"Guess who I saw this evening?" Chaeyoung smiles playfully when Lisa joins in. It's close to nine and she can't wait to close up, but her friend's request for a free cup of ice-cream can't be denied.
"I feel like I don't want to. There's too many people in this town for you to gossip, there are so many names already - most of whom I still don't know -"
"Are you kidding? It's because this place is too small - why shouldn't I gossip??" The enthusiasm made her laugh. "Anyway, it's someone you're obviously interested in,"
She caught the friend's eyes lurking and her head pointing outside, making her heart beats faster.
"He was with this red-head, riding out with the gang,"
"Oh..." The sullen reply was unrecognizable, so Lisa immediately covered with a smile. "Is that all?"
"I know her face - she was my junior from school. She's barely eighteen, I think, and she's already hanging out with the Wolfpacks. I honestly have no idea why you'd put yourself in that bunch! He's probably as sleazy as his brother,"
Lisa giggles at the rolling eyes. The Wolfpacks. That's what Chaeyoung calls them. Why? Lisa never asked. Lame? Yes, but can Lisa think of a better name? Definitely not. But the name's not even the funniest part. No, the funniest part about Chaeyoung mentioning the Wolfpacks always boils down to the fact that she and one of the so-called 'Wolfpacks' used to date. Yes...the 'brother' she mentioned – that's the one! Yet every time she spoke about the 'Wolfpacks',
"I'm sorry, you just have this utter disgust about them as though you've never been one of those girls who had fallen for one of them. I didn't mean to laugh!" Lisa covers her mouth as she continues the tease.
"It was a brief fling! Worst two months of my life!"
"I know! You've been saying it ever since we met,"
"And I meant it!"
"And I told you, I'll pretend to believe you!"
They both burst into a fit of laughter. Chaeyoung's adorable when she gets riled up, really. Her cheeks will turn pink and her mouth will look like she's about to shout but nothing comes out. It's too cartoonish for Lisa not to laugh.
"Anyways...you know what I'm gonna ask and I'll keep on asking this every time he provides something for me to gossip with,"
"Mmm...yes and no," Lisa chuckled. "Yes, I still find him interesting to look at and no, I won't do anything about it so don't worry,"
"How can I not worry?? I'm the only friend you have here and the only guy you seem to be interested in is a Wolfpack??"
"Okay, can we not say the word 'wolfpack' if we're gonna have an honest conversation about it cus I'll just end up laughing again -"
"Fine. He's a man-whore, does that sound better?"
"Harsh, but yes, that does make me wanna talk about it,"
"He hangs out with the no-go's - the only boys who could possibly taint the town's image!"
"I don't think I've ever asked you this...why do you call them that? The Wolfpacks?"
Chaeyoung leaned forward and in an almost whisper-like voice, said, "Okay, so you know how my halmeoni is? Likes to be all mythical about her collections of pots and what-nots?"
Lisa nods, remembering the many stories she's heard whenever she visited her friend's house.
"She told me this story - only once - and that was when my family found out that I was seeing Jimin. So get this...she said there's a reason why they never move out of the forest. Apparently, the elders – for generations, they've been told that the woodsmen aren't really...literally, woodsmen. It's just something to label them by,"
"Okay...what are they then?"
"No one really knows but years ago, one of the family actually came out. They carried only their newborn son and the father was acting all crazy and shouting something like 'you'll not get my blood or my wife's!' straight to the trees. Only a few people were there to witness that night,"
"So they live in town now?"
"I honestly have no idea who they are...no one knows where they went and no one's ever seen them here since then. The weirdest part about that story was that no one's seen them crossing the town and halmeoni said that back then, you need to cross Sesimri Street in order to reach the route to cross the hill. Right in front of halmeoni's old house. She said she was helping her mother water the plants that night but she never saw them passing by. It's like they just vanished,"
Vanished? That can't be true. "Maybe she just missed them by a minute or two,"
"Maybe...but it's all folk's tale, you know. Just like the story of how whenever a child of theirs were born, it'll be raining,"
"Okay, what?" Lisa is close to laughing but only because Chaeyoung's wide eyes and breathy gasps made it impossible not to!
"Yup! Apparently, all the sons were born during a full-day rain –"
"Could it just so happen to be rainy seasons?"
"I don't know," Her friend laughs. "Not like I was there!"
Heh...what an interesting tale... "And the name?"
