Chapter 15: Road Trip
Natsu's POV
"I bought all the albums Natsu!!" Lucy yelled happily as she ran over to me. "Oh! And Gray even told me some of your other favorite bands too."
I watched as she lifted the albums up to my eye level. She as a matter in fact bought all the Fall out boy albums, as well as Panic! At the disco, Twenty Øne Pilots, Paramore, and My Chemical Romance. "Wow..."
"Heh... Well I figured since it was a long car ride, you could help me broaden my horizons." She smiled brightly, causing a light dust of pink to appear on my cheeks. "And like you said last night, we could listen to our song." Lucy nodded as she pointed to the song titled alone together on one of the albums.
"That'll be fun." I chuckle and watch as she rummaged through one of her bags.
"Also I brought snacks and water... And coffee from the Strauss's coffee shop in these cool bottles I got from the mall." She giggled excitedly and shoves my coffee in my hand. "I even brought some road trip games and... And... And—"
I blinked as she kept looking through her backpack, pulling out random things before stopping her.
"Sorry." She said, though she still kept the large grin. "I just hate when things get awkward on road trips."
"Things won't get awkward. I promise you." I nodded and led her to the car we had used before when we were visiting her old home. "Now let's get going. I want to get to the hotel as soon as possible. I'm giving up rock climbing for this."
Lucy nodded and hopped into the passenger seat without a single complaint. "we're off!"
Zeref's POV
"Sir... Makarov Dreyar, the headmaster of Fairy Tail, said that he could fit you in on Friday."
I only nodded and dismissed them with a wave of my hand as I looked out the window, looking at my smile in the faded reflection.
After hearing the door close, I got up from my seat and walked over to my phone. Hesitantly, I tapped in a number that by now I knew from heart and raised the phone up to my ear, biting my lip nervously.
"Hello?" A voice said.
I felt my smile broaden happily at the sound of the female, finally answering me. "Hello Mavis... I was starting to think you were avoiding me."
There was a silence on the other end before she responded. "I only picked it up because I thought your name said Zeira. My mistake. Goodbye."
"W-wait! Please I'm sorry. I just want to tell you something real quick..."
Mavis sighed but hummed in agreement. "Yes?"
"I wanted to inform you that I'll be in Magnolia on Friday. I just wanted to know if you'd be around."
"No not really. Makarov is sending me to do an errand in another town, I'll be back on Saturday."
"Then I'll stay over Friday night so I can see you!" I grinned.
Mavis only sighed and hung up without another word.
"Ah... Nothing could be more perfect." I sang to myself, sitting back down at my desk.
Lucy's POV
"I'm super surprised I haven't discovered these bands before. I've been missing out!" I smiled as I listened to a song off a Fall Out Boy album. "You have great taste, Natsu."
Natsu smiled and glanced down at the album before looking back at the road. "You have great taste to if you like this stuff."
I blushed softly and slouched down in my seat. "Thanks...I'm glad that I got to know you though... Seriously. I don't think my life would ever be any better."
I heard Natsu squeak which made me look over at him.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Yeah! Yeah... I'm good." He smiled with a dreamy look in his eyes. "I don't think I would be awake and spirited right now if I hadn't have met you."
I grinned and leaned over to peck his cheek. "Aren't we lucky..."
Natsu yelped suddenly and tightened his grip on the wheel. "Very lucky indeed."
I giggled and sat back up straight as he entered the highway.
We spent the whole car ride listening to music, playing our special song more than once. Once, Natsu even rolled down his window and screamed out the lyrics. I felt bad for everyone driving by but I couldn't help but laugh.
"Natsu stop." I giggled and reached past him to roll of his window as he kept his eyes on the road. He only grinned and grabbed my hand, interlocking our fingers together.
"You don't like my singing voice?" He chuckled and raised my hand up to his mouth as he turned down a side road. I blushed and looked away from him.
"That wasn't singing, that was screaming." I retorted, pulling my hand away so I could cross my arms over my chest. "There's a difference."
His goofy smile never faded as he pulled up into a parking lot for a hotel. Finally we were in Hargeon, my butt was starting to hurt.
"Cmon. Let's get to our rooms, I want to get some time around the town before it gets too dark." Natsu said as he pulled out bags out of the trunk, glancing up at the sun's position in the sky. "It looks like we only have a few hours."
I nodded and took my bag from his hands. "Then let's go get settled!" I cheered and pulled him into the main lobby. The person at the front desk happily handed our keys before whisking us off to the third floor where our bedroom was.
We had one room, though there were two beds inside because I knew that if my mother and father were still alive they would be yelling at me for sharing a bed with a boy. But it's Natsu, he barely even thinks about sexual stuff, and he's completely innocent to everything.
"Come on." Natsu smirks as we dropped out bags on our beds. "Let's go find a place to eat."
I returned the smirk and watched as he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the hotel, to the cute town surrounding it.
Hargeon smelt like an ocean, given it was literally right next to one. And I loved that except the fact that the main thing they sold was seafood. While Natsu was a big fan of it, it wasn't typically my strong suit. But I somehow managed to lead him towards a certain place that makes it, as well as other options.
"Lobster roll!" Natsu ordered to the waiter, causing her to nearly jump out of her socks.
"Um sir... I didn't even say any of our specials."
"Are lobster rolls in the specials?"
"No but—"
"—Then I don't want a special, ma'am. I want a lobster roll." He pouted.
I quickly apologized for his behavior, mentioning how passionate he is about food. "I-I'll just have the angel hair pasta... Thank you."
The waitress smiled gratefully to me with a small bow. "My pleasure, if you need anything, just holler out my name: Kagura." She said politely before disappearing towards the kitchen.
"Kagura... Wait isn't that the name of Erza's friend?" Natsu asks after taking a sip of his water.
"Hm? Oh yeah. She mentioned her before. I didn't know she worked here... Small world." I smiled and leaned against my elbow.
Natsu's POV
My gods... Are we on a date right now?
.... Alright.... I smirked to myself as I stared out the window, watching the stars start to reflect off the ocean water. Maybe this trip I'll actually work up a nerve...
Authors note:
I'm here to announce that there will be only a few chapters left, maybe 3 or 4.
After this series I was either going to do "Nalu: Storybook" in which they both get into trouble and travel through different dimensions which are also different anime universes.
Or "Nalu: Avatar AU" where Lucy is an avatar trying to master all the elements while also being stressed about a conflict that I cannot say.
If you read this, please tell me which one you prefer!
Thank you!
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