"Do you remember when I asked you what superpower you would chose if you had the option?" I put the brim of my coffee cup up to my lips, feeling the warmth and the soft recycled cardboard as I spoke.
"Yeah." Ade replied.
I had to take two strides to every one of his just to keep up. It was a minor problem, really, one that I realized how bothered I was by it ever since we began to walk. Making our way down Brooklyn was always an adventure, but not when Ade was rushing to get to class and I was tagging along to turn in my NYU application.
"Well, I change my mind about my answer." I said. "Flying would be a fun superpower, but I'd rather have the ability to time travel. Change the past if I don't like the events that led up to whatever future I experienced. Prevent accidents. Stop whatever bad thing from happening before it was going to happen. Remove unnecessary stress or...people...it's all wishful thinking, I know, but I like thinking about it. Imagine how different your life could've been if you could time trav- are you okay, Ade? You've barely said two words to me all morning."
After a few awkward days, Ade finally replied to my messages this morning. It wasn't because he was avoiding me, like I initially assumed, but because he was so coped up with the midterm coming up that he had went on a 3 day study binge and ate nothing but those cups of Instant Ramen noodles. Still, I was a bit miffed that he couldn't find the time to send me one measly text, but instead, let me suffer in silence. Here I was, thinking our friendship was totally over because of one stupid kiss but Ade was just too enamored by the diet of newborn kittens to find time for me.
I hadn't even told him what happened or that we were now associates to intercontinentally famous criminals (I did more research. The history of the Crowns wasn't just in the US, their criminal activities also exceeded past the borders. They had several adventures with law enforcement in Germany two months ago, where Wolfe Sterling broke out a friend of his from a high-security prison before sending someone to kill him in front of the embassy to send a message to some dirty politician the Crowns had beef with.) Wolfe Sterling wasn't just wanted in New York, he had targets on his back all the way to Europe. The way I saw it, it was just even more reason to despise the man and our unfortunate association.
Ade seemed conflicted with his thoughts and I had problems of my own, so we kept mostly silent during the walk to the university. After asking what was wrong several times and getting a mumbled response, I gave up. Ade would talk when he wanted to. He was always funny like that.
"Where do I turn this in?" I asked, pulling out the application. For the hundredth time, I checked over to make sure I hadn't made any mistakes. My future depended on that paper.
"To the administration office near Lincoln Park." Ade said. "It's a big grey building, I'll point it out when we get there."
"Okay." I gripped the straps of my bookbag, hurrying to keep up with his long strides. The sidewalks and crosswalks were filled with people. Some were walking in a leisurely pace, others were dodging passersby and rushing to get where they needed to. Shops and local businesses lined either side of the streets, with cold grey buildings and sleek skyscrapers behind them.
My legs were no match for Ade's and I had to almost jog to stay besides him. "Hey, you wanna do something tonight?"
"I can't." Ade shrugged. "Study session with a few friends. We're going over the procedure on how to identify broken bones in a domesticated pet. Fun stuff."
I couldn't take it anymore. Ade was my best friend, perhaps my only other friend besides Clancy. I wasn't going to lose him over something so stupid. Grabbing the sleeve of his sweater, I dragged him to the edge of the sidewalk and out the paths of anyone walking by. "I'm sorry-" I started off huffily. "-but am I missing something here? Did I do something wrong? I understand you're busy with college and all, but please don't use that as an excuse to completely shut me out of your life. Dude, I've known you, for what, six years now? What's up, man? Talk to me-"
"Talk to you?" Ade suddenly stiffened, his eyes flashing angrily. Whatever I had said, it seemed to have hit a nerve. "Really, Florence. Talk to you. Don't you think that's just a little bit ironic considering you never return the favor?"
My mouth dropped open. "What do you mean? Of course I talk to you! You're the only person I really ever do talk to-"
"Come off it, Florence." Ade snapped. He rubbed the bridge of his nose and pushed his glasses up higher. "You know what? Forget it. I'm gonna be late for class-"
He turned to leave. My hand shot out and captured one of his, and I dragged him back once more. Ade and I never fought. The last thing we ever had a fight over was seven months ago and it was about whether or not Candy Crush purposely tried to fail you. Our grudge barely lasted a day and we both promised to never play the game again. So this was a bit out of my element. I was never good at holding grudges. I ended up guilt-tripping myself and crying hysterically over a carton of ice cream whenever I was involved in an argument. I was determined to get to the bottom of this and I wasn't going to let Ade wave it off as nothing. There was something bothering him and I was going to find out what.
"Ade!" I lowered my voice, noticing that we were attracting quite a bit of attention. He wouldn't look at me, not even when I grabbed his chin and tried to peer up into his eyes. My stomach clenched uncomfortably. "Tell me what I did wrong! Are you mad at me for something that I did? What is it? We have been friends for way too long to act this childish now-"
"Childish?" Ade yanked his hand out of my grip. "No, Florence. What's childish is you keeping secrets from me as if you can't trust me!" He whisper-yelled. "I know about the Brooklyn Crowns! But I know that because Clancy told me. Not you, Florence. You didn't tell me anything about them! I thought we didn't keep any secrets from each other. You could have told me what was going on. It's not like I'd go blabbing to the cops, like you did yesterday. That's what the problem is."
Ade turned and began walking away.
I was shocked. "How does everyone know about that?" I cried after him.
I chased after him, nearly walking into an elderly lady. Ade had gained a lot of ground while I was mulling over what I'd done wrong. It was true that Ade and I told each other everything, from my worries of when I was late on my period to how many Twizzlers I could stuff in my mouth at one time (9 of them). He was hurrying towards the university, ignoring my pleas. Pretty soon, I ran out of breath. As a last tactic, I ran ahead in front of Ade and blocked his path.
