Chapter 1 ~ Sweet Stuff
Warnings: profanities, mentions of alcohol
"Come on bro! Come with me, we should be celebrating your last photo-shoot with that awesomely-popular-manly company! You worked pretty hard to be where you are now." Kirishima says shaking Katsuki by the shoulder as Katsuki groans in annoyance.
"Fine! Because your dumbass wont shut the hell up about it, I'll go," Katsuki says unamused as he started to get dressed. After Katsuki was done getting dressed, Kirishima and him walked out to Denki Kaminari's shiny yellow car. Kaminari was another one of their friends, more like Kirishima's friend. They drove to a club that was currently blasting music and going all night. The time was 12:30 so people were starting to get down on the dance floor and going to the bar drinking whatever helped them ease up or forget about their boring lives. When the three walk in, they were greeted with blaring music and drunk sweaty people yelling or recording each other doing dares. Katsuki liked going to this bar called 'Break Down' because it was a place were paparazzi wouldn't follow, and mostly people didn't care about who he was. And. . . The alcohol was a big reason why he went, it was some of the best.
"Hey guys!" Hanta Sero says waving at the three that walked in. He had two girls on either side of him smiling up at him. Kirishima waved and Katsuki just huffed looking off to the side, obviously getting ticked off. He walks over to the bar area very annoyed.
"Well well, If it isn't Katsuku Bakugou. What can I get for ya'?" A guy named Sato Rikido asks.
"Surprise me," Katsuki says sitting down sluggishly. He was delicately handed a drink, and it was pretty strong. He drank all of it, already feeling tipsy. He walks to the dance floor and dances with his Kirishima and some other girls who wouldn't leave the two boys alone. He would have never danced if it wasn't for the liquid courage and Kirishima's bad mouthing his dance moves the other day. By this time, it was now 2:30 and Katsuki, after drinking some more, wasn't exactly drunk, but he wasn't that tipsy anymore. "I think I am going to head home, shitty hair." Katsuki says getting Kirishima's attention.
"You sure dude? You seem a little... uhh... And I could drive you, I am the driver I can't drink too much because I'm not about to get a D.U.I and I don't want my friends getting into a car crash." Kirishima says a little concerned.
"Yes! I'm fine. I just need to get the hell out of here." Katsuki says and Kirishima nods his head.
"Call me if you need me to pick you up or drop you off okay?" Katsuki nods and walks out of the blazing club with purple and pink lights flashing everything in its path. He was a little sweaty given how hot it was in that place, which just made his walk a little bittersweet. Bittersweet because the cool night hair felt nice to his hot skin, but uncomfortable because his clothes were halfway sticking to him. Katsuki started walking home. It was dark and eerie, but he knew how to defend himself from taking self defense classes and working out 5 times week. When he was walking he felt the tiniest rain drop on his nose. The thunder roared and down came the crystals. It was poring hard outside and it all of a sudden became colder. Lightning strikes and Katsuki was now standing in the cold wet rain contemplating his options. He started sprinting to the nearest store that was open. Almost everything was closed and some houses had lights on but that obviously wouldn't do. Paparazzi see him and start taking pictures. Out of all the places, why the hell would they be outside?!
This night couldn't get any better. Damn, why the hell are they out this late? Katsuki thought as he sprints faster to a spot to hide in. He still hears the yelling of some paparazzi but he keeps moving until he sees a café with their bright lights on. He runs and grabs the handle hard flinging the door open with a loud smack!
"Sorry, were closed right no-" the person was cut off looking at the wet tired Katsuki in front of them stepping inside the shop closing the door suspiciously looking out the glass door. "Are you okay?" the voice says and Katsuki turns around only to be mesmerized by beautiful dark green forest irises. He didn't even realize the person was talking to him until they place a hand on his shoulder. Katsuki pushes their hand off rather harsh-fully and takes a seat at one of the tables. He closes his eyes and sighs deeply only to be interrupted with a phone call. He groans and takes out his damp phone that was surprisingly still working. His 'Old Hag' was calling.
Phone Call
K: What do you want Old Hag?
Old Hag: WATCH IT KATSUKI, anyway, you will be doing another photo-shoot with an art company. We will be producing our new clothing line that's artsy and more your style.
K: I never said I was artsy did I?
Old Hag: DON'T GIVE ME THAT TONE! You will get to choose one employee from the art company to do the photo-shoot with of your choosing. We will talk about more details once you get home. By the way, WHY THE HELL IS YOUR ASS NOT HOME YET?
Old Hag: MY GOD! Just get home safely when you can ya' brat! We will discuss finer details later. Bye, I love you brat!
K: BYE Old Hag!
Phone call ends
Katsuki sets his phone on the table watching it die right in front of him. He groans louder and places his head in his arms laying his head on the table. After a few minutes he hears the sound of a clunk - ceramic glass mug being placed down in front of him. He lifts his head slightly to see a hot cup of Caffe Mocha with whipped-cream and cinnamon sprinkled on top. He looks up more to see a 5'5" foot boy with cute messy green hair that he seemed to pull off - cleaning the front counter top. "What the hell is this?" Katsuki suddenly questions, making the slightly shorter male jump a bit. He turns around and gazed atthe ash-blond gesturing to the hot steamy cup of Caffe Mocha.
"Oh, t-that? It's a Caffe Mocha. I thought you might need it," the boy says walking over to a table starting to clean it. Katsuki huffs and shakes his head.
