She woke up the next day feeling a little...off, but her naturally positive attitude pushed it to the back of her mind. How can she not? Jungkook will, for now, always be just at the front of her workplace and if she wants to get through each day without moping around at the fact that her first kiss was just 'a mistake', she has to be civilized with herself and try to move on.
It took a lot of self-reminder to not look over every time that door opens though! The constant flirt that of Sehun is a welcoming distraction for once. Not that she responds much other than her usual ways, but she's trying. Anything's better than facing 'the mistake' again!
Taking her bag and the shop's keys, she heads out while Sehun waits – ready to close. She heard the sounds of laughter somewhere opposite of the street, but she's too nervous to look up. Afraid of what she'll face with. Jungkook is probably there with his red-haired girlfriend, and every one of them has probably heard of Lisa's serial 'stalking' issue.
"Hey...you okay?"
"Yeah, of course," Somehow, she managed to curl up a smile.
Sehun shifts around as she puts the keys in her bag before asking, "Listen, do you wanna like...walk together? I'm going to my aunt's house and it's the same way you're going so..."
Having a company to pass by Jungkook's company doesn't sound so bad, so she muttered 'okay'. She could practically hear how the laughter turned into whispers just as they passed Jungkook and his friends, but she kept her head forward and ignore the nerves in her guts. The air felt a little chilling for some reason but it passed shortly after.
He said it was a mistake...well, last night was a mistake too! I shouldn't have let him walk me home. Sure, I'd probably still 'find him interesting' if it hadn't happened, but isn't it better than to walk around on eggshells, like now?
"So there's a Spring festival tomorrow night...at the harbor. You heard about it?" Sehun continues, oblivious to her self-beating silence.
"Yeah...Chae told me about it. They're lighting lanterns, right?"
"Floating lanterns. We have it every year but they started holding it at the harbor since it's opened to public. Are you going then?"
"I don't know yet. Chae said her parents will open a stall there, selling bouquets, so she might have to stay home to look after her grandmother,"
"You can go with me!" He suddenly turns to face her. Noticing her surprise at his sudden excitement, he pulls himself back. "I mean...if you wanna go...and Chae couldn't make it...I can bring you,"
Lisa giggled at his rare awkwardness. "I know where the harbor is, Sehun. I don't think a tour guide is necessary to get there,"
"But you do need a friend once you're there! I mean...the spring festival is a big deal to the towners, you know. You don't wanna get in their way or – or light it wrongly. It'll be the town's gossip for months! And think of what they're gonna say about your dad – what, you can build an entire city but your daughter can't even light a lantern??"
She held her stomach as she laughed out loud. "City?? That's the funniest you've ever been Oh Sehun!! Where have this joker been all this time?"
"Well, you know...I'm saving the best for last," He grinned, showing those charming dimples that the girls seem to like so much. "So?"
Lisa takes a moment to think about it. She heard how it's the town's biggest festival of the year and she imagined how beautiful the lanterns will look – floating high above the waters and over the hill. She really wanted to see it...and she did tell herself that she'd give Sehun a chance.
"Sure...we can go once the shop's closed,"
"Were you expecting a 'no'? Why are you so surprised?"
"Well...yeah, kind of. You have – on countless occasions – refused my invitations..."
It makes her feel bad to hear it. She hadn't – and still hasn't – gotten around to view Sehun as anything more than just her employee, but maybe that can change? Maybe she's been so caught up with her 'fascination' towards Jungkook that she blindly disregards another's good intentions? Well then...let's do something about it, starting now.
She was right, it is a beautiful sight. The floating lanterns ceremony hasn't begun yet but the harbor has already come to life – with colorful lanterns hanged and lined up along the streets leading to the decks of the lagoon, arrays of food displayed on illustrative gazebo stalls, and flowers! Beautiful, blooming flowers sold in pots and bouquets, illuminating and enhancing the already-perfect festive ground. The folk's music can also be heard from the Town Hall, all the way to the docks.
"No more! I'm so full!" She laughed. Lisa had tried twelve different food from 5 stalls alone – all recommended by Sehun – and now he's holding up a cup of sweet rice-ball soup!
