Now, it's time to announce the event winners who have blown our minds with their creative entries.
Here are wonderful entries and their talented writers!
6 Word Story
Kamiccola →Heart's fluttering. It's not the coffee.
Zaratheavenger →Your heart, this coffee....all mine
lisa_london_ →Two lattes, please, with rainbow sprinkles.
dramaticaurora →Rainbow, the pride of my sky.
thelastramble →Love is blind, gender doesn't matter.
DogLovingfeminist →Love can never be totally straight
yaris052018 →He's his. She's hers. Pride independence.
Keep Writing with Pride!
The land of love has no boundaries to those who've got the heart of a child. Hera sat on the bench, watching her nephews play with Olivia. Olivia was too pure for this world, too kind. Everything Hera herself wasn't. Olivia approached Hera, asking her to join them. Hera shook her head, declining. Not giving up, Olivia urged some more, smiling, extending her hand out to the other woman. Looking down at Olivia's hand, hearing her nephews' calls from the swing set, Hera gingerly placed her hand in Olivia's. Both women's hearts stuttered when their gazes met, knowing something else had blossomed within them as they made their way to the swing set hand in hand.
Dance with Coffee & Pride
PhoenixDavenport →Never Kiss Your Coffee (Never Kiss Your Roommate)
TheDoryWriter →Harry Potter and the Goblet of Coffee
mensemortuis →Pride Education (sex education)
happy_boo →A gentleman's guide to pride and virtue ( a gentleman's guide to vice and virtue).
Shivran86 →God's Own Coffee ( God's Own Country)
elveloy →Everything you always wanted to know about coffee (sex) but were too afraid to ask...
Pride Game Coffeeshop
trxnsiency and wehavedepression →Unicorn symbolizes hope.
Let's change memories!
#WrittenWithPride Three years ago while travelling through plane and my neighbor was this 25 years old girl. I like talking, so naturally, I started a conversation and soon we were telling each other our secrets. It's crazy how easy it is to share your secrets with someone you know nothing about. I came to know she is lesbian and she is having suicidal thoughts as her family won't accept her. I was sixteen then and let's just say my advice wasn't very helpful, in fact, they were very childish. We stopped talking after that and to this day I pray to God to give her more power and hope she didn't do it. Sometimes I wish we would meet again so I could tell her that no matter what people think of her, they can't change who she is. Some people may not see her for what she is and accept it but it's not their views that matters, what matters is what you think when you look at yourself in the mirror.
6 Word Story
BrisaHys ~ Tu confesión sabía a café azucarado.
clarymorgen2 ~ ¿Quieres café? "Solo de tus labios".
Blossomplot ~Te ves hermoso vestido de orgullo.
anjuvel ~ Con orgullo tomé mi café arcoíris.
Roxylovecraft ~ Mi orgullo supera tu odio.
Song of June
Celine_ChR → "Jenny" (Studio Killers)→ "Porque de la amistad al amor hay un pequeño paso y no importa entre quienes sea."
RoseHye → "If our love is wrong" (Calum Scott) → "Porque si nuestro amor es incorrecto entonces no quiero estar en lo correcto."
Pride Game Coffeeshop
AngelTold, GV5221, Alex-San26, _thebravest, ClaryMorgen2, MaryEstuardo2112 → "Orgullo siento de aquellas flores que resplandecen"
Alex-San26, MaryEstuardo2112, GV5221, AngelTold, IrinaASunday, _thebravest, ClaryMorgen2 → "Pareja es amor profundo floreciendo en la primavera"
6 Word Story
nachtgedaante →Koffie doet iedereens gesloten hart openen.
Keep Writing with Pride!
Ik ben vandaag op weg van ellende naar geluk. De regen landt als kleine bommen op het zand. De golven worden beschildert met cirkels. Schuim glijdt het strand op. Naar hoeveel geluk ben ik op weg? Mijn haren plakken tegen mijn hoofdhuid. De wind jaagt in vlagen opspattend water tegen mijn schenen aan. Donder rommelt in de verte. Hoeveel ellende laat ik achter me? Misschien moet ik wat ellende meenemen naar geluk; ik weet niet of ik nog wel zonder kan. Het tikt, de regen. Rond mij loeit de wind. Op het water onweert het; donder jaagt in woeste vlagen achter de bliksem aan.
Dance with Coffee & Pride
xYourDisneyPrincess →I Was Born For Coffee
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