|Chapter 15| It's for the best of her... Right?
Grillby's POV:
What in the name of Asgore is she doing?!
She burned her hands because of me, and now, she's trying to be close to me?!
I don't understand women.
Much less humans.
I would think that if you got hurt by something, you would try to stay away, but...
That's contrasting with what she's doing right now!
"Grillby? Do you not want me here?" She asked me with her calm voice. "I can go if you would like-"
"Nono!" I interrupted. "You're fine!" I feel my face get more warm than the previous warmth.
"Okay..." She concentrated on her legs, a way of letting me know she's thinking hard about something. Which caused a thought.
Before I went to sleep... What did I think about again?
Oh right! It was Y/N!
Then I remembered that I had thought of Y/N differently than I had usually thought of her.
Another wave of red arrive to my face.
"You're blushing again." I saw her head turn towards me. In response, I blushed a more vibrant red, and my flames were now casting more curly lights on the walls.
Great Asgore...
"You like somebody?" She attentively asked.
"..." I am silent once again.
"Okay you win. But as I said before," She got out of the bed, and looked at me again. "Are you really okay?"
"Uhm..." I finally utter on my end. "Y-Yeah!" What in the name of Asgore did that stammer come from?!!!
"Okay. Now," She made it towards the door, still looking at me. "Have a good night with sweet dreams." She then closed the door, her face being the last thing I saw.
I then slowly looked away. I processed what quickly just happened. It didn't seem to help very much. Yet, I feel like it just made it worse.
To try and get my mind off of it, I focused on sleeping. What an oxymoron, yet it's something I somehow did.
When I laid back down and covered myself with the thin, and fireproof blanket, I finally fell into the mindless slumber I have known and will call, sleep.
Days went by since that one night, and I didn't have any physical contact with Y/N, and when I did, I would immediately apologize. Y/N seemed the slightest bit bothered with my actions, which confused me. I would have thought that she would be grateful for my understanding, but it seems quite the contrary. I don't understand why she's not grateful.
Good thing most of the customers didn't notice. Or if they did, they didn't show it.
But only the monsters who get drunk would notice us acting super platonic, since they would blurt out the first thing that comes to mind, with no sense to filter it out. The customers would visibly lean in and listen in to the word that was on all of their minds. But they would get the same answer that Y/N was still traumatized as an excuse of me not touching her, and also the fact that we were just friends.
It's only going to come to that.
"Hey, Grillby." Sans sounded in front of me, and motioned for me to lean in closer.
"Yes?" I questioned to what he was going to tell me, but he only responded with a concerned look.
"What's up with you and Y/N?" Sans looked to me with... empathy?
"Nothing! Just, the incident is still on her mind." I excused myself, but Sans was not an idiot, so I didn't slip away as quickly as I hoped I could.
"You didn't think I wouldn't notice the new gloves that Y/N is wearing right now?" Sans interrogated. "If she's so traumatized, then why the gloves?" Right, she started wearing gloves.
"Uhm..." I looked down to the counter, and Sans put his hand on the down roughly, causing it to sound. The customers looked over, and saw us talking, then resumed to their usual doings. I looked up to Sans, and he glared at me.
"Can't think of an excuse now Grillby?" He cocked his eyebrow at me.
I was silent as I held our stare-off, but then I had to break it, by looking down and sighing. Sans rested his head on his left hand, and looked up to me.
"No.." I spoke, and Sans rolled his eye lights.
"As I had wanted to hear." He leaned back in the imaginary backrest of the barstool. He continued to look at me as though a parent were listening to an obvious lie from a child. He kept his hands in his hoodie pocket, and I stood up straight. "What's the real reason why she's wearing those gloves?"
"It's...." I trailed off, thinking about the time and place currently. "Now's not the time Sans. We can talk more privately somewhere else, but not now." I went back to doing the orders, which consisted of deep-frying the fries.
"What was that about? With Sans?" Y/N asked me as we ended our time at the bar.
"Oh that? Nothing you need to know about." I excused, and turned off the open sign.
"If you say so." She continued with her cleaning of the dishes.
The clanking of the dishes gave me time to think. I thought about the safety of Y/N. She shouldn't stay with me forever. She should also see a doctor. Alphys is a great option. But if she got burned by me, then she shouldn't be near me with that burn. There's the inn, and I could raise her earnings for the cost of the inn.
"Hey, Y/N, what do you think of, living at the inn?" I looked to her and saw her surprised. "I'll raise your earnings, so you can pay for it-"
"Grillby." Y/N spoke softly. "Do you really think that's the best thing for me?"
I looked to her with confusion. "Yes! You got burned because of me! I'm a walking, and living flame! Don't you think you should get somewhere safer?!" I argued with her.
"You're saying..." She trailed off with her flat voice. "I'm getting politely kicked out?"
"Ye-No no! Not like that!" I corrected myself.
"So you're saying that for the sake of my safety, I should go to an inn, that costs money, and get more money in return, only for you to earn less money?" She summarized, and I looked shocked at what she summed up.
"Yeah." I stared at her.
"Grillby, sorry if I'm acting impolite, but that's the stupidest excuse I have heard from you from all the days I have lived here." She spoke after she finished cleaning the last plate.
"Excuse?" I queried.
"Yes. You only have one pro in comparison to all the cons." Y/N spoke.
I hung my head as I lifted the last chair onto the table in a response to Y/N's statement.
"If you think it's best for me..." Y/N trailed off, and slid into the back; the house.
It's for the best of her... Right?
Or is it?...
"Wait, Y/N!" I finally realized what she was trying to knock into my thick flames of mine.
But when I opened the door to the house, I saw Y/N already gone. I saw the closed back door, and I opened it, only to see Y/N leaving.
"Good night, Grillby." She waved, then pivoted and walked into the darkness.
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