Chapter 19 ~ Worry
Izuku's P.O.V
I woke up really tired and exhausted. My hand was still healing and it hurt like hell when I woke up. I sigh because the pain was killing me. It started to wear off but I still felt my hand throbbing. I walk downstairs and I see Denki and Kaminari being a cute couple Kaminari hugging Kirishima from behind while they bake pancakes. I smile while a tear falls from my face. they looked so happy it made me happy. I hate how sensitive I can be sometime's. "What's wrong?!" They both ask me.
"I *sniff* just love how cute you two are. I wish I could be like that with..." I trail off because I didn't want to mention his name.
"You two will make up! I invited him for lunch!" Kirishima says and I look at him a little terrified. "Hey, it will be fine I promise. If he tries to hurt you we will be there but honestly he is just as upset as you are. He didn't want to do what he did he just thought it was best to protect you." Kirishima states matter of fact.
"I can protect myself." I says sternly.
"Hell yeah you can! I see those muscles of yours!" Kaminari said and we all laugh. We eat breakfast and time was going by way too fast for my liking. It was already 12:20 and this was around lunch time. All I did was watch the clock pass every second while I change out of my night clothes. I walk downstairs into the living room only to be met face to face with Kacchan.
Katsuki's P.O.V
I was anxious for today. I knock on the door and Kirishima lets me in. As he closes the door I look at Deku. I felt horrible for yesterday. I kept getting those same texts when I was at the mall I just didn't mention it. Deku looked shocked and he looked upset. It was way TOO SILENT IN HERE, GOD THIS IS AWKWARD! We both sit on the couch across from each other and Kirishima head back into his room with Dunce face. It was quiet for a solid three minutes before Deku spoke. "Why...?" The million dollar question.
"The person who tried to hurt you... They keep texting me and I am working with the police to get them but... They threatened you. I can't have that. I don't not want to be your boyfriend its just... DAMMIT I CARE FOR YOU!"
"BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO BE THE REASON YOU GET KILLED!" I scream. The house was silent and we just sat there. JUST SAT THERE DOING NOTHING.
"You wont..." Deku says. "You won't be the reason I get killed."
"You don't know that." I say sternly.
"Yes. Yes I do. I know you Kacchan." That hit me hard. I didn't know why though. This damn nerd making me feel new things. "Do you hate me?" He asks suddenly.
"No you stupid Deku. I just said I cared for you!" I stand up and sit next to him. "Look... I am so sorry. God I feel like I've been saying that a lot. Then again I have a lot to be sorry for." He then starts laughing for some reason. "What's so funny Deku?" I ask a bit annoyed.
"Isn't it a coincidence that we fight on every date we have? Even if we only had two its still kinda... funny I guess." He says.
"Yeah it is." It got quiet again and Deku turns his head and looks at me. I look at him and he looks at me. We kiss. I forgot how much I love his kisses. His lips were warm and almost home like. I go in rougher and I cup his face and he wraps his arms around my neck deepening the kiss. We both sigh into the kiss and I lean on top of him over the couch. His kisses made me forget all the worries I had. I could tell he was calm as well. I run my ringers through his soft green fluffy hair and it was so SOFT!
"Oh come on not on my couch." We both stop and look up too see Kirishima walking out into the living room. Deku starts blushing madly and I just chuckle. "So are you guys good?" Kirishima says.
"Yes we are shitty hair." We sit up and Kirishima passes out some tea for us that he was making. We all hangout and before we know it its nighttime. I could tell Deku was tired because his eyes were a little droopy and he looked exhausted.
"I'm going to take Deku home now." I say walking over to the tired Deku.
"Home huh?" Kirishima says smirking at me. I flip him off and hold my hand out for Deku to take. He takes it and puts his shoes on walking towards the door and then walking out. We get into the car and I start to drive.
"Deku I'm sorry." I say.
"Me too. I don't mean to worry you all the time." He says.
"Who said I was worried nerd?" I ask shaking my head.
"Your face." He giggles and I ALMOST HAD A HEART ATTACK, OH MY GOD THAT WAS SO ADORABLE. We finally arrive and my mom gives him a big hug and hits me on my head. We head upstairs and Deku closes his eyes a little and starts to slow down.
