Chapter2, Family
Day: Saturday, April 17, XXXX
Location: Central City Capitari,
Lower Class Community,
Diden Household
{First Person POV}
—Leading Male—
"Akuya Diden! Wake up!"
I groan as a response to my dad's command and my eyes flutter open, though I don't attempt to leave the comfort of my bed.
"Akuya get up." My dad commands, his words seem to be laced with honey, urging me to get up.
Why is his voice so..... hypnotic?
"NoOooO...." I resist the urge to get up, closing my eyes tight and facing away from where my dad stood.
I could literally feel my dad's pout, which put a smile on my face as I tried not to laugh.
"I'm gonna get your father if you don't get up." He threatened in a childish tone.
"Go ahead dad." I replied, my voice hoarse from just waking up.
My dad didn't reply. I guess he actually went to get my father.
Just when I had relaxed and was about to drift back to sleep I, along with my sheet, was pulled off the bed. After colliding with the floor I let out a low pained groan. I opened my eyes and looked up to my dad.
He was skinny and his skin was pale. His long, wavy navy blue hair was tied into a ponytail that sat on his left shoulder. He wore a burgundy sweater and faded blue skinny jeans with a white apron. Hidden behind his circular glasses were his soft golden eyes.
He looked down at me with a triumphant smile. It was as if he was the child instead of me.
"I told you to get up, didn't I?~" He said in a sing-song voice.
"Fiiine, you win dad." I said with a smile.
My dad, Vinny, held out his hand, which I gratefully accepted, and helped me up.
"I thought you would've been up by now seeing as today you get your letter." My dad stated while tidying up my bed.
I look at my glass Phoenix clock which read 8:21. I really did wake up late. I shook my head to get my thoughts together. What day is today again? April? April 17th! That's right! Today is a very important day!
"Dang it! Millie's gonna kill me..." I groan, running my hands through my short, curly navy blue hair.
My dad looked at me with a gentle expression and sighed.
"Get ready hun, your father and I will be waiting downstairs for you." My dad ruffled my hair and waved as he left the room.
Since he's gone I should probably introduce myself. My name is Akuya Diden and I'm 12 years old. I am a guy with slightly long navy blue hair and slightly tanned skin. My eyes are green like my father's and I have..... freckles. It's embarrassing to say the least, the girls in my class always call me cute because of it and the guys won't stop bugging me about it.
Oh! And just to get this out of the way, yes I have two dads, yes they are gay, well I think that's how it works. My dad used to be a girl but he transitioned, so does that mean they are gay? I dunno.
Okay enough with this on with the story!
I did as I was told and got ready for the day. I wore a blue flannel shirt and black jeans.
I looked into my mirror and played with my bangs. What should I do with my hair?
"Dad! What should I do with my hair?!" I shouted. If anyone has style it's my dad, he'll know what to do.
"Why don't you cut it off!" He shouted sarcastically.
I rolled my eyes unamused. Though he isn't wrong I should probably get a hair cut.
After a few more minutes of styling and messing up my hair I finally decided to just clip back my bangs with a black clip.
I wonder if Princess will like this. I thought as I went down the stairs.
I walked down the halls looking at the various pictures and items that were on display. One in particular always seems to catch my eye, it was a strange looking container with a symbol on various parts of it. A Celtic symbol maybe?
It just gives me a weird feeling. Like an unbearable darkness looming inside of me.
Without realizing I had walked up to the container and was staring at it. My expression was... blank?
"Hey kid, you doin' alright?" A concerned voice questioned.
"Yeah. I'm alright, Toph" I responded with a small smile.
The little brown, two tailed, fox seemed to have been pleased with my answer since he scurried away.
Yes I said fox, deal with it.
I made my way to the dining room only to find my father at the dining table reading something on his mechpad, a magic infused machine that can be used for many things.
"Morning." I greeted him with a smile and took a seat across from him.
"Morning Aku." He greeted with a smile.
My father's emerald green eyes glistened in the light though his black hair fell over his left eye.
He had tanned skin and he had a normal build. He wore a black shirt with a red tie and black pants. He's also a few inches taller than my dad.
"Your dad will be here soon." He said before returning to his work.
A few minutes pass. Then my parents' familiars run into the room. Toph was being chased by my dad's familiar, Gallis, a black and red demon beast with glowing red eyes.
