Pumpkin Spice Latte
Jungkook POV
I exited the coffee shop and groaned, picking up my phone as it vibrated. "Yes?" I gritted out, trying not to come out as overly annoyed, which I definitely was. I'd had to cut my morning coffee session short by ten minutes just to pick up a stupid traitor. Honestly, if everybody would just be...I don't know...loyal for once, I wouldn't have this problem.
"Whoa, somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed."
"Stop wasting my time and get straight to the point. Who do I have to shoot?"
"We already caught him. The usual place of course."
"And I'm guessing you already got what you needed from him?" I asked, heading towards my car.
"He's really closed lipped."
"He won't be when I get there. I trust you're not wasting my time and have everything ready?"
"Yes. All we're doing is waiting for you." He said, growing irritated. I hung up and drove off, out of the city and parked in front of the warehouse that I owned.
I entered, pulling my jacket off and handing it to one of my men. I checked my watch. 8:45 a.m. and I was already dealing with this shit. Today would be long, I could already tell.
I walked up to the man tied to the chair in front of me. Yoongi hyung stood in front of him, arms crossed. When he noticed me, he stepped aside to reveal the one who'd been dumb enough to try and go against me after swearing loyalty.
I went easier on those who went against me. But I did not tolerate traitors at all. And my men knew that. "Tsk...Jacky, you really messed up." I said, standing in front of him.
He looked up at me, fear evident in his eyes, but I saw no regrets. And that's what I needed. I sighed, leaning forward and placing both if my hands on either arm rest of the chair, caging him in more than he already was.
"Now, we can do this my way." I said, pausing to let that sink in. Jacky knew exactly what my way consisted of, he'd seen it plenty of times before. "Or." I continued. "You can tell me anything I want to know, I shoot you, and you die without any blows to whatever pride Suga let you have left."
Yoongi snickered behind me. Jacky, who had been a trusted man up until then, pressed his lips together. "I'd rather die without any pride than I would a snitch." He said bravely. I raised my eyebrows, a smirk forming on my lips.
"Is that so? We'll see in five minutes then. I'm sure you know the drill Jacky. And besides. People are going to remember you as a traitor, not the one who refused to snitch." He gulped as our eyes locked. He unconsciously moved away from me and I let out a low chuckle. "Now, let's see how long it takes for your vocal cords to break."
I reached over to the table sitting beside the chair. "Aish, this would be so much better if he was on a bed..." I said loud enough for everybody to hear. "Everything would be exposed...but I guess this will do. That way...we can focus a bit more on the important parts."
Jacky began to struggle as I picked up a very long and a very thin needle. I'll spare the details, all that's needed to know is that by the time he was dead...there wasn't much of Jacky left.
"Clean this up." I said, kicking a stray body part out of my way. I grabbed my coat and Yoongi followed me out. "Anything else in the agenda today?" I asked, bored now.
"Not that I know of."
"Good. Let's go to the office then." Yoongi snorted and got into the car with me.
"Since when are you excited to go to the office?"
"Since I found out that we hired a new secretary." Yoongi smirked, and sat in the passenger seat as I drove off, towards the company building. I was covered in blood, so I had to take the back exit so as not to elicit any unwanted attention from the media.
Hoseok joined me as we made it to my office. I immediately went to the small closet I had there, taking out a clean suit. I pulled it on quickly and then sat at my desk.
Hoseok instantly handed me some papers and I glanced at then, setting them in front of me before turning to my phone as it began to buzz.
"What?" I said, now more annoyed than I was before.
"Oppa~" Came an annoyingly whiny voice.
"What do you want?" I snapped.
"Oppa, you didn't send me my present~" The girl whined. I frowned, looking at the caller ID.
"And you are..?" I finally asked.
"It's me silly!" She said giggling. She must of thought I was joking or something.
"And who is 'me'?"
"Ugh!" I heard. "Molly?" I rolled my eyes, hitting my head on the desk.
"Look, I don't know who you are. I don't give presents and by the sound of it, I probably fucked you once while I was drunk because you were hot. That's it."
"Mean!" She gasped.
"Don't call me again. I don't even remember what you look like, nor do I remember your name. Bye bitch." I hung up, threw my phone aside and groaned, rubbing my temples.
I stood up, suddenly getting a great idea. "Who's up for a little massage?"
"What?" Hoseok gave me a strange look.
"Who gave you that idea? You've literally never had a massage in your life. And if you have, you've never asked if we've wanted one."
"I asked. It was the only time I'm ever going to offer." I said coldly. "But fine, I'll just go by myself. You can stay here and finish my paperwork for all I care. Bye bitches." I stood, grabbing my keys and walked out of the office.
Two sets of feet scrambled behind me. "Of course we'd love to go with you!" Hoseok said hurriedly. I sighed and let them follow me.
I got into my car and they hopped in. I drove to the nearest spa and booked the whole place for the whole afternoon. Hoseok and Yoongi walked off in different directions and I enjoyed an afternoon for myself.
And guess what? I did get my back cracked. Guess morning coffee does make my day better.
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