Kibe and Mi would be walking around in the halls during lunch. Kibe moved a few paces alongside Mi, she looked at Kibe. Everything they had been through seemed to be leading to this. At least that was what Mi had been thinking, even with all of Bato's influence and talks of grandeur. He never could get Kibe completely out of Mi's head.
"Kibe..." Mi said, Kibe turned around as he noticed Mi stopping in her tracks. She gripped her arm and looked down at the ground. "Why are you talking to me? I mean...after everything, I couldn't imagine you talking to me again after what went down between us." Mi said. Kibe just looked at her before facing her completely.
"Did you manipulate my feelings and falsely place yourself in my inner circle? Yes, did you continue to do so after or at least attempt to do so even after Bato's plans for me? Absolutely. However, I can still see that you want us to be close." Kibe said, his words would ring a bell in Mi's heart as she looked to him. Hoaever she knew for a fact that he wanted something, she just didn't know what. She then composed herself.
"She's going to try to keep her distance, only seems accurate that she'd keep her distance, although she does want to get closer. It would suit me to play into this desire than to go head first into this with logic. Its just as she said before." Kibe thought.
"I know this has to be some sort of trap. I know you." Mi said. "You wouldn't be wrong to conclude that, but I mean it. I want us to be friends again. I know this seems very abrupt and likely; I wouldn't blame you if you decided not to want to be around me anymore." Kibe said as he briefly turned around, Mi stared at his back and grabbed his arm.
"Wait-" Mi said. Kibe turned his head to look at her. "...M-Maybe, I do want to get close again." Mi said blushing a bit. Kibe turned to her on a heel and hugged her. She was shocked, Kibe's hands placed on her back however they were also placed a little bit lower in order to implant the suggestion he was being adventurous with her.
"...I can't tell if I can believe you or not..." Mi said a bit shakily. "Life is full of risks, the longer you reject them, the longer success will stay away." Kibe said as he took a step back from Mi. Her face still lingering on his. The two would be at the rooftop of the school, overlooking the main track and field of the school.
"Now, you asked me what I wanted you for. I want you to help me run aginst Bato for this school's representative for the IPOW." Kibe said. The wind howled as both Kibe and Mi's hair flowed with the wind. "I can't do that, you already know I'm helping him." Mi said.
"If you help me you'll also be helping him too. Bato most likely won't be using you for anything regarding his campaign, seeing as he has Junna and Piko.
He is looking for the perfect oppent, he desires to see me melted down into the basics of what I am, and then see them destoryed. If you wanted to really help him, you'd be helping me." Kibe said.
"This is some bizarre reverse psychology method, I-I won't be played like this." Mi said, "Is it truly reverse psychology, if it's just standard psychology?" Kibe said. Mi was conflicted on what to say.
"I need time." Mi said.
Later in the day at the police station. Mr.Nakayama, Mr.Ozawa, Mr.Wheels and Richard were all standing in front of a computer in Mr.Nakayama's office. On it was a photo of Kibe, along with all of the history and knowledge they had on him. Richard was staring at Kibe's face, not looking at all at his information.
"No arrests, no comments from teachers or other faculty staff at all of his schools. For christ sake the guy was in a spelling bee, a fucking spelling bee!" Said Mr.Wheels.
"Wheels, please." Said Mr.Ozawa, "NO! Theres a reason why we check for records, background checks and so on. Its to avoid us going in wild directions and looking for any reasonable means to justify our, what the public calls; Insane theories." said Mr.Wheels as he put his hands on his side.
"All of the witnesses that we gathered, all the intel, everything points to this direction Wheels. This guy shows the appearance of irrelevancy, yet he has his finger placed in just about every conflict we've seen in this city recently. I know its him." Mr.Nakayama said much to Wheel's disliking. "Is this what you do in this department? Just let your guys roam through their imaginations." Mr.Wheels said. Jun looked at them back and forth as conversation got more and more aggressive.
"Watch it." Mr.Ozawa said with a stern tone as he pointed at Mr.Wheels.
