||Part - Fifty Two||
•Residence : Bajaj House•
Mr Suroj Bajaj and his wife Mrs Uma Bajaj both are very fond of Vanya because being devoid of their own child's love after lossing her at a little girl, they have not got the confidence of becoming parents again ; so whenever, they found Vanya it works as ice upon their scorching heart!
After founding Riddhima's mood foul one from morning, Ahana has come to Bajaj House with baby Vanya to spend their holiday! And yes, Lily too has followed them here.
As the door gets open with ringing of the bell, Vanya jumps happily inside the hall from Ahana's lap. Seeing her Lily too does same. Uma aunty smiles at the chirpy nature of the little girl ; she feels broken knowing about Vanya's parents' marriage. She just hopes it doesn't affect the little girl's life much. However, Vanya has no other things in her mind rather than doing race with Lily and saying 'start' at the entrance only, she starts running inside and Lily too jumps with her but at her back obviously or Vanya will get angry. Soon Vanya reaches near the couch and jumps upon it. Lily too follows Vanya ; being tired, both lays upon there and Mr Bajaj comes out to found his granddaughter laying there. He affectionately wipes Vanya's sweat from her face with his handkerchief, earning a giggle from Vanya. Till then Ahana and Uma have reached there. They smile happily when Vanya claps while saying : Vanu lob dadu..Lily feels it's something joyous and licks Suroj's hands a little.
Suddenly Vanya remembers of something and looks at Ahana expectantly and Ahana narrows her eyes at the little baby. Vanya pouts a little and keeps her palm before Ahana saying : Ana Machi....umm..
Ahana smirks knowing her intention but then also plays with her : Yes baby, say what do you want?
Vanya's eyes glitter in joy : Umm..Vanu baby tummy takolits {Vanu baby's tummy wants chocolates} .. with that she pokes her little fingers at her own tummy showing how hungry her tummy is for chocolates.
Ahana smiles at her intelligence and says : Vanu baby's tummy needs chocolates but Vanu baby doesn't? Vanya quickly and rapidly nods her head in 'no'. Ahana could have teased her more like other days but not wanting to make her cry she starts to open the chain of her purse. Already her parents are facing lot so she doesn't want to add more tension in their worries.
In this process, a photograph falls from her purse on the floor..she has no idea of it for feeding Vanya chocolate by unwrapping the packet. But Uma aunty has noticed it so she quickly bends a little to pick it up for Ahana. By mere interest, she has kept the photo in front of her eyes to get shock. Seeing no response coming from Uma after seeing a little paper, Mr Bajaj comes to his wife to shake her a little. This breaks Uma's trance and she shows the picture to her husband while her eyes are teary. A confused Suroj takes it from Uma's hand but seeing the person in that photo, Suroj too is having tears in his eyes.
Somehow controlling their emotions, Uma asks Ahana with a trembling voice : Ahana, who is this little girl in the picture? Do you know her in any means?
Ahana till now has been busy after Vanya and Lily so sudden question from Uma aunty makes her puzzled ; she wiggles her brows a little by listening them once. Taking the picture upon her palm, she smiles : This girl in the picture is none other than ME. It's my last memory of childhood or I've lost everything. I don't know how it gets saved till today.
The couple's eyes get wide in shock and they look at Ahana in surprise : That means the girl is you only? Are you sure?
Ahana smiles saying : Yes, why will I lie and moreover, why you're surprised?
Uma starts to sob suddenly while Suroj is too having little tears in the corner of his eyes. Seeing this, Ahana wipes Uma's tears affectionately and asks : Please aunty, don't cry. Uma now couldn't control : No aunty, I'm your MOTHER!
WHAT!! - the only sound gets echoed in the whole building. Suroj answers by taking a numb Uma in his embrace : Yes Ahana, Uma is saying the truth only. YOU'RE OUR ONLY CHILD AHANA BAJAJ.