"Why do you think I would need a nice warm cup of coffee?" Katsuki asks as the boy stops cleaning and turns his attention toward Katsuki.
"Well, for one you are soaking wet. Two, you seem not completely sober. Three, I know what it looks like to be stressed and want to get away from everyone and everything," the mysterious boy says walking away putting away the cleaning supplies.
"You can just read people like an open book, huh?" Katsuki questions grumpily. The boy walking toward him with another cup of coffee sits down at the same table as him. The boy giggles before answering. God, that giggle almost made Katsuki have a heart attack. What was up with this strange new kid?
"Sometimes, it really depends. I guess I just know how you feel." the boy says taking a sip of his coffee.
"You have no idea..." Katsuki mumbles.
"What was that?" the boy with green hair says tilting his head a bit with a small whipped cream mustache.
"Nothing! It doesn't matter anyway." there was an awkward silence as the boy licks his upper lip tasting the whipped cream. Katsuki breaks the awkward silence. "So, whats a guy like you doing alone in a cafe at two in the morning? Seems kinda sketchy." Katsuki says taking a sip from his cup.
"Hey! I work here and I wanted to finish up some work. I didn't feel like going home yet. And the sketchy thing here is you honestly. Running in here and acting like a nut-case."
"WHAT?!" Katsuki says slamming his hands on the table making the smaller boy flinch.
"Sorry..." the smaller boy mumbles. Katsuki sits back down staking another sip of his Mocha. "What about you?" Katsuki looks up giving the boy a confused look. "What are you doing here at two in the morning?" the boy says taking a long sip from the warm cup.
"Long story...." Katsuki says carding a hand through his damp spiky hair.
"I have time, yes its late but, I'm already up and about to close the shop." he says smiling brightly.
"Well... I went to a club. Drank a bit, obviously. I was having a rough day with work and everything was just chaotic. I just learned that I will have to do more work with an art company. I was being chased by a bunch of flashing cameras which is why I ran into this hell hole. It's also raining like hell out there so I needed a dry place to stay." Katsuki says visibly tired and stressed.
"Do you have a car?" the boy suddenly asks.
"Yes, but not with me right now." the boy with green hair and eyes finishes his cup of coffee and watching as the blonde haired boy finishes his. The boy picks up both cups and goes behind the counter where he is not in sight anymore. He returns minutes later with a coat and a red umbrella.
"Do you need a ride home?" The boy suddenly asks.
"Do you think I'M WEAK?" Katsuki suddenly says enraged. The boy backs up a bit holding his hands out protesting.
"No, no! Where in the world did you achieve such an idea? Anyway, I was just wondering..." the boy says getting quieter.
"I honestly don't want to go home. I'll probably find someplace to crash, my friends maybe." the boy looks at the blond then suggests something he never thought he would.
"If you want you could come with me, I have an extra room that you could crash in." the blond looks up shocked. This idea wasn't the worst, but it might as well been considering Katsuki was a complete-stranger. Katsuki knew he wasn't a creep but he still didn't understand such a nice gesture. Even if he wasn't a creep, he still thought it might not be the best idea. Who knows what could happen. "SORRY! I-I-I don't know what came over me, you don't know me and I don't know you-"
"You don't?" The blonde asks even more shocked. How could he not know? Katsuki was practically on every bill-board like some K-pop/BTS model.
"No...? Sorry, should I?" Katsuki smiles to himself. The cute boy in front of him wasn't being nice because he was famous. He was being kind just because he was so generous and concerned for the Pomeranian.
"If you wouldn't mind I would like to stay at your place. My parents are probably asleep by now anyway." Katsuki says rubbing his face.
"I promise I'm not a serial killer." the boy says laughing. Katsuki chuckles along with the bad joke, not sure if he should be convinced or not. He stands up and grabs his dead phone. It was still raining but it wasn't as violent. There was still thunder and lightning as well. As the two step out opening the umbrella, the boy introduces himself. "I'm Izuku Midoriya by the way." they walk for a minute or two before arriving at Izuku's car. Izuku gets in the front seat while Katsuki gets into the passenger seat.
"I'm Katsuki Bakugou, and even if you were a serial killer you look pretty useless and weak to me." Katsuki says putting on the seat belt.
"Hey! I'm not useless. And you should be grateful I'm helping you with your mean attitude mister." Katsuki laughs and Izuku starts the car shaking his head. The car ride was a little silent with small chit-chat. They finally arrive at Izuku's house. They get out of the car and Izuku walks up to his door fiddling with the keys and finally opening the door. It was now 3:13 in the morning and both boys were extremely exhausted. Izuku then sets his keys in a small wooden bowl on a counter top leading Katsuki to the extra room. "Stay here, I will be right back." Katsuki looks around the room. It was nothing too special just a normal room that didn't seemed to be used very often. Katsuki turns his head towards Izuku who walked in with a new set of clothes and some folded up blankets and pillows. "Take these, I will be in my room to your left, and the bathroom is across from your room." Izuku walks out closing the door behind him leaving Katsuki alone.
"Welp... I guess its totally normal to sleep in a random persons house... oh well." Katsuki says to himself as he changes into the clothes that surprisingly fit him and he sets up the pillows and blankets on the bare bed. He lays down and sets his dead phone on the bedside-table next to him drifting off to sleep. God, this might have been one of the dumbest decisions he has ever made. Who the hell is crazy enough to sleep in someone's house? Let alone a stranger? Katsuki didn't know why but he did. This would soon turn out to be one of the best decisions of his life.
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