Harry took Louis's hand as they walked out into the cold February night. Louis tightened his jean jacket around his shoulders and gripped his boyfriend's hand tighter.
The snow was light and the street lamps were casting a pretty glow over the streets. Harry thought Louis looked pretty under the lights as well. Silence ensued as they began to walk.
"You know you don't have to tell me-"
"You deserve to know, Louis. Let me think about where to start."
"How about you start with the night it happened?"
Harry took a deep breath.
"Okay. Well, Emma and Liam were a couple, if you didn't know. They had gotten in an argument so Emma came to my house, where she knew Ed would be. I had just broken up with my girlfriend and I was a wreck. I was so angry. I was breaking things in my bedroom. Ed was trying to calm me down but he gave up and left. Emma got there and her and my mum tried to stop me."
Harry took another deep breath, looking up at the sky. Snow brushed into his eyelashes. He blinked it away. Louis would rather he didn't.
"Anyways... I ran out. It was raining really hard but I left anyways. I drove away. Mum and Emma drove after me. But they... It was raining so hard. Ed had gone back to my house to check on me... And no one was there. He called me. I didn't answer. Obviously, Emma didn't answer. Liam didn't know where Emma was because they had argued. Eventually, I got home to find Mum and Emma missing and Ed angry."
It began to snow a little harder now. A light flickered but neither lad focused on that. Harry was deep in thought and Louis was trying to keep up.
"So... You eventually found them and... All was lost?" Louis questioned.
"Yes. Ed didn't keep Emma on life support. Liam was livid. He was just so upset because the last thing he said to Emma was 'Please leave my house'. It was scary for him. Gems wanted to let our mother leave as well... But I was so lost in getting her back. I had just lost my girlfriend! I couldn't loose her. It was upsetting for me. I was scared, Louis."
"I understand... Where did Niall come in? About how he saved you?"
"I moved to Manchester. I had to escape. Liam had recently started boxing so he was busy. Ed and I had gotten in a huge argument because I was so convinced it was my fault. He said I was a bad person for lashing out on my mum and Emma but that it wasn't my fault they followed me. So I was alone. I found an apartment but I was so upset."
Harry's free hand fell to his thigh and he winced.
"I began smoking. One day the cigarette fell on me and it... I liked it. So I began to do it all the time. It wasn't enough. So I cut."
Louis's eyes watered over. He didn't know if he wanted to hear it. But he kept strong because Harry was. Harry was talking about this.
"I trusted Ed to be there for me. I told him about my cutting because I wanted help. But he told Gemma about my cutting and how I only wanted attention. Gemma called me and told me I was selfish. So I cut deeper that night...."
"Niall found you," Louis guessed, voice breathy.
"Niall found me," Harry confirmed. "Called Gemma because she was in my most recent. He'd come over to meet me, actually. He was new in the building. Must've been scary to find someone like me, cut up and dying, on your first day moved in."
Louis was actually crying now. His chest was heaving up and down and he let out a small sob. Harry stopped walking and pulled the smaller lad in for a tight hug.
They stood like that, in the cold, for a while.
"You know, Styles.... That was a long story. But I'll be here to listen to any long story you have to tell me rather than not have you here at all."
"That's honestly the sweetest thing you've ever said to me, Tomlinson. I like the sassy side of you. But I love this side."
If this didn't make you sad then the next chapter should bc this literally had me crying. And I wrote it. Wtf maybe I'm too emotional.
Do you like the new cover?
What do you think will happen now that Louis knows everything?
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