Ahana gets back her power to speak. Coming to her senses, she asks : How?
Suroj starts telling her of the past : Beta, when you were of five or six years old then we had gone for a charity event. Due to a sudden bomb blast by the terrorists, the calm situation there had been transferred into a chaos one and the people started to run from there to save their life. And in that time we had lost you in crowd. Due to blast, many people including children too died there. So we had started to search everywhere but couldn't get you any where. And we thought we had lost you and feeling ourselves lost and defeated parents, we have never thought of another child because we were afraid what if that kid had to face the same situation like you.
Saying this, Suroj wipes the tear drops from his right eye. Ahana is standing shocked because she has lived till now as an orphan but today she gets to know she has a family also. With a smile she hugs both of her parents and says - Mumma..Papa. The trio share a big hug.
Suddenly Vanya starts to feel none is giving her any importance so she says to Lily in little jealous tone : Lily..Vanu baby papa momma? {Lily, do you want to go to Vanu baby's momma-papa?}
Listening her, the elders smile and takes the little baby in middle of them. So the position is Lily in Vanya's lap and the elders are hugging Vanya softly. After breaking the hug, Uma says by patting her own forehead : Ajay, call him. We have forgot to tell him that his BEST FRIEND has come back after a long decade! Ahana asks them being bewildered, about whom they are speaking but her parents ask her to be patient as it's a surprise on her part.
With a pouty face, Ahana calls Riddhima to share this good news with her friend but the call isn't picked up after lots of ringing too. She feels tensed as if something big has happened there! So she asks her parents to go to Riddhima's appartment and share this news with her best friend. The Bajaj couple is very fond of this mother-daughter duo so they get agreed and ask the person too to reach at the address of Riddhima, given by them.
Meanwhile, Riddhima is sitting on her bed and looking outside the window ; her tears have no barrier but face is expressionless ; while mind and heart both are busy in conversing with each other.
•Riddhima's POV•
Vansh..Vansh has been suffering from SPLIT PERSONALITY DISORDER all this while? Why it is so hard to believe? I can't even imagine to see the man I've loved so dearly in that state....I can't accept this life for my enemy then wishing the same for my husband is not my thing! But it's true also after tolerating so much pain from him too, I've never given him any curse! Because we curse those whom we want to keep alive in our memory but I've always tried to keep him away from my reality and memory.
And when now I have learnt to live ALONE then why the knowledge of his mental illness can't be acceptable to my heart! Why? Why this COLD HEART can't face his pain? I don't know how could I express my feeling today. Will I feel sadistic pleasure that the rapist of my soul has got the exact pain or would I show sympathy towards him as a fellow human being or the mother of his kid?
I don't know which should I feel but what I'm feeling now is pretty much confusing! One side, he always used to confess his love openly for Roshni but today he is saying he hadn't married her? Which is the ultimate truth and reason behind it?
And if he is true also the reality can't be changed that he is a rapist and he has destroyed my soul each night with small bits! I know I may feel inhuman to his pain but what about my pain? I'm also a living creature, I do also have feelings, emotions, dreams and when he is the one to snatch everything from me then how could I belive him? How, just answer me! Oh lord .. It's paining too much! I don't want to feel more pain as I've no energy in me..rather I want to sleep..a long sleep! Please God, TAKE ME TO YOU SO THAT I COULD GET PEACE ALL AT A ONCE!
Angre is sitting in a restaurant when his phone starts to ring suddenly and picking up the call what he listens brings a smirk on his face. After giving some instructions to the opposite person, he cuts the call : Now Miss Diana Evans aka Miss Roshni Sharma, you will get to know how it feels to be played! Till date, she has been living in Kabir's another house which is not under his name rather under his caretaker Shyam's. Through blackmails, she has taken many fortune from Kabir and that's been transferred as her wealth now. By the way, Kabir has done a great mistake by taking help of such woman who by changing her own look with Kabir's money has just changed his whole game plan by sending him in jail! Well, it's good for us that one enemy is finished in that way. Now we have to concentrate on this clever witch! I just hope this time she can't get success to throw dust on my men's eyes. Somehow, I've to save boss and bhabhi's broken marriage as it concerns an innocent life in middle too.
