Chapter 27 ~ Shirogane Blue Pond
Izuku's P.O.V
I woke up with the sunlight glowing through my curtains hitting my face a bit. I then feel odd, I look to my side and I don't see anybody. Where was Kacchan? I get up and put on some boxers and I grab one of my blankets and wrap it around myself. My house was pretty cold in the morning. I walk downstairs and I see Kacchan making miso soup, rice, natto, and grilled fish for breakfast. I smiles and I shuffles my way over to him the blanket draping on the floor. I place my head on his shoulder and he jumps a little and I giggle. I was still tired and my mind was a little fuzzy. I feel him shift and turn around to face me. He hugs me and placed his head on mine and I close my eyes. I felt so tired. Deku. The nickname. "Deku?" I then realize Kacchan was saying my name. "You okay?" He asks me. I smile and peck his lips.
"Yup! I'm okay. Just really tired and a little sore..." I say and he chuckles leading me to the table. He comes back three minutes later with a plate full of food. He also got one and sits across from me. I then gasp remembering something. He looks at me worried. "Kacchan!"
"What is it?" He asks a little skeptical.
"It's our anniversary!" I sat happily.
"Yes, Deku, I'm aware. I have special plans for us today." He says and I got excited.
"For the whole day?" I ask taking a bite of my breakfast.
"Yes." He says plainly and continues to eat his breakfast.
"Okay, could I have three hours of the day to make sure I get you what I got you?" I say and he nods his eat smiling at me. That smile... GOD THAT HANDSOME SMILE! I finish eating quickly and I get up to go take a shower and stop. I turn around still holding onto the warm blanket wrapped around me. "I'm taking a shower. Just thought I should let you know." I say smirking at him and he turns to me looking dumbfounded. I couldn't help but rush out because if I started laughing he would have beaten my ass. I go into my room then pick out some clothes for today. I then walk into my bathroom and turn on the water putting my hand through the running water waiting for it to get to the temperature I desired. It was warm so I hopped in and then I hear the door open.
"Shitty nerd... I heard you laughing behind my back." Kacchan says a little creepily that sent a shiver down my spine. He open the curtain and kisses my. He then walks in not breaking the kiss. He moves to my neck which was already covered in small or medium sized bruises, all of them darker or lighter than the other. He starts washing me himself. I then wash his back which had some beautiful love bites and bruises from me, not too many though. "Do you have work today?" He asks me stopping what he was doing and started to wash both of our hair.
"Yes, but only for about four hours. I told them it was my anniversary. All I'm really doing is signing my comic book for people who pre-ordered it." I say turning off the shower and stepping out handing him and extra towel.
"Are you allowed to have guest's today?" He asks. I was a little confused.
"Sure, I think so." I say drying myself off walking to my room. I change into some clothes and Kacchan walks in with an outfit for the day. He changes into it and we both walk out of the house and he drives me to work. I walk inside and I start signing off on papers and All Might arrives. "Hello All Might! Good morning." I say.
"Good morning young Midoriya! You seen extra happy today." He says sitting down giving me a water bottle.
"Today is my one year anniversary!" I say and he looked really happy. And I mean really happy.
"That's great!" He exclaimed. "I'm glad you and Young Bakugou are happy. I'm very happy for you both! You have done great work together from the start. I hope that work will soon be growing." He says. I was still a little confused.
Katsuki's P.O.V
After I drop him off at work I rush over to Kirishima's house. I bang on the door and he opens it looking at me like I'm crazy. "What's up Bakubro?" That damn nickname...
"I... I need your help remember?" I say irritated. Shitty hair invites me in and I see Pinky, Round face, Dunce face (no surprise there) and that damn Half n' Half bastard. I walk in rolling my eyes and take a seat across from everyone. "So... All of you know my plans for today. Last year I had such a big business trip that I didn't see Deku until January of this year..." I say and they all listen. I had a big plan for today. Take Deku to dinner then meet up with our friends to go to a party. After it was half the day I go to Deku's work place and I bet round face was already there. She was. I walk in and she gives me a thumbs up before walking out. I tell Deku to pack up and he does. There were plenty of fans waiting for us at the door. We walked out and signed some autographs and took pictures. My boyfriend was sure getting lots of attention that I wasn't fond of. I then tell him I had a surprise for him but I couldn't be there for it. He looks at me confused before I jump out of the car and Kirishima replaced me. Deku looked shocked as hell and I almost laughed.
