It had been exactly one and a half month since the whole kidnapping fiasco. I had gone to school the next Monday and let's just say everyone was surprised that I was still alive and even more surprised when I greeted and smiled at most of them. Well except Yimika and Daniel because they already came to my house last saturday
Who knew that Yemisi Nevaeh Simon would ever glance at someone talk less of even smiling or greeting them??
Yimika and Daniel were currently at my house and their parents too. Their parents and mine were downstairs while we were in my room.
"Darling?" Mom's voice came as she knocked on the door. She opened the door wider to reveal her, Yimika and Daniel's Mom.
"Hey Mommas" I smiled. They beamed at me chuckling silently.
"So we've decided to send you guys to the youth camp, Pastor Okonkwo and his wife are hosting." She said.
A youth camp?! Like a youth camp???? Oh my God. I'm so going!
"Cool...so when are we going?"
"Now. Your stuff have been packed up and yimika and Daniel also. The car is ready to take all of you" Yimika's mom said.
We stood up and I changed into a better outfit once all of them left the room. A pair of jeans and white top would be okay. I divided my hair into two. Tying the first part up and leaving the rest. Once I put on my shoes, I packed my ear piece, power bank, phone and some money
"She lives!" Temi called once she saw me. "Gerrout joor. I didn't take so long and you know it"
Immediately I said that, all heads snapped towards me with raised brows.
"Uh.... Maybe I did" I said grinning sheepishly.
"Since we're all ready? Let's pray and get going. Yemisi? Please lead us in prayer. I nodded and bowed by head down as we began to pray.
"Be good girls! We'd miss you! Oh and here's your schedule" Dad said handing all of us papers. I hugged him and every other person before turning to the two people with me. For some reasons, Temi couldn't come and even I don't know why.
"Oya gerrout issokay" Daniel chuckled hugging his mum.
"Eheen. No problem. shebi you'd come and ask me for free data" she hissed. We all laughed as Daniel looked away embarrassed.
Once they left, I turned to Daniel and Yimika. We both looked at each other and turned. There was a building with teenagers coming in and out. I could see the pastor also. we walked towards there and saw even more people Inside.
We struggled to find a seat. "This thing is annoying me now" Yimika complained. "Wha--" My question was cut of by someone bumping into me or me bumping into them or... Whatever.
"So sorry" I said checking to see if she was alright
"Its fine. I wasn't watching. Davida." she said stretching out her hand. I took it with a smile.
"Nice meeting you." She said and with one last smile, she walked away.
"You practically forgot us" Daniel remarked.
"not my fault" I laughed
"Attention children! please be quiet" a supervisor said. Almost everyone quietened down and turned to the teacher. "Shh" Daniel said making me turn around and smack him on the head.
"A word from the pastor and then we'd assigning you to your respective cabins. The names have been sorted out already but according to the map with me here, we'd have to walk a little further and then get to the cabins. There are four people to one cabin. The girls and boys would be arranged separately. Any more announcement or information would be given if need be. Over to the pastor now"
The pastor came out with an applause from everyone. "Praise God!"
"how are you doing? Are you excited...happy?" He asked. Everyone nodded in agreement and whispered to themselves."okay. Calm down. Let's pray. and we'd start the little journey"
"God!" I panted as I held onto Daniel. Someone should just carry me. He laughed "is it not this small thing and you're behaving as if you ran for Lagos marathon." I turned and glared at him. "Because you're a man now we won't hear word"
"Oya lemme carry you" he said. "Gladly" I smiled and jumped on his back. Yimika shook her head at me chuckling. "Lemme joor, I'm tired"
He kept walking with me on his back and Yimika by the side but I couldn't miss the look she gave me once in a while. As though she was jealous. I looked closely at her but could not decipher because she smiled warmly at me. I smiled back and looked away, feeling a little uneasy
once we got to the actual place, I jumped down from his back.
"So... Here are the rules" the pastor's wife called once we had gathered around her. "No loitering. During activities, everyone is expected to come out. The boys stay in different cabins from the girls. No smoking or any thing illegal. do not walk away from the others without anyone knowing. Mrs. Henley. Come sort them out."
A middle aged looking woman came out of the crowd as the pastor's wife walked away. "Okay here we go"
"Um... The boys, should go to the other side of the cabins. Mr. Desmond would sir you out. Girls? Stay here"
The boys walked away, Yimika waving at Daniel as he left. He smiled back at her.
'Davida Johnson"
"Yemisi Simon"
"Chiamaka Agetu"
"Yimika Owolabi."
We stepped out. I linked my arm with Yimika, happy to be paired up with her.
"Oh hey!" The first girl said once we reached her and her friend. "hi. We've seen each other before" I said, trying to recollect her face.
"Yup! You're Yemisi, I'm Davida. We met and the hall."
"Oh yeah" I said "hey again"
"Hii. So this is Amaka" she pointed to the other girl who smiled "wassup?"
"Nothing much. I'm Yemisi though"
"I know" She chuckled.
"And this is Yimika."
"Hey!" Yimika grinned at them. They waved.
"So we are sharing a cabin. yeah?" Amaka said.
"Duh!" I said laughing. We walked to where the guys were.
"My other friend is here." she said.
"Me too. let's call them out."
We both looked at each other.
"You know Daniel?" We said simultaneously.
Daniel walked over and her Daniel walked over too."oh I get. this will be confusing" .
"You." Amaka said pointing to our daniel "Daniel One" And then she pointed to the other Daniel "Daniel two. Problem solved."
We laughed in agreement.
"That is Michael. " Michael smiled at us. I had to admit, he was was hella fine dude
"The others are sorted out. apparently we're in that cabin" Yimika said. we nodded and began to walk to our various cabins. We unpacked our stuffs while we spoke to each other about random stuff.
Then we had lunch and went hiking.
I was so not ready for that hiking. Because...I CLIMBED A HILL ON NY WAY HERE!!!!
And there was no Daniel to carry me. Not that I'd allow him to. With the look Yimika was giving me. I'd have to talk to her though.
Apology time.
Its been so long since I updated. And i apologize really. some things had to be sorted out concerning this book and yeah.
aNYwAYs!! If you thought the drama was over...sIKe!! It has just began and I think Aunty Yimika might be the one starting it 😣😔
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