Chapter 15 RWBY's Nightmare
As we begin with our troops n girls and members of JNPR...or whats left. Anyways they are all snug n warm asleep for the next day. But a certain Rose bud is tossing and turning.
Her nightmare takes place back to the Fall of Beacon.
The gears along with RWBY and JNPR are in a last stand with Qrow and Ozpin next to em.
Ruby: Benjamin! The Locust are coming!
Benjamin: I see them! DELTA HOLD THE LINE. Ruby I want you and your team to assist anyway you can.
Ruby: Got it.
As the Locust are approaching they got RAAM leading the assault killing Atlas troops and students alike, Ren fires his Longshot taking out a Drone next to RAAM as he was marching towards them.
RAAM extends his arm out: FOR THE QUEEEEENNN!
All the other Locust charge towards them.
Dom chucks a grenade into the groups of em and kills em.
Dom: Eat shit and die!
Marcus is chainsawing the ones that break through their line along with Cole and Clayton.
Marcus: Ahh got some on I got the cooties.
Cole: Look at your legs! Still hanging on haha!
Clayton: This is for Anthony! -he curb stomps one-
Suddenly a boomshot is fired and knocks the group around.
Baird: We can get inside!
As they head inside and barricaded the door a sudden scream is heard.
Baird:...oh shit
Marcus: The hell was that..
Baird: A Beserker..she can hear us...she can smell us..
Qrow: I call bullshit.
Qrow walks out and is met with the Beserker and is mauled to death leaving just his head and torso.
Dom: My god...
Ruby: Uncle
Yang: It's too late Ruby..nothing we can do now but move on
As the group move together through the narrow hallways, a wall is busted down to reveal RAAM and he snatches Ruby and instantly stabs her.
Ruby wakes up drenched in sweat and heart pounding.
Yang was already near her to wake her up.
Yang: You ok?
Ruby: Just a nightmare...
Yang:Me too...wanna talk about it?
Ruby: I was at the Fall of Beacon and we took shelter inside as the Locust attacked...they sent a Beserker after killed Uncle Qrow but RAAM busted through a wall and killed me..
Yang: Mine was when we were ambushed when the truck was broken down and instead of Pyrrha getting hit by the grenade it was me then I was rolled over to find a Grenaider on top of me punching me in the face over and over...
Ruby: Then what..
Yang: I woke up after the final punch took my head off..
Ruby: Yikes...
Weiss: You two having nightmares as well?
They both nod.
Weiss: I was being chainsawed by a Drone...
Blake: I was killed by Skorge..
Benjamin: I was killed in a giant worm..
RWBY: What?
Benjamin: Huh? Oh nothing. Anyways your nightmares are the normal reaction towards the Locust but would you prevent those and how?
Yang: Kill them.
Blake: Before they kill you.
Weiss: Take cover.
Ruby: And keep our heads down.
Ren: For we are in your war.
Nora: We are gears now..
Benjamin: I suppose you are Gears now..but remember you can always talk to us if you got any questions or concerns okay?
They all nod.
Baird: ya ya ya group hug..can we all sleep now please?
Marcus: Baird..shut up
Cole: Both of you please
Clayton: All of you please shut up.
Benjamin: Ok enough. Baird we will.
Marcus thank you. Cole they will. And Clayton calm down. Everyone else sleep. Now.
Everyone goes to sleep but as for Ruby she still has the same nightmare but only this time a certain someone else dies.
She awakes yelling his name waking everyone up.
Benjamin goes to Ruby and consoles her.
Benjamin: Shush. I am here and very much alive.
Blake: Ruby, would you wanna come outside for a bit then or maybe talk about somethings?
Yang: Ya..maybe you need some fresh air or get something off your chest.
Ruby: Ok you two its nothing about your boy Benji here.
Clayton: Heh Benji..I like it.
Benjamin: haha very funny. Anyways Ruby, you may just be afraid is all and believe me. We are all.
Yang: But you guys were trained for these things..
Marcus: There was a war before the was the COG versus the UIR. Human versus Human...but then the Locust showed with new advantages over us...we were over ran and had to destroy our own cities..
Yang:...Oh now I feel so bad..
Baird: Oh no worries. The Locust won't mind that. They will kill everyone til the human or faunus -gestures to Blake- races are dead.
