You know that feeling when life couldn't get any better or worse for you right? Yes that's what I was feeling at the moment.
Sometimes I feel like there's no one who can relate to what I feel, and as much as Yimika tries...
She can never understand.
She keeps telling me to never give up on her 'God', to never turn my back on him.
When he turned his on me? I don't think so.
And as much as my parents try, they can't make me go back. Back to when I was vulnerable and weak, back to when I still believed in that imperceptible being, also known as 'God'
Call me mean, self centered or whatever you feel defines me, I don't care. I'm who I am and nothing can change that. Over the past few years I've realized that humans are basically double-dealing people and even though they might actually care, they're susceptible to a lot of the things we run from, and they can't help it. God, on the other hand, is powerful, pre-eminent, innovative and lots more, but then sometimes it feels as though he would rather watch me agonize than help and no matter how much people try to change my perspective of it, I wouldn't see it for any other way.
"Yemisi?!" Yimika screamed snapping her fingers in my face. "Were you even listening?!"
I looked at her startled. Just then did I come to a realization, that Yimika, my bestfriend since ss1, had been sitting in my room explaining algebra that I already understood perfectly. I even scored higher than her during tests or exams. "No?"
"Ah! You definitely need Jesus! So after wasting my saliva right?! Ugh!" She groaned rubbing her face with her palm. I chuckled at her childish display of frustration.
Yimika was what I would describe as a slave driver. When she wanted something, she'd ensure that she gets it at all cost. She was also very soft-hearted and her honey eyes were just enough reasons to want to confide in her and tell her all your problems. She was always in her signature box braids, packed into a huge doughnut at the top of her head. She was about average height and lastly, she believed strongly in God, heaven, miracles...all of those spiritual things. When someone ever had nightmares, She'd take it seriously, saying it was sent from the pit of hell and needed to be cancelled by all costs.
"I was saying that the equation for this number" she pointed to number three "is X equals to.."
"Can we not do math now. My brain is not in the mood." I complained running my fingers through my hair. "So brain is now having moods shebi? You know what? I'd just drop it. But tomorrow. We are finishing it." I sighed in defeat and nodded. It's not like I could steer clear of math when Yimika Owolabi is around.
It's not as if it was homework! It was just past questions for WAEC!! That exam is like next year..
"Oya so where do you want to go? KFC or Mr. Biggs?" She asked putting away the text books, notebooks and scientific calculator.
"KFC" I said in a 'duh' tone, simultaneously rolling my eyes playfully. She swatted my arm, feigning angry "thou shalt not roll thine eyes at me." She said and I laughed.
"So what should I wear? I definitely can't wear this." I said gesturing to the over-sized top I was wearing.
"Before nko will you wear it? Abegi!!" She rolled her eyes. I hissed and began to laugh a little as I walked to my large wardrobe and looked through the clothes I had.
Clothes began to fly out of it. "Guy, you need to learn how to be tidy" Yimika said. I turned to look at her but instead of her face, I saw a gown of mine hanging on her head. I laughed for like the tenth time this afternoon.
Once I was done changing into a black and white crop hoodie, black tank top, black ripped jeans and black and white vans, I came out of the room.
Yimika looked at me in distaste and shook her head. "Are you a demon? Abi you are just coming back from the funeral? Why too much black?"
"How do you know a demon is black, are you a demon?" I questioned, my hands on my hips. She sighed and rolled her eyes. I knew she found it annoying when her question was answered with a question "Because someone had learnt how to roll her eyes now we will not hear word." I said also rolling my eyes.
She giggled, shaking her head. "LOL"
"Never ever ever, say "LOL" when talking...its meant for you know how cringe you sound?"
"That's your business. If I want to say LOL I will say it....LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL L---"
" lets get going already!! I want chicken! Can we also go to cold stone? I want their ice cream. I also have cravings for Krispy Kreme doughnuts. And maybe domino--"
She looked at me in mock irritation. "Hey hey hey. Is not you and me that is doing all those ones. O. B. O wants to show us she has money. If you are doing all that, I'm not paying at all."
We got outside and we entered the car with the driver, Mr. Kayode. Once we got to KFC, we ordered four large chicken wings and very cold Fanta.
"So are we just going to sit here and do nothing?" Yimika asked. "Umm I was planning a party at the beach. I want to book the beach for the whole day. Next Saturday." I said. She dropped her chicken wing and looked at me with a disbelieving look. "What?!" I asked also dropping mine.
"There's no way that would happen Yemisi! I mean last time you hosted a party, you ended up getting drunk and on the road! What if I didn't see you ehn?!"
I shrugged nonchalantly. "Well you did so.."
"Yemisi No! It's final. You're not hosting any party next Saturday. Unless there's no alcohol or hard drugs" she said.
This was one problem I had with Yimika. She was always lambasting people without thinking twice. She could be so prim and proper not even calming down a little to have fun
" You never even agree with me for once! For crying out loud you're my best friend Yimika!" I said angrily "all you do is criticize me like I'm not human like you! I'm actually tired. Really. If i want to host a party, I should! No one's asking for you to pay or produce drinks"
"Yemisi, yes I'm your best friend, but I'm trying to help you out here. I let you do it the last time and you know where it got you" she whispered, visibly hurt. I hit the table with my fists and glared at her. "I. Don't. Need. Your. Help!!"
"Hacee! Please make unna reduce your noise, you dey disturb pesin for this place." A woman said. I turned to her and glared, gritting my teeth as I did so. Before getting up angrily and walking out.
I bumped into a guy on my way out and he looked at me irritated, gesturing to his white top which had been stained with my fanta. I eyed him and dumped the remaining drink on him before blessing him extra with the disposable cup and walking out. I heard him gasp but didn't will myself to turn back to apologize
So which restaurant do you prefer? KFC or Mr. Biggs?
Sooo, I know that sometimes it might feel as though God doesn't want to help us but here is the thing, we have those days when things are just nasty but that's not enough reasons to give up on God or say he's not there. He has reasons why somethings happen. We should also learn to look at ourselves to know if we're the problem because sometimes people just carry all their problems and blame it on God without pausing to think if they're the ones at fault. God is never at fault neither does he want to have nothing to do with us. It's either we're at fault or things are happening for a reason at that particular time. Whatever it is, understand that things will definitely get better. Just hang on to God 🙂💚
With that being saiddd, How was the very first chapter??? If you have been around, you'd probably realize that I did in fact edit it again, I realized that there were certain things that needed to be changed or that I needed to lay emphasis on other things so yeah :)
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Stay blessed💕
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