A Fake Peace for Atheena
AN: This is the past life of Cody Resmay Jones from SNMH, the past life which has Satan's soul powers as well. Hey feel free to listen to the video while you read.
A Fake Peace For Atheena
" Sir Alyn I wish for my daughter to never learn of magical creatures, and of the war until she is of a befitting age." The king stated, his voice echoing throughout the large throne room made of grey stone. His voice was deep, it resonating off the tightly packed stones, his tone was serious showing that he wasn't joking. The King hoped to create a fake peace for Atheena. He did not want his daughters innocents to be destroyed and decided that hiding her from the truth was the best choice.
" Daddy, Daddy the royal shoe maker is here, look at my new shoes Daddy!" A young Atheena cheered, as she ran into the throne room skipping up to her fathers throne, her new turquoise shoes clacking lightly on the bare stone. Next to his thrones was 3 other thrones; all empty. The largest of the 3 empty thrones, belonged to the queen who got killed by an elf, the other 2 smaller thrones were for princes/ princesses one belonged to Atheena, yet she never sat in it. The other throne remaining unclaimed as Atheena was an only child. She was always too busy playing in the castle and taking lessons from the royal tutor and other people among the castle.
" Those shoes are wonderful Princess." The king said in a soft and kind voice, the royal shoe-maker then walked into the throne room and Atheena was shooed out. The guards in navy blue suits leading the young princess out, promising they'd play with her is she left the room. Though the guards promised Atheena knew they wouldn't play with her, she knew it was just important business that she wasn't allowed to overhear. Atheena was never allowed outside of the castle, to prevent her from hearing about magical creatures and the war. Atheena hated being hidden from everything, it was becoming evident to her young brain that, that was exactly what was happening to her. Because of all this secrecy and her young curiosity she would escape into the darkness, every night through the window.
Night Time
Atheena snuck out of the castle, and ran into the forbidden wood, the woods were the creatures lived. Atheena then saw a young boy about her age; 7 with white hair, but his ears were pointed.
" Hey what are you doing in the woods at night?" The young Atheena asked the boy, the boy turned to her no expression on his face, and then slowly came closer.
" A human girl?" The boy whispered quietly coming to the conclusion that she was humans after looking at her ears and her clothes.
" I could probably kill her now to stop the war in the future." the young elf boy thought, pulling out his small dagger, prepared to attack her.
" But...she's only a kid she doesn't look like she'd hurt anyone." the 10 year old elf prince noticed, studying the girl.
"I'm an elf." the boy finally answered, in a quiet voice, still expressionless.
" But she's still human i'll kill her now so she won't be a problem when she gets older." The boy finally decided. The boy held up his blade, but was interrupted by his mother, the queen elf, Riya.
" Asher! How dare you raise your blade to the innocent!" His mother called, scolding him with a hand on her hip.
" But mommy she's a human." He retorted, not understanding his mothers words.
" Yes but she is a child, children are all innocent until they get older even if she will join the humans arm against us we can't kill her as a child." His mother attempted to explain, Atheena had a look of fear on her face after having a blade held up directed at her, when she realized the woman was protecting her she ran and hugged the woman's legs.
"Haha your safe child you'll have to forgive Asher he is only scared." She reassured, Atheena nodded a reply understanding the woman's words. Atheena then walked over to the boy named Asher and held out her hand for a handshake.
" I'm Atheena." The young girl introduced, the older boy then took her hand and shook it.
" 'm asher, the prince of creatures." Asher introduced, bragging about his title.
" Asher! Quit bragging!" His mother scolded once again, at this Atheena laughed.
" Whats so funny?" Asher asked confused.
" Haha nothing." Atheena said, continuing to laugh a little.
" Sooo uh do elves just live in trees or something?" Atheena asked curiously, Asher and Riya looked to each other then Riya looked back at Atheena.
" I'm sorry dear I can not answer that question you must know that our location is secret, you can not tell anyone. Got it?" The mother said in a hushed voice, Atheena nodded in understanding, before looking up at the sky through the trees.
" I gotta go it's late." Atheena said, not waiting for a reply and running off back to the castle, all the way into her room being SUPER quiet. Atheena then went to bed. Atheena visited the elves for 3 years after that night but eventually stopped visiting them for she got caught up in royal business, and attending conferences about the war.
11 years later
" Princess it's time for breakfast." My Herald voice rang through my bedroom door.
"Uuhh.' I groaned.