"I was going to tell you!" I poked his chest angrily. "Dammit, Ade! Will you listen to me for one second? I was going to tell you. I was just trying to find the right time to do it. I wasn't going to keep this from you. Ade, you know me. I can't keep a secret if my life depended on it."
"Well, it seems like this one does." He muttered angrily. "Come on, Flo. I have to get to class."
"You found out from Clancy?" I sniffed, trying to hold back my tears. "It should have been me. I was going to tell you everything, Ade! But you wouldn't reply to any of my messages, ignore me when I tried to contact you for three days straight! What was I supposed to do? I couldn't track you down and spill the beans. Why spill the beans when you can eat the beans? Have you ever tried chili from-"
"We spent the entire morning together." Ade gritted his teeth. "When, in the two hours we've just spent, was not the right time to tell me? Were you even going to tell me, Florence? If I hadn't found out from Clancy, if I hadn't brought this up at all, would you really have told me in your own time? He's dangerous, Florence! Don't you realize that?"
"Yes! Yes, I do realize that, Ade!" I snapped. "What do you think I was trying to do when I asked Clancy to take me to the police? It's not like I want them here, Ade! Is that what you think? You're not being replaced by Wolfe Sterling, goddamn it, Ade-
"It was Clancy who asked me to talk to you about this in the first place." Ade growled. "She's worried about you, we all are! Florence, I don't think you really understand how deep you've dug yourself into this mess. Clancy's concerned. She thinks that Wolfe Sterling might be taking advantage of your naivety to gain the upperhand with your parents, that you're the pawn. And don't even get me started on the attraction part-"
"Oh God, Ade!" I was furious. "It's not like that-"
"Oh, I wouldn't know what it's like since you didn't tell me shit."
I trailed along behind him, utterly distraught. And angry. I was angry, too.
"The administration building is right there." His voice said close by my ear. I covered my face with my hands, too upset to look. I was afraid I was going to start bawling right there and then. Ade was the only person in the world who I kept nothing from. I was going to tell him about the Crowns. I guess that wasn't necessary anymore. Ade kicked a rock around, his hands shoved deep into his pocket. "Whatever. I'm late. I have to get to class."
I don't know if Ade left me in the middle of the sidewalk or not. I heard his footsteps shuffle away, but then come right back. I kept my face covered with my hands. Peeking through the spaces between my fingers, I walked to a stone statue of Harry Truman and sat down on the bench beneath it. A lump rose in my throat, making it hard to swallow. The way Ade was speaking made me believe he was really done with our friendship.
His shoes came into view.
"Go away." I mumbled.
"Hey." Ade's voice softened. I felt him take the seat beside me on the bench. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you. I was just...I don't know, upset? That I had to hear it from Clancy rather than you. It was wrong, and I apologize. Maybe you were going to tell me and I just came at it too soon. Florence, you're my best friend. I don't want to figh- wait, are you crying?"
I moved my hands and furiously rubbed my watery eyes. "No!"
"I'm sorry. I was being mean."
"Yes, you were, you jerk." I sniffled, feeling a little bit better now.
"Call me whatever name you want. I'll give you a free pass this time."
I carefully thought over it. After a moment of contemplating, I said, "You're a half-baked potato."
Ade frowned. "What, so the other half of me is raw?"
"The oven stopped working."
Ade sighed. "So when you were talking about the superpower thing, the ability to time travel...were you talking about the Crowns? Because I agree with that. I wouldn't want them to get involved in my life, either. Half the people, more than half actually, end up dead. I can't imagine what you're going through, Florence. What your parents are going through. Must be terrifying."
"Terrifying is not the word I'd use to describe it." I mumbled. Terrified? Sure. But also intimidated, scared, nervous, angry, and kind of turned on. I mean, that thing with Wolfe last night had me choked up so bad I didn't catch a wink of sleep after he left. "But yes, that's what I was referencing to."
Ade suddenly turned to me, his eyes shining. "I want to help, Florence."
"I can't even help my parents, Ade." I said. The curl of frustration came back when I thought of the Crowns. "What am I supposed to do? Wolfe Sterling forced them into signing the contract. It's legal, for the most part. I can't turn them in. They're going to kill my parents. And then he's going to kill me. I fucked up too many times already. I can't do anything, Ade, and neither can you. Please, don't get involved. Wolfe Sterling won't think twice about killing you, too."
"So, what?" He asked. "You're just going to sit by and let them-"
"Yes, Ade. Let the adults take care of it."
"Florence, do you know what Clancy told me?" Ade asked softly. He didn't wait for an answer. "She told me that that man, Wolfe Sterling, he's already taken an interest to you. Clancy expressed her concern over his clemency towards you. It can only mean one thing, she said. You are only giving him more reason to stay, Florence. Just because you're here, he's going to want to be here, too. An attraction is the worst thing that could possibly happen right now-"
"An attraction?" I repeated angrily. Okay, so maybe last night did hint towards some unfortunate feelings and revelations. But they didn't mean anything. Wolfe hated me just as much as I hated him, I was sure of it. "Ade, there is nothing between him and I. Nothing. I don't want there to be. I want him locked up and out of my life. Is that too much to ask for?"
"I guess, to them, it is."
I whistled a sigh from between my teeth. "I don't know what to do, Ade."
He was silent for a second. "Neither do I, Florence. Just..."
"Just don't get yourself hurt."
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