Izuku's P.O.V
"What the hell is going on?" I ask Kirishima.
"He said it was a surprise and I can't say anything. But could you put on this tie?" He says and he was holding a black silk tie. I looked at him like 'what the fuck' and he continues. "Look, you will be fine I promise. This is no trick or anything." He says and I agree to put it on. He helps me put it on while the limo stopped at some place. I got a little scared and Kirishima helps me up leading me out the car holding his hand above my head so I wouldn't hit the car door. He then leads me into a backyard? He unties the tie and it was our old high school. There was a bright green note that he told m I needed to find. He said he couldn't help me unless I really needed it. After about five minutes I spot it. It was on a wall of all places. I open the note.
Note #1 : A
Hello love, you are probably baffled right now. This is going to sound strange but I have hidden a bunch of notes in places that hold our memories together. This one you are at right now, is the first one. This is where I bullied you. Beat you. All those painful memories that I gave you and I am so sorry. There are not enough apologies on this earth that I could hand you for you to forgive me. Now, go to the place where we had our first encounter.
I read the note and I started to think. First encountered. A light went off in my head and I start rushing to the limo. "Take us to Sweet Stuff!" I say and Kirishima hops in. We arrive and I walk inside. It was empty but it was open? There was a cup of Mocha Caffe there with another note.
Note #2: E
Hello again. You are always so cute when you get whipped cream above your lip and a little on your nose. I hope you like the drink. I made it myself. This is where you helped me sort out my stressful life. I learned more about you and you were kind enough to offer an asshole like me to stay at your place for the night. No one has ever showed me that type of kindness, especially someone who didn't know I was famous. The stars that night glow just as bright as your beautiful smile. I'm pretty sure your smile is brighter but don't tell the start I told you that. You are the only star in my eyes. Speaking of stars. The place you became a bright shining star is where the next star is.
"Did you figure it out yet?" I hear Kirishima ask me.
"Not yet... I think I have an idea but I'm not sure if it is right." I say folding the car putting it with the other card in a little pouch that Kirishima gave me. "Lets go back to my workplace. I think the next card might be there." Kirishima smirks and this gave me a pretty good idea that the next card was there. We finally arrive after a fairly long drive. Kirishima and I take some pictures with people and sign things before we walk in. I walk into the work room where our first photo-shoot was and there was a card levitating in the air by a string. There was also a bouquet of peonies and they were beautiful. "They're not roses." I say to Kirishima walking up to them.
"Wow, roses are usually the mot popular choice of flower." He said surprised.
"Didn't you know he was giving me these?" I say picking them up taking the card of the string.
"He said he would buy you flowers, but I didn't know they would be peonies. I wonder why he chose these specifically." He says. And I also couldn't help but think the same. Why these specifically.
Note #3: R
You are getting good at finding these Izuku, you are also good at other things. Now the peonies. I bet Shitty Hair asked why right? Well, the peonies represent romance, which I'm not good with. They area good luck charm in a way, and you are my good luck charm. I have dated many people but you are the only one that makes me feel something. Something real. When I look inter your eyes, I see fireworks.
What? "Kirishima, I might need help with this one." I say and he walks over looking at the note.
"Fireworks? When did you see fireworks?" He asks. And I think... THE FOURTH OF JULY!
"Come on! We need to go to your place!" I drag him to the limo and the car starts and the car is off. We drive to his place and we go inside. I look around for ten minutes until I had an Idea. I walk to his balcony and there was a suit there.
Note #4: M
I hope you like the suit. It's for our night tonight. You will look amazing in it. This is where I first wanted to kiss you. On the balcony looking over fireworks. I wanted it to be perfect, but I recently learned nothing is really 'perfect' I guess. The only thing I think in this world is perfect is you. You are so perfect to me. Your eyes are a beautiful forest green that I could lose myself in that enchanted forest filled with magic. Your hair is softer than any pillow or fluffy blanket I have ever felt. Seriously Deku, how the hell did you make your hair that soft? You soon had to move in with me, which I was very happy about.
