Chapter 1: Magnolia's school
--- Lucy's POV ---
Magnolia... my first aspect of this place is that it is probably the most extravagant city I've been in. Sure it's not quite as big as where I used to live, but it is big, no doubt.
As I squeezed my way through the streets, there were only two things on my mind. Finding my new school and thinking about the life I was leaving behind. It was to painful to even bother with, but my father's death, just repeated over and over in my head.
I quickly snapped myself into focus, unfortunately I hadn't done so in time for me to bump into someone.
"Oh! I- Im sorry..." I stuttered, starting to pick up the books the boy dropped.
On each of the books had a certain name at the top of the covers, 'Fairy Tail High, boarding school'.
"It's fine..." He muttered and took the books from my hands.
"Hey wait!" I called before he could walk away. I looked up at him and whatever my next words were, were caught up in my throat.
The boy in front of me was, in fact, in his underwear.
"Where the Hell are your clothes?!" I Screech.
The semi-naked boy looked down at his body and immediately, his eyes grew large. "I uh..... I have to go!"
"W-wait!" I yell, but it was too late, the boy disappeared down a side street. "You were supposed to show me the way to the school..." I sigh and continue down the road.
"I can help you." Said a small voice behind me. I slowly turned around to see two girls, one with red hair and the other with blue. "If you'd like."
I quickly nodded, clapping my hands together in praise. "thank you miss."
"My name's Levy, but you can call me whatever you'd like." she smiled. "and this is Erza." Levy pointed to the girl next to her, who also smiled.
"I'm Lucy..." I hesitantly returned the smile. "Do you two go to the boarding school here?"
Erza nodded and they both stepped up to me. "Yes. I am in fact the student body president."
"Oh... really?" I gulp at her formalness.
"Absolutely. I can tell you're a new student, yes? I'll be more then happy to escort you to our principal." Erza offered.
I smiled and nodded quickly, "Of course! I'll probably get lost in the school like I am with this town."
"Oh don't worry, I believe you'll get this place memorized before you know it." Levy noted. "I had the same problem in my first year."
I giggle and we continued on our way to the school. All the while, we passed multiple little small businesses. A diner, a shoe store, a community pool, and even a small coffee shop.
"Their pastries are really good." Erza smiled, noticing me looking at the last building. "I usually go there a couple times a week. and sometimes I can even do my homework there."
"Well maybe I'll stop by sometime." I chuckled and continued walking besides the two girls.
"We're here!" Levy laughed and pushed open the doors to my new school. "I better get to my first class. Hopefully I'll see you later Lu-chan!"
"Lu-chan?" I whispered to myself.
Erza stepped in front of me and crossed her arms. "Lets get you signed in, follow me, Lucy."
I nodded quickly, not wanting to see her bad side (What Levy had called it earlier).
As we passed through the wide hallway, I caught a glimpse of Raven hair, the same as the boy from before. But this time he was wearing a shirt and pants.
He locked eyes with me for a second before turning around quickly and talking to another boy with orange hair and glasses.
"That's Gray." Erza sighed. "I'm guessing you saw him before."
"I saw him almost naked."
"Just like him... it's a long story but he has a stripping habit."
"Oh... that's not.... normal?" I question to myself.
Erza pushed open the doors to a big room. At the front desk sat a young woman with pink hair, that poofed at the ends.
"Ms. Aries..." Erza stepped up to the woman, "I have a new student here, who requests to see Mr. Makarov."
"Oh.. ok, he's in his office, you can go in, im sorry." She said in a very soft voice.
"Why are you sorry?" I spoke up.
"I'm sorry."
I opened my mouth to say it again but Erza clamped her hand over my mouth and dragged me into the principal's office.
"MASTER!" Erza yelled.
A short man popped out from under the desk in the center of the room. "Erza... what is it?"
"New student." She stated and softly pushed me into view. "She needs to sign up for classes and a dorm room. As well as student loans."
"Right right. Erza you are dismissed, I can handle this." The principle made a shooing motion with his hand.
The scarlet haired girl hesitated for a moment before nodding and leaving the room with slight triumph.
"I apologize for her, she can be rather dramatic." He said and sat in his chair, gesturing for me to do the same for the seat in front of his desk. "May I ask your name?"
"Lucy... Heartfilia." I say nervously.
Makarov smiled. "Heartfilia... I should've known, you look exactly like your mother."
I gulp and stare down at my hands.
"It seems like someone already handed in your paperwork so I just need to give you your locker number, dorm key, student card which I hope you heard has your monthly loans, and schedule." He says shuffling through papers. "Here." He finally says, handing me a yellow envelope. "Everything is in there. You may proceed to period one. If you need any help just ask any of the teachers or a fellow class mate. You're lucky today is Friday, it'll be easy."
I nodded and bowed slightly to him as I stood from my seat. "Arigatō Master."
He returned the nod and I hurried out of the office, past Ms. Aries and into the hallway which was now deserted.
I pulled out my schedule and put everything else in my messenger bag.
"Period one... Room 106... Professor Happy... Science...? All right." I whisper to myself and continue down the hallway. 103, 104, 105... 106!
I put my hand on the door knob and took a deep breath before opening it and entering the class room.
Nobody noticed me. It was completely rowdy, two students were fighting in the back and... Wait. The raven haired boy.
He just happened to look at me when I was staring at him in disbelief. "You..." He gasped and took his hands off the boy he was fighting. The other student had rose pink spiked hair. He had onyx eyes and even wore a scarf... Inside. But he paid me no attention.
"Both of you sit down!" Yelled an angry red head which I completely recognized as Erza, the girl from earlier.
A trickle of sweat rolled down my forehead and I avoided eye contact from Gray.
"Lu-chan! Sit next to me!" Yelled the preppy blue haired girl. I smiled in relief as I quickly made my way to her lab table.
"You don't have a partner?" I ask, setting my bag down.
"Well... I do, but he never shows up to class. He only goes to gym, lunch and oddly theater." she giggled.
"What's his name?"
"Gajeel Redfox. He transferred some time ago. He's actually nice despite his bad boy looks."
I smile and lean on my right hand.
"So where's this Mr. Happy?" I ask. And right on cue, the door swung open to show a small blue cat with a small suit on. "A cat?"
"That's Professor Happy." Levy whispered.
"A cat?! A cat who teaches science?"
The 'teacher' looks at me for a moment before coughing and just immediately getting to work on teaching us about marine animals.
Hope you guys like it so far!!
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