"Thanks Alphy" I shouted, before hearing a pair of feet clicking down the hall, slowly getting quieter. I then dragged myself out of bed and headed to my closet. In my HUGE closet was millions of dresses. I walked into my closet back to an open room also filled with clothes and climbed the stair up to the 5 row and grabbed my armor knights suit and put it on. I went back down the stair and left my closet and headed to breakfast after breakfast I headed to the knights keep.
"Wake up sleeping beauties!" I shouted banging a pan with a spoon in the keep. Each knight slowly rose out of bed rubbing there eyes.
"Wow Atheena your still able to wake up this early!" One of the knights said chuckling.
"Hush and get dressed." I ordered rolling my eyes and chuckling quiet.
"Wow still rock hard" Another knight teased chuckling.
" Well if you thing a bunch of guy in there under garments, is going to effect me, then I wouldn't be a very good warrior." I retorted laughing again.
After we all gathered in the knights practice field we all began to spar.
" Alyn you have got to be a better captain, you can't be woken up by someone else you need to wake yourself up." I lectured, he simply chuckled.
"Ok ladies battle training! NOW!" Sir Alyn shouted and me and the others ran to the battle practice room were we free style attacked the dummies. In case your wondering i'm this kingdoms best knight, but since I'm the princess I can't really be the knights captain plus I won't be practicing as. knight much longer since i'm almost done with training. i'll eventually move onto the next class. a princess constantly learns new things and will eventually master them.
After knight training I hurried to change into my archers attire and ran to lunch.
"Hello papa sorry i'm a little late." I apologized and pecked his cheek then sitting in my seat next to him.
"It's fine princess I know your schedule is tight from knights practice and archery." My fathers kind soft and gentle voice reassured. The royal chief then brought us our food and we ate in silence.
"Tell me father how come were not eating with everyone else today?" I asked politely. A look of distress replaced his once gentle one.
"..... I am old and I am ill. I must have my silence and i'm not feeling to well today." my father replied a sense of seriousness and worry in his voice. A look of sadness covered my face and I stood to hug him.
"My king the royal shoe maker has arrived with a gift for the princess." The door keeper announced.
' Bye papa." I said rushing out of the room.
'"Ooh she is still has innocent a young as ever." My father said quietly the keeper nodded and returned to his post by the entrance to the kingdom.
" Hey skylar!" I chirped running and hugging the male, who was the same age as me.
" So I heard I get a gift." I said jokingly sounding persistent.
"Haha yea here you go Milady" He said handing me a pair of beautiful new shoes and a pair of new dancing shoes.
"Wow these dancing shoes really sparkle!" I chirped putting on the dance shoes and beginning to dance in the royal garden.
" You dance beautiful as always Maiady" Skylar said, his spiky light blue hair shaking in the wind.
" Why thank you kind sir." I teased bow like and idiot, we both began to laugh.
" Hey Skylar come visit some time a guest not a shoe maker." I invited teasing a little on the shoe maker part.
" Haha ok maybe." Skylar answered chuckling alittle still.
later that day
"I'm going out now papa." I informed waving to him, running to the entrance of the castle, I was once again in my knight's suit.
" Hello Princess."
" Hello Milady"
"Good evening Princess" The people of the town said as I walking along the stone path that traveled throughout the entire town. I tend to venture outside in my Knight's armor because I have to be prepared if there are any elves or creatures. When I was 1o my father told me about how an elf killed my mother when I was just a baby. I train everyday so that I can get my revenge for my mother. As I walked along the stone walk path I ventured into the festival area. I smiled seeing the people dance,sing, playing games, and shopping. This is a special festival that goes on for 3 days, my father made it a yearly holiday celebration. It's my birthday celebration it starts the day before my birthday then ends the day after my birthday. I walked up to one of the stands and noticed they were selling weapons, I smiled at the clerk and pointed to a bow and arrow. My old ones were getting really old and broken anyways.
" How much do you want for it sir?" I asked getting out my gold coins. The 50 year old brunette man raised his head at my question.
" No charge milady. The princess doesn't have to pay." He informed I simply shook my head.
"Please let me give you something, I couldn't live with myself if I don't pay you sir." I replied he simply sighed knowing my stubborn, He knew it was no use. I gave him 76 gold for the bow and arrow and waved goodbye, with the bow and arrows on m back. The bow and arrow I got didn't look like much they were your plain old bow and arrow. There was another stand selling much nicer weapons, but I wanted to help out the old guy. Besides I feel potential in this old bow and arrow. I walked through the rest of the festival until I got to the outer part of the town where there were more farms and beautiful meadows. Here by the forest edge we have a town build for the elves and the humans to live together. Even though the humans and the elves have a blood feud we decided to be kind and give the elves a place outside the forest. It's a completely separate town from the one i'm in now, but i'll be crossing into that town in a bit. I continued to walk along the path the farmers and the children all stopping and looking at me, as they know we knights do not like the elven people, and the royal family doesn't leave the town much and this is the end of town. I wave to the farmers and children playing and continue walking, but someone stopped me mid-step.
