Over 1k reads I'm dying
Okay I didn't don't English homework last night so that I could write this so praise me bc English is my best and favorite subject.
Intense chapter.
Harry's eyes watered as he sat in the waiting room of the Holmes Chapel Emergency Center. His mind was blank.
He was supposed to be telling Louis why they were here. But Louis would leave. Louis would leave if he knew that Harry had crushed his mother's hopes and dreams and Louis would leave if he knew that Harry had caused all of this from one mistake.
Speaking of Louis- he was beside the younger lad, hand comfortingly placed on his boyfriend's shaking knee, trying to sooth him with sweet words.
Eventually, Louis had fallen asleep, but he was now awake again, back to thumbing along Harry's thigh and staring forward.
Gemma had gone to see their mother and she had forbid Harry to come along until he's calmed down and she's sure he won't have an anxiety attack when he sees her. He's done it before and she couldn't risk it at a time like this.
Finally, Gemma appeared. Her long hair was pulled into a ponytail and the usually stunning girl looked a little run-down.
"Ed is on his way," she announced as she squatted down in front of her brother.
"He hates me," Harry whispered, throat dry from not using his voice much.
Gemma gave him a soft smile. "Ed doesn't hate you. None of this was your fault," she whispered.
Louis frowned. Ed. Who was Ed?
"Is... Is that your brother?" Louis asked softly, not wanting to get too nosey.
Gemma seemed surprised at his question. "You... You haven't told Louis about Ed? Does the boy even know why we're here?" The girl questioned of her brother, narrowing her hazel eyes.
Harry whimpered. "He will hate me."
The one sentence caused Louis's head to spin in thought. On the contrary, Louis would actually love Harry even more if he were to let Louis in. Louis wasn't sure if he could call it love, but he didn't know what else to call the fond sensation he got around Harry. But now wasn't the time.
"I'm never going to hate you, Harry. You can tell me-"
"Ed is my... Was my best friend. Him, Liam, and I were really close. I... I did something bad to his sister... Something horrible."
"Harry! It wasn't your fault she died," Gemma hissed.
Louis gasped. "She died?!"
Harry looked close to crying again. He began to breath heavily, chest rising and falling at a rapid pace.
"I didn't mean it!" He insisted, shaking his head, eyes closed tight.
Louis was panicking on the inside. What was happening to his Harry?
But Gemma seemed calm. She moved her hands to grip Harry's wrists and remove them from his tight grip on his thighs. Louis's hand was still hovering near- just in case.
"Harry Edward, you listen to me right this second. We are in a hospital waiting room. You are causing attention and I'm not going to put up with it. You are going to come see Mum, you are going to tell her you love her, and you are going to talk to Ed when he gets here because he misses you. He loves you, Harry. He is your best mate."
Gemma's words calmed Harry down a bit, but he still had his eyes closed. Louis decided to take one of Harry's hands and link their fingers.
"I love you," Gemma whispered, smiling at her brother.
"Love you."
"Let's go see Mum?"
Together, the three walked to the elevator. Gemma pressed the button for the sixth floor. Harry was claustrophobic and elevators were honestly his worst nightmare. Gemma knew this, but she also knew that Harry was breathing to heavily to take the steps up six floors without collapsing.
"Take my hand," Gemma ordered.
But Harry refused, simply squeezing Louis's hand, eyes shut again. Gemma wasn't mad at the refusal. She actually smiled a bit, happy Harry had found refuge in someone other than her or Liam.
Once they arrived on the correct floor, they stepped out and Gemma led the way to Anne's room.
The woman was cold-looking.
Louis stared at the helpless, lifeless lady on the bed. Tubes were tied all around her, attached into her skin and nose and mouth. It was sickening. The cords were attached to a large machine and a heart monitor.
"Hey, Mum," Harry whispered, letting go of Louis's hand and stepping forwards, approaching his mother's bed with wet eyes.
