Chapter 9 ~ Damn Nerd
*All the art in this book isn't mine!!
Katsuki's P.O.V
I walk up to the door and open it and I see dunce face greeting us. "Hey guys! Glad you could make it! Come in!" The idiot says and then he walks in revealing all the extras we used to know. Deku walks in with me and some weird girl hugs him. OH it was pink cheeks. She seemed really attached to him and this pissed me off.
"DEKU-KUN!" She yelled. Damn shes annoying.
"Hey Uraraka! How's the party to far?" Deku asks her.
"Pretty fun! I'm glad you made it, Todoroki should be here soon as well. OH IIDA IS HERE!" She yells and drags Deku with her. That damn nerd... I walk over to Kirishima who was passing out drinks to everyone.
"Hey MAN! Are you staying over tonight?!" He says handing me a red cup with a drink inside. I take a sip and nod my head. I didn't feel like dealing with everyone at my house anyways. I talk with crappy hair and out of the corner of my eye I see non other than Icy-hot. Todoroki and his half white half red hair and that monotone face of his. He walks over to Deku and those idiots all start talking. It was about two hours into the party and about everyone was here. I was a little surprised but then again they all are idiots so they came here. "Who ya' staring at Bakugou?" I turn my attention to tape guy.
"I bet it's Midoriya right?" Kirishima says while he walks over with his boyfriend by the looks of it (Denki Kaminari). I blush and I was so pissed because that DAMN NERD IS ALWAYS MAKING MY HEART AND STOMACH FEEL WEIRD. I swear he has some type of stupid super power that make people feel sick inside. "DUDE YOU LIKE MIDO-" Dunce face shuts his mouth up. That idiot did something smart for once because I was about to kill them all.
"Kirishima IF YOU DON'T SHUT THE F-" I start but then I see Deku walk over. Everyone got quiet but then started a normal conversation.
"Hey man! Need a drink?" Kirishmia asks Deku. Was he about to give that nerd alcohol?
"Yeah, maybe like medium so I'm not a complete idiot please." He says laughing. Wow this nerd actually drinks. This surprised me. Kirishima hands him a can and he starts to drink it like it was nothing. "Something wrong Kacchan?" The nerd ask's me.
"Didn't know you drink." I say plainly and a little shocked if I was being honest.
"There is a lot to learn about me." He says and he WINKS AT ME? WHAT THE HELL?
"Did he just wink at you? DUDE YOU SO LIKE HIM! He obviously likes you back, why not just ask him out already?" Kirishima asks me.
"Because I'm not sure if he does and he's a timid stupid nerd. He wouldn't really like me anyways." I say feeling a little defeated.
"Dude... He likes you in some way at least. I mean he hasn't completely rejected you or stopped talking to you despite your attitude." I turn around and glare at him. I shake my head and try too enjoy the rest of the part. I can't help but glance at the nerd. He was wearing a T-shirt and he actually had muscles. Those biceps... He actually had them. They weren't bad looking either, you could tell he worked out. I start talking to my friends and whatnot or crap. It was getting late and everyone was either tipsy or flat out drunk. I was buzzed because I didn't feel like getting hammered tonight. I look over at Kirishima and his ass was drunk. It was funny as hell because he was more stupid than he usually is.
Izuku's P.O.V
After I got my drink I walk over to my friends. Todoroki had something light and so did Uraraka. I couldn't help but look around me and see Kacchan. Its funny how we knew each other in high school though. Never thought this moment would come. When I look at him my stomach turns and I swear it's the alcohol. I felt a little hot too, that was definitely the alcohol. Kacchan had a nice jawline and his broad shoulders looks amazing and tough. His biceps were jacked and I couldn't help but wonder what they felt like. "Are you alright Midoriya?" I turn around to see Todoroki talking to me and my other friends string at me.
"Oh yeah I'm fine, sorry I was just distracted." I say taking a sip of my drink.
"Who were you looking at?" Uraraka asks me. I stop drinking my drink thinking about how to answer.
"I never said I was watching someone." I say trying not to answer.
"Its obvious. Who has your interests?" Iida says.
"ITS BAKUGOU ISN'T IT?" I then start choking on my drink because she was right. He did catch my eye. It isn't because he is famous though. I didn't even know he was famous until recently. "Why not talk to him more or something?" Uraraka questions. The rest of them nod agreeing with her.