The guy has been nothing short of accommodative, really. He never left her side and tries to make her laugh at every chance he gets. Sure, she didn't get some of the jokes but she laughed anyway to make him feel better.
"Oh, you have to try the beers!" He drags her to the next stall. "This is Dae-Seong. His dad sells many types of beer and it's very rare that we'd see these many flavours,"
Lisa smiled to the guy who's standing behind the many bottles. She tries to read the labels but they looked a little faded. "Ooo...where are they from?"
"Traders," Not quite the answer she was looking for but she kept her smile, just to be polite.
"I don't drink beer though..."
"But you have to! It's a rare item – here," He took the biggest cup and points to a bottle – somewhere in the center of the counter. Dae-Seong poured it generously, almost spilling it even, before Sehun presents it to her.
"That's a big cup you got there...are you trying to get me drunk?" She lets out a nervous laugh.
"Just try it. You're gonna want more,"
The first sip tastes bitter and the second is sour. She had her first wine-tasting lesson from her mother two years ago. It was her first taste of alcohol and the only alcohol she had ever drank. She recalls the elder's wisdom of 'A good wine is like a perfect marriage. It should have the balance of its basic flavors in good proportions.', so she tries again – hoping that it applies for beers as well. Mmm...nope, still bitter! But Sehun's smiling stare got her through it. She didn't want to let him down.
When it's finished, her stomach started churning and growling. She felt like vomiting. Crap. She excused herself politely before rushing towards the public restroom. Crap, why did I do it?! I got sick before and that was over Sagrantinos, one of the best wines in the world! She heaved just as she enters the small cubicle and it felt like everything that she had eaten from breakfast till minutes ago had gone out. It's horrible...how long is this going to last?? Damn it, I'll never drink again!
When it finally stopped, she stood back up with every ounce of her strength and cleaned herself in front of the mirror. Thankfully, not a trace is found on her. She just hopes she doesn't smell like vomit when she walks out!
"Why would you keep going if you know you can't take it?" Lisa spun around to the voice, only to be met with Jungkook's serious gaze. He's alone...and he looks angry. Still beautiful...but angry. Her mouth felt dry as he saunters over from the wall of the restroom towards her. When he stopped, he held up a bottle of water. "You shouldn't try so hard to impress a guy...and certainly not that guy,"
She's cautious but more than that, she's annoyed. Why is he here? And so aptly ready – what, does he carry water wherever he goes??
"It's just a miscalculation on my part...I kinda like the beer, thank you," She's about to roll her eyes but decided against it when he nods on the bottle. Sighing, she took it and started gulping. Oh, that feels good!
"And the guy?"
"What about him?"
He ducks down to match her height, leaning his head forward close to her. Her breath hitched. "Do you like the guy?"
What is this – pillow-talk?? How dare he! First he interrupted my peaceful evening, then he stole my very first kiss and what – ruined my good night walk and skirt just to be all charming and beautiful and mysterious and walk me back home, only to tell me that it was an apology and that everything was a mistake, and now he thinks we're best friends or something??
"What's it to you?" How she can bravely return his intense stare beats her!
"Hmm..." He squints his eyes and purses his lips. "You're mad at me. I wish I know why,"
Mad? At him? Pshh – "I hold nothing against you, Jungkook," She squared her shoulders. "Like I said, all's forgiven. What's done is done," She smiles.
"Beautiful," His eyes sparkled grey again and she couldn't look away. "Even when you lie,"
She wasn't sure how long she was caught in the trance of his magnetic eyes but it felt like forever. Vaguely she wonders if Jungkook could be the one to witness the floating lanterns with her...it would've been a perfect sight, the lights and him. Just him...but why?
Her head buzzes and the lively surrounding came back to her senses. Lisa shakes her head slightly and takes a step back. Her cheeks feel warm and flushed – she's not sure if it's from the spectacular vomiting or from Jungkook's intense eyes.
"Well then...your date's probably waiting for you," There's that pursing lips again.
"Y-yeah..." Although what she really wants to say is 'no, he's not my date'. "I'm sure yours is waiting for you too," She quickly turns and walks away – not allowing herself to look further into the guy's weird appearance and intentions.