"This is our mother, Anne," Gemma explained, gesturing towards the woman.
"She... She's not dead, is she?"
Gemma gulped a bit.
"'Course not. She'd be removed from the hospital. She's in a coma."
"From what?"
"A car crash and much mental damage. They were barely able to attach her to life support. But... The reason I had to get you is because the life support is starting to damage her. It's not working as well and soon they'll have to take her off. She'll die," Gemma explained.
Louis gasped gently. "There's no other way?"
"She can come out of the coma, but her brain is far too damaged. She'd die soon anyways. The main reason we held on was because of-"
"Because of me," Harry interrupted, not removing his eyes from his mother. "I'd hoped... But it's useless. She's gone. Just like Emma."
Gemma sighed and looked down at her shoes.
Suddenly, the door opened. A cute red haired lad stepped into the room, blue-green eyes as watery as Harry's. He had on a dark blue button-up, skinny jeans, and boots similar to the ones Harry would wear. Also like Harry, his hair was a messy wreck, not seeming to be able to tame the wild red locks.
"Gems," he greeted hoarsely, catching sight of a familiar face.
"Ed," she mumbled, hugging him.
Ed looked over at Harry, who was staring at Ed. It took mere seconds for them to be wrapped together in a tight hug. Both were crying and Louis had never witnessed anything more heart-breaking.
Louis and Harry were the only ones in Anne's room. Gemma had left to go retrieve some clothes for Harry from their mum's house. He kept a bit of emergency clothes in the drawers at her house for moments when he's had to rush here for his mother. Ed left as well, going to retrieve food for the lot.
Ed and Harry didn't talk things ever quite yet, but Harry knew he'd soon have to explain why he'd ignored Ed for two years. Emma was Ed's twin sister- Harry should've been there when she died.
As for Louis, he liked Ed enough. The red haired man had been surprised when he found out that Louis was Harry's boyfriend and not just a mate. But he still rather liked Louis and that was good.
Two guests were allowed to stay the night at the hospital each night. Tonight, Harry and Louis would stay. Tomorrow, Liam and Niall would arrive and so the two boys- along with Ed, Harry, and Louis- would all go to Harry's mums and sleep there while Gemma stayed in the hospital that night.
Currently, Louis was falling asleep, but Harry wanted the small man to eat, so he gently shifted in the comfortable recliner so that he could look at Louis.
"Will you stay awake so that you can eat?"
Louis bit his lip. "Actually... I'd like for you to tell me what happened."
Harry sighed, knowing this was coming- but he wasn't ready. Almost. But not yet.
"Louis... I swear that I will tell you soon. Wait a day or two, princess. It's a very complicated and grave story. I'd like us to relax for a bit. Let me calm down and get used to being around my mother again before they cut her off. Please?" Harry's voice was quiet, but firm.
Louis knew that if he really wanted to, he could ask Harry again and the story would be his.
But Louis respected his Harry.
"Yes. You can wait. I want to know soon, though, Styles."
"Soon, Tomlinson. Soon."
Ed and Harry are too cute, I swear I can't wait to write them out when they're friends again bc obviously that's going to happen. They're the cutes friends ever ugh. (Only as a bromance I can't picture Harry with anyone besides Louis gosh)
This one wasn't too bad, I suppose... But the next 3-4 chapters will be heart-breaking. So I'm sure you know what's going to happen.
So, here's the first conflict. Harry's past. I decided to make three parts.
Harry's conflict.
Louis's conflict.
Larry's conflict.
Louis's conflict will sort of be about his family, but mainly focused on something else. I won't tell you when each part is finished because that's a give-away.
What do you think happened now that you know a few more details?
(Remember what you've learned so far. Ed's sister, Emma, seems to be involved. This all happened two years ago. Harry thinks it's his fault because he was involved but Gemma insists it wasn't his fault.)
Also, what do you think will happen with Harry's mother?
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