"Get back here you lil shit!" Gallis commanded.
"No way fucker!" Toph responded.
I was starting to get worried that they would hurt each other but my father was unfazed, all he said was, "Language."
Just then my dad came in carrying the three plates expertly.
"Quit fighting young two." He commanded in a stern tone. The two familiars immediately stopped.
"Yes sir." They said in unison.
"If you have a fight to settle do it in the garden." He spoke while setting the plates on the table.
The two left the room. They were scared of my dad, he may be childish but he can be really mean. Though with good reason. I think.
"Well then, today's breakfast is chocolate waffles and scrambled eggs." He said with a smile, taking his seat next to my father.
I look at the simple meal, stalling since I've never actually eaten waffles.
My dad's smile faltered.
"Is it too simple?" He asked, "I knew I should have made Phoenix cakes, I'll go buy some." He got up to leave but my father stopped him by grabbing his hand.
"That's not necessary Vinny." He said.
"He's right dad you don't have to." I reassured.
"Plus Phoenix cakes cost a lot and I know we don't have the money."
My parents were quite surprised by my statement.
"Alright then." My dad said solemnly, sitting down once again.
The meal carried on in silence though I did compliment my dad for his cooking skills. I never thought waffles would taste so good.
We had finished eating and the dishes had been taken away. The three of us were still at the table, drinking green tea, my father's favorite, when a shiny bronze object on the table caught my dad's attention.
"What did I tell you about putting weapons on the table, Gabriel?"He said with a sigh.
My father's only responded by looking at the gun and shrugging.
"That's dangerous you know." My dad stated, clearly annoyed that the other did not give a satisfactory response. "It could hurt Akuya."
I groaned, cringing at my dad's protectiveness.
"It's only a shock gun." My dad responded and looked at my dad. "You still shouldn't leave it on the table."My dad pouted.
My father shrugged again. "Akuya's fine with it. Right?"
"Don't drag me into this." I said. "But can I use it?" I asked excitedly. My father shook his head as a response.
My dad let out a sigh, one that seemed to be laced with disappointment.
{Third Person POV}
The family of three talked for a little while longer. Well it was mostly Vinny trying to get the family to interact more.
"Come on we should go out before you leave," Vinny pleaded with the older male, "please.~"
"I agree with dad, we should do something." The young boy stated.
"Oh not you too Akuya." Gabriel face palmed. "Fine we can go out, but nowhere too pricey."
"Yes! Good job hun you got this old man to agree."
"Pfft." Akuya stifled a laugh. It was normal for his dad to call his lover an old man but it was always funny when he did.
"For God's sake I'm not that old." Gabriel scoffed.
"Father aren't you six years older than dad?" The little navy haired boy inquired with a smirk.
"I.." Gabriel struggled to find a response and just decided to stay quiet.
The other two males continued to laugh at the eldest in the family.
"I should go now. Princess is probably waiting for me." Akuya said, getting up and going to the door.
He put on his black combat boots and grabbed his backpack.
Akuya's parents made sure to see him off just to make sure the boy didn't forget anything.
"Do you have everything in your backpack?"
"Do you have your mechpad?"
"Do you have any silver pieces?"
Vinny drilled the young boy with questions before finally letting him leave.
"Bye! I hope you get good news!" Vinny told his son, then closed the door.
Letting out a sigh to reassure himself that the boy will be alright.
"It's okay. He's with Millie she's a responsible young lady, but her brother on the other hand." The short male continued to mumble to himself.
Vinny jumped at the loud sound and the tearing of cloth could be heard.
Fuck! The smaller male was upset and turned to look at his husband.
"You still have to work on that, Vanessa." The taller male deadpanned.
"Don't call me that." He responded bitterly. "I thought you said that was a shock gun."
The tanned male only shrugged, which caused the smaller to pout.
"Just go change." He stated. "You know this was my favorite sweater, right?" The smaller complained.
"Go before I do something." Gabriel warned with a smirk. A light blush dusted across Vinny's cheeks. He looked down so his husband could not see. "Fine." He mumbled walking away.
Once Vinny was gone Gabriel chuckled to himself. I'm gonna miss this. He thought.
Welp that's the end of chapter2. It was awful.
Anyway thank you for reading this story and please do tell me if there is anything I can improve.
Till next chapter! =)
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