She was still trying to find Sehun when she passed by an open, wooden hut. Flag banners in white, yellow, red, and blue decorated the edges, and fish lanterns hangs at its center. Ten to fifteen children sat cross-legged, surrounding a woman on a small, wooden stool. She looks about the age of her mother. Lisa stops to watch what they're doing.
"It must be told...that our home was once a sacred land of love and sacrifice. That we are all settlers of Sanheoli...but the one whom it belongs to...can never be realized,"
"Of course he can! Mommy said he lives in the mansion up the hill!" A little boy raised a hand and shouts. Lisa giggled at such cuteness.
"No...he may be the owner that we know...but not a rightful one,"
Huh? Okay...interesting...
"A long, long time ago...before you were born...before I was born, or my mother and her mother's mother...the blood of Seongja fills the ground. He was killed out of spite, jealousy and wrath, over the love of his beloved Duri,"
She heard the soft gasps, along with hers.
"Seongja was a true warrior...the best among his six other comrades. Generals who had served King Yeonsun from the king before him for many years. King Yeonsun was a man filled with greed and power. So much blood had been shed in lands he set eyes on. The only fear he had was that death would wipe his legacy away,"
Lisa scoots closer and sits at the edge of the hut, mesmerized by the story-telling session – just like the kids.
"He had two wives. The first gave him two princes, but both passed by the age of ten. The second wife gave him a princess...whom he despised greatly, until she turned twelve. Princess Duri...they said her skin glows like the shine in sunrise and stars in the night. Her eyes reflect innocence and love. Everything about her beauty was written like a diamond in the darkest sky...so enchanting...that the King had to lock her in the palace to avoid envious, lustful eyes. The only ones who knew about his beautiful daughter are the people in the palace and his loyal yangbans,"
"When Duri had come of age, the King married her to Prince Hyun Ki from the North. Now, Prince Hyun Ki came from a family of strong, capable men. The King was determined to have Duri's sons as his reign's predecessor but then...Duri gave birth to a daughter. You can imagine how disappointed the King was...but his ire grew further when she kept birthing daughters. To make matters worse, Prince Hyun Ki started claiming that the princess must've committed adultery –"
"Ahjumma...what's 'adultery'?" One girl asked. Lisa would have laughed if the story wasn't so intense!
"It's...never mind that," The elder smiles calmly. "He left the palace and Duri, wanting to have nothing to do with the south-east. This, of course, humiliated the King...and he blamed it all on Duri. He exiled her to the then-deserted Jungnim – passing Dukke and two rivers, just at the edge of his kingdom. Her daughters – all four of them, were slain. He despised her so much that he left no trace of her in the palace. Some said she was to be killed too, and that's why he sent Seongja to lead her there,"
Wow...what a terrible father!
"But what he had forgotten was...how enchantingly beautiful and virtuous her daughter was as she had never stepped out of the palace, and how long the journey to Jungnim was by foot. Seongja was to return after twenty-eight days, yet the path remained empty – not a sight of him anywhere. It turned out that Seongja had fallen in love with Duri..."
Lisa can't stop herself from joining in the gasps.
"...and Duri with him. The adoration and devotion he had for her surpassed his life-long training of serving the kings. His new mission was only to care and protect Duri and so...they built a life – a family together at the banks of Jungnim. Duri gave him a child...a son. Then the second, also a son. Days and nights – years passed and while the King's order to find him remains the same, Seongja and Duri has had six sons raised on their own. Within those years, Seongja's love for Duri only grew stronger and stronger...and by the time the seventh son was born, he was willing to even die for her,"
That's...so beautiful! Serves the King right, if you ask me!
"But their happiness can only last so long until tragedy comes knocking at their door. A traveler who crossed the Jungnim river one day, only caught a glimpse of four running children laughing together. He spoke of his journey when he got to a small village near the palace and it only took one day to reach the King. People of the palace whispered about the sons of Duri, whose lives somehow thrived at the deserted border,"
Oh no...