Blake's eyes go wide as she hears this.
Benjamin: Baird is right...but we can win this. I know we can but how..
Marcus: Kill every single grub we see.
Benjamin: We may need the Hammer of Dawn..but I doubt it is around here in their world or someone can invent it
Baird: Well I am a scientific man
Marcus: But does Jack have the blueprints of the Hammer of Dawn?
Baird: Good question..
Cole: Jack, got any data on the Hammer?
Jack beeps of approval.
Baird: Jack you just saved us all...maybe
Clayton: Is it the inaccurate one?
Baird:*examines blueprint on a console* fuck..
Marcus: You can fix it Baird. We believe in you.
Qrow: Ya come on blondie
Oscar turns into ozpin.
Ozpin: Is this the weapon I asked questions about earlier?
Baird: Yes it is professor.
Ozpin: Oh is a weapon of mass destruction..
Weiss: Could this kill Salem?
Benjamin: It is possible..right?
Marcus: Only one way to know for sure
Cole: But we should worry more about RAAM, he can strike at any time
Clayton: Cole is right, we should kill that lapdog before he destroys anymore cities and schools
Benjamin: I am inclined to agree, He must be killed.
As the Gears talk of a plan, the girls talk about their weapons.
Benjamin: We need to find out RAAM's next target...
Weiss: Only place I can think of is Atlas..and the only other person is Ozpin or Oscar I mean..
Ruby: Weiss is right, Atlas is still a powerful nation, they can somewhat pose a threat to the Locust
Qrow: Weiss, could you contact your sister and see if they got any reports on Locust activity?
Weiss: Of course. And shall I ask her out for you as well?
Qrow: I mean...well wait..whats the catch?
Weiss: Lose the liquor.
Qrow stares blankly at her.
Yang: I think you broke him.
Ruby: Anyways, Weiss just see about the reports. Then we can use those and maybe scout out for them
Marcus: Ya I'd like some more intel before making an attack plan.
Benjamin: I was getting to that but Ruby beat me to it...
Ruby: Keep up Soldier boy -she winks at him-
Baird: Hey guys, Jack is making weird noises...I can't figure out why..
-heavy footsteps are heard-
Clayton: Ah shit...better not be a Brumak...
Cole: Or a Corpser
Marcus: Or Berserker..
Benjamin: Or a Boomer...Butcher..Grinder..Mauler..
Blake: How bout none of the above?
Baird: Ya I second that!
Suddenly a Ursa charges at Marcus and he levels his Gnasher and blows its head off as he dives out of the way.
Benjamin: Huh..what do ya know it was none of the ab- a Locust battlecry is heard- Dammit!
Benjamjn: EVERYONE TAKE COVER AND GET READY -sudden sniper round catches his helmet knocking him out-
Clayton: BENJAMIN!!!!!
Ruby's silver eyes take control as the others run for the hills away from a warpath like Ruby.
Marcus: He is gonna be ok..right Clay?
Yang: Shouldn't Blake and I be asking that?
Blake gently bumps Yang.
Yang: Right...sorry..
Baird: Hard to say..gotta wait til we are for sure out of the clear
Clayton: His helmet saved him though...but it couldn't save Anthony...
Cole: I'm sorry about Anthony Clay...Marcus told a little bit about him..I would have liked to meet him
Clayton: Thanks Cole..-he pats Cole's shoulder-
Qrow: Alright Ruby is out cold, I am gonna get her and then we gotta go
Marcus: Agreed.
Blake: Weiss you seem awfully quiet...Weiss?
Baird: Hey Snowflake!
Clayton: Weiss!
Everyone looks around.
Marcus: How could she vanish!?
Qrow: Maybe a Locust grabbed her..
Clayton: If that is the case then we gotta find her quick!
Clayton runs down to where the mangled bodies are and sees a white ponytail.
Clayton then gently pulls it and feels some weight behind it, he reaches further and pulls Weiss out.
Clayton: Guys! I found her, she is out cold..she got hit by something
As Clayton takes her up and the others are helping with Benjamin, they follow Jack to the nearest town to find a place to stay while the others heal up.
Welp I know this took a long ASS time to get done but I had other things...anyways here it is. Enjoy your morning, afternoon,evening or night. Lord Death signing off.
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