With that he gets up to go back as the news is confirmed so he must have to do something to prevent ROSHNI.
Here the bell of Riddhima's door starts ringing continuously and Siya goes to open it. Finding Ahana with the Bajaj couple she asks them to come inside. Seeing everyone's facial expressions, the new comers get to know something bad must have happened with them. But seeing Vanya among all, they keep silence and Ahana asks for Riddhima.
Here listening Ahana's voice, Riddhima comes outside and smiles big that earns a heart from Vansh who is till now sitting gloomy at the sins he has done to a pure soul like Riddhima. But his trance is broken soon by Riddhima : Uncle aunty, so suddenly? Please come and sit. Uma comes before saying : No Riddhima, today I'm not here for sitting rather I've something big and happy news to share with you. A confused Riddhima just looks at her smiling like a fool.
Suroj comes before by taking Ahana in a side hug : Riddhima, today we've got back our daughter..and guess what your best friend means AHANA IS OUR LOST CHILD!
"WHAT?" - a voice comes from the entrance and all look back to find Rudra is standing there. He asks : What are you saying uncle? Ahana is your daughter .. I mean she is MY Anu? Ahana looks at him with an unknown emotion which is noticed by Riddhima. Uma says happily : Yes Rudra, she is YOUR Anu only. You know Ahana, (turning towards her) in childhood you both were so close that we had decided to make you married. But unfortunately Rudra's parents are not among us now.
Siya in between gets confused : Sorry to interrupt, but aunty why Rudra hasn't talked with you at Vanya's Birthday? Suroj answers this time - "Actually after lossing Ahana, Rudra has been too miserable that his family had to shift into Hyderabad and they had lessened to come to us as Rudra used to be affected badly so doctor had advised to keep him away from Ahana's memory. That much depth their bond had built in childhood only. However, after that we hadn't met. But fortunately he has come to our home before leaving this city with the help of his old memory. And guess what! We have jelled along.
Listening it both Ahana and Rudra look at each other with a different emotion and get locked for while.
None has noticed one person has come just behind Rudra and listening the conversation going inside all, he has just stopped at the door step only! Seeing the eye lock between the long lost best friends or may be a couple in way, he smiles sadly at himself. It seems love is not in the fortune of an orphan - mocks his very own heart.
But one person has followed his every action closely and seeing his painful and sad expression, she vows in her mind : It says what happens just for good! And if Ahana is not for you means my love for you is stronger than what you feel for Ahana! I promise you that I'll love you that much that you'll never feel yourself alone. My LOVE will make a world for you, ANGRE!
Vanya whom Ahana has placed upon the couch founds everything going upon her tiny brain so she pouts! She thinks in her mind : Ol(all)big..Vanu baby ich mol(small)..Lily ich mol..no Vanu baby hele{Though Lily is here but none is like Vanu baby here.} .. do wat{I've to do something.}
With this thought, she starts to think something deeply by keeping her finger on her chin. Aryan who has been sitting beside her smiles at her this act and asks : What happened to tachu's princess? Vanu cutely answers : Vanu baby papaz plinchez..no tachu plinchez..hmfh..
Aryan smiles saying : Okay Papa's princess, now say what you're thinking so attentively! Vanu looks at him a little and thinks : Vanu baby tachu .. tachu big .. hmm..{Tachu can be trusted right! He is big too.}
And thinking this she points him to bend at her level and then she says something in his ear at which Aryan smirks : Now I've got the way to mend the broken relation! I'll see how you both avoid Aryan Rai Singhania's trap! Now the game is going to be INTERESTING..VERY INTERESTING!
Precap :- Vanya's Demand ; Roshni's master stroke.
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