Chapter 4 ~Different
After the drive to Izuku's house they finally come to a stop. Izuku parks in his driveway and turns the car off, taking the keys out. Izuku just stares at Katsuki who looked stressed and was about to blow up. Izuku didn't know if he should say anything or hug him. "Well, we are at my house. Would you like to come in?" Izuku says calmly and solemnly. Katsuki seemed surprised and almost forgot he was in his car. He glares at Izuku and the tension coming from he ash blonde haired boy was high.
"Sure." Katsuki says nodding his head walking out of the car shutting the car door a little too aggressively. Izuku gets out and shuts the car door walking up to his front door opening it with the key. The two walk inside and Izuku locks the door setting the keys on the counter-top. Katsuki sits on the couch and rolls his head back on the couch. Izuku set a glass of cold water on the coffee table and sat on the couch next to him. He looks at Izuku like he was about to murder him and Izuku was frozen. "Thanks Deku..."
"Why do you call me that?" Izuku didn't want to ask but his curiosity got the better of him. "Deku... That is basically an insult."
"Okay and?" Katsuki says not seeing the problem.
"REALLY!?" Izuku says flustered. Katsuki just laughs and takes a sip from the cold water.
"I like calling you it because you can read it in your name. And I SHOULDN'T BE BLAMED FOR EVERYTHING YOU HAVE A NICKNAME FOR ME TOO YA' KNOW SHITTY NERD!" Katsuki exclaims. "Why don't you tell me why you call me that huh?" Katsuki says crossing his hands over his chest.
"Well.. Umm... It's just a nickname because I don't really know what to call you...?" It was more of a question than an answer but Katsuki just huffed and shook his head. The two talk about how stressed they were and how it would be fun just to have a vacation. "Hey... It's been about two hours, don't you have to be somewhere by now?" Izuku asks curiously.
"Yeah, home... I don't want to but... My old hag has me doing some stupid ass business paper work. I should go." Katsuki says getting up walking to the door.
"WAIT! I drove you here, I can't not drive you back home. Let me give you a ride." Izuku says standing up walking toward his keys.
"You already helped me more than you know dumbass. I can't ask you to keep doing things for me." Katsuki says opening the door.
"No, Insist. Please..?" Izuku says. Katsuki agrees and they were off to his mansion. Izuku let Katsuki drive because he had no idea where they were going. Once they arrive some people were outside wondering who's car that was. "Wow..." Izuku says starstruck.
"What nerd? Oh yeah... right. Only the best gets the best!" Katsuki says all proud and mighty.
"Okay, well the best, can get — if they want to not get scolded by their 'Old Hag'." Izuku says bringing on the sass. Katsuki smiles and glares at the nerd too. He ruffles the patch of green hair and steps out of the car. Izuku got out his phone to make a phone call but Katsuki grabs his phone and starts to type something on it as his body guards walk up to him. He hands the phone back to Izuku. "W-WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Izuku says not knowing what the hell he did with his phone.
"Hahaha, bye nerd." With that Katsuki closed the car door and Izuku drove to the Sweet Stuff Cafe to pick up some extra work hours. Katsuki as escorted inside and scolded by his mother.
"SHUT UP OLD HAG!" Katsuki yells back. He stomps off to his office and does the papers. For some reason the boy who was named Izuku Midoriya couldn't vanish from his mind. He tried everything but it didn't work. Hours later Katsuki had finished all the paper work and it was way past dinner time. He got up rubbing his eyes walking off too his room.
"KATSUKI BAKUGOU, GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW!" Mitsuki yells up to her son. Katsuki groans loud enough for his mother to hear and he could hear both of his parents chatting. Katsuki gets down and was hit on the head by his mother. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU HAVE TO SAY ABOUT THIS?" Mitsuki hold up a picture and it was of Katsuki getting into the nerds car. The headline was Youngest Bakugou in someone's car, is this someone more than we know? Mitsuki glares at her son and Katsuki shakes his head heading to the fridge grabbing something to eat for the night. "DO NOT IGNORE ME! WHAT IS THIS? THIS LOOKS LIKE THE SAME CAR THAT DROPPED YOU OFF HERE!" Mitsuki yells.
"LOOK! IT WAS JUST A..." Katsuki stops. Is this person a friend? No... He makes fun of him. He has helped him though. "It was just someone helping me out okay... They work at that place we visited today. They just drove me away from the paparazzi. They got out of hand." Mitsuki give him an apologetic look and stops nagging him about the headline. It would soon die down. The headline was shit anyways. Katsuki ate some yogurt and headed off to his room closing his door. He then got a text from Eijiro Kirishima.
11:30 - Shitty Hair: Hey Bakugo! You are going to look and interview the employees tomorrow for the upcoming photo-shoot! I also wanted to let you know that I saw that headline. Sorry about the paparazzi, I should have been there.
11:32 - Bakubro: What ever, It's not like that headline means anything. And I KNOW ABOUT THE EMPLOYEES DUMBASS! None of them seem right."
11: 32 - Shitty Hair: Well, you seemed really stressed out anyway, maybe its just harder to pick because of that. Plus you can only pick one. Would you want to do something for the fourth of July? Oh and the Photo-shoot is sooner now, no one can make up their minds.
Katsuki read that last message and almost broke his phone by throwing it at the wall.
11: 33 - Bakubro: Fine, fine whatever. I don't care what we do for the fourth of July, it better not be dumb or IM OUT!
Katsuki turns his phone off and head to the bathroom and brushes his teeth and washes his face right before heading back to the bed. He then gets another text. He groans thinking it was Kirishima.
Unknown: So... You gave me your number when you took my phone out of my hands?
At first Katsuki didn't know who it was but then smiles to himself knowing it was Deku.
Kacchan: Ha, yeah nerd! Why text me so late?
Unknown: Oh... I just wanted to apologize for earlier. I saw a new headline because it became popular. My friend also texted me about it. It's my fault that they are making up rumors.
Katsuki shakes his head and saves the contact, changing the name in the process.
Kacchan: Don't blame yourself. It's my fault honestly. You could have kicked me out which you were going to do but you didn't. I was out of line, so don't go blaming yourself shitty nerd.
Izuku smiles at the text and begins texting again.
Deku: Well, I had fun today! It was nice seeing you again. Even if you were a totally ass.
Kacchan: HEY!
Deku: LOL! You can't deny it! Anyway, it's late we should both get some rest.
Kacchan: Yeah, Yeah. GN Nerd
Deku: Gn Kacchan!
With that the two fell asleep happy. For the first time in awhile they actually slept okay. Something changed. It was different. But... a good different.
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