"He wanted the sons but the yangbans and advisors began losing trust on the King as his vile act – the expulsion of his own daughter, the princess – circling in rumors. He then decided to end it once and for all. The King sent a messenger with the cunning promise of pardon – that a better life awaits Seongja, Duri and her sons if she were to return. He promised her a home in the palace, where her sons can live and learn – each will be raised in the finest of care and protection...an assurance that will surely blind any mother,"
"Noo...it's a trap! Princess, it's a trap!!" Exactly!! I'm with you, boy! Lisa grew anxious as the story goes.
"It took Duri seven nights to convince Seongja of their return and on the eighth, all nine of them set foot to cross back the land, with one carried on Seongja's back and the youngest son in Duri's arms. On the morning of the fourteenth day...with tired bones and torn hyes, they reached the quiet land of Sanheoli. Just one more climb through the hill and the palace will be in sight. Do you know where the Town Hall is?"
"Yes!!" The kids shouted altogether.
"Well, it was there when Seongja's sharp eyes spotted the first royal guard," Lisa felt her heart pounding like a beating drum. "Then the next. His previous six generals who fought alongside him appeared from the behind the rocks, and an army of archers surrounds them from the hill of Sanheoli," The woman points to the dark, abstract shadows, where her parents' house lights on that same hill twinkles.
"They were clearly tricked...and Seongja can only give the sleeping son on his back to Duri...who fell on her knees, crying at her father's deceits. Seongja fought like he never fought before. One comrade down, and he took the sword as his own. With each piercing blade across the enemy's chest, he cried out their names – as if it killed him too to have done what he did. His strength and determination to protect his family was no match to any man's loyalty, but it didn't stop the King. No...it only made him even more vengeful. With his mighty wrath, he ordered his archers to take aim. Seongja knew there's nothing else he could have done, except to shield them,"
"Duri...who was hidden under the shadow of her lover...cried for the heavens as she hears every painful breath and whimpers. Seongja was clinging to his last breath...chanting curses before finally, with one final look to Duri, he said 'glory only to my love, to my children's mother'. Hearing this broke Duri to pieces. She screamed on Seongja's lifeless body...praying for the Gods – any Gods – to not let the King and his men to ever see their sons...while the second aim took place,"
Lisa hadn't realized how she's already standing – her hands splaying, pressed against her chest and her eyes welled up with unknown sadness.
"For two years since, the very ground which you and I live on, had turned red...said to be his blood – his spirit's anguish towards the king and his subjects. Anyone who stepped on it shall be swallowed by the earth, as the heavens curse on those who seeks greed from the fallen,"
"But what happened to the princess and her children, ahjumma??"
The woman leans forward, raising her eyebrows. "Legend has it that the King's army went through the bodies over and over...yet they couldn't find Duri or a single child. While some claimed that they were buried in the same ground before more eyes could witness of the King's evil deeds,"
"Ahjumma, which one do you think is true?"
She sat back straight and her tired, brown eyes suddenly lands on Lisa.
"I think...the heavens gave exactly what the princess asked for...and it's only a matter of time before her children reveal themselves to the world. Like every other good mother, Duri won't let her children in the darkness alone. After all...Sanheoli had already been marked by their father's sacrifice. The life it provides all this while can only be rightfully claimed by their freedom,"
"No way!! They're probably dead by now –"
"Heyy it's not nice to say like that!"
"Why not?"
"It's not nice – my mom said so!"
Lisa couldn't pay much attention to the argument as her eyes are still glued to the 'ahjumma'. The woman smiles and a certain shiver creeps up, prickling her skin. The elder is probably ten feet away from her but it feels as if she is closer...and closer. A flash of unrecognized sights and sounds started invading her mind.
The laughing children and the streaming river...pale, soft hands picking on wild daisies in an unknown forest – calmed by the wind and suddenly, a bloody ground...a scream that seemingly brought thunders and a pair of eyes. Beautiful...enchanting grey eyes...
"There you are!" A grip on her shoulder brings her back to the present. She turns and find Sehun's worried smile. "I've been searching all over for you! You alright?"
Am I alright? I can't be sure... Her breathing is heavy as she tries to regain her focus. "Y-yeah...I um...I was just listening..." She turns back to the hut but only a few kids are left. And the woman is...nowhere in sight.
"Let's go, they're about to light the lanterns!"
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