"Well, obviously...when I heard the story, I was like 'blood??' – sign me up for some werewolf shit! There must be a reason why they stayed in the forest –"
"Have you been to their houses? When you were with Jimin -"
"Noo...are you kidding me?? I'll never step foot in there! There's a reason why they called it Dukke – it literally means 'thickness'. Halmeoni said people have been lost in there – something like 'whispers among the trees'...geez, just talking about it creeps me out," Chaeyoung shivers, rubbing both palms across each arm.
"You just had ice-cream," Lisa chuckled. A lot of questions came into mind but she couldn't figure out whether her friend is the right one to ask. "It can't be that bad...I mean...they pretty much go in and out every day,"
"Yeah and did you think no one's ever tried following them? I've heard stories of how they disappear once they get in," Her friend leans forward once again. "Personally, if you ask me...I think it's witchcraft. They must have some pretty messed up stuff going on in there that they don't want people to know about. You know...when I was with Jimin, I noticed something. Whenever he gets excited, his eyes'll change color,"
His...eyes? Flashes of Jungkook's eyes appear in her mind.
"If any of the boys gets upset or like, mad, the rest will drag them back as if they know it'll be damn chaotic like it's the end of the world. A lot of boys in school never liked them. Some got into fights with them and ended up like hell while the boys walk away looking like they just got out of bed in the morning. They probably made a lot of enemies cus they're all so pretty...all the girls just go easy on them. I'm telling you, nothing good could ever come out of those boys and I swear - they should have an 'enter at your own risk' sign plastered in front of their houses - even if it's somewhere in the dark woods where no one wishes to go if they don't want their blood drained for some sick ritual! I heard Yoongi was the worst,"
"Who's Yoongi?"
"One of their woodsmen buddies - our senior. Heard he started the fire at Si-Woo's barn. Killed all of the old man's cows. He disappeared too after that, you know..."
The more Lisa hears it, the more intrigued she is. It's probably not as bad as Chaeyoung described it to be but being the book-nerd that she is, she can't help but wanting to understand.
Like...come on, werewolves and witchcrafts? We're in the 21st century – and those boys? They don't look like they're in some weird, blood-drinking cults! Probably listen to a lot of heavy metals with all those leather jackets on and their weird obsession with cool-looking bikes that's made out from the gates of Satan himself but it's quite normal for their age...isn't it?
"I'm telling you, Lisa. Stay away from them,"
"Chae, all that frowning's no good for you,"
"And all that crushing won't get you anywhere,"
Lisa pursed her lips, partly understanding her friend's point. "Look...don't worry about me. I'm not crushing on him, I just...find him interesting to look at, that's all,"
"And like you said, I'll pretend to believe you on that,"
Chaeyoung's little gossip turned out to be true after all. Lisa was closing the store the very next night when she saw the red-hair sitting comfortably on Jungkook's motorbike - fixing her red lips on the bike's mirror. She thought the girl looked fierce...but pretty. The guy was nowhere to be seen so Lisa assumed that he's still in the coffee shop for that bit.
Two weeks later and the red-haired girl is still around...in and out of the coffee shop along with his friends and on four occasions, Lisa caught glimpses of her walking towards Jungkook as he ended his shifts. They rode on his bike together - away to lovely nights, she assumed. She wasn't sure why she felt her little heart breaking every time she saw them together.
Jungkook and his little clique are always seen with girls so it should be nothing new, but it's the first time that the same girl's been showing up, again and again. It must be serious then.
"Lis, can I walk you home? It's pretty late," Sehun asked as she turned to leave.
"That's okay. I've closed later than this and I know my way around by now," She lets out a little laugh.
"You know that's just my way of spending time with you, right?"
"From ten to nine – I wonder how many more hours you need,"
"I'm always up for the challenge,"
It makes her shy...and awkward. He really is sweet for still not giving up. "Maybe next time. I have some things I need to think about tonight,"
"Everything alright?"
Hmm...tricky. Watching the guy that I like going around with a bad-ass-looking girl – wait, did I say 'like'?? "Yeah...just...it's just a nice night for some good ol' thinking,"
The disappointment is evident on Sehun's face. "Okay...maybe tomorrow?"
It makes her feel bad so she nodded before bidding goodbye. The guy has always been nice and friendly to her since she opened the ice-cream shop...and he is quite charming. It's just all so new to her – having any interests at all towards the opposite sex – and she's unsure which of her feelings she should be trusting. She's only ever seen him as a co-worker.
