Do not skip authors note at the end, very important
"I swear to the holy mother of moi-moi and akara, I will castrate you, Amaka, if you dare touch my pancake!" I screamed ignoring the looks every other person sent my way.
I glared at Amaka as she held my pancake close to her mouth and then she did the most unbelievable thing in the world.
She ate my pancake!
My own pancake!
Yemisi's pancake!
The apostles will definitely here of this.
I got up and slapped her hand as the remaining piece of pancake fell. I'd rather it be on the floor that in her abdomen. How was she not even fat? Do you know how much she eats a day?!!!
"Guy!" She groaned
"What?! Why the hell would you eat out of my pancake??" I questioned glaring at her. "You clearly didn't want it" she shrugged.
I hissed loudly "and how would you know that?"
"Ahan? When you were busy staring at brother Tony. You ignored the pancake and it was just begging me in its glory to chop it. And that's what I did. Chikina."
I groaned and covered my face with my palm. It had been just four days of camping and I had been embarrassed twice already!
Tony chocked on his water or sprite whichever one and then turned to grin at me.
I wish he chocked to death.
Davida laughed almost falling out of her chair along with Yimika. I glared at the both of them. "Like what you see?" Tony said wiggling his brows in an irritatingly cute way.
"Gerrout joor. be saying nonsense there" I scoffed.
Michael cleared his throat in a 'sure' way and I turned to glare at him too.
"You be glaring at every body" Tony scoffed I opened my mouth to reply but was cut off by a supervisor. He stuck out his tongue at me which was a childish yet cute behavior.
"Hace! Keep shut" the supervisor shouted into the microphone creating a loud noise. Everyone covered their ears and bent down slightly.
"You see what your voice has caused" I heard tony say. I giggled before I could stop myself and unfortunately, it was too loud. the supervisor saw me and called me to kneel down in front of everybody.
"Who's that one?! oya Yemisi! You'd be the first scape goat." she grinned wickedly. I swear she's a demon herself.
"Ma nau" I groaned walking slowly to the stage "walk fast my friend" she hissed
"How can I be your friend and you're treating me like this?" I asked kneeling down. Everyone laughed and I grinned cheekily.
"So you want to be the class clown in I quote? You think you're little miss perfect and a know it all? Well sorry to.."
"One" I interrupted rudely. She had gotten on my nerves "this isn't a class. If you didn't know that I wonder why you're teaching. Two. I'm not trying to be the class clown neither do I think I'm a little miss perfect in I quote and if you don't understand that I was just joking when I said stuff about the friends then go and sit down somewhere and eat kpomo."
"Woo!" A students cheered me on. I recognized their voice immediately. Only you Anjola.
But I continued fashy being rude. this woman was going to get it big from me.
" Why would I even want to be your friend I mean you already look like a ..."
"Enough" I felt arms wrap around my waist and dragged me from the stage. Away from that demon. She stared at me in shock while I glared.
"You sure got her shook" the guy said from behind me. I quickly moved away from him. "That's her business" I hissed.
We sat down on the table with the others "Joana. she's from our school." Davida said. "aka bigest slut of Africa"
Amaka rolled her eyes, relating to what davida was saying.
"No wonder. Even from the way she's dressed, you'll know" Yimika commented and we agreed immediately.
"okay" she called into the microphone recovering from her shock. Students snickered while she stood trying to keep them shut.
"WILL YOU KEEP SHUT!" She screamed getting our attention. We immediately kept quiet and she continued. "We are going swimming at the lake immediately after breakfast so once your table is done eating, you will all move to your cabins and change and then meet in front of this building. Understood?"
We all replied immediately. We were all so excited for it. We rushed our meals and ran to our cabin.
"This, this or this" Yimika asked holding up three swim suits. The first one was a black two piece, the second was just a normal swim suit but coloured sky blue and the third was white with golden floral designs.
"Third one" we agreed. She quickly changed in the bathroom and then came out. I entered after her and changed into a black swimsuit with a little bit of white stripes. I tied my braids into a bun securing it tightly. Davida changed and then Amaka.
We all came out and walked to the restaurant already seeing the boys waiting for us.
I couldn't help but notice the six rocks carved perfectly on Tony's abdomen.
I quickly looked away before he will start his madness but trust me it was hard to. "God will forgive you" Davida said rolling her eyes.
"You think I've not seen you and Daniel (2) abi?" I countered. She visibly blushed but you know melanin queens. It wasn't visible visible but from the way she smiled and looked away. You'll know something is up.
"Hey" I heard someone say. I turned around and saw Tony.
"Hi?" I asked backing away. He took three steps forward "scared?" And with that, he turned and walked away.
This boy would be the death of me!
⬇ ⬇ P L E A S E R E A D ⬇⬇
Okay so for those of you who don't follow me.. You might've missed the announcement I posted on my message board. I will be doing an update marathon so hopefully in one day, I'd be able to post more than two chapters or two chapters.
mock exams are over and the only reason I'd be doing this quickly is because we still have another exam coming up and I wanna make y'all happy also, since you did by granting me 122 followers. I'm grateful to you all and to God ❤❤
Lastly, this book is going to take a huge turn soon. Right now it might seem a little confusing but trust me na 😉😉
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