||Part - Fifteen||
Vansh losses his coolness listening the term 'abortion' for his unborn baby. He angrily marches towards the reporter who has dared to say this and holds his shirt collar in his clutches. And then like an angry lion pounds upon him - What you have just uttered now?..huhh, say again! You've just dared to say ABORTION for my baby, Mr VR Singhania's baby? Never ever say this thing again, get it?
But just then someone comes from the gathering and says in high tone - But sir, it's true that you've abandoned them. If not, then why she is absent from here? Why you have never revealed your marriage and your wife, is it true you've never accepted her other than fulfilling your lust? May be the BABY ITSELF IS THE RESULT OF YOUR LUST AND DESIRE! Because if it has been other way then you wouldn't have thought of keeping affair with your girlfriend at her back and now marrying that girl only. Shame on you, Mr Vansh Rai Singhania!
Listening it, Vansh's hold from shirt collar of that man gets loosened. It's right that he is culprit, he has done SIN. While Angre is feeling sad for his brother cum mentor. Rai Singhanias are standing numb as they are guilty too. If Vansh has physically harmed that innocent soul then they have emotionally tortured her for every single time.
Meanwhile, Sharma family founds all busy in asking and accusing Vansh so taking it a chance, they feel it will be right if they leave for now. But Siya's strong gaze has been always upon them. She has been raging like a tigress in anger. From the time, she has come to know of their mental torture upon her bhabhi, she is planning how to lower their status before all and unfold their true face.
Her memory goes back to the day when she has lost her bhabhi somewhere and returned home as a loser!
As she enters into her room, she breaks down in tears before her closed door. After what felt like ages, she gets up and starts going towards restroom but suddenly her left leg gets collided with the leg of the table and she holds the table to keep her steady. But she feels astonished when her eyes catch what? It's that phone she has gifted to her bhabhi on the next day of their marriage. She takes it but there is a little chit under the phone. She takes the piece of paper very carefully as if it's very valuable. She feels her cheeks wet again as her heart knows what could be written inside it. So she silently starts reading the lines:-
Dear Siya,
If you're reading this letter then I've already left this mansion. But before going I have wanted to leave every unnecessary valuable items of this mansion with every relations I have here behind as I'm soon going to start my new life by my own principles. So I couldn't take your gift with me as it will keep me reminding of this lifeless palace which I never want or desire. I know you will understand me, unlike others. I'll always remind you as you've been the sister to me I've never had. But I couldn't keep it with me. If you could, please forget there has been a girl named Riddhima Gupta. I will pray to God for you, dadi and Angre bhai's happiness. Let them know my greetings.
- Yours unfortunate sister,
As she completes reading the letter, tears start to drop uncontrollably. And from that day whenever she comes before Vansh, she has avoided him like a plague. Though he is his brother but as a girl she has been always against her brother. She has vowed to prove Riddhima and punish her culprits who are behind this scam. And today she has got the chance.
And she goes and stands before Roshni and Sharma couple while Angre's men backs her. She looks at them smirking while Sharma family is gulping and fearing of media. Roshni opens her mouth to say something but before that Siya slaps her for continuous two minutes and that attracts everyone's attention towards them. Then she holds that witch's arm and drags her towards the centre of hall and then pushes her hard. It leads Roshni to fall back hard on her back side. Sharma couple gasps in shock while media comes before. Siya sarcastically asks them - Now you've got the actual villain of the story to plot everything perfectly and yeah (looking towards Vansh) HER LOVER, RONY is now under Angre's investigation team. We have already filed a case against Sharma family for their emotional torments against MISS RIDDHIMA GUPTA and Rony is included in the list for helping them in this wrong doings. (turning towards media people) So before police arrests these parasites, they are all yours. You people could ask them whatever you want and if you feel to ask anything from VR Mansion then you're also welcomed.
Listening her, Vansh's guilt is increasing. While Siya goes to Vansh and stands before him by keeping her eyes straight into his - BHAI, I've never thought that this day will ever come when VR is found wrong out of all. By the way, I'll not go there as the person is not present among us for now so this talk is useless. I just want to ask you, why? Why you've not accepted her when she has informed you of the BABY? Is your LOVE so important and valuable that you've distanced yourself from your own UNBORN BABY. How could you do this, Mr Vansh Rai Singhania? And one more thing, if that day bhabhi would have faced any miscarriage then also I'll think it as blessings from God because she will be totally freed from this unwanted marriage.