Her maturity hits when she was in an all-girls boarding school of Branksome Hall in Canada. The only guy she's ever had a crush on in those years was Channing Tatum and that's only because she was asked to perform a dance routine for their annual alumni welcoming party and the reference tape was the movie Step Up. When her parents decided to move, she transferred another 2 and a half years to the same school in Seoul. So yes, she doesn't have much experience in ogling and picking guys to out with.
The thing that frustrates Lisa the most is that there's no one for her to rant to. The only close friend she has here is Chaeyoung and the girl had - countless of times - made it clear of how stupid it is for her to pine over the 'bad boy' of the town. The thing is, it isn't even a crush. At least, she was sure that for her it's not. Granted, Jungkook was a little drunk when she first met him and he did, in fact, caught her by surprise with that sudden kiss.
It wasn't the fact that he stole her first kiss either. It's disappointing that it happened with a stranger...at some then-random bus stop, yes, but the more she thought about it, the more she recalls of how perfect it felt and that she wouldn't have changed a thing from it. Well...maybe the slapping part could've wait but that's not the point! No...it's what he said that night. He spoke like a true dreamer and she finds herself intrigued, wondering what else is beyond that rough façade he stamped himself with.
And more so because he was drunk, Lisa knew it wasn't a complete act. Her mother used to love spending time with her wine before they moved here and whenever things got a little out of hand, the elder would apologize the next day - saying that it was 'the wine talking'. And one day when she visited one of their many homes, her father's patience went through the roof.
She listened quietly from behind the door of her bedroom - cries and call-outs of how the drunk wailings were her mother's honesty at its peak. Lisa realized then that despite portraying herself as the perfect wife, her mother was actually unhappy about living among the pretentious rich for a very long time. She didn't like the fact that she has to move every now and then and spending time subtly competing with other 'Stepford' wives.
That's when the fight-or-flight came to her father. And that's why they ended up moving here, building their own lives in a space where her mother would be able to grasp her freedom as how she wanted to. Lisa can't tell yet if her mother's 'wine issue' have been sorted but it doesn't seem to matter. Everything seemed to be falling into place...just right and perfect for the both of them. It's too perfect that Lisa had to comply in order to keep it safe.
Anyway, hearing what he said made her wonder...what is her dream in life? She's been following every turns and directions given by her parents obligingly. She never said 'no' or requests for things to be different. The only thing that she has asked by far is to work at her own pace, at the ice-cream shop – and even that, she had to gather a lot of courage to ask. What do I want to be? Where do I wanna go? What else is there...or here...for me to feel -
A splash suddenly wets her knee and she jumped farther from the road-side instinctively when she heard the loud screeching - too close for comfort. The pool of puddle wasn't as visible as it is to her now and far ahead of her, a motorbike halted to a stop. If she wasn't already sure of whom it belonged to, the long red hair underneath the helmet confirms it. Jungkook got off with ease and jogged towards her. All she could think of at this moment is 'please let it be dark enough so he won't see this mess' -
"Are you okay?" He huffs out when he reached to her.
It took a second for her to respond as she's faced with the same intense, brown eyes from that night. "Y-yeah...yeah, sure," She nervously pats around her skirt to avoid his stare. Those eyes are inviting. So irresistibly inviting.
"I'm sorry, I didn't -" More bikes suddenly appears, stopping by and around his. Oh great, more 'Wolfpacks' -
"It's too early for a threesome, isn't it, Kook?" One snickered as he pushed his visor up. The rest laughed and Lisa wanted nothing more than to disappear. Of course, she knew all of the faces from their visits to the coffee shop but not their names. And never this close. In front of her, Jungkook looks down to the ground. Perhaps he is laughing too.
Chaeyoung's right. These boys treat everything like a joke! Please...please just go away -
Another got off his bike and came by Jungkook's side - placing an arm around his shoulder. The way he hung - leaning almost too close to her face makes her nervous.
"Well look who it is! Lalisa...damn, they didn't lie about how hot you are up close! Hey, does daddy not know how the wilds come out at night? Would've thought he'd send your driver to pick you up...it's a little late for you, no?"
It's not. It's the same time as when all the shops are closed and it's almost the same, usual time when I'd walk through this same route back home! But of course, her nerves caught her tongue.