"Yes, he is a complete ass sometimes, but I think you are the only other person who can get close to him like Kirishima does." Todoroki says to me. Iida agrees and I can't help but also agree. He was right, but I was still nervous around him. I always was every since I could remember. They knew I liked him at this point.
"I haven't dated anyone for awhile, I'm a little nervous to give dating a try again." They all give me a sympathetic look and say that I will be fine. After awhile it was getting really late and Ashido was telling everyone to follow her. We walked through the house to a balcony on top of the house. This house was fairly big and the balcony could fit over thirty people at least. Everyone looks up and see's fireworks. It was really beautiful. For a moment I forgot all my worries and how hard I have to work. I feel some people move around and stand by their friends or meeting up with each other to say hello.
"You look like a child when you see something you like nerd." I hear and I hadn't realize Kacchan was standing right next to me. I just blush and thankfully it was dark out because he would have seen how red I was.
"I can't help it." In say throwing my drink away in a trashcan that was set outside.
"You have a baby face, its odd for someone your age." I look at him and I scowl crossing my arms supporting my wight on one leg. He just looks at me leaning a bit on the bars that kept everyone from falling off the balcony.
"That had to be the cutest face I have ever seen anyone make." He says and my face turns bright pink and I look down smiling almost laughing because I was nervous.
"Your smiling is pretty cute too." I say. WAIT WHAT DID I SAY? HOW COULD I SAY THAT TOO HIM? WHY DID I SAY IT?! He looks at me and smiles even more. We watch the rest of the fireworks and I started to get tired and my surroundings looked odd. I started to sway side to side as I walked. I felt so funny and warm. It was a good numb feeling. I was walking back with Kirishima and I didn't know what we were talking about but It was funny.
"A-and then he just started rolling on the ground eating my burritos." Kirishima says and we laugh as we both stumble into the house. Some people were already sleeping in the living room like Asui, Mineta, Jiro, and Sato. I'm pretty sure other people found rooms to sleep in because there was more than enough even if some people had to share. I was tripping over my own feet and wobbling everywhere. I then feel hands on my shoulders. I was so tired I start to doze off and then I heard a voice. It sounded like Kacchans.
"Damn Nerd how much did you drink? Come on we are staying here tonight." I started blushing because even though I cant think coherently, I still like Kacchan. And he was touching me. His hands felt warm and secure, kinda like a boyfriend. WAIT NO! Why!!! I doubt he would ever like me like that... I almost felt like crying. We were walking to a room and I stumble into it and plop down on the bed. It was a nice queen size bed from the looks of it and the covers were so amazing. I sigh out loud because I have never felt so tired and bubbly before. "Come on nerd take your shoes off. I take them off setting them by the door and I sit down by the door because I didn't want to move anymore. "What the hell are you doing nerd?" He asks.
I lay on the ground still having my legs criss-crossed and I look up at him smiling closing my eyes. I start laughing for no reason and I see him smiling shaking his head. He lifts me up and surprisingly gently lays me down on the bed. I see him walk into a 'walk in' closet in the room. He gets another set of blankets and pillows and it looked like he was going to sleep on the floor. "Kacchan...." I say almost falling asleep. I almost didn't hear him when he hummed to let me know I can proceed. "Don't sleep on the floor, sleep on the bed. I would feel bad I could sleep on the floor." I say sprawled across the bed.
"No shitty nerd. I can't have you sleeping on the floor with you in this state. It's better for you to sleep on the bed, trust me on this." Kacchan says sternly. I walk up to him and ly my head on his shoulder. So his shoulders are nice...
"Please... Don't sleep on the floor."
Katsuki's P.O.V
"Please... Don't sleep on the floor." The nerd says closing his eyes. I felt kinda bad for some reason. I didn't want to upset him. NOT THAT I WOULD CARE THOUGH! I drop everything on the floor and lift him up setting him on the right side of the bed. I bring the pillows and blankets on the bed and kick my shoes off. I slipped off my jacket and set it on a chair that was in the bedroom. I hop on the bed and bring the covers over us. It was a nice hot day outside and inside it was chilly because of the A.C. I lay down on my back and stare at the ceiling feeling sleep creep up on me. I then feel something roll over and look over to my right. The nerd was facing me but he was asleep. Wow that was quick - I thought. I fall asleep finally. This damn nerd making me feel all weird inside.
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