Chapter One, A Dream Of The Past
Chapter 1, A Dream Of The Past
I looked at my alarm clock as I stirred in my bed, pain surged my brain as I checked the clock again, 2:36am. I let out a sigh as I tried to go to bed; I let the dream engulf me.
I looked up staring into the sky as I felt the pain surge through my veins, the air around me thinned as I started to breathe harder. I let out a soft whimper as the cold wind blew slightly around my body I looked forward and let out a sigh of relief, I'm still here.
I looked in front of me as I let out a sad shiver and walked ahead. I froze as a scent stretched into my nose I turned as I looked around me as I let the flashback fly into my mind.
The cold air flapped through the world it was 1559, a strange scent went through my nostrils as I snapped my head. The smell was of death and fear, I shook my head the loud forest chipped with noise as I smiled and looked up and let myself laugh at the birds singing to each other.
I heard a scream, I turned as I shook my head, with in the last week seven murders have been reported, and the king said a wolf-man creature had killed his son.
So why not investigate?
I looked around; I heard more pitiful screams I sighed, "I wonder if he's like me or just a rogel."
My body shook to the cold, as I looked around; I heard a faint snarl as I snapped my head to look around it came again. My eyes set on a shape in front of me.
There stood a wolf a little taller than 3 foot '9. I could tell he was still growing by the look of his fur. He had a black coat with white on his chest.
"Well you're not helping the rumors of wolves being murders are you? Can't you at least walk up to people in your human form then turn?" I asked looking not at all fazed by the 'danger' in front of me.
The wolf snarled more, than sniffed the air. He looked confused then snarled again probably thinking I was assuming what he was because I smelled human, I simply laughed.
I shook my head and spoke to him once more, "I smell human don't I? But I am not I see you are not a normal werewolf. You are like me, aren't you? A Silver Wolf?"
The wolf's eyes turned even more confused as it turned around and went into the bushes. I could hear the snapping and cracking of bones, I knew instantly he was shifting.
A tiny bit later a man with black hair and a hard looking face walked out, he was wearing torn up farmer cloths, his eyes were turning form his wolf's brilliant gold to a mossy green.
"If you say you're another Silver Wolf than tell me your name, and show me that you truly are a wolf and not human." The man scoffed as he stared at me uneasily.
"Names are just titles, but if you wish to know they call me Secret Dollenhan, you?" I asked as I sniffed the air I could smell the girl that screamed earlier her decaying body left mauled in the woods, I never liked the thought of killing someone. Most of us wolves aren't like the werewolves of legend.
He shook his head in disbelief as the Dollenhan's were a strong line of Silver Wolves that were thinning. His eyes focused on me once more as he growled, "You never proved it, and you could be a fake for all I know."
I simply smiled as my eyes changed to a fiery golden color as my canines sharpened and grew, nails started to grow into claws.
"I hope that proves it because if I shift all the way my cloths would rip." I told him, as my claws detracted and my eyes and teeth went to normal. "Now you have to answer my question." My voice held the slightest threatening sound.
He simply nodded then spoke in his hard voice, "My name is Nelson HonCoff."
"Do you know how to cast magical spells Nelson?" I asked as I stared at him.
When he just nodded I spoke again my voice demanding but sweet and soft, "Good, I'll need your help casting a spell when the time is right."
"When will the time be right?" He asked me his mossy green eyes staring at me.
"Either I'll seek you out or you could make a pack bond with me now, you beta, and I alpha." I informed him as I thought about it for a second then nodded.
"I think I like the second option better," He told me. It surprised me at first because most male Silver Wolves wouldn't agree to just being betas in a pack.
"Very well," my voice was strong and thick, one fit to be an alpha.
A pack bond is a bond when two or more wolves decide to make a pack, whether it's siblings, mates, or just friends. They would cut themselves in the shape they wanted the pack symbol to be and where the symbol, or logo, would be on each pack member. After that they would connect their symbols and say the name they want the pack to be called.
"What do you want the pack to be called and the symbol of it, alpha?" Nelson asked me tilting his head.
"How about the... Italim Pack and the symbol could be of a wolf howling at the moon!" My voice had a tiny bit of an excited essence in it but was still strong. I still remember the reason I named the pack Italim was because it is Erlin word for, 'white moon' just like how Rogel means, 'Werewolf.' Erlin is the ancient language for both Silver Wolves and Werewolves. It itself means, 'ancient language.'
He nodded then said strongly, "Very well then, let's get started."
I looked around as the back flash stopped. The scent whipped my nose again. I let out another sigh as I walked toward it. It was definitely human, it smelled young but I wondered why a young human would be in the woods alone, at night.
I stopped as I heard a voice in my head, Nelson was talking to me through the pack bond.
'Hey Secret, this town has tons of steakhouses and butcher shops, it smells so good!' He thought through the link.
'Really? Too bad we're hunting tonight though.' I told him.