"This was very... dry. I think he wants me to stop by his mansion." I say to Kirishima. WE ride the car all the way to his mansion and walk in. His mother was waiting there with a small gift and card in hand. "Hell, Mitsuki!" I say happily.
"Hello Izuku, this is for you." She hands me the note and then I read the note.
Note #5: M
Looks like the Old Hag didn't screw up. Not like she would though, never tell her I wrote this! She probably read this shit anyway's. The gift is something I thought was special. It might not make sense when you open it but I hope it will in the future. The near future hopefully. You seemed happy to be with me even though I was such an ass. I really did hate hurting you and I care so deeply for you from the start and I thought I was moving too fast and I got worried. You are always making me worry, but I love you for that. I never knew what it was like to love for your significant other until I met you. I didn't know we would be at this point in our life when we first re-met each other at the Cafe but I knew something... I knew that you were interesting and familiar to me so I wanted to keep you by my side. Even if your cute ass got annoying sometimes. Now I want you to take your cute ass to our first kiss.
"We have to go to the hospital." I say and Kirishima looked worried. "oh, I meant for the next note." He takes me back to the limo and we hop inside. "Do you know whats going on?" I ask him.
"Yes, but he planned a lot of it so I have no idea what these notes of yours say. He is one of my best friends and he has never been so determined to do something like this." He says.
"What exactly is he doing?" I ask.
"I would love to tell you but I can't. You have to wait. This all really depends on you." He says and before I can ask what he meant we were at the hospital. We walk in and we see balloons. I grab on and I see the other one. I start getting these multicolored balloons until I reach an empty room. It was were Kacchan and I had our first kiss. I see a note there and I then forgot that I left my present he gave me in the limo. It's fine I will open it when I get back inside. I read the next note.
Note #6: R
You are getting towards the end of this puzzle adventure. But just because it's the end of this story, it doesn't mean there won't be another one. As you travel through our hectic year together I hope you remember all the joyous moments we had. I hope that sexy suit is on you as well. You are the light in my life I didn't know I always had. The light I so desperately needed. You, my love, are the things that make my life amazing. I learned that you are something very special and I never should have been so mean to you back then. I love you now and forever. Now, there is another note in a nice warm bedroom where magic happens.
I laugh and Kirishima reads the note giving me a look. I playfully punch his shoulder and we hop into the limo, once again heading back to my place. I open the gift and it was a picture frame but no picture was inside. "Wow, that's an interesting gift." Kirishima says. "The pattern on the picture frame is beautiful. I recognize it as a famous artists work of butterflies. And that looks like it was mad out of pure gold and emeralds. That's a pretty rare piece of art." He says and I smile happily. Why would he get this?
"Yeah, this is so amazing. I wonder why he got it." I say and soon enough we arrive at my house. I unlock my door and walk in. Kirishima stand at the doorway as I walk into my room. On my bed sat a note. I pick it up and read it.
Note #7: Y
You are a very smart man, which is one of the things I love about you. As you can tell I have been trying to tell you something. You won't know what it says until it's time. Today is our anniversary and I just want to show you how much I love you by surprising you with something. I'm not sure how you will take it but I hope it goes well! When I left for my business trip I was homesick without you. We missed all our first holidays together, so this year we will be spending every holiday together. You are my home. You are my world. I want you, and you alone. No one else matters when it's you and me. Make sure to keep these note's. All the riddles I am giving you have a much bigger meaning. Now go to where the water shines blue and the stars shine the brightest. The place that makes us calm and we don't have to hide who we are. It's where we rarely ever go to.
"Shit..." I say forgetting Kirishima is there. He comes up to me a little shocked because I cussed. Well, damn okay, and innocent person like me can't cuss?
"What's up?" He asks
"I am so stumped on this note. I don't know where the next one is." I say and he read the note. He smiles while chuckling the slightest bit.'
"He told me about this one just in case you wouldn't get it." I look at him wanting an answer but he doesn't say anything.
"Come on!" I say.
"Nope! I can give you a hint. Where did you two go on your first date?" He asks.
"What's the hint in that?" I ask perplexed.
"The question Midoriya." He says laughing. I then think about his question.
"I FIGURED IT OUT!" I yell running to the limo. He follows behind and we hop in.
"Someone's excited. Bakubro really knows how to hide things." He says and I was just happy I knew where to go. Shirogane Blue Pond.
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