When he finds the guy that robbed you
Richtofen: "Zere zey are." He said as he found (BF/N)'s friends and he approached them when there were zombies surrounding them "NEIN! BAD MINIONS BAD! LEAVE ZEM ALONE!" He yelled at the zombies and he started blasting them with his Thunder Gun and Double Baraled Shotgun. "Thanks, who are you anyway and what's with the uniform and what's that on your arm?" One of them asked while pointing to the red band on his arm he simply thought to himself "Hmph zey are so annoying. Und I thought Dempshey vas annoying but zey are more annoying than him." "I am ze Doctor und zis is mein uniform no different than your military uniforms. Und zis simply comes vith mein rank." They looked at him a little nervously considering he called the zombies "minions" that plain scared them. Which Richtofen knew they were afraid of how he acted and he acted that way intentionally to strike fear into those who dared hurt HIS (Y/N). "Okay then, what are you doing here Doctor?" One of them asked obviously trying to sound tough when he was trying to keep his voice from shaking. "Hahaha he's trying to not show me he's afraid of me, zat is funny. Do zey really think zat zey vill get away vith vhat zey did?" Richtofen thought to himself. "I came because you have somezing I vant." They all stared at him for a short time before breaking eye contact with him "What do you mean? What could we have that you could possibly want?" One asked trying to keep his voice steady. Richtofen smiled insanely and they ran away and he gave chase and easily caught one and forced him to give up everything he had. He gave him a Bowie Knife, two Double Tap Root Beers, and an Olympia plus ammo to the Olympia. "Zis vill make you think twice before hurting MEIN (Y/N) again!" He yelled and began laughing and the guy stared at him in fear and shock you didn't tell them that this guy was your boyfriend. Richtofen simply threw him away towards a barrel and shot it waiting for it to explode. Once it did he simply laughed and walked off to find the others "Come out come out vherever you are. I know you're here and you vill all pay dearly for vhat you did to MEIN (Y/N)!" He yelled before finding another trying to run he laughed to himself and snuck up behind him. "How do you like it?!" He yelled as he knocked the guy out cold. He found your Ray Gun but no ammo. "Zis veapon is empty, how sad." He said and he tied the guy in tight knots and shot the sky to lure zombies. "You should follow him now." and as he ran past him he cut his arm and drew only a little blood. It was enough for the zombies though and he watched the zombies for a little while before continuing the search for the three who dared to harm you. "You may vant to come out and see vhat happened to your friends." Finally the guy came and Richtofen smiled insanely again and showed the guy what happened and he stared in shock at what Richtofen had done. "Ze mayham is beautiful. Oh look over zere, he is on fire! Zat is funny ja?" He looked over at the guy and said "Oh you vill be all over ze floor, und ze valls, und ze ceiling." The guy tried to run but Richtofen caught him easily and accidentally cut him with the Bowie Knife he took. He stared at the small amount of blood and said "ZE BLOOD! ZE BEAUTIFUL BLOOD!" The guy said completely freaked out "You're crazy." Richtofen looked at him and frowned which scared the guy more than when he smiled at him. He suddenly smiled his usual insane smile and simply said "It smells so wunderbar!" "What are you talking about?!" The guy asked obviously panicked "Ze blood. It smells so wunderbar." The guy was plain scared out of his mind at Richtofen's comment and Richtofen fired the shotgun into the sky once again to lure the zombies closer but Richtofen wasn't going to leave without a souvenir...
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