'Please, please, please!' He begged me.
'Maybe tomorrow if we are still in this area, but remember I'm the one with the money so don't try anything.' I informed him then set my notice back on the scent.
I could hear the human panting and shivering in fear, I smelled the air once more. It was a young boy around eight to nine years old.
"What's wrong, why are you out here alone in the woods at night?" I asked him as I bent down and moved a branch to see his face.
He was curled up in a ball. He was wearing a navy blue t-shirt and sandy jeans. He had grey sneakers with white laces. His hair was chocolate brown, it matched his hazel eyes. Freckles dotted his face as well.
"W-who are you?" he trembled as he tried to speak.
"A friend that can help you. Now tell me, what's wrong?" I asked once more.
"I'm l-lost, what's y-your name?" He was still shivering in fear.
"Secret Dollenhan is my name, you?" I asked him with a smile on my face. It was the first time sense I met Nelson that I told someone my real name. The risk of the Silver Assassins finding out where I am was too high to go around telling everyone my name.
"B-Bryce Gold, but my family is died in a fire." He told me his face full of sadness.
"I'm so sorry Bryce, are you ok? Why are you out here alone?" I asked him concern plastered on my face.
"Ya I guess..." He told me as he looked at his feet, "I ran away from the orphanage they treated me poorly there."
I smiled as I smelled his scent again; he was able to learn to cast spells.
"Why?" I asked him as I sat down to face him.
"They called me an idiot for believing in supernatural creatures, are you going to call me an idiot too?" He asked as fear struck his heart.
"No, there are supernatural creatures in this world if you open your eyes and look for them, what would you do if you met a werewolf?" I asked him smiling.
My silky soft wavy, platinum blond hair touching the ground, when I stood up it was just below my knees. I had light blue eyes that had a dark blue around edges of my iris, it was lighter with dark blue and gold streaks, my eyes sometimes turned gold due to being a Silver Wolf. I had pierced ears that were pierced twice at the bottom of my ear and once at the top. My lips are naturally red and not too big or thin. I had light freckles on my cheekbones. I was about 5'8 and looked between about 21 or 18 years old, when in reality I'm over 660 years old.
"I would ask it if it would harm me, if it says yes I would scream and run, if it says no I would ask it to teach me about what the world was really about, and ask it if it would take me in under its wing." Bryce told me answering the question.
I smiled as I told him, "Most werewolves aren't like the ones in the legends and stories, most are kind and would take you under their wing if they trusted you especially a Silver Wolf, they're the strongest werewolves." I told him with a smile.
"I guess so but, how do you know? Do you believe in werewolves?" He asked hope in his breath.
"Yes I do believe in werewolves, Bryce." I told him studying him wondering if I could trust him.
"Why?" He asked plainly, as he stared into my eyes confused why a grown up would believe in myths.
I looked at him with trusting eyes I just stared for a few moments then spoke, "I tell you this because I trust you Bryce you must not tell a soul what I'm about to tell you, no one, got it?"
He nodded and stated, "Got it, it's Secret's secret."
We both chuckled at his statement then I put my pinkie out and said, "Promise me."
He put his finger out and chuckled, "Promise." Then we locked pinkies.
"I'm a Silver Wolf." I stated after retracting my finger.
"What? You mean the type of werewolf you said was the strongest?" He asked confused.
I simply nodded, and then my head snapped to the scent of Nelson. He was following my scent.
"Prove it!" he said excited.
"Ok." I laughed as my eyes turned gold as I stared at him.
He gasped in shock then shook his head. He screamed at the snarling sound behind me.
My head snapped towards the sound as I snarled back strong and louder, "Nelson he's a friend not an enemy."
He stopped then turned around to go shift behind a tree.
"What's with the kid, sis?" Nelson asked using his nickname for me; we considered each other sister and brother.
I simply shook my head then said, "His name is Bryce, Nelson."
Bryce shook in fear then gulped it down, "H-hi mister w-wolf."
"You can call me Nelson; I'm a Silver Wolf like Secret here." Nelson stated emotionless.
I shot up from the dream as I looked at the clock that was beeping furiously for me to wake, 6:00am.
Letting out a groan I shook my head and buried it in a pillow, what bothered me the most was the dream was really 10 years ago...
'It's summer why do I have to get up so early?' I thought to myself as I remembered my dream.
I shook my head I have been having dreams like that for the past month, I jumped out of bed and went into the kitchen only to see my foster mom cooking... Eggs? I looked at her as it was burnt brown crisp of overcooked eggs.
"Would you like some eggs Emily?" She asked with a smile.
"No thank you mam," I told her with a smile.
I hope you guys like this story and feel free to give me suggestions for it or point out grammar mistakes, it really helps trust me. Also there will NOT be any mature scenes in this story. I have not decided when my update schedule will be for this story yet, nor is it edited, I do not know when I will post the next chapter either.
Word Count: 2132
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