I was shocked when someone jumped on me like hugged me so tight.
"Hi Yin---Rita what's up?" I asked hugging her back "just call me Yinka I love that name better besides that's my real name" she said
I smiled at her and hugged her tightly. Once we broke apart, she hugged Temi and then led us to her room. I felt the need to make Temi come because she's literally our sister now so...
Her room was themed blue and white. Just how I knew her before. She loved anything blue.
"Tony and I bought everything for the sleepover. Popcorn, Candies, ice cream, movies, extra sleeping bags just everything. And I was able to set them up. Oh! And I'm having a photo-shoot the day after tomorrow so I was wondering if you guys would tag along and we photo-shoot together?"
"Sure...and thank you" I smiled. She still had that busty attitude. "Fine by me" Temi nodded
"Let's go, let's go! Its already 7:14. We're watching Dr.Strange. is it okay? I have other options of you don't like it. There's Aladdin, Bride Wars, Pitch perfect, Aqua-man---"
"Dr. Strange is great, but can we Watch Aladdin first? Pleaseee? I've wanted to watch it for a while now but I never got the chance to so--" I began
"Gerrout. I'm watching Dr. Strange." Temi argued
"Iffa beat you? Don't comman start oh! Aladdin is what we're watching" I glared
"I will beat you too na. And who's the we?" Temi scowled throwing a pillow at me
"If you don't wanna be part of the we. Yinka and I--" I said throwing the pillow back
"I never said we're watching Aladdin oh! Don't comman call my name" Yinka playfully glared at me
"Eheeeeeen! No problem. But please na?"
"Mstcheww. We're watching Dr. Strange after. Everything oh!"
"of course...let's go! I have a two set pajamas for y'all" she said. She turned on the TV and we both pushed her bed to one side. She felt like we should use the sleeping bags instead so it would be fair.
"I'm in love with Will Smith, nobody can tell me nonsense" She said throwing popcorn in her mouth
"abi? Will Smith is just... osheyyy" I giggled.
"That's my husbandman there!" Temi shouted throwing popcorn at the TV.
"You're wasting it! Gimme joor" yinka snatched the popcorn from her "if you cannot eat the popcorn, I will eat it."
"Me and you oh!" I added. Temi stuck her tongue out at me and grabbed my ice cream while I chewed on her popcorn, sending her a glare at the same time.
We finished watching stuff around 1:56 am.
"I swear, I don't wanna sleep yet." I grumbled
"Then let's talk and gist na?"
I nodded in agreement
"Tell me about your crush. I know you like Tony"
"No nau! Don't even start.."
"Sister mi, lemme tell you something. In school, boys were fighting over this girl" Temi said
"Mhm? Are you serious?" Yinka asked
"Yes oh! Fist fight sef. Omo, see the way Tony beat Daniel ehn? Chai! Girls are looking for one! Just one! This one carried two. At least me, I have one so, I'm saved from the drama of two"
Gbese Gbese Gbese
"At your age! Temi, you're having boyfriend! When I was your age, I will be licking pin pop like my life depended on it! Me and boys?.."
"Ah! Yinka don't start. What about David? And eh Nonso?" I teased.
"They were probably idiots. but i cant remember them."
"You're just 15. I'm 14. What's the difference?" Temi queried
"We're turning 16, you're turning 15. There you go" I smiled. more like smirked. But its our little secret.
"Gerrout! Gimme that popcorn you took oh! I never said you should eat it"
"Hmm sure...try getting it from my stomach" I smiled sarcastically.
"you're owing me popcorn sha"
"Which dirty owing? There is popcorn by the table there. Go and take it. I'm not owing you anything" Yinka said
Temi grabbed a hand full of popcorn and threw it at her. We all laughed and kept quiet. After a moment of silence, Yinka turned to me.
"I know this is weird but uh....I've been meaning to ask you and ...I don't know if it might--"
"Just say it" I smiled
"How was I like before everything happened?" She asked
I paused. I really didn't expect that question. How do I reply to that though?
