|Chapter 16| Different habits.
Y/N's POV:
Without Grillby was strange to say the least.
With no free warmth, I would have to pay for heat, and I actually have to buy a sweater underneath my trench coat. I completely forgot about the existence of my trench coat during my time with Grillby, and it wasn't needed! But without him, I needed to do extra so that I would live normally.
What a stupid suggestion that Grillby made.
Yet it's stupider for being so polite to him that I wouldn't say no.
What I said was true,
but what he said was also true.
Yet I just had to be overly polite about it. If I had said that I wanted to stay, that would appear for me to be, sort of selfish. I probably even worn out my welcome.
*sigh* If this were on the surface, this would have certainly not flew by.
We got in an argument, and I left, but then came back, I worked with him and grew Grillby's popularity, and then got touched by a customer, which caused me to burn my hands, which then lead to a visible guilt draping over Grillby's demeanor, eventually turning into a sad excuse for me to leave, so I could be not as close to his harmful flames as usual, yet get, in a sense, demoted.
Plus I finally noticed that I hadn't taken a shower in all these weeks.
I wonder now if fire monsters had good noses or not.
But then again, they couldn't compare it to anything else. In the ruins, I had not taken a shower there, but before I fell, I had taken a shower...
Way before I made that terrible transaction with the troubling trio.
Also I have no idea how long I was out when I landed.
It had to have been at least 7-8 hours. I'm still surprised that I had not broken anything.
Good thing I didn't, for I hadn't grasped how much you take your hands for granted, especially the palms of your hands.
They still showed signs of the burn, and since I didn't choose my career path to be in the medical region at all,
I have no idea how to correctly treat a burn.
It seems to have been doing fine, but I was afraid if it would get an infection from dealing with food. Guess the gloves helped after all, and I made sure to wash them everyday at the dishes inconspicuously.
Good old shower thoughts.
I turned off the running water and pulled the brown colored curtain out of the way. I made sure not to slip when stepping out of the shower bath. I was dripping water onto the floor, and with the provided towel, I dried off myself first, and mopped up the floor, then rested the dirty towel onto the rack, for it to not get moldy. I changed into my one pair of PJs; ones with a snowflake pattern adorned on it. I had gotten it from the Snowdin shop. It was very warm, and fluffy in the inside. Now for my hair, I grabbed a new, blue, fresh towel and rested that on my shoulders for it to catch the water dripping off my hair.
I walked out the tiny bathroom, but then pivoted when I remembered that I had bought the dental products.
I brushed my teeth while looking at myself for the first time in a while in a mirror.
I hadn't thought I would look this...
My hair was unkept with tangles and knots. I also had a new tint of yellow on my teeth, something I had noticed before starting to brush my teeth. I also had a pinkish face from the shower, making me have a more lively appearance, but it looked more like I was blushing.
After spitting out the toothpaste mixture of saliva, I rinsed my toothbrush and my mouth.
The cold water surprised me.
There was never cold water at Grillby's.
I should really stop thinking about all the things that happened at my time being there.
I distracted myself by turning off the lights and trying to rest my mind so I could quickly fall asleep,
but it turned out to be no avail.
I kept on thinking about the flaming, flickering, fluster-able, fireman.
"Grillby..." I groaned to myself.
Why could I not stop thinking about him?
These thoughts... I have never thought them up or anything like it before.
But why am I feeling this way?
I start to get noticeably warmer in my face. Was the heater on? No, it didn't change from last time. If anything, my face would have gotten colder! Not, warmer...
I tossed.
Maybe it's my sleep position, or, convection currents?
I turned.
Now I'm lying to myself...
I threw my arms up over my head.
This is how I felt when I left!!!
I sat up straight.
"I'm not going to sleep quickly tonight, aren't I?" I mumbled to myself, and fell back down onto the twin-sized bed.
Why did it have to be twin-sized, why not a bigger size, like a king or queen size?
... Why does everything relate to him..
I kept on thinking thoughts that turned totally terrible. But I managed to get a wink of sleep, before I felt warmth on my face.
"Grillby..." I muttered to myself, thinking I was back on the couch at Grillby's, fooling myself into imagining that there was Grillby to wake me up by his warmth, but when I woke up, rubbed the 'sleep' out of my eyes, I felt crestfallen at my hit in the head with reality.
An empty room,
With no couch,
No arm chair,
And certainly no Grillby.
"Why do I... Miss him?" I wondered out loud. "It's sort of logical, since I am going out of habit from my weeks at Grillby's... But why the strange thoughts and the childish feeling I get, when I think of him?"
I stared at the drawn window. I could see Grillby's at this angle. Maybe he wouldn't mind if I started my shift early.
So I walked across the snowy clearing,
Only for me to see it on fire...
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