"Damn Izuku did you not sleep last night?" It goes quiet. I puck him up bridal style and he lays his head n me and closes his eyes. This was my fault. I bet his cute ass was crying last night because I made him upset. I walk into my room and shut the door with my foot. I gently lay him on the bed and I take my shoes off and then his setting them by my closet. I finally lay down taking my shirt off and I feel Deku snuggle up to me. I chuckle and kiss his forehead. I soon drift off to sleep.
Izuku's P.O.V
I hear Kacchan say my first name. This was new too me but it was nice. I close my eyes and I faintly feel him moving me around until sleep consumes me.
I was laying on the ground. Hand broken and cut up. I opened his eyes to see some fire and lots of broken glass. I couldn't move, I tried but everything felt so numb. Right when the car hit my car I felt an unbelievable amount of pain. It then stopped as I blacked out but when I opened my eyes and looked around. I was five feet away from my car and there was this person pointing a knife at me. They came over quickly and whispered threats in my ear. I felt them scratch my body with the knife but they soon ran away and I hear shouts. They sounded echoed and yards away. I see people running around me and I then see Iida who was bloody. I still couldn't move. I felt like I was suffocating. I inhaled smoke and everything around me smelt like gas and burning rubber. It was god awful and I couldn't breath. But that feeling... The feeling of not being able to breath.
The pain of all the cuts and bruises and broken parts of you are all working their hardest to tear you apart from the inside. It felt like having a hot skewer pierce you body from the inside out. Every nerve in my body was screaming for help but my vocal cords couldn't make a sound. I hear Uraraka screaming but it was fading away as was my vision. Everything was so quiet but so loud. I couldn't hear anyone but my heartbeat at this point. It was going so... slow. I felt my breath quicken and then it slowed down in an instant. I started to see black. My vision looked like I was in a tunnel and I see an ambulance appear right before my eyes. The last thing I felt was my body. My fingers felt weightless and tingly and my toes. It started to go through my body and then I feel a shock. A jolt and I couldn't remember anything after that. The screams and the pain kept coming back to haunt me.
(Izuku is dreaming of the part he couldn't really remember. This is what happened at the crash in his point of view.)
End Dream
I wake up with a jolt and I felt like I couldn't breath. I keep gasping for air as I felt like I couldn't get any. I couldn't hear and I felt nauseous. I felt something - no someone on me. Kacchan was rubbing my back and trying to get my attention. I couldn't hear him at first. I start to calm down but my breath was a little staggered. He pulled my into his chest and stroked my head as i tried to catch my breath. This is nice. That person wants me gone out of his life but in this moment right now. I feel protected and I couldn't imagine myself without this feeling all the time. Feeling Kacchan comfort me out of all people made my heart soar.
Katsuki's P.O.V
I wake up after some good sleep. It was early in the morning but I didn't care. I go on my phone for a bit and look at these damn articles. This shit was way over the top. Yes he is my boyfriend but they are going to far. This is still dangerous and I still don't know if we should be together.
5:44 - All Might: Sorry to message you this early Young Bakugou! These articles I see... The detectives want to see if these will lead them to the perpetrator. If they get mad enough they will come after Young Midoriya again and by then we will arrest them for what they did.
5:45 - Young Bakugou - I'm up, and I still don't want Deku to get hurt. How will you guys do this and when?
5:45 - All Might: Hopefully as soon as possible.
5:45 - All Might: We will talk more about this at Midoriya's work place. He has a conference meeting with me about his comic book. you are welcome to come because after I plan on speaking with him about everything and the plan.
5:46 - Young Bakugou: Okay, whatever.
I turn my phone off and lay back down. I then feel moving around and I look to the side to see Deku. He was sweating, it wasn't cold in here. His breath was quick and he looked calm but uncomfortable? What the hell is this nerd dreaming about? Should I wake him up? I place my hand on his head and pull some of the cute messy hair out of his face. He then shoots up and he was gasping for breath. I started freaking out because WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG? "Deku? Come on Deku pleas answer me! What's wrong? Deku...?" He looked like he calmed down. He must have had a bad dream. I'm not surprised though, he did go through something pretty traumatic. I pull his closer to me and stroke his head. "Shh... Everything will be okay." I say to him and he starts to calm down. Damn this nerd making me worry.
*Not really important: If you have any ideas or request I have this one-shot book that I will make many ships with (bnha). Also if you haven't read "Camping with My Crush" I suggest go read that because It is my first and most popular fan-fiction. <3 :)
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