"U-Uh you were very nice, cool, sarcastic, a like motherly figure, you put others before yourself...but you had panic attacks"
"I seemed nice" she laughed awkwardly. I also returned it with a smile of mine.
"You sure were. You still are" I whispered. She nodded "can you tell me how it....happened? How I got kidnapped." she asked.
I nodded and began to tell her the whole story.
MARCH 2ND 2018
7:00 PM
"Dad's birthday is next week" I said finishing my drink before throwing it's empty bottle in the nearest dust bin. I untied the nylon containing two sausages. "Mmh. I think we should quickly get him a gift, maybe at ICM (IKEJA CITY MALL)" she said.
"Don't you think it's late? We might get home like around eight, plus the place is quite far and Nigerian streets are dangerous at night... According to mom" I disagreed. She shrugged adjusting her sling bag, zipping it up.
"Not dangerous to me besides, God will protect us. Nothing can go wrong."
"Oh well, but I think we should still be careful, we can't go around saying God would protect us and then we ain't gonna do anything"
"Nevaeh, you gotta play it cool, we ain't gonna have time tomorrow. School stuff is resuming."
"Okay then. Whatever you say twinzy." She grinned at me and I returned it.
We got an Uber and went to ICM. Once we were done, we started heading back, we decided to walk to the nearest bus stop and get a bus from there back home.
We got to the bus stop, waiting for a taxi, talking when a car pulled over, the front glass window was wined down and a man stretched out his hand, a 'gun in it. He pointed it at us, mainly my sister. I guess he was debating on whether to kill me or both of us.
We were both scared, I expected her to start running, just as I wanted to, but she stood frozen to the ground. she started breathing heavily. She had a panic attack. She had it once in a while when she misses her medication for that week. And unfortunately, she didn't take it on sunday.
Which is today! I never even realized that her panic attacks could come easily and quick.
My mind flew back to present as I watched her shake in fear. The man adjusted his hand, ready to pull the trigger.
I screamed her name but she didn't answer. I tried grabbing her but the man growled at me. Sending me a warning glare.
Finally I ran away. The last thing I heard was a 'gun shot' and a scream. She was probably dead. Or bleeding. I heard the car screech and drive away.
I ran home and alerted my parents. We called for police but they came about an hour later. It was already late. I knew she was probably gone by now.
We drove to the area and saw blood on the floor. My sister was dead! She was gone! I'd never ever see her again. I broke into multiple sobs, unable to comport myself. Nothing broke me more than the fact that my sister, my TWIN sister, was gone.
Had it been that I stood my ground, when we were contemplating on whether to go or not. Had it been that God helped us. And protected us. But he didn't. And it was my fault. I put my trust in him.
It haunted me for nights, days, months, weeks. I couldn't sleep well. I kept imagining how she died. I imagined blood gushing out of her sides and mouth, I imagined her screaming in pain as she choked on her blood.
I imagined her ghost haunting me for not being with her. (And even if it sounds really weird, i did imagine her ghost) For not being able to save her. For being a COWARD when it came to her affairs. For not able to die with her.
"Hey..its not your fault okay? You did what anyone would have had to do. You shouldn't blame yourself. I'm alive and healthy and so are you"she said hugging me. "You even sound like a great sis to me. and you've always proved yourself to be one. Don't let the past pull you down. If you waited and got 'shot' I know I wouldn't have forgiven myself"
I hugged her tighter, tears falling from my eyes. This is what I've missed. Me, hugging my sister like this. Just us holding onto each other tightly.
"I think y'all are forgetting someone" Temi said opening her arms wide
We all had a group hug, I swear it made me feel we better. Forget therapist. What Yinka told me worked magic. It was like a weight dropped from my shoulders.
"I swear someone's body is smelling here" Yinka muttered. We all laughed
"Its probably Temi. After all the jumping she's been doing." I said laughing at Temi who folded her arms glaring at us.
