty actions I'm suffering now..leave this behind and say what those stuffs you've written huhh? You are a writer I believe but that doesn't mean you'll make your readers cry! You know how much I'm crying for those innocent kids..ahhhh! My Vanu baby and 'koot' Ridhvik..what faults they have? Even why the heck Riddhima has to be dead!"
Rrahul mutters under his breath "hormones" and rolls his eyes but her one glance and he says sweetly : "Sweetheart, it's a story and I've tried to show some glimpses of marital rape in name of marriage and then have added some twists by showing husband's mental illness ; and then some plots have come in my memory..that's it! Haven't you enjoyed the story, baby?"
Helly gets back into her serious posture : "If this concerns marital rape then why haven't you sent the male protagonist behind the jail at the first place and why the female character has been so submissive from before?"
With a smile Rrahul sits beside Helly and hugs her from side while his one hand is busy in rubbing her belly : "Look Helly, I believe any legal institution can't do justice with such grave crimes like rape. No government or law could change our perspective until we change it by ourselves. May be I've portrayed death of Riddhima later but the effect it has made upon Vansh, he will stand against such things and help in rebuilding this socity! Even for a girl, it's not easy to accept a rapist husband so easily!"
Helly comes out of his hold and again says childishly : "Do heck with your poetic justice. Have you ever thought about my Vanu baby and Ridhvik? What they have gone through? I wish I could love them..ouch! (Suddenly a kick makes her scream in pain and Rrahul comes to her running.)
"Baby..Helly, sit here. Why you're forgetting stress is not good for you and OUR little one!" - answers Rrahul. Helly pouts : "Rrahul, I want Vanya..I wish I'll give birth to some cute baby girl like Vanu baby."
Rrahul kisses on her temple with a soft smile and says : "Boy or girl, it will be OUR creation(by keeping his hand upon her belly and soon he feels the kick) .. yes, baby, you're ours little world! Whatever wrong RiAnsh have done in their life your parents will not do because a story gets limited in our imagination only but it makes huge impact upon our thinking..we learn from their mistakes and we promise to give you a safe life!"
Helly rubs Rrahul's hair and Rrahul hugs her by keeping his head upon her chest while his hands are kept safely around her pregnant belly. His mind is busy in uttering those lines :
"RiAnsh may not get that happy ending but they are some fictional characters ; but RraHel will get all the happiness. I promise you baby, I'll not do such stupid things to your momma like Vansh. I'll be with you and your momma in thick and thin. Riddhima has been weak to protest against Vansh from the first day itself and Vansh has been in dark for his blind belief but both are in fault. And I believe their faults make them alive as characters in our eyes!"
With this Rrahul kisses on Helly's baby bump and uplifts his face to her level and takes her lips into his to seal the promise with a kiss.
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