As she finishes speaking, they hear a loud scream. They turn back at extreme fear to witness dadi has fallen down on the floor by holding her left chest. They have forgot dadi in this process of unfolding the sin while as the time progresses dadi's chest pain starts increasing. She couldn't take it when some elder lady from gathering pronounce - You've wronged with an innocent and God will surely punish you for this, Mr VR. You will have money, wealth and respect but no happiness. You've snatched the right of wife from a girl, the happiness to enjoy her pregnancy from a mother....so as a woman, I curse you to suffer unconditionally the double of the pain that innocent girl has suffered. This family has never valued AN INNOCENT so there will be no growth of this family. If that girl doesn't forgive you all then there will be no future ruler for this kingdom. You will cry for her forgiveness but you will not get it easily, mark my words.
As she finishes saying, dadi's chest pain gets increased and she with a loud scream holds her left chest and cries out in pain - NO....VAN..VANSH
It's true her family is culprit of Riddhima, even she is included as she has lost to secure her future here. But she has loved Vansh the most among her all grandkids and after knowing someone cursing her that grandson, she couldn't stop herself. Whatever wrong Vansh has done with Riddhima but could she forget her every moments with Vansh from his birth? The answer is undoubtedly no. And that's why her already weak heart feels a sudden burst and she falls back.
And here all run towards her! Vansh takes dadi in his embrace and keeps her head on his lap. Angre quickly gives water on her head and Siya calls the driver to ready the car. Then by taking her in his arms, Vansh runs outside followed by all family members. Today is the worst day of his life as today only he gets to know of Roshni's truth and starts caring for his wife and kid. And today only one of the most important women of his life gets heart attack!
Meanwhile, police too has arrived at the place and takes Sharma family with them for having arrest warrant.
Here Vansh, Siya, Angre go in one car taking dadi while other Rai Singhanias Come in other one. After some moments, they reach into hospital while Vansh takes dadi in his arms and runs inside screaming for 'doctor'. Here doctor, seeing the great VR quickly asks the nurse to ready operation theatre for Vansh's dadi while ward boys help Vansh to take dadi in the OT.
And soon operation starts on and the light gets on of OT. And it's already more than four hours, dadi is inside operation theatre. All Rai Singhania members are sitting outside of OT with anxiety. All are tensed for the situation and having some different thinking.
Vansh is alone sitting on a bench and looking beside him. There he founds a little boy is standing with his father. The baby is holding his father's fingers tightly. He is asking so much questions to his father with great interest while his father is responding it calmly though he himself is tensed for something. Suddenly the man gets up seeing the doctor coming out from the maternity ward and asks - Doctor, how is my wife and baby? Are they safe?
Doctor assures him smiling - Don't worry, Mr Basu. Your wife and child both are safe. Congratulations! Your wife has given birth to a beautiful baby girl.
Listening him, a big smile comes on his face and that is seen in his eyes. When the little boy beside him calls 'papa', Vansh feels something stirred in his heart. His eyes get wet thinking he would have also cherished this special moment but he himself has destroyed it. And suddenly his expression gets changed, remembering something.
Vansh(pov):- Today everything has happened because of me. Dadi is hospitalized just for me and my decisions. If today Riddhima is not with us, then it's also because of my SINS. I'll accept any punishment from Riddhima and my baby when I'll get them back. But for now I'll punish those Sharmas for planning such vicious game against My Riddhima. That bitch has trapped me knowing Riddhima loves me from first, but being an idiotic jerk, I've to destroy that. But I promise you, Riddhima that I'll punish them in VR style. Today I'm equal sinner with them for dadi's state and your sudden departure. So I vow to make them punished and get myself ready for the punishment too. At first, my present responsibility is dadi and then I've to meet with the doctor whom Riddhima has met that day of accident. I've to know Riddhima and my baby are not affected by the accident.
His mind talk gets disturbed seeing the doctor coming out from the OT with a pale face. All run to him and asks impatiently what's dadi's state for now?
Doctor - Look Mr VR, I'm sorry to say that we have to keep her in observation for last forty eight hours before we say something. As we are afraid to say when she will get up then she might face some problems which could lead her into state of paralysis whether it could be partial or for whole body parts.
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