"Why are you always calling my name? What did I ever do to you? I'm sure its you both that is even smelling. Did you wipe your butt well after taking a shit?" She scrunched her nose.
"Eww what nonsense are you saying" I said.
"Dont even start. Be doing as if you don't poo-poo" Yinka rolled her eyes.
"God! I swear down both of you are mad! You hear me? MAD!" I said.
"Whoever is shouting mad in my house, better keep quiet" we heard Tony yell from down stairs.
We all looked at each other and burst onto laughter.
its great to have siblings. Ones that can relate to you.
Not badbele ones oh!
The next morning, I brushed my teeth and changed into an over-sized shirt of mine. I don't mean to brag but I know I look cute in it. Like....bruhhh
I was making pancakes when the door bell rang. I quickly turned off the gas cooker and went to check.
"Uh...Tony's parents are around" the gate man said ushering two people into the house.
The man eyed me from head to toe and I realized I was just wearing an over sized shirt.
"Are you one of Tony's sluts? I knew that boy hasn't changed." The woman asked
"Huh? N-No ma....I, I'm n-n---"
"That's what they always say, but we all know the truth" she glared at me.
"Mum...Dad." Tony said coldly
"I--I'm just going to leave" I said awkwardly and then left.
From the kitchen, I could hear them shouting at Tony, and he kept shouting back until they finally left.
He walked into the kitchen, bumping his shoulder into mine unintentionally and then collected the Coco pops and walked away.
Someone's gotten their panties in a twist.
"You should talk to him...he wouldn't listen to me any longer. And I think you'd do the job well."
I turned to see Yinka leaning against the door watching me "You saw that? The way he just bumped into me. So rude" I complained
"He isn't thinking straight...things are getting bad for him, so you can drop the 'I'm the goddess' act and actually behave sensibly. What do you think you are anyways? Someone needs to knock sense into you for real."
"I-I'm just going to talk to him" I said walking out of the kitchen.
"Great! I hope I knocked small sense into you. His room is upstairs turn left and then right when you get to the end of the hallway" she smiled patting my back.
"Thank you. I'll try." I returned her smile and then walked. upstairs to find his room. I trudged through the hallway, looking at some pictures there. I hardly found any picture of his parents, just him and Yinka and some other friends....wait is that....me?
What the heck?! What am I doing on his wall and how didn't I see that.
the picture wasn't bad, I actually kind of liked it but according to the picture, I was at school in the class, with my earpiece in place and my tab in my hand.
There was another picture of me talking to Daniel, moving my hands.
There was another one of me laughing with Yimika and one of me glaring at him.
When did he take all these??? And how did I not even notice him taking pictures of him?
I shook my head I'll ask him later. I walked to the end of the hall and turned right and then I saw a door. Of course I opened it.
Without knocking.
"Why can't you knock?! Do you think you own everything?? You can't even have respect for me or my privacy. You can't do what a normal person would do...why? Because you're a billionaire's daughter. Or because you're not from this place!!" He ranted angrily as he glared at me....hard.
"woah..woah there! Just chill okay? I came to check on you and you're just going to shout at me?" I asked bitterly. If he was going to be a jerk he can be my guest of course.
"I don't need to be checked upon! What don't you understand?! If you're going to be a busybody why can't you just go and do that somewhere else?"
"Oh! So now you call me a busybody? You know what Tony, you're a jerk! A real one at that! Because I came all the way here to see if you were good since the way you were acting was weird and then all you're going to do is to insult me?! Well guess what? I'm not one to allow that. So you can drown in your self-depression or sad life or whatever I really don't care." I said and with one last scowl I walked out of his room banging the door as hard as I could.
This book is ending at 50 !! Well hopefully. Because I think we're all getting tired of this people's drama like.....can you guys just make up and get together already?
But we all know how I am. let's just agree now...that this book should end at 50. Simple😂😂
Hope you liked the chapter tho. It isn't THAT long, exactly 2500 words 😊😊
Didn't I try? I know you want to hug me and kiss my cheek. You're free to 😂😂
Stay blessed 💕
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