Something changed her mind though. Jungkook faces back up and at the guy beside him. The piercing stare surprised not only her, but also his friend. So...he wasn't laughing? A taller guy came forward. For some reason, his built and the way he struts intimidates her. His icy, monolid eyes are almost solemn - looking like he's judging everything and everyone.
"Trouble, Kook?"
Trouble? What - I'm the supposed 'trouble'?? How on Earth can I possibly bring trouble to any of these guys - I was just walking!
"No, hyung -"
"She's fine - let's go already! I'm hungry!!" The red-hair yelled, earning turning heads from everyone except Jungkook.
"Yeji, stop your fucking whining and sit your ass down!" One guy - whose still on his bike with a girl's arm clutching ever-so-tightly around his waist - shouts back. The thin, sharp eyes blazed back at her and Lisa wonders why everyone here looks so angry. From a far, Lisa could see the annoyed huff and slump on Yeji's shoulder.
"I almost hit her. I was just apologizing," Jungkook muttered to his 'hyung'.
"Oh no...it can be dangerous walking all by yourself at night - especially going up the hill! Say...why don't you hop on with me? I'll send you back," The one beside him tries really hard to look like an enthusiastic bystander - all teeth and smiles. Too bad Lisa didn't buy it. She also noticed how his eyes are in a pretty shade of clear grey. Where do these boys get their contact-lenses??
"Jimin...leave her alone," The 'hyung' replied after noticing Jungkook's unwavering stare.
Oh... So, this is his brother...Jimin? Too bad that helmet's on. I could've confirmed Chaeyoung's disgust - she would've loved for me to be on her team!
"Or Kook - he can send you back!"
The blaze in Jungkook's eyes hardened. Lisa isn't sure what exactly is up with these whole intimidations played among the so-called 'Wolfpacks' but she isn't planning to provoke them with that question.
"I'm fine, really - don't worry about it. I'm really fine. Have a good night," She gave a polite smile with that response, then proceeds to continue her walk - pretending to not be bothered by the many teases of 'she's super fine, Kook' and the heavy stares as she passed by the others. She did, too, noticed the disgust on Yeji's face when she passed by her.
A couple of steps further, the roars of wide-open throttles races past - some coupled with whistles and one with a 'got yourself a bodyguard, princess!' - whatever that means. When they're no longer in sight, Lisa stops her tracks and lets out a big sigh of relief. That was probably the most alarming situation she has ever been in throughout her entire life! She was feeling her own heart beat with a palm, trying to calm it down when she heard the rustling footsteps, coming from behind her. Lisa turned and her breath hitched again. Jungkook is still here.
Out of all the times she had watched him from across the street, now is probably the first that he has ever look so determined, yet amused all the same. From eight feet away and with both hands in the pockets of his black, fitted jeans, he struts closer. His black hair is a little messy but with that face, who cares? There's a certain kind of arrogance in his walk too, as if he knew exactly what's on her mind. But he doesn't know me. He doesn't even remember me...right? Why is he still here?
"Sorry about...uh...what happened was that...I didn't see the puddle. And your dress is ruined, I'm sorry," Weird...why is he mumbling? I didn't expect this - "And about my brother...well, all of them actually...they can be dicks,"
Hearing Jungkook calling his friends 'dicks' had her close to laughing.
"Can I walk you home? I promise I won't try anything - I just feel extremely bad...you know...that we kinda scared you back there,"
A sweet smile. Oh, this is not good for my heart.
"Really, don't worry about it," She looks down to the ground and her half-dirty skirt. "Nothing a laundry can't fix. You should um...hey, where's your bike?" Lisa asked when she looked far behind him and sees an empty street.
"I asked a friend to take it," He raised an eyebrow and grinned. Definitely not good for my heart!
"So technically, I'd have to say yes to your offer since you've risked your only mode of transportation?"
"No, that's not my intention at all!" He laughed down to his feet, looking like a shy little boy. "I just know that I'll be really annoyed with myself if I leave you feeling scared of me...or any of us,"
"I wasn't scared of you, Jungkook. Although if I gotta be honest...I had thought of running into the bushes when your friends stopped by,"
She could've sworn his eyes are twinkling - so different than that stern stare he had put out in front of his friends earlier.
"You know my name...I'd be jumping if our first meet weren't so embarrassing," Oh...so he remembers too... "More reasons why I should keep you safe tonight. I have a lot to be sorry for,"
Crush or no crush, it made her cheeks warm. Lisa clipped her smile in a pout before turning back around - taking time in her steps to let him reach by her side.
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