"Hes right." said Richard. Everyone's heads turned to him. Richard's eyes were hyper focused on Kibe's bland and expressionless face. "Unlike you who delve more into the actuality of the plausible situation, I am more focused on the aura and energy I'm picking up from this image alone. His face, his details, and even his lips. They all tell me an illogical human story that no other can trace or reference.
When I look into this man's eyes...all I see-
is nothing. I feel nothing. Nothing, but forward exist in these eyes." Richard said as he then stepped away from the computer screen and put a finger on Kibe's photo's eye.
"Its like as if his eyes alone are like spears, shooting straight through me and out further beyond that. Nothing to weigh down his sight or foresight as most would say." Richard said as he moved his finger from Kibe's eyes and out forward. Richard stood there for a moment while a few in the room were confused, however Mr.Nakayama understood what had been said. Richard then turned and looked to the screen.
"Brandon, what did you see...let me see what you saw." Richard thought as he scratched his chin. He then turned to everyone, "I need to speak to Brandon Wright." Richard said.
"WHAT?!" shouted Mr.Wheels, however thats when an officer would rush into the room. "Officer Hitagawa! This had better be good." Mr.Ozawa said with frustrated tone. "Sir, this is more serious than I think you'd like to believe. We have a murder." Said Officer Hitagawa, everyone then looked at one another knowing full well what this means.
It would be located at the Swan River General Hospital. Mr.Nakayama walked ahead with Mr.Wheels and Richard with him. Jun got out of the car as well, but Mr.Nakayama would gesture for her to wait behind as they went inside. They all would pass by the police barrier and make their way indoors. Mr.Wheels would walk to the first officer one scene, Richard stopped and looked around.
"The structuring of this place is incredible. Just look at the golden ratio symbolized inside of every spiraling piece here is made with it." Richard said as he fixed his glassess. Mr.Nakayama looked up and even though he wasn't a mathematician, he too could see the uncanny similarities. "Yes I see it, the one behind this place must of have been proud." Mr.Nakayama said.
"I wouldn't say that. This place gives me the creeps. Feels too...secretive for my taste." Richard said as Mr.Wheels would then walk over towards them. "They say its upstairs, but he warned us to...mentally prepare ourselves." Mr.Wheels said, Mr.Nakayama and Richard looked at one another. They'd soon make their way over to the elevator and would go up to the 4th floor. As they went up, Mr.Nakayama would notice Richard pull out a small red book, no smaller than his own hand. He then saw him begin to read it. He didn't know what it was or what was in it, however he could most definitely tell Richard took its contents seriously. Eventually they would reach the 4th floor. Upon arrival they would see a audience of nurses, doctors and staff either waiting behind the tape, crying over it and others praying. It was like a red carpet of sorrow. Richard studied their faces as they walked along this path towards the crime scene.
He could see sorrow, regret, clarification, disgust, self-service and even gratitude on the faces of those he passed by. Their microexpressions hid all of the details their conscious selves didn't want others to know. Yet when Richard looked at them they were like books waiting to be read. Eventually they'd reach the door leading into the crime scene. Mr.Nakayama and Wheels walked ahead of him and entered while Richard stopped himself to look at the nametag of the office.
"Dr. Temda Usi." Richard thought. He then looked behind him, thats when in the crowd he'd see one pair of eyes, yet no face due to the crowd. They were a deep and clear blue, yet in them...he saw...he- he couldn't see anything.
Richard tried to get a second glance, but the figure would notice and disappear. "...What was-"
"PARKER! PARKER GET IN HERE! I'm going to need your complete attention!" Mr.Wheels shouted, Richard looked back once more and then entered the room. Richard's eyes then looked at the crime scene, he was frozen.
In front of them was Dr. Temda, however his arms and hands had been placed in front of him formally, while his body was straight, however-
He'd be missing his entire upper scalpe. His empty head completely exposed, as someone had removed the top of his head like a lid off of a bottle. Except unlike a beverage, this man's head was missing everything, from his brain to even the brain stem itself. His eyes were covered with a red cloth.
" have my full attention." said Richard.
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