" My Princess please take this horse I no longer need it anyways." A young boy about my age said now standing in front of me with a horse. I gave the man a questioning look as I was hesitant to take the horse. The horse was equip with a saddle, a bridle and reins.
" Sir I couldn't take this it belongs to you." I replied, but he insisted.
"Please Milady it is not a problem, I can't and I won't let the Princess go this whole way on foot." He stated. I sighed in defeat and accepted the horse I nodded to the man and wave goodbye. I mounted the stallion and road down the stone path, the horses hooves clapping against the stone. I finally crossed into the next town, right away I saw an elf. All the elves on the streets and outside stopped and looked at me all fearful. I scowled at them as I will never forgive them for taking my mother away from me. Some of the elves cower and flinch at my stern look, but I don't care I won't respect them. I walk to a near by store and buy some clothes. I change in the stores restroom then I buy a handbag and put my knight stuff in it, of course the bag is large though because of all my armor. I decided I was bored and headed into a near by restaurant, bar, and tavern. I looked to the waiters and they nodded for me to take a seat of course the waiters were elves too. I took my seat at a table and a waiter came to my table.
" How may I serve you today miss?" The elf waitress asked. I held back my attitude, and looked over at her.
" Um... I'll have an order of loseyns." I stated and the waitress nodded,wrote it down, and rushed back to the kitchen, putting in my order. After a short time the waitress brought me my food and the drink I asked for. I looked down at my order and began to eat. After I finished my food I payed and as I was standing up to leave I noticed a particular elf. He didn't look like much but for some reason I felt like I knew him. I assume he's the one that killed my mother. I decided to walk over to him and try and scare him with my stern look as I came over.
" You!" I said loudly poking him aggressively in the chest as I did this every elf in the tavern stood up like they were ready to fight.
" Did you kill my mother!?" I asked angry with my finger still on his chest. I simply looked down at me with a calm look and removed my finger.
"The only way for me to have killed her is if she provoked me, but I do not recall killing any humans recently." He said his voice low but still quite high, it gave me shivers. For some reason I felt like just wrapping myself in his arms, but I don't know why.
" Well it happened when I was a baby not recently." I stated trying to be angry but for some reason it was hard to be angry.
"Well if it was when you were a baby I was probably a kid so I couldn't have done it." He informed and I suddenly felt stupid.
"Sorry for disturbing you." I stated then turned to leave tears forming in the corner of my eyes from embarrassment and thinking about my mother.
"Wait...." He said grabbing my wrist. I turn to look at him with tears running down my face. He pulled me into a hug which totally shocked me.
" I can't let a girl walk away crying." He announced in a soft calming voice.
" Why does it matter i'm a human." I retorted, He shook his head at my words.
" Your still a living being not an animal." He replied, He then let go of me and I pulled out of the hug. My tears were dry because some how he managed ro cheer me up.
" Um......thanks" I said and he simply bowed lightly.
" Your welcome." He replied. As I walked out the door I saw all of the elves run up to him trying to clean off his shirt and all shouting question at him. I guess he's of important statues so they can't let him have human smell on him or anything human. I decided to relax and rest for a bit so I went to a near by inn and checked out a room.
" I guess I'm staying here tonight." I muttered to myself. I then walked out of my room locked it and headed for the delivery office.
" Yes miss may I help you?" A human delivery man asked once I got inside.
" Yes I am the princess and I need this letter delivered to my father, the king. " I informed the man looked at me wide eyed and nodded.
" But they probably won't let me in." He informed I shook my head.
" Tell them its a letter from princess Atheena and that it is of important. They should either let you through or accept the letter from you." I informed and the man nodded he then went around bakck mounted his horse and road down the path towards the castle. I then left the office and once again headed to a store and bought a few days worth of clothes. I decided to stay here in this town a bit longer. I'm curious about that elf man and I need to fine my moms killer. Once again I returned to my room at the inn and this time I let my eyes slip closed laying on the bed.
The next morning I woke up and went to the tavern again. I ordered my food and ate it I looked around for the elf man from yesterday but he wasn't here. For some reason I felt myself frown at that fact.
"Why do I care if that elf guy is here or not?" I found myself muttering as I stared down at my food. After I finished my food I payed and left.
" Now to find the elf that killed my mother.
A/N: nothing to say here XD
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